3B Scientific Teltron Luminescence Tube D User Manual

Luminescence Tube D 1000648
12/12 ALF
1 4-mm sockets for connecting
heater supply and cathode 2 Heater filament 3 Cathode 4 4-mm plug for connecting an-
ode 5 Luminescence screen
5.1 Zinc sulfide, activated with
5.2 Yttrium vanadate, activated
with europium
5.3 Zinc sulfide, activated with
silver and cobalt
5.4 As 6.3 but graphite-coated back
to prevent heat radiation 6 Boss 7 4-mm plug for luminescence
Hot cathode tubes are thin-walled, highly evacu­ated glass tubes. Treat them carefully as there is a risk of implosion.
Do not subject the tube to mechanical
Do not subject the connection leads to any
The tube may only be used with tube holder
D (1008507).
If voltage or current is too high or the cathode is at the wrong temperature, it can lead to the tube becoming destroyed.
Do not exceed the stated operating parame-
Only change circuits with power supply
equipment switched off.
Only exchange tubes with power supply
equipment switched off.
1. Safety instructions
When the tube is in operation, the stock of the tube may get hot.
Allow the tube to cool before dismantling.
The compliance with the EC directive on elec­tromagnetic compatibility is only guaranteed when using the recommended power supplies.
2. Description
The luminescence tube serves to demonstrate the luminescence of a phosphorous anode when excited by electrons (cathodoluminescence) or ultraviolet light (photoluminescence).
The luminescence tube is a highly evacuated tube with an electron gun consisting of a pure tungsten heater filament inside an apertured “cathode can” and a cylindrical anode contained in a clear glass bulb. A luminescence screen with three mica flags with different phosphors is mounted on a metal support.
3. Technical data
Filament voltage: 6.3 V AC/DC (8.0 V max.)
Filament current: 1.8 A typical at U
= 6.3 V
Anode voltage: 2000 - 5000 V DC Anode current: 180 µA typical at
= 4000 V
Screen current: 100 µA typical at
= 4000 V
Glass bulb: 130 mm diam. approx. Total length: 260 mm approx. Luminescence screen:
5.1: fluorescent blue, approx. 450 nm, me­dium decay time
5.2: fluorescent red, approx. 625 nm, me­dium short decay time
5.3: fluorescent green, approx. 510 nm fluo­rescent, approx. 515 nm phosphorescent, long decay time
4. Operation
To perform experiments using the luminescence tube, the following equipment is also required:
1 Tube holder D 1008507 1 High voltage power supply 5 kV (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003309 or 1 High voltage power supply 5 kV (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003310 1 Analogue multimeter AM51 1003074 1 High-pressure mercury vapour lamp 1000852 Spectrum tube power supply (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1003195 or Spectrum tube power supply (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003196
1 Infra-red light source
Additionally recommended: Protective Adapter, 2-Pole 1009961
4.1 Setting up the tube in the tube holder
The tube should not be mounted or removed
unless all power supplies are disconnected.
Push the jaw clamp sliders on the stanchion
of the tube holder right back so that the jaws open.
Push the bosses of the tube into the jaws.
Push the jaw clamps forward on the stan-
chions to secure the tube within the jaws.
If necessary plug the protective adapter onto
the connector sockets for the tube.
4.2 Removing the tube from the tube holder
To remove the tube, push the jaw clamps
right back again and take the tube out of the jaws.
5.1 Excitation by cathode ray bombardment
To better observe the afterglow effects
(phosphorescence), carry out the the last step of the experiment in a darkened room.
Set up the luminescence tube as shown in
Connect both the screens and the anode to
earth for maximum safety.
Set the voltage U
Observe the luminescence.
The three phosphors fluoresce at different wave­lengths (colours).
Vary the voltage between 2000 V and 4000 V.
Observe the change of the luminous phe-
While the intensity of the fluorescence varies with the voltage, wavelength does not.
With U
scope to view the emissions from each phosphor.
Note that the emission from the red phosphor comprises a number of discrete emission lines.
Switch off the power supply and observe the
afterglow (phosphorescence).
The removal of the source of thermionic bom­bardment causes luminescence to cease. The decay of emission from the phosphors is particu­larly apparent on the green phosphor.
5.2 Excitation by ultra-violet light
Carry out the experiment in a darkened
Set up the luminescence tube as shown in
Do not switch on the power supply.
Note that there is no visible photoluminescence due to the ambient light levels.
Illuminate the gun side of the screen with
ultra-violet light and note the initial time de­pendency of emission intensity.
The three phosphors fluoresce at the same wavelength as when excited by cathode ray bombardment.
Vary the intensity of the ulta-violet light, ei-
ther by changing the distance between the light source and the phosphor, or by inter­posing suitable filters.
While the intensity of the fluorescence varies with the intensity and energy of the exciting ra­diation, wavelength does not.
Remove the ultraviolet light and observe the
afterglow (phosphorescence).
The decay characteristic of the green phosphor appears longer than was observed after removal of cathode ray bombardment. The reason for this is that the phosphorescence of this material is quenched by infra-red radiation. When the filament supply is switched off there remains
5. Example experiments
at 4000 V use a hand held spectro-
to about 3500 V.
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