Zeta Plus Model ZPB san i tary fil ter hous ings pro vide the
Zeta Plus™ Model ZPB Sanitary Filter Housing
a 3M company
ul ti mate stan dard for to tally-en closed Zeta Plus car tridge
fil tra tion sys tems. Con structed from mir ror pol ished 316L
stain less steel, Zeta Plus ZPB fil ter hous ings meet the ex act ing san i tary qual ity stan dards of the phar ma ceu ti cal,
food and bev er age, fine chem i cal, and mi cro elec tron ics in dus tries.
Stan dard Zeta Plus ZPB fil ter hous ings ac com mo date
from one to four 8", 12", or 16" di am e ter stan dard Zeta
Plus fil ter car tridges to of fer a wide choice of fil ter me dia
area and flow rates.* Mul ti ple car tridge hous ings can be
user fit ted with shorter cen ter-posts to ac com mo date fewer
car tridges.
CUNO Zeta Plus fil ter hous ings are avail able in a wide
range of cus tom ized for mats, in clud ing cer tif i ca tion to
ASME and other code cer tif i ca tions, multi-car tridge,
multi-round hous ings, and fully au to mated fil ter skids and
carts. Con sult CUNO for as sis tance on spe cial ized Zeta
Plus fil ter hous ings.
n To tally en closed depth-car tridge fil tra tion with fast and easy car -
tridge change-out
n Positive spring-loaded cartridge sealing system
n Housings accommodate one to four 8", 12" or 16" cartridges
n Internal & external mirror finish sanitary 316L stainless steel
n User-friendly vertical design with san i tary connections
n Optional san i tary bleed valve available n Pro vides easy venting
*Model ZPB hous ings will also ac com mo date Zeta Plus EXT car tridges with mod i fi ca tion of in ter nal parts. Con sult CUNO for de tails.
n Eliminates external contamination, edge leakage, loss of
valuable product, and long tedious change-out times associated
with plate and frame filter presses
n Provides optimal sealing compression to prevent filter bypass
even under the most arduous process conditions
n Suitable for small through large batch sizes and aqueous flows
from 2 to 75 gpm (500 to 17,000 lph) per housing
n Reduces bacterial/particle adhesion
n Requires minimum floor space and quickly dismantles for easy

Maximum Operating Pressure
& Temperature
Materials of Construction:
Base, dome, centerpost 316L stain less steel
Seal ing sys tem nut Poly propy lene
O-ring/gas kets* Sil i cone
Inlet / Outlet Connections:
8ZPB, 12ZPB1 & 12ZPB2 1 ½" san i tary
12ZPB3, 12ZPB4 & 16ZPB 2" san i tary
Pres sure gauge con nec tion 1 ½" san i tary
Bleed valve con nec tion ½" san i tary
Ex ter nal fin ish Electropolished to 10Ra
In ter nal fin ish Electropolished to 10Ra
* alternative O-ring & gasket materials available - consult CUNO.
150 psig @ 212° F
10.3 bar @ 100° C
Hous ing
8ZPB2 2 5.6/0.52
8ZPB3 3 8.4/0.78
8ZPB4 4 11.2/1.04
12ZPB2 2 32.8/3.0
12ZPB3 3 49.2/4.5
12ZPB4 4 65.6/6.0
16ZPB2 2 69.4/6.4
16ZPB3 3 104.1/9.6
16ZPB4 4 138.8/12.8
Rec om mended flow rates are based on ½ GPM /ft2 of me dia in stalled. Ac tual flow
rates may vary based on many fac tors such as me dium type, tem per a ture, vis cos ity
and con tam i na tion level of the fluid be ing fil tered, and hous ing con nec tions.
Car tridge Di men sions
Nom i nal (inches/mm)
Di am e ter Height
8/203 6.6/170
12/305 10.75/270
16/410 10.75/270
Num ber of
Car tridges
1 2.8/0.26
1 16.4/1.5
1 34.7/3.2
Me dia Area
(ft2 / m2)
Fil ter Hous ing Flow Rates
Fil ter hous ing flow rates are de pend ent on the na ture of
the ap pli ca tion. Vari ables such as fil ter me dia for mu la tion
and grade, tem per a ture, vis cos ity, and the con tam i na tion
level of the fluid all will dic tate the ideal flow rate. Con sult
with CUNO rep re sen ta tives for ideal sys tem rates for your
ap pli ca tion.
Zeta Plus Depth Fil ters
Zeta Plus depth fil ters are a fam ily of fil tra tion me dia com posed of high sur face area in or ganic fil ter aids em bed ded
in a cel lu lose fi ber ma trix. Dur ing the man u fac tur ing pro cess, mol e cules car ry ing a pos i tive charge are chem i cally
bonded to the ma trix com po nents, per ma nently form ing an
in ter con nected, rigid fil ter sheet with pos i tively charged
electrokinetic cap ture sites ca pa ble of re tain ing bac te ria,
endo tox ins, haze com po nents, cel lu lar de bris and
submicronic con tam i nants to a level which me chan i cal
screen ing alone can not achieve. Zeta Plus fil ter car tridges
are avail able in a va ri ety of me dia for mu la tions and re ten tion rat ings de signed to meet the needs of the
phar ma ceu ti cal, food and bev er age, fine chem i cals, and
mi cro-elec tron ics in dus tries. For more in for ma tion about
Zeta Plus me dia choices, please contact CUNO.
Car tridge Seal ing Sys tem
A spring-loaded seal ing sys tem (seal ing nut shown be low)
pro vides op ti mal seal ing com pres sion to help pre vent fil ter
by pass even un der the most ar du ous pro cess con di tions.