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If there is any software on removable media described in this documentation, it is
furnished under a license agreement included with the product as a separate
document, in the hardcopy documentation, or on the removable media in a directory
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contact 3Com and a copy will be provided to you.
If you are a United States government agency, then this documentation and the
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United States Government Legend: All technical data and computer software is
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Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective holders.
Related Documentation17
Your Comments18
Direct Phone to Gateway Dialing19
Accessing the Authentication Server Interface19
Configuring End Users21
Adding End Users21
Viewing All End Users23
Searching for End Users24
Editing End User Profiles25
Cloning End Users25
Deleting End Users26
Adding End Points108
Editing End Points111
Deleting End Points111
Adding or Editing Out Dial Patterns of End Points112
Deleting Out Dial Patterns from Existing End Points113
Managing End Point Black Lists114
Adding End Point Black Lists114
Deleting End Point Black Lists116
Managing End Point White Lists116
Adding White Lists116
Deleting End Point White Lists118
Managing Routes118
Adding Routes118
Editing Routes121
Deleting Routes122
Assigning End Points and Bundles to Routes122
Editing Priorities of Bundles or End Points Assigned to a Route123
Unassigning End Points or Bundles Assigned to Routes124
Assigning Out Dial Patterns for Routes124
Unassigning Out Dial Patterns of Routes126
Managing URI Route Maps127
Adding URI Route Maps127
Deleting URI Route Maps131
Globally Editing URI Mapped Routes Source Based Routing
Managing URI Route Black Lists132
Adding Black Listed End Points to URI Route Maps132
Deleting Black Listed End Points from a URI Route Map133
Managing URI Translation134
Understanding Translation Algorithms134
Adding Destination URI Translations135
Globally Editing URI Translation Sourced Based Route Properties137
Server Configuration138
Globally Configuring Routes138
Resetting Globally Provisioned Routes139
Database Identification Configuration141
Changing the Database Name141
Changing the Database Server Name141
Changing the Database User Name142
Changing the Database User Password142
Configuring the Database Keep Alive Timeout143
Configuring the Client Activity Interval143
Deleting Trusted Endpoints156
Verifying Call Processor Version157
Configuring the Back-end Server Plugins157
Adding Primary and Secondary Accounting Servers157
Editing Accounting Server IP Addresses159
Removing Accounting Servers159
Adding Primary and Secondary Authentication Servers160
Editing Authentication Server IP Addresses161
Removing Authentication Servers162
Adding Primary and Secondary Directory Servers162
Editing Directory Server IP Addresses163
Removing Directory Servers164
Enabling or Disabling Accounting Server164
Enabling or Disabling Authentication Server165
Enabling or Disabling Directory Server165
Monitoring Call Statistics165
Configuring 3Com Telephones167
3Com Telephone Local User Interface Menus167
Assessing the Telephone LUI Menus168
Administration Telephone Feature Keys176
Logging into the CAS177
Updating Telephone Directory178
Changing the Telephone Associated with the CAS179
Uninstalling the CAS180
Call Detail Records Introduction181
CDR Generating Components181
Logging into the Call Report Utility182
Updating the CDR Fields182
Retrieving VCX CDRs Manually182
Retrieving VCX CDRs Automatically183
Changing the Servers Associated with the Call Report Utility183
Uninstalling the Call Report Utility184
Supported VCX CDR Field Descriptions185
Configuring the SIP Phone Downloader187
Through the SipPhoneDL.xml File187
Through Enterprise Management Suite188
Device Mapping through EMS190
Overall System Maintenance193
Upgrading a VCX System193
Downgrading from 5.2 to 5.0194
Verifying Software Versions198
Clearing Cache from Tomcat198
Stopping Tomcat199
Rediscovering the IP Telephony Server in EMS199
Saving the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server Configuration in EMS199
Restoring the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server Configuration in
Changing a Daylight Savings and Timezone Configuration200
Call Processor Maintenance202
Starting the Call Processor202
Restarting the Call Processor202
Stopping the Call Processor202
Verifying the Call Processor State202
Back-end Server Maintenance203
Starting the Accounting, Authentication, and Directory Servers203
Stopping the Accounting, Authentication, and Directory Servers203
Backing Up and Restoring Databases204
Exporting Table Data207
Importing Saved Table Data209
Clearing the Configurable Tables209
Running Individual Tasks on the Accounting Server210
Monitoring Accounting Server Activity on the Accounting Server211
Checking the Data on the Accounting Server212
Manually Completing an Incomplete Call on the Billing Support
Enabling Message Tracing213
Enabling Server Logging214
SNMP Support214
Restarting Systems and Services in Enterprise Management Suite215
Reserving and Unreserving the Back-end Server in EMS216
Updating the Server State in EMS216
Enabling Back-end Server Traps in EMS216
Call Processor CLI Overview221
Authentication File Location223
Configuring Authentication Server Database Tables223
Manually Creating Database Links289
Manually Configuring Upload from Multiple Accounting Servers290
Manually Configuring Oracle Jobs on an Accounting Server292
Manually Uploading CDRs293
Manually Running the CDR Upload294
Manually Scheduling the CDR Upload294
Manually Merging CDRs into Super CDRs295
Manually Running the CDR Merge295
Manually Scheduling the CDR Merge296
Manually Exporting Super CDRs297
Manually Populating the User Call History297
Manually Running the Super CDR Export298
Manually Scheduling the Super CDRs Export298
Manually Deleting CDRs299
Manually Running the Super CDR Delete300
Manually Scheduling the Super CDR Delete300
Manually Dropping a Scheduled Job301
Manually Acquiring a Job Number301
Manually Dropping a Job301
Manually Resuming a Broken Job301
Manually Acquiring a Broken Job Number301
Manually Resuming a Job302
Viewing the Log Files302
Manually Configuring the Database Tables through Bulk Loading303
Configuring bss_server_config303
Configuring bss_server_list304
Configuring acct_server_list305
Configuring bss_acct_server_map305
Configuring job_collect_cdr306
Configuring job_delete_cdr308
Configuring job_export_fields_map310
Configuring job_export_supercdr311
Configuring job_merge_cdr312
Configuring supercdr_hold314
Using the Database Bulk Load315
Editing the Text Files316
Loading Data into the Database316
Appending Data to the Database317
Clearing the Database318
Back-end Server Configuration Tab Descriptions320
Tab Location320
3 Q Protocol Configuration320
BES Common Configuration321
BES Common Statistics321
Database Configuration322
Flow Control Configuration322
This chapter contains an overview of this guide, lists guide conventions,
related documentation, and product compatibility, and describes how to
contact Customer Service.
This guide describes how to configure and maintain the following:
■ Oracle
■ VCX Linux operating system
■ 3Com Telephones and Attendant Console
■ 3Com Call Records Utility
■ VCX Complementary Attendant
database software
V7210 IP Call Processor
V7220 Accounting Suite
This guide is intended for operators and administrators of the system
and assumes you have a thorough understanding of
telecommunications, VoIP technology, Linux operating system, Oracle
databases, network knowledge, and system administrator privileges.
Release notes are issued with some products. If the information in the
release notes differs from the information in this guide, follow the
instructions in the release notes.
Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Tab le 1 Notice Icons
IconNotice TypeDescription
Information noteInformation that describes important features or
CautionInformation that alerts you to potential loss of data or
WarningInformation that alerts you to potential personal injury
Tab le 2 Text Conventions
Screen displays This typeface represents information as it appears on the
SyntaxThe word “syntax” means that you must evaluate the syntax
CommandsThe word “command” means that you must enter the
The words “enter”
and “type”
Words in italicsItalics are used to:
potential damage to an application, system, or device
provided and then supply the appropriate values for the
placeholders that appear in angle brackets. Example:
To enable RIPIP, use the following syntax:
SETDefault !<port> -RIPIP CONTrol =
In this example, you must supply a port number for <port>.
command exactly as shown and then press Return or Enter.
Commands appear in bold. Example:
To remove the IP address, enter the following command:
SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr =
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press
Return or Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”
■ Emphasize a point.
■ Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the
■ Identify menu names, menu commands, and software
button names. Examples:
From the Help menu, select Contents.
Click OK.
Related Documentation17
These 3Com documents contain additional information about the
products in this release that are a part of or support the VCX V7000 IP
Telephony Solution and the 3Com Convergence Application Suite.
The following documents are a part of the VCX V7000 IP Telephony
■ VCX Administration Guide
■ VCX Business Telephone Quick Reference Guide
■ V7000 Telephone Guide
■ VCX Security Guide
Installation and Maintenance Guide
Basic Telephone Quick Reference Guide
The following documents are a part of the 3Com Convergence
Application Suite:
■ V7350 IP Messaging Suite Product Overview
■ V7350 IP Messaging Suite Installation Guide
■ V7350 IP Messaging - 3Com Native Interface AT - A - GLANCE
■ V7350 IP Messaging Suite User Guide - 3Com Native Interface
■ V7350 IP Messaging - Traditional Interface AT - A - GLANCE
■ V7350 IP Messaging Suite User Guide - Traditional Interface
■ V7350 IP Messaging Suite Operations and System Administration
■ 3Com E-Mail Reader Application ReadMe
■ V7350 IP Messaging Suite Intelligent Mirroring Guide
■ IP Conferencing Module Installation Guide
■ IP Conferencing Module User and Administration Guide
■ Convergence Center Client User and Administration Guide
The following documents provide information on products that support
this release:
■ Enterprise Management Suite User Guide, Version 2.0
V7111 Fast Track Installation Guide
V7111 VoIP SIP Gateways User Manual
V7122 Gateway Fast Track Installation Guide
V7122 VoIP SIP Gateways User Manual
Your CommentsYour suggestions are important to us because we want to make our
documentation more useful to you.
Please send e-mail comments about this guide or any of the 3Com Voice
Products documentation and Help systems to:
Please include the following information with your comments:
■ Document title
■ Document part number (found on the front page)
■ Page number
■ Your name and organization (optional)
VCX Administration Guide
Part Number 900-0234-01 Rev AA
Page 25
Please address all questions regarding the 3Com software to your
authorized 3Com representative.
Direct Phone to
Gateway Dialing
This chapter provides information on how to configure the
authentication server through the provisioning server. Use the web
provisioning server to manage rate plans, patterns, and calls plans and
to add and manage users in specific network domains. Also, use the
web provisioning server to search users based on select criteria.
View no more than 50,000 objects through the provisioning server at a
time; otherwise, it could overload the provisioning server.
Be sure to set your Web browser preferences so that the cache is updated
when ever you modify or view a new web page.
This feature allows for remote survivability and requires no configuration.
Sites that do not have a local VCX V7000 IP Telephony Suite can still
make calls to each other as well as to the PSTN when the connection to
the remote IP Telephony Suite is lost, for instance, because of LAN issues
or a down IP Telephony Suite.
Accessing the
Server Interface
To access the authentication server interface through the web
provisioning server:
1 From a standard web browser, log into 3Com VCX 7000 main web page,
which is usually http://<IP address of VCX 7000 server>/voipadmin.
2 Click VCX Administrator Interface and log in.
3 At the top of the main page of the web provisioning server, click Users.
The 3COM Voice Core Exchange Authentication Server main page
appears. See Figure 1.
Figure 1 Authentication Server Main Page
Configuring End Users21
Configuring End
Use this feature to add and manage end users and end user phones.
Make searches to manage the URI addresses, call plans, and call plan
details associated with a specific end user. End user profiles can be added,
deleted, or modified.
Adding End UsersTo add a new end user profile:
1 Under the Users heading, click Add. See Figure 1.
The Add User page appears.
The Add User page contains three editable sections:
■ Personal Information—full name and date of birth
■ Address—address of your location
■ Web Login Information—web login username and password
2 Fill in the three sections on the Add User page. See Figure 2.
Figure 2 Add User Window
3 In the Personal Information section, edit the following fields and use the
examples in Table 3 as a guide:
Tab le 3 Adding Personal Information
TitleThe social title of the new
First NameThe first name of the new
Middle NameThe middle initial of the new
Last NameThe last name of the new
4 In the Address section, edit the following fields and use the examples in
Table 4 as a guide:
Tab le 4 Adding Address Information
Street-1The first line for the home
Street-2The second line for the home
CityThe city for the home address of
CountryThe country for the home
ZIP CodeThe ZIP Code or Postal Code for
address of the new user.
address of the new user. Use this
field for apartment/unit numbers
or P.O. Box numbers.
the new user.
The state/province for the home
address of the new user.
address of the new user.
the home address of the new
Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms.No
Jane, JohnYes
A., B., C., D.No
Doe, RoeYes
1234 University St.Yes
P.O. Box 5678No
NANP (US, Canada, &
5 In the Web Login Information section, edit the following fields and use
the examples in Table 5 as a guide:
The end user will use their web login username and password to access
their phone online from the Calling Features User Interface.
Tab le 5 Adding Web Login Password
Login NameThe unique web login name for the
new user.
PasswordThe unique password for the new
Confirm PasswordThe unique password for the new
user. Simply type the login
password again for verification
Note: If the password and
confirmation do not match, an error
6 When you are finished, click Save.
Viewing All End UsersTo view all end user profiles:
1 From the left-hand side of the main page, click the Users heading.
The Users page appears.
Configuring End Users23
Each row on the Users page contains six columns of information for each
end user. Table 6 lists each column and describes the type of information
available in that column.
Tab le 6 Users Page—Columns of Information
ColumnDescriptionSample Content
SelectionUse this column to select multiple users.
This is useful when deleting multiple
Login NameThis column contains a link which
allows you to edit the personal
information for an existing end user.
NameThis column contains the first, middle,
and last names of an existing end user
(as entered in the Add User page). This
field is not editable.
PhonesThis column contains a link which
allows you to view and add phones to
an existing end user.
John T. Smith
Tab le 6 Users Page—Columns of Information (continued)
ColumnDescriptionSample Content
ActionsThis column contains three actions you
can perform for each end user:
■ Add Phone—use this to add a
■ Clone—use this option to clone an
■ Delete—use this option to delete
2 Use the Users page to manage phones and other end user-specific
phone to an existing end user
existing end user
an existing end user
Searching for End
To search for specific end users:
1 Under the Users heading, click Search.
The Search Users page appears.
2 Use the following case-sensitive fields to search for specific users:
■ First Name
■ Last Name
■ Login Name
■ Phone Address
To search for all users, leave the search fields empty.
3 Click Search.
To clear all of these fields, click Reset.
The Users pages appears.
4 View and edit end user profiles according to your customized needs.
Configuring End Users25
Editing End User
To edit an end user profile:
1 Click the Users heading.
The Users page appears.
2 In the Login Name column, click the login name of the end user you want
to edit.
The Edit User page appears.
3 Make the necessary changes for this end user.
4 Click Save.
The Users page reappears with the changes saved for this end user.
Cloning End UsersClone an end user to save time. The cloning feature only clones basic end
user information, not specific phone features. This feature is particularly
useful when you are adding several users from the same geographical
To clone an end user:
1 Search for the particular end user you want to clone.
See Searching for End Users on page 24.
2 From the Users page, click Clone in the Actions column.
The Edit User page appears.
3 Edit the fields with new information for the cloned end user.
4 Click Save.
The Users page appears with the cloned end user listed.
Deleting End UsersUse the administration provisioning server to delete one or more end user
Deleting One End User
To delete one end users:
1 Search for the particular end user you want to delete.
See Searching for End Users on page 24.
If a phone exits for the user, delete the phone before deleting the user.
2 From the Users page, click Delete in the Actions column.
The Users page refreshes, showing the new list of end users.
Deleting Multiple End Users
To delete multiple end users:
1 Search for the particular end users you want to delete.
See Searching for End Users on page 24.
If a phone exits for the user, delete the phone before deleting the user.
2 From the Users page, select the checkbox preceding each end user you
want to delete.
3 At the top of the Users page, click Delete Selected.
The Users page refreshes, showing the new list of end users.
Configuring User Phones27
Configuring User
Adding PhonesTo add a new phone for an existing end user:
Use the provisioning server to add, delete, and modify phones profiles for
an existing user. Also, use the provisioning server to customize calling
features for an existing user.
1 Search for a particular end user.
See “Searching for End Users” on page 24.
2 From the Users page, click Phones in the Phones column.
The User Phones page appears. See Figure 3.
Figure 3 User Phones Window
3 From the User Phones page, click Add Phone.
The Add Phone page appears. See Figure 4.
Figure 4 Add Phone Window
4 Fill out the fields according to the descriptions in Table 7.
Configuring User Phones29
The Add Phone field descriptions are as follows:
Tab le 7 Add Phone Field Descriptions
NameIndicates the unique name for the phone.
For example:
Home Office
StatusIndicates the status of the phone. End users can only
Phone AddressA unique phone address.
Phone PasswordIndicates the unique password for the phone and is used
Confirm PasswordConfirms the unique password for the phone.
Max Allowed ContactsUse this field to configure a maximum number of SIP
Registration Interval (sec)How often a registration message is sent to server to see
Registration RequiredClick if you want registration to be enabled.
Out Bound Proxy■ IP — IP address of the out bound proxy.
make calls on a particular phone if it is enabled.
Use the sip:<user_extension>@<host_name> format
for this field.
For example:
for phone registration.
Note: The first digit of the password cannot be the
number zero.
contacts, or phone registrations, for a particular phone.
End users can register at multiple phones so that they
can access all of their customized calling features. An
end user cannot exceed the maximum number of SIP
Also, the SIP contacts are prioritized based on the
customized configuration of the phone. For more
information about SIP contacts, see “Adding Phone
Registrations” on page 40.
if it is active.
■ DNS — DNS of the out bound proxy.
■ Port— Port number of the out bound proxy.
Tab le 7 Add Phone Field Descriptions (continued)
Date Time Format Display Indicates the format of the phone’s LCD. An example of
Local Time ZoneTime zone of where the server is located.
Display NameThe name to be displayed on the phone’s LCD.
Number of LinesThe number of lines on the phones, varies by type of
Music On Hold ServerAddress of the Music on Hold server.
Domain Ring ToneThe type of ring tone you want to hear for phone calls
Anonymous Ring ToneThe type of ring tone you want to hear from anonymous
Other Ring ToneThe type of ring tone you want to hear for phone calls
Voice Mail ServerAddress of the voice mail server, where your phone
Class of ServiceIndicates what phone numbers an end user is allowed to
what each format would like is provided.
■ MMM dd HH:mm — Nov 07 16:20
■ MMM dd hh:mm a — Nov 07 04:20 AM or
Nov 07 04:20 PM
■ MM dd HH mm — 11/07 16:20
■ MM dd HH mm — 11/07 04:20 AM or
11/ 07 04:20 PM
■ dd MMM HH mm — 07 Nov 16:20
■ dd MMM hh mm a — 07 Nov 04:20 AM or
07 Nov 04:20 PM
■ dd MM HH mm — 07/11 16:20
■ dd MM hh mm a — 07/11 04:20 AM or
07/11 04:20 PM
Note: Daylight savings is not automatically set so you
need to set a specific time zone from the drop-down
For example:
within your network domain, which use Caller ID.
phone calls.
outside your network domain, which use Caller ID.
connects to so you can hear your voice mail messages.
For example, it is the UMS pilot number.
either place or receive. The phone numbers are bundles
into a Class of Service, which are configured in the
“Configuring Class of Service” section on page 60.
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