Main Features:
• Soft disposable polyurethane foam ear plugs providing extra
• The
tapered shape is designed to adjust to most ear canals.
• The
y are made from soft hypo-allergenic material.
• The
bright orange colour permits high visibility and makes
safety checks easier.
The 3M 1100/1110 - Ear Plugs can be used in may industries
where harmful noise is present such as:
• Metal
• Automoti
• T
• Construction
The 3M 1100/1110 Ear Plugs have been shown to meet the Basic
Safety Requirements under Article 10 of the European Community
Directive 89/686.
These plugs are tested to EN352-2:2002 and are CE marked.
The following materials are used in the production of the 3M
1100/1110 Ear Plugs:
• Plugs – Polyurethane foam
• Cord – Polyester
Attenuation data for the 3M 1100/1110 Ear Plugs (according to
A range of information must be provided on the packaging. The
packaging of the 3M 1100/1110 Ear Plugs complies with the
requirements of EN352-2:2002. A copy of this European standard
can be purchased from your national standards body.
Fitting Instructions:
The plugs should be fi tted in accordance with the diagrams. Care
should be taken to refi t the plug if it becomes dislodged through
These plugs are disposable and should be discarded after use.
1100 Series
Disposable Ear Plugs
Data Sheet
3M™ 1100 Foam Ear Plugs
3M™ 1110 Corded Foam Ear Plugs
F (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Mf (dB)
30.0 33.1 36.3 38.4 38.7 39.7 48.3 44.4
sf (dB) 3.9 5.0 7.4 6.2 5.6 4.3 4.5 4.4
Mf-sf (dB) 26.1 28.1 28.9 32.2 33.1 35.4 43.8 40.0
SNR = 37dB H = 37dB M = 34dB L = 31dB
APVf (dB) = Mf -sf(dB)
• Aircraft
• W
• Printing

To provide proper protection, the 3M 1100/1110 Ear Plugs should
1) suitable for the job
2) fi tted properly
3) worn during all times of exposure to noise
4) worn by only one worker, not shared replaced when
Hearing protection is only ef
tted and worn throughout the time when the wearer is
exposed to the noise hazard.
3M offers advice on the selection of products and training in
the correct fi tting and usage.
For help with selecting the most appropriate forms of
PPE and relevant Health & Safety legislation, or for more
detailed product information, please contact the 3M Health
& Safety Helpline on: 0870 60 800 60 (UK)
1 800 320 500 (Republic of Ireland).
fective if it is correctly selected,
Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Group
3M United Kingdom PLC 3M Ireland
3M Centre 3M House, Adelphi Centre, Upper Georges St.
Cain Road, Bracknell Dun Laoghaire
Berkshire RG12 8HT Co. Dublin, Ireland
Tel: 0870 60 800 60 Tel: 1 800 320 500
CH1100 Iss.1