ZTE ZXR10 2920, ZXR10 2928, ZXR10 2952 User Guide

ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
Access Switch
User Manual(V olume I)
ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830 Fax: (86) 755 26772236 URL:
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Revision History
Date Revision No. Serial No. Reason for Issue
7/11/2007 R1.0 sjzl20071746 First edition
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About This Manual ............................................................ i
Purpose................................................................................ i
Intended Audience .................................................................i
Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge ..............................................i
What Is in This Manual ...........................................................i
Conventions ......................................................................... ii
How to Get in Touch............................................................. iii
Chapter 1.......................................................................... 1
Safety Instruction............................................................ 1
Overview .............................................................................1
Safety Instructions................................................................ 1
Chapter 2.......................................................................... 3
System Overview............................................................. 3
Overview .............................................................................3
Product Overview.................................................................. 3
Switching Capability ..............................................................4
Reliability and characteristics .................................................. 4
Particular function ................................................................ 4
Security Controls ..................................................................5
QoS Guarantee..................................................................... 5
Management ........................................................................6
Functions............................................................................. 6
Technical Features and Parameters..........................................7
Chapter 3.......................................................................... 9
Structure and Principle.................................................... 9
Overview .............................................................................9
Working Principle .................................................................. 9
Hardware Structure............................................................. 10
ZXR10 2920 .......................................................................11
ZXR10 2928 ....................................................................... 12
ZXR10 2952 ....................................................................... 13
ZXR10 2928-FI ...................................................................14
Power Supply Module........................................................... 17
Chapter 4........................................................................19
Installation and Debugging ...........................................19
Overview ...........................................................................19
Equipment Installation ......................................................... 19
Switch Installation on Desktop ..............................................20
Switch Installation onto a Cabinet.......................................... 20
Cable Types........................................................................23
Power Cables Installation......................................................24
Console Cable Installation.....................................................25
Network Cable Installation....................................................26
Optical Fiber.......................................................................28
Labels ...............................................................................29
Cable Lightning Protection Requirements ................................ 32
Chapter 5........................................................................35
Usage and Operation .....................................................35
Overview ...........................................................................35
Configuration Modes ............................................................36
Configuration through Console Port Connection........................36
Configuring through Telnet ................................................... 37
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).........................38
Configuring through WEB Connection .....................................39
Command Modes.................................................................40
Configuring User Mode ......................................................... 40
Configuring Global Mode.......................................................41
Configuring SNMP Mode .......................................................42
Configuring Layer 3 Mode.....................................................42
Configuring File System Mode ............................................... 42
Configuring NAS Mode .........................................................43
Configuring Cluster Management ...........................................43
Configuring Basic ACL ..........................................................44
Configuring Extended ACL ....................................................44
Configuring L2 ACL Mode......................................................45
Configuring Hybrid ACL Mode................................................ 45
Using Command Line........................................................... 45
Command Abbreviations ...................................................... 47
History Commands.............................................................. 47
Function Key ...................................................................... 48
Chapter 6........................................................................49
System Management .....................................................49
Overview ........................................................................... 49
File System........................................................................ 49
Operating File System ......................................................... 50
Configuring ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 as an TFTP Client ............. 52
Configuring Imports and Exports........................................... 54
Setting File Backup and Recovery.......................................... 55
Software Version Upgrade.................................................... 56
Viewing System Information................................................. 57
Upgrading Version at Normality............................................. 57
Upgrading Version at Abnormality ......................................... 59
Chapter 7........................................................................65
Service Configuration ....................................................65
Overview ........................................................................... 65
Configuring Basic Port Parameters......................................... 68
Displaying Port Information .................................................. 74
Port Mirroring..................................................................... 75
Configuring Port Mirroring .................................................... 75
VLAN ................................................................................ 77
Configuring VLAN................................................................ 78
Introduction to FDB............................................................. 83
MAC Table Operations ......................................................... 83
Configuring FDB.................................................................. 84
LACP Overview ................................................................... 86
Configuring LACP ................................................................ 87
IGMP Snooping................................................................... 91
Configuring IGMP Snooping .................................................. 91
Internet Protocol Television ................................................ 101
Configuring IPTV Global Parameters..................................... 102
Configuring IPTV Channels ................................................. 103
Configuring Channel Access Control (CAC)............................ 104
Configuring Administrative Command of IPTV Users ............... 106
Maintenance and Diagnosis of IPTV...................................... 108
MSTP Mode ...................................................................... 110
Configuring STP ................................................................ 112
ACL................................................................................. 124
Configuring Basic ACL ........................................................ 126
Configuring Extended ACL .................................................. 127
Configuring L2 ACL............................................................ 128
Configuring Hybrid ACL ...................................................... 128
Configuring Global ACL....................................................... 129
Configuring Time-Range..................................................... 131
Configuring ACL to a Physical Port ....................................... 131
Quality of Service (QoS)..................................................... 132
Configuring QoS................................................................ 133
Private Virtual LAN Overview............................................... 145
Configuring PVLAN ............................................................ 146
802. 1x Transparent Transmission ..................................... 149
Configuring 802. 1x Transparent Transmission..................... 150
Layer 3 Configuration......................................................... 150
Configuring IP Port ............................................................ 151
Static Route Configuration .................................................. 153
Configuring ARP Table Entry ............................................... 154
Chapter 8......................................................................159
Access Service..............................................................159
Configuring 802. 1x ......................................................... 163
Configuring Protocol Parameters of 802. 1x......................... 166
Configuring RADIUS........................................................... 169
QinQ Overview.................................................................. 177
Configuring QinQ............................................................... 178
SQinQ Overview................................................................ 180
Configuring SQinQ............................................................. 181
Syslog Overview ............................................................... 185
Configuring Syslog ............................................................ 186
Configuring NTP ................................................................ 187
GARP/GVRP Overview ........................................................ 189
Configuring GARP .............................................................. 190
Configuring GVRP .............................................................. 191
DHCP Snooping/Option82 ................................................... 194
Configuring Global DHCP.................................................... 195
Configuring DHCP Snooping................................................ 197
Configuring IP Source Guard............................................... 198
Configuring DHCP Option82................................................ 199
VBAS Overview................................................................. 204
Configuring VBAS.............................................................. 205
sFlow Monitoring Overview................................................. 207
Configuring sFlow ............................................................. 207
ZESR Overview................................................................. 210
Configuring ZESR.............................................................. 211
Chapter 9......................................................................217
Network Management .................................................217
Overview ......................................................................... 217
Remote Access Overview ................................................... 219
Configuring Remote-Access ................................................ 219
Remote-Access Configuration Examples ............................... 220
SSH Overview .................................................................. 221
Configuring SSH ............................................................... 222
Configuring SSH v2. 0 ..................................................... 223
SNMP Overview ................................................................ 226
Configuring SNMP ............................................................. 227
RMON Overview................................................................ 233
Configuring RMON............................................................. 234
Cluster Management Overview............................................ 241
Configuring a ZDP............................................................. 243
Configuring ZTP................................................................ 245
Configuring Cluster ........................................................... 249
Configuring a Cluster Member............................................. 250
Configuring Cluster Parameters........................................... 251
Configuring Access and Control Cluster Members................... 253
Displaying Cluster Configuration.......................................... 255
Web Management Overview ............................................... 262
Logging On Using Web Management .................................... 262
Configuring a System ........................................................ 264
Configuring Port and Parameters......................................... 265
Configuring Vlan Management ............................................ 270
Configuring PVLAN ............................................................ 273
Configuring Mirroring Management ...................................... 275
Configuring LACP Management............................................ 278
Configuring Terminal Record ............................................... 281
Configuring Port Statistics .................................................. 282
Configuring Information ..................................................... 283
Saving Configuration ......................................................... 284
Rebooting an Equipment .................................................... 285
Uploading a File ................................................................ 286
Configuring User Management............................................. 288
Chapter 10....................................................................291
Overview .........................................................................291
Routine Maintenance ......................................................... 292
Daily Routine Maintenance.................................................. 292
Monthly Maintenance ......................................................... 292
Maintenance Period ........................................................... 293
Single Loop Test Method .................................................... 294
Configuring Single-Port Loop Test ........................................ 294
Virtual Circuit Test............................................................. 297
Common Troubleshooting ................................................... 298
Troubleshooting through Console Port .................................. 298
Troubleshooting through Telnet ........................................... 299
Troubleshooting a Telnet connection with switch .................... 299
Troubleshooting the browser............................................... 300
Troubleshooting the Switch through Web .............................. 300
Troubleshooting the User Name/Password............................. 301
Troubleshooting Password .................................................. 303
Troubleshooting a Device Connection .................................. 303
Abbreviations ...............................................................305
Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................... 305
About This Manual


This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support the ZXR10 2920/2928/2952.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform operation on Layer 2 switches.

Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge

To use this document effectively, users should have a general understanding of Layer 2 Switches and protocols. This is Volume 1 and the Volume 2 is based on Commands. Familiarity with the following is helpful:
Virtual Local Area Network
Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Spanning Tree Protocol
Access Control List

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1, Safety Instruction
Chapter 2, System Overview
Chapter 3, Structure This chapter introduces the working
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION i
This chapter introduces the safety instructions and sign descriptions.
This chapter introduces the produce overview, functions and technical features.
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.00) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
Chapter Summary
and Principle principle, technical and hardware
structural information on each of the ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
Chapter 4, Installation and Debugging
Chapter 5, Usage and Operation
Chapter 6, System Management
Chapter 7, Service Configuration
Chapter 8, Network Management
Chapter 9, Maintenance
This chapter provides an overview of installation and debugging processes of ZXR10 2920/2928/2952.
This chapter provides an overview of configuration mode, command mode and command line use.
This chapter introduces file system management FTP/TFTP configuration, file backup and restoration, software version upgrade.
This chapter provides and overview of configuration methods for various services of ZXR10 2920/2928/2952.
This chapter provides and overview of network management functions of the ZXR10 2920/2928/2952, such as Remote­Access, SSH, SNMP, RMON and cluster management.
This chapter provides routine maintenance, common test methods and troubleshooting of ZXR10 2920/2928/2952.


ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.
Typeface Meaning
Italics References to other Manuals and documents.
“Quotes” Links on screens. Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input
fields, radio button names, check boxes, drop­down lists, dialog box names, window names.
CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens
and company name.
Constant width
Text that you type, program code, files and directory names, and function names.
ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
About This Manual
Typeface Meaning
Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually
the left mouse button) once.
Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button
(usually the left mouse button) twice.
Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button
(usually the right mouse button) once.
Drag Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and
moving the mouse.

How to Get in Touch

The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software.
If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at support@zte. com. cn. You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830.
ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. For further questions, comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can contact us by e-mail at doc@zte. com. cn; or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also browse our website at http://support. zte. com. cn, which contains various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base, forum and service request.
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Chapter 1

Safety Instruction


Local Safety
This chapter introduces the safety instructions and sign descriptions.
This chapter includes the following topics.
Topics Page No.
Safety Instructions 1

Safety Instructions

This equipment can only be installed, operated and maintained by professional user.
Please observe local safety specifications and relevant operating procedures in equipment installation, operation and maintenance. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage may occur. Safety precautions introduced in this manual are only supplementary to local safety codes.
ZTE shall not bear any liabilities incurred by violation of the universal safety operation requirements or violation of the safety standards for designing, manufacturing and using the equipment.
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2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2

System Overview


This chapter introduces the product overview, functions and technical features.
This chapter includes the following topics.
Topics Page No.
Product Overview 3
Switching Capability 4
Reliability and characteristics 4
Security Controls 5
QoS Guarantee 5
Management 6
Functions 6
Technical Features and Parameters 7

Product Overview

3 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 series products are megabit L2+ Ethernet switch, providing gigabit upward Ethernet ports. They can provide different quantity of & interface-types of Ethernet port, mainly located at megabit access & converge to provide fast, efficient, and cost-effective access and convergence solutions.
Port & insert-card expanding instance that ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 switch series support are as follows:
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.0) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
ZXR10 2920:support sixteen 100M & four 1000M ports
ZXR10 2928: support twenty-four 100M & four 1000M ports
ZXR10 2952: support forty-four 100M & four 1000M ports
Note:2920 & 2928 support insert-card expand.ZXR10
2920/2928/2952 switch series have the following characters.

Switching Capability

All the ports of ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 megabit switch series support the layer-2 switching at wire-speed. The filtration and stream sort transact based on port do not weaken the switching capability. Ports provide high throughput, packet discarding rate, time delay and dithering can satisfy the demand of the key application.

Reliability and characteristics

ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 megabit switch series ensures the link redundancy backup through STP/RSTP/MSTP. RSTP switching that is based on IEEE-802.1w ensures the usability of the network. These switches support the LACP function of 802. 3ad function, and it supplies the load equalization backup and the link. Switches support Ethernet ring network mode through ZESR. High switching capability ensures that the operation do not be interrupted.

Particular function

The following are the kinds of operation characteristics and control:
Use of different modes of VLAN sort. It can be classified by
types of port, protocol, and strategy.
Provide VPN on layer-2 through QinQ, in addition to
SelectiveQinQ, and supply flexible control ability for optional outer layer label, which makes it convenient to operate and scheme.
Supports the client-end VBAS function, and supplies efficient
orientation technology support for client end.
Milticast support technology, includes igmp-snooping and
proxy function, fast-leaving characteristic and Multicast-Vlan Switching (MVS) function & IPTV support.
4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 2 System Overview

Security Controls

User Security
Level Security
The following are user level security control:
IEEE 802.1x implements dynamic and port-based security
provides the user ID authentication function and MAC/IP/VLAN/PORT combines at random, and prevent illegal user to accessing the network.
Segregating the ports is helpful to make sure that users can
not monitor or access to other users on the same switch.
DHCP monitoring prevents spiteful users deceiving the server
and sending spurious address, so it can start protecting IP source and create a binding table for the IP address of the user, MAC address, ports and VLAN to prevent user deceiving or use IP address of other users.
The following are the equipment level security control:
CPU security control technology can resist DoS attack from
SSH/SNMPv3 protocol supplies network management
Multilevel security of console can prevent unauthenticated
users changing the switch configuration.
RADIUS authentication may carry on the common control to
the switchboard.
The following are the network security control:
ACL based on port or Trunk makes it possible for users to
apply security strategy to the ports of switches or Trunk.
Binding MAC address and the filtration based on source or
destination supply effective control over the flux based on address.
Port MIRROR function is an effective tool for network
management analyses.

QoS Guarantee

Applications of QoS are shown below:
Standard 802.1p QoS and DSCP field sort label and sort
again based on single group with source and destination IP address, source and destination MAC address, and TCP/UDP port number.
Queue schedule arithmetic, Strict Priority(SP) & combination
Support CARCommitted Access Ratefunction. Manage the
asynchronous upward and downward data stream from end
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.0) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
stage or up link. Input strategy control supplies the bandwidth control with minimal increment by 64kbps. It can satisfy the demand of discarding packets, time delay and time dithering when network congestion occurs, and supply the congestion avoiding function for the alignment.


Switch management is described with the following statement:
Supports SNMPv1/v2c/v3 and RMON.
Supports ZXNM01 uniform network management platform.
Supports CLI command lines, including Console, Telnet and
SSH to access the switch.
GUI method supports Web network management.
Manage through ZGMP group.
Store and
Forward Mode


ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 adopts Store and Forward mode and supports layer-2 switching at wire-speed. Full wire-speed switching is implemented at all ports.
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 has the following functions:
Megabit ports support port 10/100/1000M self-adapting and
MDI/MDIX self-adapting.
Kilomega ports support port 10/100/1000M self-adapting and
MDI/MDIX self-adapting.
Support 802.3x-compliant flow control (full duplex) and
back-pressure flow control (half duplex).
(VCT) function and faulty circuit test.
Support 802.1q-compliant VLAN and private border VLAN.
Maximum number of VLANs can be up to 4094.
Support VLAN stacks function, and outer label is optional.
Support GVRP dynamic VLAN.
MAC addresses self-learning capability. The size of the MAC
address table is 8K.
Port MAC address bundling and address filtering.
Support port security and segregating.
Support the STP defined in the 802.1d, RSTP defined in the
802.1w, and MSTP defined in the 802.1s. The maximum number of the example can be up to 16.
Support ZESR technology.
6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Support LACP port bundling defined in 802.3ad and port
Chapter 2 System Overview
static bundling. At most 15 port groups can be bundled and each group contains at most eight ports.
Support multi-VLAN IGMP snooping & MVS controllable group
broadcast technology.
Support single port loop test.
Support 802.1x transparent transmission and authentication.
Port orientation support VBAS and DHCP-OPTION82.
Support DHCP-snooping.
Support Broadcast storm suppression.
Port ingress and egress mirror, and flow-based mirror and
Support ACL function of port and Trunk, and can be set
according to time segment.
Support IETF-DiffServ and IEEE-802.1p standard, the ports
support 4 PRI queue. Ingress supports CAR. The queue attempering supports SP&combination(SP+WRR)attempering method. Egress is based on the queue, and discarding the toned tail.
Port-based speed control includes input speed limit and
output speed limit. Input speed limit strategy includes unicast, unknown unicast, broadcast and groupcast. Input speed limit is based on stream, and output speed limit is based on queue. The minimal is 64Kbps.
Provide detailed port flow statistics.
Support syslog.
Support NTP client end.
Configuration of NM static route.
Support ZGMP group manage.
SNMPv1/v2c/v3 and RMON.
Support Console configuration, Telnet remote login.
Support SSHv2. 0.
Support WEB function.
Support unified network management of ZXNM01.
Uploading and downloading of TFTP version.

Technical Features and Parameters

ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 technical features and parameters are given in
Table 6.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.0) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
model item
(HxWxD, mm)
(Fully equipped, kg)
Maximum power consumption (W)
ZXR10 2920
43. 6×436× 200
ZXR10 2952
43. 6×442× 280
2 2 2. 5
16 20 27
Power supply
AC power supply: 100V~240V, 48Hz~62Hz. Wave shape distortion <5%
DC power supply: –57V to –40V
8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3

Structure and Principle


This chapter introduces the working principle, technical and hardware structural information on each of the ZXR10 2920/2928/2952.
This chapter includes the following topics.
Topics Page No.
Working Principle 9
Hardware Structure 10
ZXR10 2920 11
ZXR10 2928 12
ZXR10 2952 13
ZXR10 2928-FI 14
Power Supply Module 17

Working Principle

ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 series are important parts of ZXR10 Ethernet switches that are launched by ZTE. They define a pure megabit L2+ user Ethernet switch. They are intended for gigabit upward access and used widely in large-scale enterprise network and top grade industry. This series of products features powerful functions and outstanding performance. Switch consists of:
Control module
Switching module
Interface module
9 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.0) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
Power supply module
Control Module
Switch module
Power Module
Control module consists of main processor and external functional chips to implement applications such as switching module control & manage for the system. It provides operational interfaces, such as serial ports and Ethernet interfaces for data operation and maintenance.
Switching module has Ethernet switching processing chips. Its primary function is simply switching traffic from multiple devices. This chip is interlinked with data packet transceiver and can directly provide hundred megabit or gigabit service interface to the users.
Interface module is composed of interface boards to accomplish the external user connection and transceivers packets. The interface module & switching module are interlinked by standard interface.
Power module adopts the 220 VAC or -48 VDC for power supply to offer required power supply for other parts of the system.
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 uses the “19(inch)” su-brack that is in compliance with the international standard. Sub-rack can be used as standalone equipment or installed in a standard cabinet.

Hardware Structure

ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 adopts the box structure, which is 1U high. It employs independent power supply and natural dissipation method. It has vents on the left and right sides of the box. The box is composed of a bottom case and a shell. It features light weight and simple structure. It allows an easy installation and un-installation.
10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 3 Structure and Principle
On the front panel of ZXR10 2920/2928/2952, there are power indicators, RUN indicators, fixed Ethernet electrical interfaces, Ethernet optical interfaces, and one serial configuration port. The AC or DC power socket and power switch are located on the rear panel.
Major hardware of the ZXR10 2920/2928/2952 is the Ethernet switching main board, which is indispensable in any type of configuration.

ZXR10 2920

Front Panel
Front panel of the ZXR10 2920 is shown in Figure 2.
Ethernet switching main board of ZXR10 2920 is KEBT.
ZXR10 2920 provides the following types of access ports:
Sixteen fixed 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports, support
fullduplex or semiduplex, 10/100M & MDI/MDIX self-adaption function, VCT auto test.
Two fixed 10/100/1000BASE-T interface.
One expand slot, expansile dual-channel 1000M optical
interface, double 1000M electrical interface, 1000M one optical & one electrical upward subboard.
One Console port is to realize the management and
configuration of various services.
There are 32 indicators on the front panel of the ZXR10 2920, indicating the status of the 16 10/100Base-T ports. Every interface has two indicators, indicating semiduplex/fullduplex & LNK/ACT;four indicators show two 10/100/1000 BASE-T port & two indicators for each port showing LNK & LNK/ACT status;two system indicators show the system running work status.
System indicators include power indicator (PWR) and running
indicator (RUN).
f After the system is powered up, the PWR indicator is on
and the RUN indicator is off.
f BootROM starts to load the version. If the version is
unavailable, the states of indicators do not change. If the version is loaded normally, the RUN indicator flashes at 1Hz.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.0) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
f If the power indicator (PWR) is flashing , it indicates that
the switch is the main or standby role of the stack system. Flashing in the same frequency with RUN shows it is the main equipment. Flashing in the half frequency with RUN shows it is the standby equipment.
32 indicators corresponds to 10/100 Base-T port , each port
with two:one is semiduplex/fullduplex, & the other is link activation indicator.
f Semiduplex/fullduplex indicator is on in the condition of
fullduplex, is off in the condition of semiduplex. , & is flashing in the condition of collision.
f Link activation indicator is flashing when the link is
4 interface indicators correspond to the 2 10/100/1000 Base-
T interfaces. Every interface has two indicators. When one of the indicators is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. When the other indicator is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. If the indicator is flashing, it indicates that data sending or receiving is under way.
Front Panel

ZXR10 2928

Front panel of the ZXR10 2928 is shown in Figure 3.
Ethernet switching main board of ZXR10 2928 is KEBT.
ZXR10 2928 provides the following types of access ports:
Twenty-four 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports. These ports
support duplex/semiduplex, 10/100M & MDI/MDIX self adapter & VCT automatically check.
Two fixed 10/100/1000BASE-T ports.
One expand slot. It can expand double 1000M optical
interface, double 1000M electrical interfaces, one optical & one electrical interfaces.
One console port is to realize the management and
configuration of various services.
There are 48 indicators on the front panel of the ZXR10 2928, indicating the status of the 24 10/100 Base-T ports. Every interface has two indicators, indicating half-duplex/full-duplex and LNK/ACT;Four indicators indicate two 10/100/1000 Base-T port. Two system indicators indicate PWR & RUN.
12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
System indicators include power indicator (PWR) and running
Chapter 3 Structure and Principle
indicator (RUN).
f After the system is powered on, PWR indicator is on and
the RUN indicator is off.
f BootROM starts to load the version. If the version is
unavailable, the states of indicators do not change. If the version is loaded normally, the RUN indicator flashes at 1Hz.
f If the power indicator (PWR) is flashing , it indicates that
the switch is the main or standby role of the stack system. Flashing in the same frequency with RUN shows it is the main equipment. Flashing in the half frequency with RUN shows it is the standby equipment.
48 interface indicators correspond to the 24 10/100 Base-T
interfaces. Every interface has two indicators:one is semiduplex/fullduplex indicator, the other is link activation indicator
Front panel
f Semiduplex/fullduplex indicator is on in the condition of
fullduplex, is off in the condition of semiduplex & is flashing in the condition of collision.
f Link activation indicator is flashing when the link is
4 interface indicators correspond to the 2 10/100/1000 Base-
T interfaces. Every interface has two indicators. When one of the indicators is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. When the other indicator is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. If the indicator is flashing, it indicates that data sending or receiving is underway

ZXR10 2952

Front panel of the ZXR10 2952 is shown in Figure 4.
Ethernet switching main board of ZXR10 2952 is KEBF.
ZXR10 2952 provides the following types of access ports:
Forty-eight fixed 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports. These ports
support full-duplex/half-duplex, 10/100M & MDI/MDIX self­adaption & VCT self-check.
Two fixed 10/100/1000BASE-T interface.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.0) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
Two fixed 1000BASE-X interface.
One console port is to realize the management and
configuration of various services.
There are 48 indicators on the front panel of the ZXR10 2952, indicating the status of the 48 10/100 Base-T ports. Every interface has one indicators, indicating LNK and ACT. Four indicators show two 10/100/1000 BASE-T port & two indicators for each port showing LNK & LNK/ACT status;two indicators indicate 2 1000Base-X port, each port with one indicator, showing LNK/ACT status of the port;two system indicators show power indicator(PWR) & running indicator(RUN) .
System indicators include power indicator (PWR) and running
indicator (RUN).
f After the system is powered on, PWR indicator is on and
the RUN indicator is off.
f BootROM starts to load the version. If the version is
unavailable, the states of indicators do not change. If the version is loaded normally, the RUN indicator flashes at 1Hz.
f If the power indicator (PWR) is flashing , it indicates that
the switch is the main or standby role of the stack system. Flashing in the same frequency with RUN shows it is the main equipment. Flashing in the half frequency with RUN shows it is the standby equipment.
48 indicators respond to 48 10/100 Base-T port. Every port
has 1 indicator indicating LNK/ACT. If the link indicator is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. If the indicator is flashing, it indicates that data sending or receiving is underway.
There are 2 indicators, indicating the status of the two 1000
Base-X ports. Every port has 1 indicator: If the link indicator is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. If the indicator is flashing, it indicates that data sending or receiving is underway.
4 interface indicators correspond to the two
10/100/1000Base-T interfaces. Every interface has two indicators. When one of the indicators is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. When the other indicator is on, it indicates that the LINK is normal. If the indicator is flashing, it indicates that data sending or receiving is underway.

ZXR10 2928-FI

14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
FGEI FGFI FGFE can be chosen for ZXR10 2920/2928 according to the practical networking. Corresponding types & functions are shown in
table5 ZXR10 .
Subboard Type Function
Chapter 3 Structure and Principle
2 gigabit Ethernet electrical port
2 gigabit Ethernet light port
1 gigabit Ethernet light port+1 gigabit Ethernet electrical port
FGEI offer 2 gigabit ethernet upward electrical port, the type is SF-2GE-2RJ45as shown in
Figure 5.
There are 4 indicators on the FGEI panel. Each gigabit ethernet electrical port has 2 indicators, & one is link activation indicator, & the other one is link status indicator.
If the link activation indicator is flashing, it indicates that
data sending or receiving is underway.
When link status indicator is on, it indicates that the LINK is
FGFI subboard offer two gigabit Ethernet up-go light port, & the type is SF-2GE-2SFPas shown in
Figure 6.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 15
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952
(V1.0) Access Switch User Manual Volume I
Figure 6 SF-2GE-2SFP subboard(FGFI)
There are 2 indicators on the FGFIpanel: ACT1&ACT2 corresponding to the two gigabit light port. When the indicator is on, it indicates that LINKis normal;if the indicator is flashing, it indicates that data sending or receiving is underway.
FGFI subboard offers 1 gigabit Ethernet up-go light port + 1 gigabit Ethernet up-go electrical port& the type is SF-2GE-SFPRJ45, as shown in.
There are 3 indicators on the FGFIpanel. The gigabit Ethernet up-go light port has an indicator ACT. When the indicator is on,
it indicates that LINKis normal;if the indicator is flashing, it indicates that data sending or receiving is underway. The gigabit Ethernet up-go electrical port has two indicators:one is link activation indicator, & the other one is link status indicator.
figure 7
If the link activation indicator is flashing, it indicates that
data sending or receiving is underway.
When link status indicator is on, it indicates that the LINK is
16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
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