Aastra Telecom 1600IP User Manual

Ascotel Office 1600IP User's Guide
Ascotel IntelliGate Telecommunication Systems
Office 1600IP
Page 2
Security information................................................................................................ 3
Before you get started ............................................................................................ 5
Make general settings ..................................................................................... 14
Make media settings (Office 1600IP only) ...................................................... 16
Make advanced media settings
(Office 1600IP only) ........................................................................................ 17
Set tones and melodies (Office 1600IP only) .................................................. 18
Setting up the voice mailbox ........................................................................... 19
Telephony made simple ....................................................................................... 20
You are receiving a call ................................................................................... 21
You want to place a call .................................................................................. 24
During the call ................................................................................................. 31
Learn about the journal ................................................................................... 33
Use the phone like a professional ........................................................................ 36
Use convenience functions ............................................................................. 37
Use functions during a call .............................................................................. 39
Manage absence............................................................................................. 42
Cope with special situations............................................................................ 44
Use number keys ............................................................................................ 45
Use team keys ................................................................................................ 47
Use function keys ............................................................................................ 50
Use function codes.......................................................................................... 54
Use text messages............................................................................................... 58
Send text messages........................................................................................ 59
Receive text messages ................................................................................... 61
Maintain contacts ................................................................................................. 63
Create a new contact ...................................................................................... 64
Edit a contact .................................................................................................. 67
External phone book ...................................................................................... 68
Call within the group............................................................................................. 69
Member in a workgroup .................................................................................. 70
Enter phone calls ............................................................................................ 75
Manage workgroups........................................................................................ 77
Office 1600IP

Security information

Page 3
Security information

Notes on these instructions

Please read this manual before you use your Office 1600/1600IP in your daily work.
Your system administrator has fitted your PC containing Office 1600/1600IP with a media device. This could be a telephone handset, headset, or a Bluetooth device. Depending on the type of system, operation of your Office 1600/1600IP may differ slightly from these instructions.
These instructions are also available online in HTML format in Office 1600/1600IP under ?/Help.
Compare the version of this document with the version of the online document. If the versions are not the same, download the PDF document again by clicking on the relevant link in the online document.
Document no.: Document: eud-0002, Version 2.0

Notes on the product

This softphone is a system terminal and can only be used in conjunction with the appropriate PBX systems. The software can only be run if an appropriately config­ured PBX system is recognized. The PC telephone is suitable for use as a feature­phone on a stationary or mobile workstation or as a telephone for workgroup agents. It can be operated in twin mode together with a mobile phone.
Functional scope
In addition to the many additional functions specific to a PC and team telephone, the functional scope mainly corresponds to that of a Office 35 system terminal. However, it cannot be used as a key telephone.
Office 1600IP
Security information
Page 4
The availability of the softphone depends on a functioning PC with power supply, and the availability of the data network and the telecommunication system (includ­ing the OIP server). If the softphone is not available, calls are diverted to an alter­native destination set up by your system administrator.
Additional equipment
The Office 1600IP has been tried and tested with a series of corded and cordless media devices (including Bluetooth equipment). Only use media devices expressly recommended by the manufacturer.
Exclusion of liability
This product was manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 quality criteria. The accompanying user information was assembled with utmost care. The product's functions have been tested and approved after comprehensive conformity tests. Nonetheless errors cannot be entirely excluded. The manufacturers shall not be lia­ble for any direct or indirect damage that may be caused by incorrect handling, improper use, or any other faulty behaviour on the part of a product. Potential haz­ards are mentioned in the relevant places in the User Guides. Liability for loss of profit shall be excluded in any case.
Office 1600IP

Before you get started

Page 5
Before you get started
Welcome to Office 1600/1600IP. With its user-friendly interface the intuitive soft­phone expands the limits of Office system terminals and perfectly integrates your PC environment.
Designed as a team phone for small to medium-sized workgroups it offers powerful group functions, making it the ideal professional tool for users of your hotline for example.
Whether you use the softphone as an Office 1600 together with an Office system terminal or as an Office 1600IP with a PC media device via the IP network: You will appreciate the wide range of features it has to offer.
The IP version (Office 1600IP) also provides tried and tested support for individual users with high mobility requirements. Thanks to central information management, Office 1600IP users have direct access to call lists, phone books, messages and so on from home, the office or any location via a connection to the company’s IP net­work.

Topics overview

Flexible use of Office 1600/1600IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Operating Office 1600/1600IP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Flexible use of Office 1600/1600IP
With its two modes of operation (Office 1600 / Office 1600IP) and its array of fea­tures the softphone highly versatile, adapting to a wide range of uses.
Use Office 1600/1600IP on an individual workstation
Office 1600/1600IP offers many advantages over conventional telephones for peo­ple who use the PC often: Fast and easy dialling by name, easier handling of call lists using the journal, an unlimited number of private contacts, direct access to the contacts database, and much more. At the same time, you also have all the user­friendly functions of Office system terminals in the high quality that you have come to expect.
Office 1600IP
Before you get started
Page 6
Use of Office 1600/1600IP as a group tool
If several people deal with customer matters on the phone, it makes sense to create workgroups. Regardless of whether you work in a booking office, on a help desk, for an info line or customer service centre, Office 1600/1600IP is a user-friendly group tool. For more information on this, see "Call within the group", Page 69.
Note: The group functions are not included in the standard licence of the
Office 1600/1600IP.
Use Office 1600/1600IP on multiple workstations
You can set up your personal Office 1600/1600IP on multiple PCs. The calls are then offered automatically on the PC you are currently using. Do you sometimes work from home, and have a connection to your company’s IP network? At soon you start Office 1600IP, the calls are offered automatically. If you display a connec­tion, the person you are calling sees your office number on their display.
Note: Your Office 1600/1600IP can be open on only one PC at a time. When
you start the softphone on a second PC, you are asked whether the application at the other PC is to be closed automatically.
Use Office 1600IP on a portable PC
If you installed your Office 1600IP on a portable PC, you can use the phone any­where where you can log on from your PC to the company network with the Office 1600IP server. As soon as you start the softphone, the calls are automatically offered to you, wherever you are. If you display a connection, the person you are calling sees your office number on their display.
Use Office 1600/1600IP together with a mobile system terminal
If you’re not already using a mobile system terminal (cordless DECT handset) as a media device for your Office 1600, you can also use your Office 1600/1600IP in Twin mode with the handset: While the handset is in the charging bay, the calls are diverted to Office 1600/1600IP. As soon as you remove the handset from the charg­ing bay, calls are forwarded to the handset.
In Twin Comfort mode, your handset also copies the entries of the call lists, the last­number redial entries and the private telephone book entries (max. 100 entries).
Office 1600IP
Twin and Twin Comfort are also available if you use Office 1600/1600IP as group tool.
Before you get started
Page 7
Alternative destination if your Office 1600/1600IP is not started
If your Office 1600/1600IP is not started, the calls are forwarded to preconfigured destinations. You can of course forward the calls yourself to the alternative destina­tion you want before exiting the program.
Operating Office 1600/1600IP
Starting Office 1600/1600IP
Your Office 1600/1600IP is installed as standard so that it is opened automatically when the PC starts up. You can also use the program icon on your desktop to start Office 1600/1600IP manually.
Each time you start Office 1600/1600IP, the system checks whether the latest soft­ware version of the program is being used. If the system does not find the latest ver­sion, the program is updated automatically.
The first time you start the application, you are asked to enter your user name and PIN. Under User name, enter the internal call number of your Office 1600/1600IP. Next change the preset PIN (0000) with a PIN of your choice. Click Remember PIN if you do not want to see the message next time you start the application.
Note: Remember that a stored PIN can be retrieved for malicious purposes
and that your phone can then be used without your consent.
Click OK. Your Office 1600/1600IP is started.
Office 1600IP
Before you get started
Page 8

Learn about the graphical user interface

The main view is the central user console in Office 1600/1600IP. From here, you place your calls or open additional views to access the message editor, contacts, groups or the journal.
The Status display shows the phone's current state.
Use the Operation keys to operate the phone and the workgroups.
The Foxkeys are context-sensitive and provide additional functions.
Office 1600IP
You use toolbar to activate a forwarding destination (see "Forward call (call forwar-
ding)", Page 42) or open additional views of Office 1600/1600IP:
Contacts opens your phone book (see "Maintain contacts", Page 63)
Group opens key fields for Number keys, Team keys and Function keys (see
"Use number keys", Page 45, "Use team keys", Page 47 and "Use function keys", Page 50). If you belong to workgroups, you also see the other group mem-
bers and their current status here (see "Call within the group", Page 69). The keys used most frequently can be dragged from the group field into the desktop.
Journal opens the log in which all incoming and outgoing calls and text mes­sages are entered (see "Learn about the journal", Page 33). If you belong to workgroups, you can also open and edit work tickets here (see "Call within the
group", Page 69).
Before you get started
Page 9
Learn about the Media device (Office 1600)
Your system administrator has coupled your Office 1600 softphone with a corded or mobile hardphone from the Office family. This means that calls are signalled acoustically on this device and that you can use the device as a receiver/speaker system.
You can initiate and answer your calls either on the PC using the mouse or key­board or with the hardphone.
While this User’s Guide describes the procedure for handling calls on the PC, it applies accordingly for the coupled hardphone, too. If you have questions about the operation of the hardphone, please refer to the relevant User’s Guide. The Guide can be downloaded from the internet from the Ascom Docfinder.
Familiarizing yourself with the media device (Office 1600IP)
Your system administrator has fitted your PC containing Office 1600IP with a media device. This could be a telephone handset, headset, or a Bluetooth device.
Depending on the type of system, operation of your Office 1600IP may differ slightly from these instructions. Ask your system administrator to explain the correct oper­ation in each case.
Office 1600IP
Before you get started
Page 10

Learn about Operation keys/Foxkeys

You use the operation keys to execute the basic functions. The Foxkeys are con­text-sensitive and provide the most useful telephony functions:
Click the Call key to initiate or terminate a call.
The Last-number redial key gives you access to the last 10 call numbers dialled.
Use the Open listening key to hear your call party through your PC's sounder (is not currently available).
Click the Mute key if you do not want your call party to hear what you are saying to a third party in the room.
Depending on when you click the Volume keys you are changing the volume of the dialling tone or the voice reception volume.
This key is visible only while you are logged into a workgroups (see
"Call within the group", Page 69).
If you click the Break key, incoming calls to the workgroup are no longer offered on your Office 1600/1600IP until you click the key again.
This key is visible only while you are logged into a workgroup (see
"Call within the group", Page 69).
The Continue key gives you the option to exit the wrap up time early. This key is visible only while you are logged into a workgroup.
This key is visible only while you are logged into a workgroup (see
"Call within the group", Page 69).
The Foxkeys provide you with context-sensitive telephony func­tions.
Office 1600IP
Before you get started
Page 11

Learn about key combinations

Key combinations help you to carry out recurring operating steps more efficiently. Your Office 1600/1600IP provides you with the following key combinations for mak­ing calls:
Key combination Situation Action
<Enter> Incoming call Answer call
<Escape> Open selection list
<Escape> During the call Call is terminated
<Escape> While there is a call waiting Call rejected
<Ins> In call
<Space> followed by the entry of letters
<Break> Call on hold Call taken back
<Break> During the call Call put on hold
<Arrow pointing up> Focus in the input field
The input field contains a call number
The input field does not contain a call number
While a call is being sig­nalled
Focus in the input field
Call being set up
Ring back tone sounding. Numbers entered now are transmitted immediately (overlap dial)
List is closed and selection discarded
Call rejected
Activate and deactivate DTMF mode
Selection list is opened and the system searches for entries that have the same first few letters of the second name
Last-number redial list is opened.
Office 1600IP
Key combination Situation Action
Before you get started
Page 12
<Arrow pointing down>
<Back> Focus in the input field
Entry of letters Focus in the input field
Focus in the input field
Last-number redial selection list is opened
Entry deleted character by character
Selection list is opened and the system searches for entries that have the same first few letters (dialling by name)
Office 1600IP
Customise the phone to meet your

Customise the phone to meet your needs

Some settings are used to adjust Office 1600/1600IP to the hardware components you use.
The information provided here explains how you can make the settings, and what effect they have.
Most of the settings are distributed among 3 tabs in the Settings menu.
Note: Please do not make any changes to the Advanced tab. These settings
are for fine tuning and are reserved for the system administrator.
The settings for the workgroups can only be accessed by the group administrator, and can be found in the Workgroup / Manage workgroups... menu (see "Manage
workgroups", Page 77).

Topics overview

Make general settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
Make media settings (Office 1600IP only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16
Make advanced media settings (Office 1600IP only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17
Set tones and melodies (Office 1600IP only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18
Setting up the voice mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19
Office 1600IP
Customise the phone to meet your

Make general settings

Make general settings
The settings are located under Settings / General.

Change PIN

Proceed as follows to change your PIN:
1. Enter the current PIN under Current PIN, and the new PIN under New PIN and
under Confirm PIN. A 2 to 10 digit combination is allowed as a PIN.
2. Click Remember PIN if you do not want to enter your PIN when you start the
application in future.
3. Click Apply to save the settings.
Note: Remember that a stored PIN can be retrieved for malicious purposes
and that your phone can then be used without your consent.

Determine view behaviour

You can determine which views are opened when you start Office 1600/1600IP:
Open on startup: The views selected are automatically opened when you start the Office 1600/ 1600IP.
Minimized (only in combination with Open on startup): The views selected are displayed minimized as a pushbutton on the taskbar when you start the Office 1600/1600IP.
Pop Up (main view): Main view is displayed in the foreground of the screen when the phone rings.
Pop Up (message): The menu window is opened when a message is received.
Pop Up (group): In workgroups: Opens the workgroups window as soon as a call is offered to ano­ther member (the function is not available if the key of a workgroup member is dragged onto the desktop).
On Top: Keys on the desktop are always in the foreground of the screen.
Office 1600IP
Customise the phone to meet your
Make general settings
To set the response of the views, proceed as follows:
1. Select the options you want by clicking the check boxes
2. Click Apply to save the settings.

Change user language

You can change the user language without having to restart Office 1600/1600IP:
1. Under Language, select the language required.
2. Click Apply to save the setting.
The user language is changed.

Enter address of Internet phone book

In the contacts view, you can open a phone book on the Internet. Enter the address as follows:
1. In the Web phone book address, enter the Internet address of the directory
you want (for example, "http://www.tel.search.com").
2. Click Apply to save the setting.

Enter own email address

You can also send text messages as emails (see "Use text messages", Page 58). To do so, you must enter your own email address:
1. In the Local email address field, enter your own email address (for example,
2. Click Apply to save the setting. The next time you send a text message as an
email, this sender address is entered.
Office 1600IP
Customise the phone to meet your
Make media settings (Office 1600IP
Make media settings (Office 1600IP only)
The Media Devices tab contains the settings for the connected Media Devices such as the handset, headset, and speakers. In most cases, your system adminis­trator will have already made these settings for the devices you use.

Select voice reproduction

You use these settings to define which media device is to be used:
1. Under Handset/Headset, select one of the available devices.
2. Select the appropriate sound device under Connected to (e.g. a USB sound
device or a sound card).

Select ring devices

Calls can ring on the internal PC sounder, the media device or another connected speaker (external speaker):
1. On the Ring devices tab, select the devices that you want the calls to ring on.
2. If you selected External speaker, in the pull down menu you select which
sound device is to be used (e.g. a sound card) to control the external speaker.
3. Click Apply to save the settings.
Note: If you are not sure whether your PC is fitted with a sound card, ask your
system administrator.

Set volume

You use the three slider controls to define the volume that is set when you start your Office 1600/1600IP:
1. Under Microphone adjust the volume of the microphone of your handset or
headset if your call partners find your voice too loud or too quiet.
2. Under Earpiece, adjust the volume of your handset or headset speakers if you
find the voices of your call partners too loud or too quiet.
3. Under Speakers, adjust the volume of the internal speakers if the ring device is
too quiet.
4. Click Apply to save the settings.
Note: You can also adjust the volume temporarily on the main view (see
"Learn about Operation keys/Foxkeys", Page 10)
Office 1600IP
Customise the phone to meet your
Make advanced media settings
Make advanced media settings (Office 1600IP only)
The settings for the media stack and the AIN bandwidth area are found in the Media devices tab behind the Advanced... pushbuttons.
Note: Only make changes to these settings in consultation with your system

Select bandwidth area

Here, you can choose the bandwidth area in the IP network in which your Office 1600/1600IP is located. If you always use the softphone in the same location, leave the setting as it is. If you also use the softphone outside the company LAN, select the appropriate bandwidth area each time you start the Office 1600/1600IP. Your system administrator knows which bandwidth areas you need to set and where.

Make media stack settings

Usually, the media stack uses the optimum settings automatically. If you want to change the settings manually, proceed as follows:
1. Deactivate Automatic Configuration.
2. Choose AGC (Automatic Gain Control) if you want your voice to be amplified on
the microphone if you are speaking quietly or the microphone is further away.
3. Select AEC (Automatic Echo Cancellation) if your call parties can hear the echo
of their own voice.
4. Choose VAD (Voice Activity Detection) if you want surrounding noise to be fil-
tered out when you speak into the microphone.
5. Click Apply to save the settings.
Office 1600IP
Customise the phone to meet your
Set tones and melodies (Office 1600IP
Set tones and melodies (Office 1600IP only)
In the Sound tab, you can select tones and melodies that Office 1600/1600IP plays to signal a call or the receipt of a message.
You can listen to the tones and melodies under Ring test.
1. In the Ring devices column, set the tones/melodies that you want played on
the external speaker and on the handset/headset. When doing so, check whether the devices required have been selected under Ring devices in the Media devices tab (see "Select ring devices", Page 16).
2. In the PC sounder column, set the tones/melodies that you want played on the
internal PC sounder. When doing so, check whether the internal PC sounder has been selected under Ring devices in the Media devices tab (see "Select ring devices",
Page 16).
3. Click Apply to save the settings.
If you want to set the tones and melodies back to the factory setting, click Set
Office 1600IP
Customise the phone to meet your

Setting up the voice mailbox

Setting up the voice mailbox
The Voice Mailbox tab allows you to manage your mailbox greetings: You have a choice of three personal greetings, which can be activated, recorded and monitored here.
Note: Your voice mailbox must first be set up by your system administrator.

Activate / deactivate greeting

You can record three personal greetings (e.g. one for short absences, one for absences of a whole day, and one for longer absences).
1. To activate the appropriate greeting, select it in the Active Greeting frame.
Select Standard Greeting if you want callers to obtain the standard company greeting instead of a personal greeting.
2. Click Apply to save the settings.

Playing back a personal greeting

To play greetings that have already been recorded, proceed as follows:
1. Select the relevant greeting from the dropdown menu in the Edit Greeting
2. Click Listen
The greeting is now played back.

Record personal greeting

To record a personal greeting, proceed as follows:
1. Select the relevant greeting from the dropdown menu in the Edit Greeting
2. Click Record
You will hear a signalling tone
3. Start recording the greeting at the end of the signalling tone.
A signalling tone similar to the busy tone will tell you that the maximum recor­ding time has been reached.
4. Click Apply to save the settings.
Office 1600IP

Telephony made simple

Page 20
Telephony made simple
Office 1600/1600IP is user-friendly and easy to use. With just a few mouse clicks or keyboard commands, you can answer a call or establish a call connection.
Here you learn how to work with Office 1600/1600IP straight away, and learn about the main user prompts.
Note: The description here may differ slightly from actual operation, depen-
ding on the media device used. For example, some handsets support the initiation and conclusion of a call by removal of the handset from the mount. The following description assumes that this function is not available.

Topics overview

You are receiving a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21
You want to place a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 24
Learn about the journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 33
Office 1600IP
Telephony made simple

You are receiving a call

Page 21
You are receiving a call
Order no.: Set volume of the ringing signal (Office 1600IP only)
You want to change the volume of the ringing signal.
Your Office 1600/1600IP is calling.
If the ringing signal is too loud or too quiet, click several times on the relevant Volume key, until the signal is at the level you require. To adjust the volume in general for all calls, change the media settings (see "Set volume", Page 16).
Suppress ringing signal (discrete ringing) - (Office 1600IP only)
You want to suppress the ringing signal without immediately answering the call.
Your Office 1600/1600IP is calling.
Discrete rin-
Click the Discrete ringing Foxkey. The ringing signal for the current call is suppressed.
Office 1600IP
Telephony made simple
You are receiving a call
Page 22

Answer a call

Your Office 1600/1600IP is calling.
Hold the media device to your ear and click the Call key or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
The connection is established.
Note: For keyboard operation: Depending on the operating system (Windows
2000, Windows XP) the focus is not automatically placed on the Office 1600/1600IP when it calls. If so, use the key combination <Alt>+<Tab> to place the focus on the Office 1600/1600IP pictograph and then answer the call with <Enter>.
Adjust volume of voice reproduction (Office 1600IP only)
See "Set the call volume (Office 1600IP only)", Page 31 if you want to adapt the volume for the current call only.
See "Set volume", Page 16 if you want to adapt the volume in general for all calls.

End a call

You are taking the call.
Click the Call key or press the Escape key on your PC keyboard.
The call is terminated.
Office 1600IP
Telephony made simple
You are receiving a call
Page 23

Save the caller's name and call number

You have terminated a call and want to save the caller's number and call number.
Your Office 1600/1600IP is idle.
Click Journal in the toolbar and select the call entry of the subscriber required.
Click Save in Contacts and edit the input fields.
Click Save and close to save the data and return to the main view.
Office 1600IP
Telephony made simple

You want to place a call

Page 24
You want to place a call

Dial with the call number

Your Office 1600/1600IP is idle.
Enter the call number in the input field.
Hold the media device to your ear and click the Call key or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
The subscriber is called.
Note: You can enter numbers in international format (+4112345678) or natio-
nal format (0012345678). You only need to enter the leading digit for exchange access if you use national format (in the example, this is the leading 0). To make the number easier to read, you can use spaces and hyphens (0-01 234 5678). Office 1600/1600IP does not understand any other characters.
Office 1600IP

Dial by name

Your Office 1600/1600IP is idle.
Enter the first few letters of the required name in the input field:
• If the name you are looking for is listed under the surname in the
• If the name you are looking for is listed under the first name in the
• To look for a combination of first name and surname, type the first
The selection list then displays all the names that match your input.
Click the name you were looking for. The name is copied to the input field and the selection list is closed.
Hold the media device to your ear and click the Call key.
Telephony made simple
You want to place a call
Page 25
phone book, enter the first few letters of the surname.
phone book, enter the first few letters of the first name.
few letters of the first name followed by a space and the first few let­ters of the surname (e.g. "Mi Ba" for "Mike Ballantine").
The subscriber is called.
Note: You can also search for the second part of the name: Press the space
bar in the empty input field, followed by the first letter of the second part of the name.
Note: Several phone numbers can be stored under a name in the phone
book. Office 1600/1600IP dials the number selected in the contact entry (see "Enter phone numbers, email, and URL", Page 65).
+ 56 hidden pages