SEK Optics U8503000
Elwe Didactic GmbH • Steinfelsstr. 6 • 08248 Klingenthal • Germany • www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments
© Copyright 2010 3B Scientific GmbH
1 2 Lenses, f = + 50 mm
2 1 Lens, f = + 100 mm
3 1 Lens, f = + 300 mm
4 1 Lens, f = -100 mm
5 1 Slide holder
6 4 Tea candles
7 1 Object for casting shadows
8 1 F-shaped slide
9 1 Colour filter, red
10 1 Colour filter, blue
11 1 Object for use as an image
12 1 Slide with multiple slits
13 1 Slide with single slit
14 1 Plastic container
15 1 Flexible mirror
16 1 Holder
17 1 Plug-in power supply
18 1 Optical lamp
19 1 Rectangular block
20 1 Semi-circular body
21 1 Converging lens
22 1 Diverging lens
23 1 Prism
24 1 Optical bench
25 1 Projection screen/inclined bench
26 1 Acrylic block
27 Set of overlays

SEK Optics/Optical lenses
Work sheet
O401 Path of light through a converging lens (convex lens)
x Investigate the passage of light through a converging lens.
From SEK Optics (U8503000)
1 Optical lamp
1 Converging lens
1 Inclined bench and screen
Overlays O401/1, O401/2 and O401/3
Additionally required
1 Ruler
1 Pencil
Set-up and procedure
Fig. 1 Set-up for O401/1
Fig. 2 Set-up for O401/2
Fig. 3 Set-up for O401/3
1) Place overlay O401/1 on the inclined bench.
2) Connect the optical lamp to its power supply.
3) Place the converging lens over the appropriate
marks on the overlay (see Fig. 1).
4) Align the optical lamp and the inclined bench
in such a way that the beam of light hits the
lens as indicated on the overlay.
5) Observe the path of the beams before and after
passing through the lens and trace them onto
the overlay.
6) Repeat the experiment using overlays O401/2
and O401/3 (see Figs. 2 and 3).
Complete the following statements:
1) When light encounters a converging lens, parallel beams are focused towards a
focal point
beam. After the focal point the
beam then
2) A converging lens can be identified in that it is
in the middle.
Answer the following question:
Which of the lenses in Fig. 4 are converging lenses?
Fig. 4
Correct: A and D