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Published by ZyXEL Communications Corporation. All rights reserved.
ZyXEL does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any products, or software
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This publication is subject to change without notice.
Trademarks mentioned in this publication are used for identification purposes only and may be properties of
their respective owners. ZyNOS is a registered trademark of ZyXEL Communications Corporation
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) Interference Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
♦ This device may not cause harmful interference.
♦ This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a CLASS B digital device pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio/television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Notice 1
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment.
Notice 2
Shielded RS-232 cables are required to be used to ensure compliance with FCC Part 15, and it is the
responsibility of the user to provide and use shielded RS-232 cables.Certifications
Refer to the product page at
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
ZyXEL Limited Warranty
ZyXEL warrants to the original end user (purchaser) that this product is free from any defects in materials
or workmanship for a period of up to two (2) years from the date of purchase. During the warranty period,
and upon proof of purchase, should the product have indications of failure due to faulty workmanship
and/or materials, ZyXEL will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective products or components
without charge for either parts or labor, and to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to restore the
product or components to proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a new or remanufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value, and will be solely at the discretion of ZyXEL.
This warranty shall not apply if the product is modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by an act of
God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions.
Repair or replacement, as provided under this warranty, is the exclusive remedy of the purchaser. This
warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. ZyXEL shall in no event be held liable for indirect
or consequential damages of any kind of character to the purchaser.
To obtain the services of this warranty, contact ZyXEL's Service Center; refer to the separate Warranty
Card for your Return Material Authorization number (RMA). Products must be returned Postage Prepaid. It
is recommended that the unit be insured when shipped. Any returned products without proof of purchase or
those with an out-dated warranty will be repaired or replaced (at the discretion of ZyXEL) and the customer
will be billed for parts and labor. All repaired or replaced products will be shipped by ZyXEL to the
corresponding return address, Postage Paid (USA and territories only). If the customer desires some other
return destination beyond the U.S. borders, the customer shall bear the cost of the return shipment. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
ZyXEL Limited Warrantyv
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Customer Support
Please have the following information ready when you contact customer support.
• Product model and serial number.
• Information in Menu 24.2.1 – System Information.
• Warranty Information.
• Date that you received your device.
• Brief description of the problem and the steps you took to solve it.
Customer Support
List of Figures............................................................................................................................................xiii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................xvii
What is DSL? ............................................................................................................................................xxi
GETTING STARTED...................................................................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your P643 ADSL Internet Access Router............................................... 1-1
1.1Prestige 643 ADSL Internet Access Router............................................................................... 1-1
1.2Features of the Prestige 643 ....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3Applications for the Prestige 643............................................................................................... 1-4
3.6IP Alias .......................................................................................................................................3-5
IP Alias Setup .....................................................................................................................................3-6
3.7Route IP Setup ............................................................................................................................3-8
3.8TCP/IP Ethernet Setup and DHCP..............................................................................................3-8
15.1Problems Starting Up the Prestige ............................................................................................15-1
15.2Problems With the WAN Interface........................................................................................... 15-1
15.3Problems with the LAN Interface.............................................................................................15-2
15.4Problems Connecting to a Remote Node or ISP.......................................................................15-2
PPPOE......................................................................................................................................................... A
Virtual Circuit Topology ............................................................................................................................ C
Example Internal SPTGEN Screens ......................................................................................................... E
Index ......................................................................................................................................................... AA
xTable of Contents
P643 ADSL Router
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Internet Access Application ......................................................................................................... 1-5
Table 10-6 Third Party FTP Clients – General Fields ................................................................................ 10-17
Table 10-7 Time and Date Setting Fields ................................................................................................... 10-21
Table 11-1 Menu 24.11 – Remote Management Control ..............................................................................11-1
List of Tablesxv
P643 ADSL Router
Table 13-1 IP Routing Policy Summary .......................................................................................................13-3
Table 13-2 IP Routing Policy........................................................................................................................13-4
Table 14-1 Schedule Set Setup Fields...........................................................................................................14-2
Table 15-1 Troubleshooting the Start-Up of your Prestige ........................................................................... 15-1
Table 15-2 Troubleshooting the ADSL connection ......................................................................................15-1
Table 15-3 Troubleshooting the LAN Interface ............................................................................................15-2
Table 15-4 Troubleshooting a Connection to a Remote Node or ISP...........................................................15-2
xviList of Tables
P643 ADSL Router
Congratulations on your purchase of the Prestige 643 ADSL Internet Access Router.
Don’t forget to register your Prestige (fast, easy online registration at for free future product updates and information.
The Prestige 643 is an ADSL router used for Internet/LAN access via an ADSL line.
The P643 can run maximum upstream transmission rates of 640Kbps and maximum downstream
transmission rates of 8Mbps. The actual rate depends on the copper category of your telephone wire,
distance from the central office and the type of ADSL service subscribed to. See the sections below for
more background information on DSL and ADSL.
The P643's 10/100M auto-negotiating LAN interface enables fast data transfer of either 10Mbps or
100Mbps in either half-duplex or full-duplex mode depending on your Ethernet network.
Your Prestige is easy to install and to configure. All functions of the Prestige are software configurable via
the SMT (System Management Terminal).
About This User's Guide
This user's guide covers all aspects of the Prestige 643 operations and shows you how to get the best out of
the multiple advanced features of your ADSL Internet Access Router using the SMT. It is designed to guide
you through the correct configuration of your Prestige 643 for various applications.
Related Documentation
This information may also be viewed at our website ( The website FAQs and Notes
are periodically updated as new information becomes available.
¾Supporting Disk
More detailed information and examples can be found in our included disk (as well as on the web site). This disk contains information on configuring your Prestige for Internet
Access, general and advanced FAQs, Application Notes, Troubleshooting, a reference for CI
Commands/bundled software and information on installing and using the Prestige Windows-based
Internet Access configuration wizard.
¾Read Me First
Our Read Me First document is designed to help you get up and running right away. It contains a
detailed easy-to-follow connection diagram, default settings, handy checklists and information on
setting up your network and configuring for Internet access.
¾Packing List Card
P643 ADSL Router
The Packing List Card lists all items that should have come in the package.
¾ Glossary
Please refer to for an online glossary of networking terms.
¾ ZyXEL Web Site
The ZyXEL download library at contains additional support documentation.
Syntax Conventions
•“Enter” means for you to type one or more characters and press the carriage return. “Select” or
“Choose” means for you to select one from the predefined choices.
•The SMT menu titles and labels are in Bold Times font. The choices of a menu item are in Bold
Arial font. A single keystroke is in Arial font and enclosed in square brackets, for instance, [ENTER]
means the Enter, or carriage return, key; [ESC] means the Escape key.
•For brevity’s sake, we will use “e.g.” as a shorthand for “for instance”, and “i.e.” as a shorthand for
“that is” or “in other words” throughout this manual.
•We will refer to the Prestige 643 ADSL router as the Prestige 643, P643 or simply the Prestige from
now on.
The following section offers some background information on DSL. Skip to Chapter 1 if you wish to begin
working with your router right away.
P643 ADSL Router
What is DSL?
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology enhances the data capacity of the existing twisted-pair wire that
runs between the local telephone company switching offices and most homes and offices. While the wire
itself can handle higher frequencies, the telephone switching equipment is designed to cut off signals above
4,000 Hz to filter noise off the voice line, but now everybody is searching for ways to get more bandwidth
to improve access to the Web - hence DSL technologies.
There are actually seven types of DSL service, ranging in speeds from 16 Kbits/sec to 52 Mbits/sec. The
services are either symmetrical (traffic flows at the same speed in both directions), or asymmetrical (the
downstream capacity is higher than the upstream capacity). Asymmetrical services (ADSL) are suitable for
Internet users because more information is usually downloaded than uploaded. For example, a simple
button click in a web browser can start an extended download that includes graphics and text.
As data rates increase, the carrying distance decreases. That means that users who are beyond a certain
distance from the telephone company’s central office may not be able to obtain the higher speeds.
A DSL connection is a point-to-point dedicated circuit, meaning that the link is always up and there is no
dialing required.
What is ADSL?
It is an asymmetrical technology, meaning that the downstream data rate is much higher than the upstream
data rate. As mentioned, this works well for a typical Internet session in which more information is
downloaded, e.g., from Web servers, than is uploaded. ADSL operates in a frequency range that is above
the frequency range of voice services, so the two systems can operate over the same cable.
What is DSL?xix
Getting Started
PPaarrtt II::
This part is structured as a step-by-step guide to help you connect, install and set up your
Prestige to operate on your network and to access the Internet. Described are Key Features and
Applications, Hardware Installation, Initial Setup and Internet Access.
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Chapter 1
Getting to Know Your P643 ADSL
Internet Access Router
This chapter describes the key features and applications of your Prestige.
1.1 Prestige 643 ADSL Internet Access Router
Your Prestige integrates a high-speed 10/100Mbps auto-negotiating LAN interface and one high-speed
ADSL port into a single package. The Prestige is ideal for high-speed Internet browsing and making LANto-LAN connections to remote networks.
1.2 Features of the Prestige 643
Your Prestige is packed with a number of features that give it the flexibility to provide a complete
networking solution for almost any user.
z 4-Port Switch
A combination of switch and router makes your Prestige a cost-effective and viable network solution. A 4port bandwidth-sensitive 10/100Mbps switch provides greater network efficiency than traditional hubs
because the bandwidth is dedicated and not shared. An unlimited number of computers may be connected
to your Prestige by adding other hubs - should your LAN consist of more than 4 computers.
z High Speed Internet Access
Your Prestige ADSL router can support downstream transmission rates of up to 8Mbps and upstream
transmission rates of 1024 Kbps. Your Prestige also supports rate management; rate management allows
ADSL subscribers to select an Internet access speed that best suits their needs and budgets.
z PPPoE Support (RFC2516)
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) emulates a Dial-Up connection. It allows your ISP to use
their existing network configuration with newer broadband technologies such as ADSL. The PPPoE driver
on the Prestige is transparent to the computers on the LAN, which see only Ethernet and are not aware of
PPPoE thus saving you from having to manage PPPoE clients on individual computers.
Getting to know your Prestige 1-1
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
zInternal SPTGEN
Internal SPTGEN (System Parameter Table Generator) lets you configure, save and upload multiple menus
at the same time using just one configuration text file - eliminating the need to navigate and configure
individual SMT menus for each Prestige.
Versions of Internal SPTGEN differ by Prestige model.
z Transmission Rate Standards
♦ Supports Multi-Mode standard (ANSI T1.413, Issue 2; G.dmt(G.992.1); G.lite(G992.2))
♦ Full-Rate (ANSI T1.413, Issue 2; G.dmt(G.992.1)) with line rate support of up to 8Mbps
downstream and 1024kbps upstream.
♦ G.lite (G.992.2) with line rate support of up to 1.5Mbps downstream and 512Kbps upstream.
z IP Alias
IP Alias allows you to partition a physical network into logical networks over the same Ethernet interface.
The Prestige supports three logical LAN interfaces via its single physical Ethernet interface with the
Prestige itself as the gateway for each LAN network.
z IP Multicast
Traditionally, IP packets are transmitted in two ways: unicast or broadcast. Multicast is a third way to
deliver IP packets to a group of hosts. IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) is the protocol used to
support multicast groups. The latest version is version 2 (see RFC2236). Both versions 1 and 2 are
supported by the Prestige
z IP Policy Routing (IPPR)
Traditionally, routing is based on the destination address only and the router takes the shortest path to
forward a packet. IP Policy Routing (IPPR) provides a mechanism to override the default routing behavior
and alter the packet forwarding based on the policy defined by the network administrator.
z 10/100M Auto-negotiation Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Interface
This auto-negotiation feature allows the Prestige to detect the speed of incoming transmissions and adjust
appropriately without manual intervention. It allows data transfer of either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps in either
half-duplex or full-duplex mode depending on your Ethernet network.
z Protocols Supported
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network layer protocol.
Depends on firmware release version.
1-2Getting to know your Prestige
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) link layer protocol.
SUA™ (Single User Account) and NAT (Network Address Translation).
♦ Transparently bridging for unsupported network layer protocols.
z Remote Management Control
Remote management control allows you to manage Telnet, Web and FTP services. You can customize the
service port, access interface, and the secured client IP address to enhance security and flexibility.
z DHCP Support
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows the individual clients (computers) to obtain the
TCP/IP configuration at start-up from a centralized DHCP server. The Prestige has built-in DHCP server
capability enabled by default. It can assign IP addresses, an IP default gateway and DNS servers to DHCP
clients. The Prestige can now also act as a surrogate DHCP server (DHCP Relay) where it relays IP address
assignment from the actual real DHCP server to the clients.
z Multiple PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuits) Support
Your Prestige supports up to 8 PVC’s.
z Networking Compatibility
Your Prestige is compatible with the major ADSL DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer)
providers, making configuration as simple as possible for you.
z Multiplexing
The Prestige Series supports VC-based and LLC-based multiplexing.
z Encapsulation
The Prestige Series supports PPP (RFC 2364 - PPP over ATM Adaptation Layer 5), RFC 1483
encapsulation over ATM, MAC encapsulated routing as well as PPP over Ethernet (RFC 2516).
z NAT/SUA for Single-IP-address Internet Access
The Prestige's SUA (Single User Account) feature allows multiple-user Internet access for the cost of a
single IP account. SUA supports popular Internet applications such as MS traceroute, CuSeeMe, IRC,
RealAudio, VDOLive, Quake, and PPTP. No configuration is needed to support these applications.
The Prestige supports PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) and CHAP (Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol). CHAP is more secure since the password is scrambled prior to transmission.
However, PAP is readily available on more platforms.
z Filters
The Prestige's packet filtering functions allows added network security and management.
z Ease of Installation
Your Prestige is designed for quick, intuitive and easy installation.
z Housing
Your Prestige's all new compact, ventilated housing minimizes space requirements making it easy to
position anywhere in your busy office. The Prestige is easy to mount on your wall.
1.3 Applications for the Prestige 643
1.3.1 Internet Access
The Prestige is the ideal high-speed Internet access solution. Your Prestige supports the TCP/IP protocol,
which the Internet uses exclusively. It is compatible with all major ADSL DSLAM (Digital Subscriber
Line Access Multiplexer) providers. A DSLAM is a rack of ADSL line cards with data multiplexed into a
backbone network interface/connection (e.g., T1, OC3, DS3, ATM or Frame Relay). Think of it as the
equivalent of a modem rack for ADSL. A typical Internet Access application is shown below.
1-4Getting to know your Prestige
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Figure 1-1 Internet Access Application
Internet Single User Account
For a SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) environment, your Prestige offers the Single User Account (SUA)
feature that allows multiple users on the LAN (Local Area Network) to access the Internet concurrently for
the cost of a single IP address.
1.3.2 LAN to LAN Application
You can use the Prestige to connect two geogr
LAN-to-LAN application for your Prestige is shown as follows.
Figure 1-2 LAN-to-LAN Application
Getting to know your Prestige 1-5
ly dispersed networks over the ADSL line. A typical
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Chapter 2
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
This chapter describes the physical features of the Prestige and how to make cable connections
2.1 Front Panel LEDs of the P643
The LED indicators on the front panel indicate the operational status of your Prestige. The table below the
diagram describes the LED functions:
Figure 2-1 Prestige 643 Front Panel.
Table 2-1 Front Panel LED Description
PWRThe PWR (Power) LED is on when power is applied to the Prestige.
SYSThe SYS (System) LED is on when the Prestige is functioning properly.
The SYS LED blinks when the Prestige is rebooting.
The SYS LED is off when the system is not ready or has malfunctioned.
LAN 10/100MThe LAN (Local Area Network) 10/100M LED is on when the Prestige has a
successful 100Mb Ethernet connection.
The LAN LED is off when the Prestige has a successful 10Mb Ethernet connection.
LIN/ACTThe LIN/ACT LED is on when the Prestige has a successful Ethernet connection.
The LIN/ACT LED blinks when data is sent or received.
The LIN/ACT LED is off when the system is not ready or has malfunctioned.
ADSLThe ADSL (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line) LED is on when the Prestige is
linked successfully to a DSLAM.
The ADSL LED blinks when initializing or when data is sent/received.
The ADSL LED is off when the link is down.
Hardware Installation & Setup 2-1
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
2.2 Rear Panel and Connections of the Prestige 643
The following figure shows the rear panel connectors of your Prestige:
Figure 2-2 Prestige 643 Rear Panel
Step 1: Connecting the ADSL Line
Connect the Prestige directly to the wall jack using the included ADSL cable. Connect a microfilter(s)
between the wall jack and your telephone(s). A microfilter acts as low-pass filter (voice transmission takes
place in the 0 to 4KHz bandwidth) and is an optional purchase.
Step 2: Connecting a Workstation to the Prestige 10/100M LAN port
Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-T networks use Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cable with RJ-45 connectors that
look like a bigger telephone plug with 8 pins. Use the straight-through cable to connect your Prestige to a
computer directly or use a crossover Ethernet cable to connect to an external hub, then connect one end of
the straight-through cable from the hub to the NIC on the workstation.
Step 3.
Connect the power adapter to the port labeled POWER on the rear panel of your Prestige.
2-2Hardware Installation & Setup
Connecting the Power Adapter to your Prestige
Please note that the Power Switch is not available in all P643 models.
Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Step 4. Connecting the Console Port
For the initial configuration of your Prestige, use terminal emulator software on a computer for configuring
your Prestige via console port. Connect the 9-pin end of the console cable (9-pin to 25-pin console cable
supplied) to the console port of the Prestige and the 25-pin end to a serial port (COM1, COM2 or other
COM port) of your workstation. You can use an extension RS-232 cable if the enclosed one is too short.
2.3 Additional Installation Requirements
In addition to the contents of your package, there are other hardware and software requirements you need to
meet before you can install and use your Prestige. These requirements include:
z A computer with an Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-T NIC (Network Interface Card).
z A computer equipped with communications software (for example, Hyper Terminal in Win95)
configured to the following parameters:
¾ VT100 terminal emulation.
¾ 9600 Baud rate.
¾ Parity set to None, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit.
¾ Flow Control set to None
After the Prestige has been successfully connected to your network, you can make future changes to the
configuration via Telnet.
2.4 Connecting a POTS Splitter
This is for the Prestige that follows the Full Rate (G.dmt) standard only. One major difference between
ADSL and dial-up modems is the optional telephone splitter. This device keeps the telephone and ADSL
signals separated, giving them the capability to provide simultaneous Internet access and telephone service
on the same line. Splitters also eliminate the destructive interference conditions caused by telephone sets.
The purchase of a POTS splitter is optional.
Noise generated from a telephone in the same frequency range as the ADSL signal can be disruptive to the
ADSL signal. In addition the impedance of a telephone when off-hook may be so low that it shunts the
strength of the ADSL signal. When a POTS splitter is installed at the entry point, where the line comes into
the home, it will filter the telephone signals before combining the ADSL and telephone signals transmitted
and received. The issues of noise and impedance are eliminated with a single POTS splitter installation.
Hardware Installation & Setup 2-3
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