3B Scientific BONElike User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

The 3B Scientific®System Skulls are manufactured out of a new type of material. It allows for the first time an absolutely natural reproduction of even the finest anatomical structures. Bone products made of the new 3B BONElike
material both look and feel like real bones. Even the weight corresponds almost
exactly to that as in reality.
We are in the process of widening the range of bone products made of the 3B BONElikeTMmaterial - a selection of vertebrae are already underway. Further information is available in internet at http://www.3bscientific.com
Die 3B Scientific®Systemschädel sind aus einem neuartigen Material gefertigt, das erstmalig eine absolut detailgetreue Wiedergabe auch feinster anatomischer Strukturen erlaubt. Aus 3B BONElikeTMgerfertigte Knochen sehen aus wie echt, fühlen sich absolut natürlich an und auch das Gewicht entspricht fast genau dem eines natürlichen Knochens.
Wir planen, diese hochwertige Serie von Knochenmodellen weiterzuentwickeln - eine Auswahl von Wirbeln aus 3B BONElikeTMist bereits in Arbeit. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auch im Internet unter http://www.3bscientific.com
Los 3B Scientific®Cráneos sistemáticos están hecho de un material muy moderno, que permite por prime­ra vez una presentación absolutamente detallada de las estructuras anatómicas más finas. Los huesos producidos de 3B BONElikeTMparacen absolutamente reales, pero es al tacto muy natural y también el peso corresponde aproximadamente al peso de un hueso natural.
Planeamos proceder con el desenvolvimiento de esta serie de modelos de huesos de muy alta calidad ­una selección de vértebras de 3B BONElikeTMya se encuentra en el proceso. Por más información le rogamos dirigirse al internet: http://www.3bscientific.com
3B BONElike
3B BONElike
Les crânes du système 3B Scientific®ont été fabriqués à partir d'un nouveau type de matériel. Il permet pour la première fois une reproduction absolument correcte des structures anatomiques. Les produits fabriqués à partir du matériel 3B BONElikeTMont l'aspect et la structure de vrais os. Leur poids en lui-même correspond exactement à la réalité.
Nous sommes en train d'élargir notre rangée de produits fabriqués avec 3B BONElikeTM, une selection de vertèbres étant déjà en phase de développement. Pour plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à consulter notre sîte internet: http://www.3bscientific.com
Os crâneos sistemáticos 3B Scientific®são feitos de um material novo, que permite pela primeira vez uma reprodução absolutamente detalhada dos ossos e das mais finas estruturas anatômicas. Os ossos feitos com o 3B BONElikeTMparecem verdadeiros, com aspecto e peso que correspondem quase cem por cento aos de um osso natural.
Nós planejamos continuar desenvolvendo esta séria de modelos de ossos – uma seleção de vértebras feitas de 3B BONElikeTMjá está sendo trabalhada. Mais informações você encontrará na Internet, em http://www.3bscientific.com
English English
A282 Combi skull, transparent/bone
This combination of one transparent and one bony skull half is unique and offers, especially teachers of anatomy, a topographic comparison of the structures which are not visible in other skull models. The right, transparent skull half offers the study of important anatomical details, such as the location of the nasal sinuses. When used in combi­nation with the left bony skull half, the student is easily able to transpose the positioning of the sinu­ses to his understanding of the bony skull.
The transparency of the jaw allows a unique view of the peridontal pockets and tooth roots. The teeth can be taken out for a detailed view. In addition, the outer masticatory muscles (M. masseter, M. temporalis) are represented on the bony skull half. These features make the skull especially valuable for dentists as well.
The skull can be disassembled into two halves each of the calvarium and base of skull, the nasal septum, the complete mandible and both mastica­tory muscles.
A283 Didactic skull deluxe
This world-wide unique and top-quality skull does not leave any ques­tions in the stu­dy of anatomy of the skull un­answered! The possibility of transposing the structures visible in the transparent half to the bony half gives this skull an especially high didactic value.
In the right, trans­parent skull half, the location of the nasal sinuses can be easily viewed even from the outside, since they are marked in different colours: maxillary sinus (yellow), ethmoi­dal cells (orange), frontal sinus (green), sphenoidal sinus (purple). The sinuses in the skull, and the neck and face arteries are also shown in different colours: Sinus durae matris (blue), A. carotis com., A. carotis ext., A. carotis int. and the branches of the A. meningea (red).
One half of the brain, which can also be viewed through the transparent calvarium, visualizes the relative location of the cerebrum and the course of the sinuses.
The peridontal pockets and tooth roots can be vie­wed through the transparent jaw. The teeth can be taken out for more detailed studies. The mandible is mounted flexibly to allow demonstration of the masticatory motion.
The skull is mounted on a cervical spine and can be disassembled into two calvarium halves, the left half of the base of skull, the nasal septum, the com­plete mandible and a brain half.
3B Scientific®System Skulls
for qualified higher education
A280 Bony skull half
This unique version of a left half of the osteocrani­um is especially suited for the students budget. The half skull can be disassembled into the calvarium, base of skull, mandible and nasal septum. An affordable first-class model for the study of all ana­tomical structures.
A281 Bony skull
This version shows a complete skull in median­sagittal section. It can be disassembled into two halves each of the calvarium and base of skull, the nasal septum and the complete mandible. For a demonstration of the masticatory motions, the man­dible is mounted flexibly. An outstanding skull for the study of the bony structure and the complex anatomy of the human skull
The series of 3B Scientific®system skulls was deve­loped especially for university studies in order to meet highest educational standards.
This original cast of a first-class human skull, in median-sagittal section, is available in various models.
All bony anatomical details are represented so true to life that the models can hardly be distinguished from the original skull. Even the nasal sinuses are shown in their natural moulding. For a close study
of the nasal turbinate the nasal septum is detach­able. All the teeth are individually removable.
Thanks to the use of the new 3B BONElikeTMmate­rial and sophisticated production procedures, the skulls have an absolutely realistic appearance and their weight is almost the same as that of a real skull.
Free detailed depictions for your teaching or study­ing purposes are available on the Internet at
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