88 22 Du st/ Mis t Res pi rat or (Valve d) Fi tti ng In str uc tio ns
3M™8822 Dust/Mist
Cup the respirator in
your hand with the
nosepiece at your
fingertips allowing
the headbands to
hang freely below
your hand.
1 2
Pull the bottom strap
over your head and
position it around the
neck below the ears.
3 4
Position the respirator
under your chin with
the nosepiece up.
Pull the top strap over
your head resting it
high at the top back of
your head.
Place the fingertips of
both hands at the top
of the metal nosepiece.
Mould the nosepiece to
the shape of your nose
by pushing inward
while moving your
fingertips down both
sides of the nosepiece.
Pinching the nosepiece
using one hand may
result in less effective
respirator performance.
Respirator (valved)
CH8822 08/2006
The seal of the respirator on the face should be fit-checked prior to
wearing in the work area.
a) Cover the front of the respirator with both hands, being careful
not to disturb the position of the respirator.
b) Inhale sharply.
A negative pressure should be felt inside the respirator. If any
leakage is detected, adjust position of respirator and/or tension of
strap. Retest the seal. Repeat the procedure until the respirator is
sealed properly.
If you cannot achieve a proper fit, do not enter the contaminated
area. See your supervisor.
Note - do not use with beards or other facial hair that may inhibit
contact between the face and the edge of the respirator.
3M Heal th & Sa fet y H elpline Telep hone: 0870 60 800 60 For call ers wit hin the Republ ic of Irela nd: 1 800 320 500
www.3M.co m/u k/o hes
3M 8822 Dust/ Mist Respirator (Valved)
Standard: EN149
Type: FFP2
Maximum Use Concentrations
10 x WEL* for Particulates
Approval: CE marked
*Workplace Exposure Limit
This respirator should not be used in oxygen deficient environments, for
escape purposes or by people with beards/ facial hair or in atmospheres
where concentrations of contaminant may exceed that deemed Immediately
Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)