Zte ZXR10 8912E, ZXR10 8908E, ZXR10 8905E Product Description

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ZXR10 8900E
series Core
Switch Product Description
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
ZTE Confidential Proprietary
© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
Version Date Author Approved By Remarks
V1.00 2011-03-25 Li Ying Shen Chunsheng Not open to the Third Party V1.01 2012-6-13 Li Ying Huang HongRu Dele te wro ng description
V1.02 2012-10-10 Li Ying Huang HongRu
Add new function in version
3.00.02 including VSCL2PT MFF and so on. Modif y the description about main control board and interface board. Update IPv6 function.
2012-11-16 Li Ying Huang HongRu UpdateThe description error
2013-02-19 Li Ying Huang HongRu
UpdateThe description about software load and unload
© 2013 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be
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subjected to change without notice.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
©2013ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ZTE Confidential Proprietary
1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 1
2 Highlights ........................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Super Big capacity/ High Density Interfaces ..................................................... 3
2.2 VSC Construct Solid Cloud Core ...................................................................... 3
2.3 Distributed Module Operating System ROS 5.0 ................................................ 3
2.4 Multi-service Bearing Capabilities ..................................................................... 4
2.5 Comprehensive IPv6 Features ......................................................................... 4
2.6 Multi-Dimensional Security & Reliability Mechanism Guarantees Ever-online
Services ........................................................................................................... 4
2.7 Environment-friendly Innovations ...................................................................... 5
3 Function introduction ..................................................................................... 6
3.1 L2 function ........................................................................................................ 6
3.1.1 Basic Ethernet features .................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 VLAN and relative features ............................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Link aggregation ............................................................................................. 11
3.1.4 Spanning tree ................................................................................................. 13
3.1.5 L2 multicast .................................................................................................... 15
3.1.6 L2PT ............................................................................................................... 16
3.2 L3 function ...................................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 IPv4 route protocol.......................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Ipv6 Routing ................................................................................................... 20
3.2.3 IPv4/IPv6 Transition ........................................................................................ 20
3.2.4 L3 Multicast .................................................................................................... 21
3.2.5 Controllable Multicast ..................................................................................... 23
3.2.6 MCE ............................................................................................................... 25
3.3 MPLS VPN ..................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Basic Functions of MPLS ................................................................................ 26
3.3.2 MPLS TE ........................................................................................................ 29
3.3.3 MPLS L2 VPN ................................................................................................ 30
3.3.4 MPLS L3 VPN ................................................................................................ 34
3.4 QoS ................................................................................................................ 35
3.4.1 Basic QoS ...................................................................................................... 35
3.4.2 MPLS QoS ..................................................................................................... 40
3.5 OAM ............................................................................................................... 41
3.5.1 Ethernet OAM ................................................................................................. 41
3.6 Clock synchronization ..................................................................................... 42
3.6.1 Clock source ................................................................................................... 42
3.6.2 Synchronous Ethernet .................................................................................... 42
3.6.3 IEEE 1588 v2.................................................................................................. 43
3.6.4 Clock protection .............................................................................................. 44
3.7 Reliability protection ........................................................................................ 45
3.7.1 Equipment-level protection ............................................................................. 45
3.7.2 Network detection mechanism ........................................................................ 46
3.7.3 VSC ................................................................................................................ 48
3.7.4 Ethernet intelligent protection ......................................................................... 49
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
3.7.5 L3 route protection .......................................................................................... 52
3.7.6 VPN Protection ............................................................................................... 53
3.7.7 FRR Protection ............................................................................................... 56
3.8 Security and Authentication ............................................................................ 60
3.8.1 ACL ................................................................................................................ 60
3.8.2 Device Authentication ..................................................................................... 61
3.8.3 Access Security .............................................................................................. 63
3.8.4 MFF ................................................................................................................ 65
3.8.5 Network Security ............................................................................................ 66
3.9 Network Traffic Analysis ................................................................................. 68
3.9.1 Sflow .............................................................................................................. 68
4 System Architecture ..................................................................................... 70
4.1 Appearance .................................................................................................... 70
4.1.1 ZXR10 8912E Appearance ............................................................................. 70
4.1.2 ZXR10 8908E Appearance ............................................................................. 72
4.1.3 ZXR10 8905E Appearance ............................................................................. 74
4.1.4 ZXR10 8902E Appearance ............................................................................. 76
4.2 Hardware Architecture .................................................................................... 76
4.2.1 Overall Hardware Architecture ........................................................................ 77
4.2.2 Working Principles of Hardware System ......................................................... 79
4.3 Hardware Boards ............................................................................................ 81
4.3.1 Switching Main Control Board ......................................................................... 81
4.3.2 Power Module ................................................................................................. 88
4.3.3 Interface Module ............................................................................................. 89
4.4 Software Architecture ..................................................................................... 92
4.4.1 System Software Architecture ......................................................................... 92
4.4.2 Software Platform ........................................................................................... 94
5 Technical Specifications .............................................................................. 98
5.1 Basic features ................................................................................................. 98
5.2 Interface Specifications ................................................................................... 99
5.3 Functions ...................................................................................................... 101
5.3.1 L2 features ................................................................................................... 101
5.3.2 L3 features ................................................................................................... 102
5.3.3 Multicast features ......................................................................................... 102
5.3.4 MPLS ........................................................................................................... 102
5.3.5 QoS .............................................................................................................. 103
5.3.6 Service Management .................................................................................... 104
5.3.7 Reliability ...................................................................................................... 104
5.3.8 System security ............................................................................................ 105
5.3.9 Clock synchronization ................................................................................... 106
5.3.10 Operating and Maintenance .......................................................................... 106
6 Typical Networking Mode ........................................................................... 108
6.1 Application in Metro Ethernet ........................................................................ 108
6.2 Application in Data Center ............................................................................ 109
6.3 Application in Campus Network .................................................................... 110
6.4 Application in FTTx ....................................................................................... 111
6.5 Application in IP RAN ................................................................................... 112
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
©2013ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
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7 Operation and Maintenance ....................................................................... 113
7.1 NetNumen U31 Unified Network Management Platform ............................... 113
7.1.1 Network Management Networking Mode ...................................................... 113
7.1.2 NetNumen U31 Network Management System ............................................. 114
7.2 Maintenance and Management .................................................................... 116
7.2.1 Multiple Configuration Modes ....................................................................... 116
7.2.2 Monitoring and Maintenance ......................................................................... 117
7.2.3 Software Upgrade ......................................................................................... 118
7.2.4 File System Management ............................................................................. 118
8 Glossary ...................................................................................................... 120
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Figure 1-1 ZXR10 8900E series product appearance ........................................................... 2
Figure 3-1 MC-ELAM structure........................................................................................... 13
Figure 3-2 L2TP Networking ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 3-3 Architecture of MCE .......................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-4 MPLS working principle ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-5 MPLS header structure ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-6 Basic VPWS network model .............................................................................. 30
Figure 3-7 Basic VPLS network model ............................................................................... 32
Figure 3-8 H-VPLS networking with U-PW access ............................................................. 32
Figure 3-9 H-VPLS networking with QinQ access .............................................................. 33
Figure 3-10 Basic BGP MPLS VPN network model ............................................................ 34
Figure 3-11 end to end MPLS QoS .................................................................................... 41
Figure 3-12 SyncE synchronization .................................................................................... 43
Figure 3-13 IEEE 1588 synchronization ............................................................................. 44
Figure 3-14 SQA association ............................................................................................. 48
Figure 3-15 VSC system logic connection diagram ............................................................ 48
Figure 3-15 ZESR break alarm........................................................................................... 49
Figure 3-16 ZESS protection mechanism ........................................................................... 51
Figure 3-17 ZESR+ working principle ................................................................................. 51
Figure 3-18 PW single-hop redundancy protection ............................................................. 54
Figure 3-19 PW multi-hop redundancy protection .............................................................. 54
Figure 3-20 CE dual-homing to PE ..................................................................................... 55
Figure 3-21 UPE dual-homing to NPE ................................................................................ 56
Figure 3-22 Route switching diagram ................................................................................. 56
Figure 3-23 Label switching diagram .................................................................................. 57
Figure 3-24 TE FRR local link and node protection ............................................................ 58
Figure 3-25 CE dual-homing model .................................................................................... 59
Figure 3-26 Multi-Level Processing Procedure ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3-27 sFlow Multi-level Architecture .......................................................................... 69
Figure 4-1 ZXR10 8912E appearance ................................................................................ 71
Figure 4-2 ZXR10 8912E structure ..................................................................................... 72
Figure 4-3 ZXR10 8908E appearance ................................................................................ 73
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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Figure 4-4 ZXR10 8908E structure ..................................................................................... 74
Figure 4-5 ZXR10 8905E appearance ................................................................................ 75
Figure 4-6 ZXR10 8905E structure ..................................................................................... 75
Figure 4-7 ZXR10 8902E appearance ................................................................................ 76
Figure 4-8 ZXR10 8902E structure ..................................................................................... 76
Figure 4-9 ZXR10 8912E/8908E/8905E hardware system architecture .............................. 77
Figure 4-10 ZXR10 8902E hardware system architecture .................................................. 77
Figure 4-11 ZXR10 8905E/8908E/8912Esystem hardware diagram .................................. 80
Figure 4-12 ZXR10 8902E system hardware diagram ........................................................ 80
Figure 4-13 Principle diagram of 8912E/8908E/8905E main control board ......................... 81
Figure 4-14 Principle diagram of 8902E main control board ............................................... 81
Figure 4-15 8912EMSC1D main control board panel diagram ........................................... 84
Figure 4-16 8912EMSC1A main control board panel diagram ............................................ 85
Figure 4-17 8908EMSC1D main control board panel diagram ........................................... 85
Figure 4-18 8905EMSC1D main control board panel diagram ........................................... 85
Figure 4-19 8902EMSC1D main control board panel diagram ........................................... 85
Figure 4-20 8902EMSC1A main control board panel diagram ............................................ 86
Figure 4-21 8912E/8908E/8905E DC power board diagram ............................................... 88
Figure 4-22 8912E/8908E/8905E AC power board diagram ............................................... 89
Figure 4-23 8902E DC power board diagram ..................................................................... 89
Figure 4-24 8902E AC power board diagram ..................................................................... 89
Figure 4-25 E1GF24A ........................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4-26 H2GF24D ........................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4-27 H2GF48D ........................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4-28 H2GT48D ........................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4-29 H2XF8D .......................................................................................................... 91
Figure 4-30 S1XF12A ........................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4-31 S2XF48A ........................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4-32 S2LQ6L2A ...................................................................................................... 92
Figure 4-33 8900E software system architecture ............................................................... 93
Figure 4-34 New-generation ZXROS V5.0 software platform system architecture .............. 95
Figure 6-1 Application in metro network ........................................................................... 108
Figure 6-2 Application of Data Center .............................................................................. 109
Figure 6-3 Enterprise network Application ........................................................................ 110
Figure 6-4 FTTx Application ............................................................................................. 111
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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Figure 6-5 Application in IP RAN ...................................................................................... 112
Table 4-1 Main control board panel interface features ........................................................ 86
Table 4-2 Main control board panel button function description .......................................... 87
Table 4-3 Main control board panel indicator function description ...................................... 87
Table 4-4 8900E interface board type ................................................................................ 90
Table 5-1 Basic features and performance ......................................................................... 98
Table 5-2 Interface Specifications ...................................................................................... 99
Table 5-3 L2 features ....................................................................................................... 101
Table 5-4 L3 features ....................................................................................................... 102
Table 5-5 Multicast features ............................................................................................. 102
Table 5-6 MPLS feature ................................................................................................... 102
Table 5-7 QoS .................................................................................................................. 103
Table 5-8 Service Management ....................................................................................... 104
Table 5-9 Reliability .......................................................................................................... 104
Table 5-10 System security .............................................................................................. 105
Table 5-11 Clock synchronization .................................................................................... 106
Table 5-12 Operating and Maintenance ........................................................................... 106
Table 8-1 Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 120
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
ZTE Confidential Proprietary
© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
1 Overview
ZXR10 8900E switch is ZTE’s new generation enhanced core switch. With years of experience in telecom network, ZTE des igns and develops 8 900E which has u ltra-large system capacity, ultra-high port density and u ltra-strong service funct ions . It c a n a ddres s immediate needs of metro network, data center network, campus network and enterprise network for network core equipment.
Today, telecom netw ork tends to larger user br oadba nd, ser vice bearing over I P and f lat network structure. Basic n e twor k is the unif orm, converged and ef f icient pla tf orm bearing various services. Becaus e of large-scale growth of VO IP/IPTV/VIP access/3G services and the introduction a nd deployment of IPv6 technolog y, there are higher re quirements for core /convergence switch. And the network is more complex, CAPEX and maintenance cost rem ains high, more devices are in use, secur ity and user experienc e (UX) is difficult to im prove. H ow to get o ut of thes e tro ubles is a hard nut f or c arriers and network administrators.
ZXR10 8900E core switch with large capacity adopts distributed design to provide high-density FE, GE an d 4 0G/100G p or t, lo w-power-consumption c omponent, innovative fan and power supply. With physical p ort i nte ll ige nt management mechanis m, it expands network capacity, incr eases c onvergence rat e with low investm ent, reduces the c ost per user, saves the space in equipment room, and drops energy consumption. It offers reliable equipment/link/network-level protection, and supports independent supervision plane. Adopting reconfigurable design, the software supports multiple switching technologies, and guarantees E2E service experience with multilevel QoS, and improves network reliability and quality to bring down user maintenance cost. It supports multiservice bearing, several clock synchronization technologies, IPTV, IPv6, and all-directional security. It can bear data, video and voice services, and integrates the characteristics of multiple network equipments to meet the requirements of different networks and reduce CAPEX. It offers excellent performance and features to h elp the users to build efficient, intelligent and reliable network.
ZXR10 8900E series include Z XR10 8912E, ZXR10 8908E, ZXR10 8905 E and ZXR10 8902E, which have 1 2, 8, 5 and 2 s ervice slots respective ly. They have high-integration interface boards and a wide variety of service f unctions. Their appearance is shown in Figure 1-1.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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Figure 1-1 ZXR10 8900E series product appearance
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
2 Highlights
2.1 Super Big capacity/ High Densi ty Interfaces
With distributed modular design, non-blocking switching architecture, brand new big-bandwidth fabric, ZXR10 8900E is an advanced core switch in the industry.
Each single slot of ZXR10 8900E c an pro vide m aximally 48* 10GE interfac es or 8*40G E interfaces. In the future 8900E will be able to be smoothly upgraded to provide 100G interfaces.
2.2 VSC Construc t Solid Cloud C ore
ZXR10 8900E supports Virtual Switch Clustering (VSC), which means the virtualization of multiple physical switches into one logical switch. VSC enhances cluster system capacity and port density, while at the same time simplifies simple topology and eases administration.
Multiple physical switches can be interconnected through the normal line cards. The 80KM interconnection capability makes it possible to implement remote IDC backup.
The bandwidth of th e V SC interc onnec tion can r each 320Gb ps, eliminating any possible bottleneck in the VSC system.
The forwarding inside VSC system is optimized so that there will be least amount of traffic passing between VSC members.
Switchover between master and slave in VSC system is really fast and the switchover will not cause any service interruption.
2.3 Distribute d Modul e Opera ting S ystem ROS 5.0
ZXR10 8900E adopts ful l-distributed m odular des ign: each proc ess enjo ys its dedicate d resources alone; the coordination between processes is efficient and secure.
Each line card has its own CPU, while the m ain-control card is equippe d with a more powerful CPU. Distributed protocol processing helps promote the overall computing efficiency.
The expansion of management interfaces is flexible. Currently ZXR10 8900E is compatible with management interfaces Netconf.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
© 2013ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ZTE Confidential Proprietary
2.4 Multi-service Bearing Ca pabilities
ZXR10 8900E supports rich features, including full L2/L3 features, multicast, MPLS L2/L3 VPN, etc.
ZXR10 8900E supports complete L2/L3 multicast technologies, including administratively scoped multicast, MVR, IGMP Snooping, Filtering, Proxy, Fast Leave, IGMP,PIM-DM/SM, PIM-SSM, DVMRP and MSDP. All these features help Enterprise user to deploy multicast applications such as video conferencing and video surveillances.
2.5 Comprehensive IP v6 Features
ZXR10 8900E supports comprehensive IP v6 features, to f acilitate the migratio n to IPv6 network. For exam ple, ZXR10 8900E supports all b asic IPv6 featur es such as ICMPv6, ND, SNMPv6, RADIUSv6; It also supports IPv6 routing protocols such as OSPFv3, IS-ISv6, BGP4 +, PIM-SM for IPv6, MLD snooping; M ultiple tunnel t echnologies are also supported including 6to4 tunnel, ISATAP tunnel, 6PE, etc.
2.6 Multi-Dimensional Securi ty & Reliability Mechanism Guarante es Ever-online Services
Security/Reliabilit y related designs in ZXR10 8 900E fall into five categor ies, which
are secure architec tur e, s e c ure management and cont r ol, sec ur e op erati ng system, secure calculation and reliable service.
Secure architecture: Redundant backup design has been put in place for the
forwarding control engines. Fast active/standby switchover is supported. Redundant power supp ly module, fan module and clock module combined to m ake the swit ch more robust. What’s more, ZXR10 8900E supports intelligent inspection, control, warning and hot-swappable components.
Secure management an d control: Independent control, m onitoring and forwarding
planes guarantee superior equipment stability.
Secure operating system: ZXR10 8900E supports modular service, intelligent
function modules
Secure processing: Based upon multi-core CPU, ZXR10 8900E implements
multi-thread parallel high-performance processing to guarantee seamless collaboration of multiple modules.
Reliable services: ZXR10 8900E supports multiple kinds of redundancy/backup
mechanisms including ZESR intelligent Ethernet smart ring, VRRP, LACP, FRR, NSF and BFD. Service reliability can be well guaranteed.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
2.7 Environment-friendly Inno vations
ZXR10 8900E supports multiple environmental-friendly innovations, including
centralized power manage ment, 5 level intelligent f an speed adjustment. A ll these environmental friendly designs help cut the power consumption.
ZXR10 8900E supports d ying gasp, in case th ere is a power f ailure, 8 900E c an st ill
send out an alarm to the network OAM center, to inform about the reason of the network break down. In th is way, the tim e to do the trouble-shooting on these kinds of events could be minimized.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
© 2013ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ZTE Confidential Proprietary
3 Function introduction
3.1 L2 function
3.1.1 Basic Ethern et featu r es MAC address management
As all forwarding tables of ZXR10 8900E are closely associated w ith MAC addresses, MAC management is t he most basic and most im portant module of Ethernet sw itch. It can maintain MAC address learning and synchronization and complete the following management function:
MAC address binding: Bind specific MAC address to switc h port. After bind ing, do
not dynamic learn M AC, w hich wi ll lim it us er physical locatio n and pr ot ec t important MAC address.
MAC address filtering: Afte r receiving the packets from source or destinati on MAC
address to specific MAC a ddress, the switch discard some pack ets to filter some undesired users.
MAC address num ber limit: Limit MAC address number of some ports to control
user number of som e por ts, and pr eve nt s ystem resour ces of runnin g o ut whe n the ports suffer from DOS attack.
MAC address freeze: Free ze some im portant ph ysical ports in s table net work, e.g.,
address of uplink port, so as to avoid network disconnection caused by the infringement of key MAC address.
MAC address multi-angle display: Display and count VLAN table according to
VLAN, port, static an d dynamic aspects, prov ide network diagnosis, and maintain network operation. Port mirroring
Port mirroring can aut omatically copy the tr affic of one port to th e port so that network administrator mak es real-time anal ysis on port traf fic when he jud ges network issues. It provides network administrator with a monitoring means. For ZXR10 8900E, any port can be configured to mirroring port; the ports at different rate can mirror to each other; many-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many port mirroring can also be done. The equipment supports cross-card port mirroring, and simultaneous mirroring of several
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
mirroring group. It su pports port-based m irroring as well as flo w-based and ACL-based one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many mirroring.
ZXR10 8900E can perform port mirroring in the same equipment, and remote port mirroring in RSPAN and ERSP AN. For RSP AN, mir roring port and m irrored port m ay be in different switches . In s om e cases, m onitoring equipm ent and s witch ar e ph ysically far away from each other, so a remote span technology is needed f or monitoring. RSPAN monitoring principle is: set RSPAN source port at source switch, configure remote VLAN, and send it out via Reflector port to reach destination switch via intermediate switch; configure destination port at destination switch t o reach remote monitoring d estination. ERSPAN (Encapsulated Remote SPAN), another remote port mirroring technology, adopts GRE tunnel to encapsulate service stream of source port and transport it to remote destination switch port. In the mirroring mode, data stream can fulfill the mirroring across L3 interface, and ordinary SPAN a nd RSPAN can on ly fulfill the m irroring acr oss L2 network. Port security and protection
ZXR10 8900E supports port traffic control, broadcast storm suppression, whether to allow jumbo fram e to pass, and rate negotiation to effective ly control por t data traffic, avoiding network blocking and ensuring normal operation of network services.
ZXR10 8900E can anal yze line diagnosis, check whether line and line c onnection are normal, and accurately locate line fault.
ZXR10 8900E can set som e or all port to loop check, and not check by default. The function can check user or switch loop of port connection to process the port so as to avoid switch broadcast storm and limit the effect to a certain port.
ZXR10 8900E supports VLAN-based loop check. The loop check can be perf ormed in PVID VLAN or user-specified VLAN. One port supports the loop check of at most 8 VLANs at the same time.
The implementation pr incip le of port loop ch eck is that the por t s ends L2 m ulticas t ever y 15 seconds; if there is a l oop at a por t, L2 m ulticast pac k et is returned t o th e port, t hus it can be judged that the loop is available.
3.1.2 VLAN and relative features
VLAN protocol, a basic pro tocol of L2 s witching equ ipm ent, enables the adm inistrator to divide one physical LAN into several VLAN. Each VLAN has one VLAN ID which uniquely identifies the VLAN. Se veral VLANs s hare the s witching eq uipment an d links of physical LAN.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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ZTE Confidential Proprietary
Each VLAN is logically like one indep endent LAN. All fram e traff ic in one VLAN is lim ited to the VLAN. Cross-VLAN access is made through L3 forwarding which will improve network performance and reduce the entire traffic in physical LAN.
VLAN reduces network broadcast stor m and increas es network security and c entralized management control.
ZXR10 8900E supports 802.1Q VLAN. The untagged pac ket can be added with VL AN tag based on subnet, protocol and port to support a wide variety of VLAN features.
According to 802.1Q V LA N prot oco l, 12-bit VLAN is li mit to 4096 in number , whi c h af f ec t some actual applications. 8900E has four extension modes: QinQ, PVLAN, VLAN translation, and L3-related Super VLAN. PVLAN
Private VLAN is a mechani sm that provides additional Layer 2 tr affic isolation between ports within a regular VLAN. This feature places constrains on traffic flow between specific ports in a VLAN. For instance, in an enterprise network, client ports can communicate with server ports, but not among each other.
Private VLAN is port based and it can be enabled through PVLAN_ENABLE field in PORT_TABLE for each port. There are three types of private VLAN ports:
Promiscuous port—a promiscuous port can communicate with all interfaces,
including the community and isolated ports within a private VLAN.
Isolated port—an isolated p ort has c om plete Layer 2 s eparatio n fr om all other por ts
within the same private VLAN except for the promiscuous ports. Private VLANs block all traffic to isolated ports except traffic from promiscuous ports. Traffic received from an isolated port is forwarded only to promiscuous ports.
Community port—Comm unity ports communicate among themselves and with the
promiscuous ports. These interfaces are isolated at Layer 2 from all other interfaces in other communities or isolated ports within their private VLAN.
PVLAN can effectivel y ensure the communic ation security of network data. The user is connected only to his default gateway. Without several VLAN and IP subnets, one PVLAN can provide the connection with L2 data communic ation security. All users can access PVLAN to connect default gateway without any access to other users in the PVLAN. PVLAN ensure th at the ports in one VLA N do not communicate with e ach other, but the services ca n go through T runk port. T hus, the users in one VLAN will not aff ect each other because of service broadcast.
PVLAN does not need protocol message. It can be statically configure in ZXR10 8900E.
ZXR10 8900E series Core Switch Product Description
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© 2013 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
9 VL AN Translation
VLAN translation is an extension of VLAN function. If a port of the switch starts VLAN translation, the data stream fr om the port m us t be tagg ed pac k et. VLAN tr anslat ion us es PORT plus VLAN ID in tagged packet as the index to search in MAC – VLAN table and
get a new VID, then the traffic is switc hed in the new VLAN to translate data fr om one VLAN to the other.
VLAN translation does not need protocol message. It can be statically configure in ZXR10 8900E. It sho uld be noticed that if VLAN translation is started, VLAN c annot be divided based on MAC address; if VLAN is divided based on MAC address, VLAN translation cannot be started.
In addition single tag co nversion, 8900E us es VLAN translation and SVLAN to f ulfill the following functions:
1. If the incoming packet is single tagged, be able to add outer tag according to policy,
and modify outer tag’s 8 02.1P value according t o inner tag’s 1P value, sup porting policy-based mapping or one-to-one mapping;
2. If the incoming packet is single tagged, be able to modify inner tag and add outer tag
according to policy, and modify inner and outer tag’s 1P value according to incoming tag’s 1P value, supporting polic y-based mapping or one-to-one mapping;
3. If the incoming pac ket is double tagged, be able to delete outer tag according t o
4. If the incoming pack et is double tagged, be able to delete outer tag, a nd modify
inner tag according to policy, and modify 1P value of the ne w inner tag ac c ord ing to outer tag 1P value, supporting policy-based mapping or one-to-one mapping;
5. If the incoming pack et is double tagged, be able to m odify outer tag according to
policy, and modify 1P value of the new outer tag based on 1P value of the incoming outer tag, supporting policy-based mapping or one-to-one mapping;
6. If the incoming pack et is double tagged, be abl e to modify inner tag accord ing to
policy, and modify 1P value of the new inner tag based on 1P value of the outer tag, supporting policy-based mapping or one-to-one mapping;
7. If the incoming packet is double tagged, be able to modify inner and outer tag
according to policy, and modify 1P values of the new inner and outer tags according to 1P value of the incoming outer tag, supporting policy-based mapping or one-to-one mapping.
8. If the incoming packet is untagged, be able to add in ner and outer tag accord ing to
policy at one time.
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Super VLAN can mak e the hosts, which are in the sam e physical switching equipment but in different virtual broadcast domains, to locate in one IPv4 subnet and use one default gateway. In one large-scale switching LAN, the mechanism has several advantages over the traditional IPv4 addressing system. The biggest advantage is to save address space occupanc y in IPv4 system.
Super VLAN and sub VLAN can be used to divide VLAN again. One or several sub VLANs belong to one Super VLAN and use its default gateway IP address, namely, aggregate several sub VLANs into one Super VLAN and use the same IP subnet an d default gateway.
Super VLAN is a software f unc tio n. Et hern et A SIC c hi p is t rans pare nt to th e f unc tion a nd switches data according t o software module VLAN s etting. Super VLAN does no t need protocol message. It can be statically configure in ZXR10 8900E. QinQ
QinQ with the m ultilayer VLAN tag stack, refers to tunnel protocol based on 802.1 Q encapsulation. The core idea is to encapsulate private network VLAN tag to public network VLAN tag; the message with double-layer tag goes through backbone network to offer the user with a simple L2 VPN tunnel. Q inQ, a simple and manageable protocol, does not need protocol message. It can be statically configure in ZXR10 8900E. It is applied to converge nce-layer switch which can us e QinQ (with double tags) to increase VLAN number in metro network.
In ZXR10 8900E sof tware s ystem , QinQ s oftwar e fun ctional m odul e sta ticall y conf igures QinQ, and then correctly set the chip. QinQ VLAN consists of the following types:
SVLAN (Service VLAN): The VLAN defined in backbone network;
CVLAN (Customers VLAN): User-defined VLAN.
QinQ software functional module adds an attribute to the VLAN table. The attribute indicates that the VLAN is SV LAN or CVLAN, and drive interface func tion at the lower layer to set the QinQ function of the interface.
Ordinary QinQ only adds one outer t ag to the datagram of a port, which greatly limits networking flexibilit y. For the flow received fr om one port, SVLAN (Se lective VLAN) can selectively add different outer tag based on different inner tag according to user demands.
With Selective VLAN, service providers can use a unique VLAN (called a service-provider VLAN ID, or SP-VLAN ID) to support custom ers who have m ultiple VLANs, which offers the multipoint-to-multipoint virtual LAN transparent transport and a simple L2 VPN tunnel. Customer VLAN IDs (CE-VLAN IDs) are preserved and traffic from different customers is
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segregated within the service-provider infrastructure even when they appear to be on the same VLAN. Selective VLAN expand the VLAN space by using a VLAN-in-VLAN hierarchy. The VLAN number can extend to 4094*4094. Another layer of 802.1Q tag (SP-VLAN ID) is added to the 802.1Q-tagged (CE-VLAN ID) packets that enter the service-provider network.
Some service stream s require SVLAN also sup ports the transparent tr ansport of VLAN service that the pack et passes the switch without any interferenc e, namely, the number and value of the tags remain unchanged.
SVLAN can work with VL A N trans la tio n to f lexib l y pro c es s both inner and out er t ags . For details, refer to the cha pter “VLAN trans lation”. In ad dition, SVLAN c an fulfill the 802.1P CoS priority mapping of outer tag and inner tag.
ZXR10 8900E supports traditional SVLAN configuration and VFP-based SVLAN configuration. The latter can add the tags based on traffic type.
3.1.3 Link aggregation
Link aggregation means that physical links with the same transport medium and transport rate are bound and logically look like a link. Link aggregation greatly increases the bandwidth of peer physical links between switches or between switch and server. Therefore, it is an important technology to increase link bandwidth and create link transmission resilience and redundancy. Link aggregation can create several-multiple-gigabit connection in GE, and logic link with faster transport in FE. Meanwhile, link aggr egation has good protection. W hen a fault occurs, the traffic in the trouble links will s witch quickly to norm al links of the aggregat ion. Link aggregati on can increase the bandwidth and share traffic load.
ZXR10 8900E supports static and dynamic link aggregation of FE, GE, and 10G ports as well as cross-card and cr oss-equipm ent link aggregation. Logic port from ZXR10 8900E link aggregation is called smart group which can work as ordinary port. St at i c aggregation
Static Trunk can manuall y add several ph ysical ports into T runk group to f orm one logic port, but it is difficult to observe the status of link aggregation port.
ZXR10 8900E configur es link aggregation f unctions according to the following princ iple which is also applied to LACP:
128 Trunk groups can be configured, and each Trunk group includes at most 8
member ports.
Support cross-interfac e board aggregation. Member ports ma y be in any interface
board, but the selected por t must work in the full-duplex mode, and working rates must be consistent.
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Member port may adopt the access, trunk or hybrid mode, which must be
consistent. LACP
LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) follows IEEE 802.3ad. LACP dynamic aggregates several physical ports to Trunk group for one smart group port. LACP automatically aggregates to obtain the maximum bandwidth. LACP supports static aggregation and d ynamic aggregati on. Static LAC P aggregatio n is manuall y configured, and dynamic LACP aggregation dynamically adds the port to aggregation group.
ZXR10 8900E supports smart group parameter configuration, and share traffic load according to the following modes (It can also be applied to static aggregation).
Source MAC address, VLAN, Ethernet type, and ingress port;
Destination MAC address, VLAN, Ethernet type, and ingress port;
Source and destination MAC address , VL AN, Eth er net type, and ingr es s port;
Source IP address, source TCP or UDP port;
Destination IP address, destination TCP or UDP port;
Source and destination IP address, and source and destination TCP or UDP port.
8900E also supports g lobal m ode, nam ely, share th e load in one sm art-group according to the parameters of protocol messages of IPv4, IPv6, MPLS L2 VPN and MPLS L3 VPN to distribute the traffic equably in the smart-group. MC-ELAM
8900E support inter-card and intra-card link aggregation as well as MC-ELAM Multi-Chassis Ethernet Link Aggregation Manager whose working principle is shown as follows:
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Figure 3-1 MC-ELAM structure
Normally, only half of the l i nk s fr om CE to PE1 an d P E2 are ag gr ega ted s uc ces s f ully. As shown in the above figure, the successfully aggregated link from CE to PE1 is active link; the non-aggregated link from CE to PE2 is standby link; data str eam is forwarded via active link. W hen active aggregation equipment P E1 goes wrong, PE2 will re lease the MC-ELAM control protocol signal of PE1 to proc ess the LACP for warding between P E2 and CE. When active equipment or active aggregation equipment returns to normal, MC-ELAM control protocol will recover the forwarding process. MC-ELAM can access the dual-uplink access network to increase network redundancy.
3.1.4 Spanning tree STP
STP detects and clears the loop between L2 switching functional units, and provides redundancy link to improve LAN performance and reliability.
STP module has the following major functions:
Avoid network loop, prevent LAN broadcast storm, and offer redundant path.
Detect topology change and reconfigure STP topology accordingly.
After the switch in one s ubnet executes STP algorithm, one ST P dynamic topology is formed. The topolog y prevents the loop be tween any two work stations in LAN t o avoid LAN broadcast storm . Meanwhile, STP algor ithm monitors topolog y change, create t he new spanning tree after the change, and reco nfigure spanning tree topology wi th fault tolerance. The switch m aintains and up dates M AC route t able acc ording to the status of STP dynamic topology, and finally gains the MAC-layer route.
STP algorithm aim s to enable the s witch to d ynamicall y discover a n o-loop subs et (tree) in topology and assure adequat e connectivity so that a path is available betwee n every two LAN if the physical conditions allows. According to the principle in the figure, any line
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including node and conn ection node has one spanning tree which has good destinat ion connectivity and can avoid network cycling. Therefore, spanning tree algorithm and protocol can avoid network loop in any dynamic topology and clear the loop between any two stations.
As IEEE802.1s-defined MSTP is compatible with existing IEEE802.1w-defined RSTP and IEEE802.1D-defined or din ary STP, STP software module is only required t o suppor t MSTP. When started, M STP can forcedly work as RSTP or STP to su pport STP and RSTP mixed networking. And it can start STP in aggregation link and support port-based enabling STP protocol.
ZXR10 8900E supports STP, RSTP and MSTP, and their mixed networking. RSTP
RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol), th e STP upgrade vers ion, follows IE EE 802.1w. RSTP provide the fast port switching mechanism and shorten network convergence time.
RSTP has the following defects:
The entire switching netw ork has only one spanning tree. Lar ge network has slow
convergence and network topology change will have a great effect.
IEEE 802.1q is the switch connecti on stand ard protoc ol. In symm etrical connec tion
(in VLAN, the connected ports between switches has the same trunk), one spanning tree has no influence on data forwarding between switches. However, in the asymmetrical connection, the connected ports between switches are blocked by RSTP, which will affect the connectiv it y and waste the band wid th. MSTP
MSTP (Multiple-instance Spanning Tree Protocol), developed based on STP/RSTP, follows IEEE 802.1s. MST P divides switching networ ks into several zones , and several STP instances run in one zone. VLAN is translated to instance in M: 1 mode (bind several VLANs to one instance) , th us eac h VLAN is tr ansfor med into a tr ee networ k to av oid the loop.
MSTP has the following advantages:
In single VLAN, STP supports rapid convergence.
As MSTP structure spanning tree through VLAN and does not block inter-switch
connection port, the load will be shared.
M: 1 mapping reduces switch resource utilization rate.
MSTP is compatible with STP/RSTP to make network deployment simpler.
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3.1.5 L2 multicast
After the router forwards multicast traffic, in the network, Ethernet switch forwards multicast traffic to multicast user. Traditional switch usually broadcasts the multicast traffic , which wastes network bandwidth, cause broadcast storm and affect normal service. Therefore the switch needs to support L2 multicast so as to join and leave multicast group according to multicast user status and dynamically maintain multicast group. I GM P Snoooping
ZXR10 8900E supports the L2 multicast technology IGMP Snooping to manage multicast group members, suppres s L2 network multicas t flooding, an d prevent un authoriz ed user from receiving multicast traffic. By snooping IGMP message in the communication between user and router, IGMP Snooping maintains the correspondence relation between multicast ad dress and VLAN correspondence table . It maps the members of one multicast group to o ne VL AN, a nd forwards the rec eived multicast packet onl y to the VLAN members of the multicast group. IGMP Snooping and IGMP protocol are both used for multicast group managem ent and control, and bot h employ IGMP m essage. What is different is that IGMP pr otocol runs on net work layer and IGMP Snoop ing on link la yer. When the switch receives I GMP message, IGMP Snoopi ng analyzes the information of IGMP message and create and maintain L2 MAC multicast address table.
When ZXR10 8900E starts IGMP Snooping, multicast m essage performs L2 multicast; when 8900E does not start IG MP Snooping, multic ast message perform s L2 broadcast. 8900E also support MLDv1/v2 snooping for smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6. IGMP Proxy
In some network topologies, IGMP proxy technology does not run multicast route protocol, but learns the multicast member and makes simple multicast forwarding according to the register ed f or multicast distribution. IGMP pr oxy suppor ts host interface and router interface. Host interface (also known as uplink interface) points to root node of distribution tree, n amely, uplink to multicas t router. The interface runs the host function rather than IGMP. When receiving IGMP query packet, host interface sends IGMP member report. Multicas t joining or leavi ng packet is sent to t he connected rou ter when member database chan ges. Host inter face also forwards the rec eived multicast packet according to member database. Router interfac e (downlink interfac e) deviates from root node and downlinks to user host. The interface runs IGMP protocol to register, query and delete downlink user group members. It rec eives member reports, creates and modifies one member form, sends query packet, queries whether the host le aves its group, and uplinks and downlinks the forwarded and received multicast packet according to the registered multicast member database.
IGMP Proxy and IGMP Snooping have the same function but different mechanism: IGMP Snooping looks into IGMP message to get re lative information, and IGMP Prox y
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intercepts and processes IGMP request of terminal user and then forwards it to upper-level router.
3.1.6 L2PT
In QinQ VPN mode, if VPN uses locating at different places want to initiate their L2 protocol f or exam ple, STP, LACP, ZD P, the y need to use cor e network to trans fer these L2 protocol messages tr ansparently, and these m essages with preser ved MAC address for bridge cannot process transparent transmission normally. L2PT (layer 2 protocol transportation) solves this problem, so it is widely used to transfer user network L2 protocol message in QinQ VPN.
L2PT networking is as shown in the following figure.
Edge Switches: It locating at the edge of operator network connects customer
network equipment.
Layer 2 protocol transportation port: On port of Edge Switch. The enc apsulation of
L2 protocol message.
Transportation PDU: Encapsulated prot ocol message, for exam ple ZDP, STP and
LACP, etc.
Figure 3-2 L2TP Networking
On the port without initiated L2PT, L2 protocol messages STP,ZDP,LACP)instead of being forwarded is either discarded or sent up for protocol processing, which will cause
several blocked stp dom ains in customer network as per different locations, so that the entire customer VPN cannot run an integrated STP topology. L2PT transfer BPDU message transparently in VPN, which helps customers to supply the gap.
The received L2 protocol messages will be encapsulated at the transportation port of edge switch, then broadca st the encapsulated messages . Initiate remote transportation switch port to encapsulate these messages.
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The message encapsulation and de-capsulation can be done by changing message MAC address.
3.2 L3 function
3.2.1 IPv4 route protocol RIP
RIP protocol is based on the vector distance routing algorithm of local network. It employs UDP packet to switch RIP route information, and the protocol packet to be transported is encapsulated into UDP packet. The route information in RIP message includes the number of the nodes on the route, namely, hop number. Route node decides the route to destination networks according to the hop number. RFC requires that the hop number is not more than 16, which is applied to internal gateway in small-scale autonomous system.
ZXR10 8900E RIP has the following functions:
Transmit and receive RIP message according to the protocol, check message
correctness and verify its identification.
Support RIPV1/V2, plain text authentication and MD5 authentication, and route
Route loop generatio n and route con vergence acceler ation adopt sp lit-horizon and
trigger updates technology.
Support protocol DEBUG. OSPF
OSPF is the IET F-developed internal gate way protocol (IGP) based on link status and SPF algorithm. OSPF can converge routing table in a short time, and prevent loop, which is vital to mesh networks or different LANs connected via several bridges. Each equipment running OSPF maintains one unified database describing autonomous system topology structure. The database includes such information as partial status of each equipment, e.g., available interfaces and neighbors, connected network status and external route of autonom ous system. OSPF uses link status algorithm to c alculate the shortest path from eac h ar ea to a ll des t ina tio ns . When the equipment w orks or any route changes, the equipment configured with OSPF diffuses LSA to all equipments in one area. LSA includes link status and ne ighbor association information of the equipment. The information from LSA forms link status database. All equipments in the area use one specific database to describe topology structure in the area.
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ZXR10 8900E OSPF has the following functions:
Adopt layered network topology structure which is suitable for enormous
interconnected network.
Use dynamic route algorithm. Route calculation adopts Dijiksra algorithm to
automatically follow network topology structure change at a quick rate;
Support display and configuration command from primary console as well as
SNMP-related command, display and MIB variable.
Support route protoc ol packet authe ntication, includin g simple password validation
and MD5 authentication, and prevent route protocol packet from illegal modification.
Adopt the retransmission and confirmation mechanism to assure the reliability of link
status synchronization.
Support different distance measurement solutions, e.g., physical distance, delay,
throughput, etc.
Support STUB AREA and NSSA functions.
Support domain boundary and autonomous system boundary router.
Support classless route and route aggregation.
Use Route-Map to control route reallocation and filtering. IS-IS
IS-IS route protocol, the representation of router OSI model, is used for TCP/IP-based IP network. It can easi ly perform the extens ion, mainly IPv6. IS-IS system c onsists of two layers: backbone layer ( L2) and area layer (L1). One router is in only one area. L1 router only knows the topology in its area. All traffic to other areas is sent to the near est L2 router. L2 router must form the backbone, similar to OSPF backbone area 0.
ZXR10 8900E IS-IS protocol has the following functions::
Support L1 and L2 address aggregation.
Support L1 and L2 hierarchical routes and ATT identity.
Support 3-area address and smooth area address migration.
Support load balance to one destination.
Support plain text authentication of interface and area.
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19 BGP
BGP, an external gateway protocol, switches no-loop route information between autonomous systems. The information has many attributes to create autonomous system topology, carry out route policy based on autonomous system. The path reachable information with autonomous system sequence attribute can clear route loop. Autonomous system is the collection of routers and terminals which locate in one management control domain, are treated as single entity, and control route table extension through BGP classless inter-domain routing. BGP-4 also introduces the mechanism to support route aggregation, including AS path aggregation. BGP is designed to use autonomous system to provide one structural view of Internet. The Internet is divided into several autonom ous systems to create one large network which composed of small, eas ily m anageable net works. T hese small ne tworks adopt their ow n rules and management policies.
ZXR10 8900E BGP has the following functions:
Suitable for enormous networks, e.g., backbone network.
Support EBGP and IBGP.
Support EBGP multi-hop technology.
Support group attributes and route reflector.
Support AS ally and route turbulence suppression.
Support MP-BGP;
Support MD5 authentication and route filtering;
Support route reallocation. Policy routing
Traditional routing policy performs route forwarding according to the route table generated by routing proto col or static route. However , in some applications, the users have some special req uirements for routing. T raditional routing polic y can only perform forwarding by destinat ion address. This indiscriminating f orwarding mechanism cannot meet the requirements of increasingly complicated network services.
Compared with traditional routing, policy routing provides more flexible message forwarding and route control capability. The network m anagement users can not only perform route forwarding by destination address but also can select other forwarding paths according to protocol type, message size, application, IP source address and other conditions. Policy-based routing is more beneficial for network traffic distribution and QoS improvement. Polic y routing means to match certain feature values in IP data packet according to the policy set by the network management user. Those that match the
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condition are forwarde d according to the route spec ified by the policy; those t hat fail to match are forwarded according to traditional route table.
ZXR10 8900E series realizes ACL-based policy routing.
In addition to policy ro uting, ZXR10 8900E series also provides policy routing backup function.
The switch uses Redirec t comm and to realize policy routi ng function b ased on A CL. For one ACL rule, the route can only be redirected to a next-hop address. When this next-hop address has any problem, the corresponding policy routing will also fail. When the switch has multiple egresses, policy routing backup (PBR BACKUP) function can be realized by configuring Redirect to multiple next-hop addresses, so that when the active link is faulty, the route can be automatically switched to the backup next-hop ad dr ess .
3.2.2 Ipv6 Routing
ZXR10 8900E supports the following IPv6 unicast route features:
Support IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol, which realizes the functions of router and
prefix discovery, address resolution, next-hop address determination, neighbor unreachable test and repeated address test and which can better support the mobility of nodes.
Support IPv6 path MTU discovery protocol, which can discover the maximum
transmission unit of the path so as to make sure the message size sent by the node does not exceed the MTU value of the path.
Support IPv6 static route.
Support IPv6-based dynamic routing protocols RIPng, OSPFv3, ISISv6 and BGP4+.
3.2.3 IPv4/IPv6 Transition
ZXR10 8900E provides a num ber of transitional mechanisms for conversion from Ipv4 network to Ipv6 network, including double stack technology and various tunnel technologies that are applicable to different environments:
Support IPv4/IPv6 do uble protocol stack . Double stack technolog y can completel y
solve the coexistence problem of IPv4/IPv6, but is only effective when the equipment in the whole network supports double stack. Therefore, it has high requirement for IPv4 network reform. It should be noted that the double stack technology is the foundation of all the tunnel mechanisms below.
Support manually configured IPv6 tunnel. Manual tunnel technology is simple,
mature and stable, but has high management overhead and poor expandability. It is
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