U17451 Analog Multimeter
Instruction sheet
10/04 MC/ALF
Handheld meter used to measure
current, voltage and resistance as
well as gain levels or attenuation e.g.
in chains of quadripoles.
1. Safety instructions
• Before using the analog multime-
ter, make sure you read the operating instructions carefully and
that you comply with them completely.
• The safety of the multimeter and
the person operating it can only
be guaranteed if it is used in accordance with the instructions. Do
not operate or handle this unit
incorrectly or inappropriately.
• The device may only be used by
persons, who are aware of the hazards of contact (for voltages over
30 V rms) and can undertake the
appropriate safety precautions.
1 Rotary switch to select
measurement range
2 Rotary knob to set full-scale
deflection for 0 Ω
3 Connection for voltage
4 Connection for current and
This also includes the appearance
of unforeseen voltages e.g. in defective units or charged capacitors.
• In the case of voltage and current
measurements the nominal voltage between the phase and neutral conductor may not exceed 300
V according to CAT II (in circuits
that are directly connected to the
mains) and CAT III (in building wiring installations) 300 V.
• The analog multimeter may not be
used for measurements in circuits
with corona discharge (high voltage).
• In measurements involving RF cir-
cuits special care must be taken
due to the existence of dangerous
hybrid voltages.
• The appropriate permissible mea-
surement range may not be exceeded. Always change from a
resistance measurement
5 Connection for ground
6 Adjustment screw for
mechanical zero-point
7 Nub to latch the housing

higher measurement range to a
lower measurement range.
• Before using the device, check the
housing and the measurement
cables for any damage.
• Do not conduct measurements in
a damp environment. Workplace,
hands, shoes and floor must be dry.
• Before opening the housing all
measurement leads are disconnected from the device.
2. Description, technical data
Passive analog multimeter with a
rotary switch for selecting the measurement ranges and a scale with
mirrored background for parallaxfree readings. The device is extremely robust in terms of load capacity
and is equipped with excellent overload protection due to its two antiparallel diodes as well as moving coil
movement, which is not sensitive to
external electromagnetic fields. The
safety connection sockets offer protection against accidental touch contact. The robust plastic housing and
the spring-connected bearing jewels
of the movement guarantee protection against damage caused by mechanical stress.
Measurement ranges:
Voltage measurement:
Meas. range Int. resistance
100 mV 2 kΩ
1 V 20 kΩ
10 V 200 kΩ
30 V 600 kΩ
100 V 2 MΩ
300 V 6 MΩ
600 V 12 MΩ
Meas. range Int. resistance
10 V 66,7 kΩ
30 V 200 kΩ
100 V 667 kΩ
300 V 2 MΩ
600 V 4 MΩ
Current measurement:
Meas. range Voltage drop
50 µA 100 mV
1 mA 500 mV
10 mA 500 mV
100 mA 500 mV
1 A 190 mV
Meas. range Voltage drop
3 mA 1.5 V
30 mA 1.6 V
300 mA 1.6 V
3 A 1.8 V
Resistance measurement:
Rotary Meas. range meas.
switch and scale center current
Ω x 1 1 Ω...35 kΩ...5 kΩ 45 mA
Ω x 10 10 Ω...350 kΩ...50 kΩ 4.5 mA
Ω x 100100 Ω...3.5 kΩ...500 kΩ 0.45 mA
Accuracy: Class 2,5
Influencing variables and nominal
operating ranges:
Temperature 0 – 40° C:
± 1% / 10 K for DC; ± 2.5% / 10 K
for 100 mV/50 µA DC; ± 1.5% / 10 K
for AC
Frequency (30 Hz...1 kHz): ± 2.5%
Reference conditions: