3M 1ZMS1 User Manual

3M san i tary style ZVS and ZMS fil ter hous ings are designed for
3M Models ZVS and ZMS Sanitary Filter Housings
crit i cal clar i fi ca tion and ster ile fil tra tion appli ca tions. Man u fac tured to the strict est of qual ity stan dards and from the high est qual ity mate ri als, the ZVS and ZMS fil ter hous ings meet the exact ing require ments of the phar ma ceu ti cal, bio tech nol ogy, food & bev er ­age and micro elec tron ics indus tries. ZVS and ZMS fil ter hous ings are designed for liq uid or gas ser vice and can eas ily be cleaned­in-place (CIP), steamed-in-place (SIP), or hot water san i tized.
ZVS and ZMS hous ings offer the high est qual ity elec tro- pol ished sur face fin ish for ease of clean ing. Wet ted sur faces are fur ther electropolished to a 10 micro inch Ra sur face fin ish to limit bac te ­rial and par tic u late adhesion.
An improved bay o net car tridge inter lock design allows easy clean ing, and a pos i tive lock ing reten tion mech a nism secures the fil ter car tridge even dur ing back pres sure surges. A 316L stain ­less steel clamp secures the hous ing base and dome per mit ting rapid fil ter changeouts. Each fil ter hous ing is hydro stati cally tested to ensure long term efficient oper a tion even in the most demand ing envi ron ment. All hous ings are sup plied with sil i cone gas kets that com ply with CFR 21 require ments for direct food and drug contact.
Ordering Guide
Filter Model Description
1ZMS1 10" filter sanitary T-line housing 7062801 1ZMS2 20" filter sanitary T-line housing 7062802 1ZMS3 30" filter sanitary T-line housing 7062803 1ZMS4 40" filter sanitary T-line housing 7062804
1ZVS1 10" filter sanitary in-line housing 7062701 1ZVS2 20" filter sanitary in-line housing 7062702 1ZVS3 30" filter sanitary in-line housing 7062703 1ZVS4 40" filter sanitary in-line housing 7062704
½ sanitary:8mm barb vent/drain diaphragm
Features Benefits
316L stainless steel construction Maximum corrosion resistance ensures long term service
High quality surface finish (10 microinch R
Housings accomodate one 10”, 20”, 30”, or 40” filter
Accepts 3M Purification Inc. 70002 sanitary style double
o-ring bayonet lock cartridge
Sanitary design vent and drain (optional drain valves
Clean-in-Place (CIP) / Steam-in-Place (SIP) Design Permits easy cleaning, sterilization or sanitization in place
internal) Minimum bacterial/particulate adhesion
Suitable for small to intermediate product batches and tank
vent applications
Cartridge locks into place assuring secure installation even
under back pressure conditions
Easy to clean, no cross contamination, no threaded parts in
contact with process fluids
Designed to minimize product holdup volume ■ Enables maximum recovery of product
8 1/4”
Top View ZVS
Top View ZMS
Model ZVS Housing
Model ZMS Housing
Optional Vent Valve
Inlet/Outlet ZMS 1 inch sanitary fitting
ZVS 1 1/2 inch sanitary fitting
Gauge Port (ZMS T-line only) 1 1/2 inch sanitary fitting
3M Purification Inc. 70002 style
Filter Cartridge Style
(Code 7, double 226 O-ring with bayonet
locking tabs)
Shipping Weight
1ZVS1 / 1ZMS1 11 lbs. 1ZVS2 / 1ZMS2 16 lbs. 1ZVS3 / 1ZMS3 22 lbs. 1ZVS4 / 1ZMS4 28 lbs.
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
Maximum Temperature
150 psig (10.3 Bar)
212°F (100°C)
Sterilization / Sanitization
In-situ steam sterilization 30 minutes at 250°F(121°C) Hot water sanitization 30 minutes at 176°F (80°C)
Dimensions (See Figure 1) A
1ZVS1 / 1ZMS1 16" 1ZVS2 / 1ZMS2 26" 1ZVS3 / 1ZMS3 36" 1ZVS4 / 1ZMS4 46"
Im por tant No tice
3M PU RI FI CA TION INC. MAKES NO WAR RAN TIES, EX PRESS OR IM PLIED, IN CLUD ING, BUT NOT LIM ITED TO, ANY IM PLIED WAR RANTY OF MER CHANT ABIL ITY OR FIT NESS FOR A PAR TIC U LAR PUR POSE. Since a va ri ety of fac tors can af fect the use and per for mance of a 3M Pu ri fi ca tion Inc. prod uct in a par tic u lar ap pli ca tion, some of which are uniquely within the user’s knowl edge and con trol, user is re spon si ble for de ter min ing whether or not the 3M Pu ri fi ca tion Inc. prod uct is fit for a par tic u lar pur pose and suit able for user’s method of ap pli ca tion.
Lim i ta tion of Li a bil ity
If the 3M Pu ri fi ca tion Inc. prod uct is proved to be de fec tive, THE EX CLU SIVE REM EDY, AT 3M PU RI FI CA TION INC.'S OP TION, SHALL BE TO RE FUND THE PUR CHASE PRICE OR TO RE PAIR OR RE PLACE THE DE FEC TIVE PROD UCT. 3M Pu ri fi ca tion Inc. shall not oth er wise be li a ble for loss or dam ages, whether di rect, in di rect, spe cial, in ci den tal or con se quen ­tial, re gard less of the le gal the ory as serted, in clud ing, but not lim ited to, con tract, neg li ­gence, war ranty or strict li a bil ity.
Seller war rants its equip ment against de fect s in work man ship and ma te rial for a pe riod of 12 months from date of ship ment from the fac tory un der nor mal use and ser vice and oth ­er wise when such equip ment is used in ac cor dance with in struc tions fur nished by Seller and for pur poses dis closed in writ ing at the time of pur chase, if any. Any un au tho rized al ­ter ation of mod i fi ca tion of the equip ment by Buyer will void this war ranty. Seller’s li a bil ity un der this war ranty shall be lim ited to the re place ment or re pair, F.O.B., point of man u ­fac ture, of any de fec tive equip ment or part which, hav ing been re turned to the fac tory, trans por ta tion charges pre paid, has been in spected and de ter mined by Seller to be de ­fec tive. THIS WAR RANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WAR RANTY, EI THER EX PRESSED OR IM PLIED, AS TO DE SCRIP TION, QUAL ITY, MER CHANT ABIL ITY, FIT NESS FOR ANY PAR TIC ­U LAR PUR POSE OR USE, OR ANY OTHER MAT TER. Un der no cir cum stances shall Seller be li a ble to Buyer or any third party for any loss of prof its or other di rect or in di rect costs, ex penses, losses or con se quen tial dam ages aris ing out of or as a re sult of any de fects in or fail ure of its prod ucts or any part or parts thereof or aris ing out of or as a re sult of parts or com po nents in cor po rated in Seller’s equip ment but not sup plied by the Seller.
3M Pu ri fi ca tion Inc.
400 Re search Park way Meriden, CT 06450 U.S.A. Phone (800) 243-6894
(203) 237-5541 Fax (203) 630-4530 www.3Mpurification.com
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