3M™ Total Eyewear Solutions
for Personalized Protection
A comprehensive, one-stop program for prescription
and non-prescription safety eyewear.

Workplace Eye Injuries: A Real Concern
The Challenge: Eye Injuries
are Prevalent in the Workplace
Every day, approximately 2,000 U.S. workers
sustain a work-related eye injury that requires
medical treatment.
employers and their workers, because about
1 in 10 injuries require one or more missed
workdays to recover.
Eye Injuries occur for two main reasons:
• Not wearing eye protection.
Nearly three out of every five workers injured are not
wearing eye protection at the time of the accident.
• Wearing the wrong eye protection for the job.
40% of the injured workers were wearing some form of
eye protection when the accident occurred. However,
these workers were most likely to be wearing protective
eyeglasses that offered inadequate eye protection.
This is a problem for both
The Opportunity: Most
Eye Injuries are Preventable
Experts believe that the correct eye protection
could lessen the severity of or even prevent
90% of eye injuries.
play a major role in preventing these injuries.
• Compliance
Workers always need to wear eye protection, and to be
effective, the eyewear must be of the appropriate type
for the hazard encountered and properly fitted.
• Education
Even though the vast majority of employers furnished eye
protection at no cost to employees, about 40% of the
workers received no information on where and what kind
of eyewear should be used.
1 www.cdc.gov/niosh © 2012 National Institute for Occupational
Safet y and Health.
2 www.preventblindness.org © 2011 Prevent Blindness America.
3 Bureau of L abor Statistics.
4 U.S. Eye Injury Registry Summary Report, 1998-20 02.
Compliance and education
3M™ Total
Eyewear Solutions
A comprehensive program focused on helping you keep workers protected
and comfortable with a wide variety of prescription and non-prescription safety
eyewear professionally fitted for your employees.