3M LRSM Technical Data Manual

Low Range Shortening Monitor
Technical Data TD 250
Date : Nov 2005
Supersedes : April 2004
Author : EK/CB
Introduction :
Shortening continually breaks down through normal use. This process is charac­terized by a modification of the structure of the constitu­ent molecules (Triglyc­erides). The by-products that are formed are mainly Polar Compounds, among others are Free Fatty Acids (F.F.A.). The 3M Low Range Shortening Monitor utilizes the free fatty acid concentration as an indicator to the degree of shortening breakdown.
Product Description : A test is a stiff white paper strip (0,7 x 9.5 cm), having near one end of the strip, four blue bands across its width. A red line will differentiate the Low Range Shortening Monitor from Stan­dard Shortening Monitor.
Packaging :
Per 200
20 tests strips/plastic tube 1 plastic tube/box 10 boxes/case (i.e. 200 strips/case)
Per 200
50 tests strips/plastic tube 4 plastic tubes/case (i.e. 200 strips/case)
Product Use :
The 3M LRSM strip is dipped into shortening at operating temperature. By simply count­ing the number of yellow bands, the stage of shortening breakdown is indirectly deter­mined. As shortening breaks down, the free fatty acid concentration increases, causing a greater number of bands on the 3M LRSM strip to change color. A blue band will change com­pletely to yellow at a specific free fatty acid concentration (see diagram).
2,5 %
2,0 %
1,5 %
FFA > 1,0 %
Applications :
The product can be used in all types of frying oils and fats (animal, vegetable, and blends) and fryers, provided the test is done at operating temperature (between 160°C and 185°C).
Product advantages :
Easy to use : no need for
skilled people.
Quick : immediate results.
Determination is made 30 seconds after dipping the test strip into shortening.
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3M France Customer Application Center Avenue Boulé PO box 28 F-95250 Beauchamp (France)
Low Range Shortening Monitor
Technical Data TD 250
Date : Nov 2005
Supersedes : April 2004
Author : EK/CB
Objective : results are inde-
pendent from people who are doing the test.
Hygienic : the test strip will
not contaminate the shorten­ing.
Accurate : the test provides
a specific discard point and will minimize shortening underuse and optimize fried food quality (no overuse of shortening).
Safe : once the discard point
is set, the test will help the user make sure that local regulation is not infringed
Instructions for use :
1. Open the bottle and remove
one test strip.
2. Tightly close the tube with
unused strips.
3. Hold test strip by longest
white end (top, with red line)
4. Dip the test strip into the
shortening so that all blue bands are submerged during 1-2 seconds.
5. Remove and allow excess
shortening to drain back into the vat (5 seconds)
6. After 30 seconds, read the
test strip by counting the number of bands that have completely or mostly changed from blue to yel­low. The reading is even
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3M France Customer Application Center Avenue Boulé PO box 28 F-95250 Beauchamp (France)
easier if the test strip is looked at when facing a light source.
7. Based on this count, con-
tinue to use or discard short­ening according to prede­termined discard point.
8. Discard used test strip after
9. Use a new strip for each vat.
Storage conditions : IMPORTANT : store the test
strips in their closed tube at 4° C or cooler. Cold storage can result in a light discoloration of the low side reactive bands (may turn to light blue color with light green shading). This discoloration is not detrimental to the product quality and the bands will turn back to the ini­tial blue color after some time at room temperature.
Setting discard point : Each customer should deter­mine their own discard point depending on type of shorten­ing, type of food, local regula­tions, habits…
Testing frequency : Each vat should be tested daily. The rate of which F.F.A is pro­duced will depend on many factors, including type and
quantity of food fried, type of shortening used, frying tem­perature, seasonal weather change and amount of moisture of food. The rate will not be constant from day to day if any of these factors change.
Shelf life : Low range Shortening Monitor strips should be used by expira­tion date (printed on bottles, cartons and case).
Caution : Test strip will only measure F.F.A concentration. 3M B&CS Laboratory located in Beauchamp (France) should be consulted for the measurement of other products resulting from shortening breakdown (esp. Polar Compounds).