3M™ Workstation Grounding Kits Product Selector
Workstation Grounding Kit 8020 Series
The 3M Workstation Grounding Kits 8020 provide the complete static protection
offered by all the 3M kits. Both the floor and table mats (8200) are made from our
soft thr ee-layer static- dissipative material.
Workstation Grounding Kit 8030 Series
These kits contain two different types of static control mats. The table mat is made
of the soft three-layered, static-dissipative 8200 material, while the floor mat (1864)
is of the more rigid, conductive material.
Brown Table and Floor Mat, 3-layer construction
Gray Table and Floor Mat, 3 -layer construction
Blue Table and Floor Mat, 3-layer construction
B r o w n 3 -layer Table Mat, Black Floor Mat.
G r a y 3 -layer Table Mat, Black Floor Mat.
B l u e 3 -layer Table Mat, Black Floor Mat.