Display Function Switch
This switch affects the Status LEDs described in 4 and 5.
Activity/Duplex Status LEDs
The first (top) and third row of LEDs, which are colored yellow,
show the activity or duplex status of the related ports:
When the Display Function switch is out (its normal position),
these LEDs show the activity of each port. The LED flashes
when packets are received or transmitted on the port.
When the Display Function switch is pressed in, these LEDs
show the duplex status of each port:
Link/Speed Status LEDs
The second and fourth (bottom) row of Status LEDs, which are
colored green, show the link or speed status of the related ports:
When the Display Function switch is out (its normal position),
these LEDs show the link status of each port:
When the Display Function switch is pressed in, these LEDs
show the speed status of each port:
Power/Self Test LED
The Power/Self test LED shows a number of conditions:
Rear Panel Connections
Power S upply
The Baseline 10/100 Switch automatically adjusts to the supply
voltage. Only use the power cord that is supplied with the
Baseline 10/100 Switch.
Socket for Re dundant Po wer System (RPS)
Only connect a 3Com SuperStack 3 Advanced RPS (3C16070,
3C16071, 3C16071A or 3C16071B) to this socket. An
appropriate power module and cable is required. The connector
on the Baseline 10/100 Switch is a Type 2 socket. For details,
follow the installation instructions in the guides that accompany
the Advanced RPS and the power module.
CAUTION: When connecting an RPS power module cable
to the unit, take off the protective cover by removing the
fixings with a suitable tool. Keep the cover and the fixings in a safe place. If you remove the RPS power module
cable at any time, you must replace the protective cover.
Self-adhesive Pads
The unit is supplied with four self-adhesive rubber pads.
You do not need to apply the pads if you intend to rack
mount the unit.
If th e un it i s to be p art of a free sta ndi ng st ack , ap ply the pad s to
each marked corner area on the underside of the unit. Place the unit
on top of the lower unit, ensuring that the pads locate with the
rece sse s o f th e lo we r u nit .
Positioning the Baseline 10/100 Switch
CAUTION: If installing the Baseline 10/100 Switch in a
stack of different size SuperStack 3 units, the smaller
units must be installed above the larger ones. Do not
have a free standing stack of more than six units.
When deciding where to position the Baseline 10/100 Switch
It is accessible and cables can be connected easily.
Cabling is away from sources of electrical noise such as
radios, transmitters and broadband amplifiers, and away from
power lines and fluorescent lighting fixtures.
Water or moisture cannot enter the case of the unit.
Air flow around the unit and through the vents in the side of
the case is not restricted (3Com recommend that you provide
a minimum of 25mm (1in.) clearance).
To prolong the operational life of your units:
Never stack units more than six high if free standing, and
ensure that cables are supported so that they do not cause
the stack to fall over.
Do not place objects on top of any unit or stack.
Do not obstruct any vents at the sides of the case.
Rack Mounting
The Baseline 10/100 Switch can be mounted in a 19-inch equipment rack using the Mounting Kit. Refer to “Mounting Kit
Instructions” on page 5.
Power Up
Use the following sequence to power up the Baseline 10/100
Switch :
Check the network connections and cables.
Connect the power supply cable to the appropriate power
socket on the rear panel of the unit; refer to 7 or 8.
Connect the plug to the power supply outlet socket and
switch on the power supply at the socket. If you are using
the Advanced Redundant Power System, ensure it is powered on.
When the switch is powered on, the Power/Self Test LED should
first flash green, then stay lit. If it does not, refer to 6.
Spot Checks
At frequent intervals you should visually check the Baseline
10/100 Switch. Regular checks can give you an early warning of a
possible failure; any problems can then be attended to when
there will be least effect on users. Check the following:
If you experience any problems operating the Baseline 10/100 Switch,
refe r to “Problem Solving” on page 5.
This is t he no rma l po sition of th e swi tch.
The St at us L ED s s ho w t he Ac ti vi ty a nd L ink St at us of
each p ort .
When the switch is pressed in, the Status LEDs show
the Dup l ex a nd S pe ed St atu s of eac h p ort . Th e s wi tch
returns to the out pos ition whe n released.
The port is operating in full duplex mode.
Ports 1 to 24: If the link is established, the port is operating in
half du plex mode.
The li nk h as be en es ta bli she d a nd th e seg men t a tt ac h ed t o th e
port is functional.
The link has not bee n es tabli sh ed. Ei ther no thin g is conn ecte d
to the port, or there is a problem:
Check that the atta ched dev ice is power ed on.
Check that the cab le is the c orrec t type and i s not faul ty.
If the LED i s off f or por t 12 ( 3C1 646 4B) o r 2 4 (3C 16465 B) ,
check the setting of the MDI switch. Refe r to 2. Try toggling the
MDI switch.
If the port is conn ected to anoth er unit’s MDI/MDIX port, check
the othe r u nit’s MDI switch position .
If these ch eck s do no t i den tify the cau se of a proble m, i t m ay
be that the unit or the device connected to the port is faulty.
Contac t yo ur s uppl ier fo r f urt her a dvi ce.
The link is operating at 100Mbps.
If the link is pre sent, it is op er ating at 10Mb ps.
The unit is powered on and ready for use.
The unit is performing its power up procedure. If the LED is still
flashing gre en 1 min ute a fter po wer u p, th ere i s a f au lt. C ontact your s upp lier.
The unit has fa ile d. Po we r off t he unit , wa it f ive se con ds a nd
power on th e u nit. C o ntac t yo ur s uppl ier i f the LE D c onti nues
to light yellow.
The unit is not receiving power:
Check the power cord is connected correctly.
If the unit still does not operate, contact your supplier.
Cabling Check that all external cabling connections are secure
and th at no c ab les are pu l led ta ut.
Cooling fa ns Where p os si bl e, che ck th at th e c o oli ng fa ns are op er at -
ing by liste ning to the unit . The fan s a re fi tted near to
the front right hand side of the unit (when viewed from
the front) .