Push down the battery
Removing the battery
1. Make s ure that your mobil e phone is switched off.
2. *Remov e the battery cover.
3. Pull th e battery up and rem ove it from the mo bile phone.
Pull up the b attery
* Note: The correct w ay to remove the batter y cover varies
with the model of the mobile phone. Please refer to the
following diagrams.
remove the batt ery cover
How to insert the SIM card
You want a mobile phone that is sophisticated yet easy to use
and here it is in your hands! Naturally you are eager to start
using it, but first you n eed to insert the SIM card.
Insert the SIM c ard as follows:
Make sure that the phone is switched off and the charger is
disconnect ed from the phone.
Turn the phone over and remove the battery cover.
Remove the battery if it is already installed.
Hold your S IM card with th e cut corner ori ented as show n and
then slide it into the card holder with the gold-colored
contacts facing downward.
Replace the battery first.
Replace t he battery cover.
Insert the SIM c ard Pull out t he SIM card
* Note: SD card not hot-swa ppable.
What is a SIM card?
Every mobile phone has a SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module).
This is a micro-chi p that holds yo ur personal i nformation suc h
as names and phon e numbers. Your phone won’t wor k without
it. If you already have cont acts on your SIM card, they c an
be transferred in most cases.
How to charge the battery
Your phone is powered by a recharg eable battery. For maximum
battery performance, it is recommended that you first use up the
battery power and then charge it com pletely. A new battery’s
full performance i s achieved only after three complete charg e
and discharge cycles.
Connect your travel adapter to the side of your mobile phone
as shown in the diagram.
Note: The side with arrow should be upright while
Connect the other end of the travel adapter to the mains
If you charge the battery when the phone is switched off, the
battery indicator appears with the bars moving from right to
left. If you charge the battery when the phone is switched on,
the battery i ndicator displ ay from right to left.
When the battery is fully charged, disconnect the charger.
Powering on/off your p hone
Make sure that yo ur SIM card is in yo ur mobile phone and t hat
the battery is charged.
Please hol d the End/Power key to po wer on/off the pho ne.
The phone will automatically s earch for the network.
Writing text
Change input mode: Press the # key to change the input
mode (input modes: En,en,EN,*Abc, abc, ABC and 123).
Input Lett ers: In *Abc/ abc/ABC mode, press the
correspon ding letter key till the letter appears.
Input Words: In En/en/EN mode, input any letter with a single
key press. Press each key only once for every letter. The word
changes after each key stroke. Predictive text input is based
on a buil t-in dictionary. When you have finished writing the
word and it is correct, confirm it by pressing the 0 key or the
Centre key. If the word is incorr ect, press the U p/Down keys
to view other matching words found in the dictionary.
Pressing the Navigation keys moves the cursor.
Input Digits: In 123 mode, press digit key once to input a digit.
In En/en/EN mode, press the digit key, and select the number
by pressing the Navigation keys. In *Abc/abc/ABC mode,
constantl y press the di git key until the number ap pears.
Input Symbol: Press the * key to enter a symbol. In
*Abc/abc/ABC mode, constantly press the 1 key till the
required symbol (common symbols) appears.
Selecting Template: Hold the Left Soft Key- Optio ns-Insert
template to open Templates . Select the required template.
Input Space: Press the 0 key to input space. It does not work
in 123 mode.
Delete Ch aracter: Press the Right sof t key to clear a ch aracter.
Hold the Right soft key to delete all characters and clear the
Move Cursor to Lef t or Right: Press the L eft/Right navigation
keys to move the cursor to left or right.
*Note: Abc mode is only available for certain models.
How to add people to your Contacts
There are some n umbers that you may want to call again and
again, so it mak es sense to add these num bers to your contact
list. You can the n access these number s quickly and easi ly.
1. Go to Menu>Cont acts>All/Group>Options>New
2. Edit the informatio n and save it.
You can also save a number right after you’ve made or
received a phone call or a text messag e from someo ne who is
not yet in your Phonebook list.
To delete someone from your Phonebook list, first select the
name, then select Optio ns>Delete.
How to make and receive call s
The most basic way to make a call is to input the number in the
standby mode and press the Send key. You can also make a
call from the Phonebook list.
To call someone: Go to Menu>Contacts>All/Group. Use the
Up/Down keys to find the name of t he person you want to
call. You can also type in the fi rst letter of the name of the
person you want to call to find th e right name, and press the
Send key.
To r eceive a call, press t he Send key.
To end a call, press the En d/Power key.
To r eject a call, press the End/Power key.
Make sure that you are in an area w ith sufficient c overage to
make calls. The strength of the network signal is indicated on
the Status Bar of the screen.
How to send and receive mess ages
You can use your mobile phone to send and receive messages.
1. Go to Menu> Message>Write message.
2. Write your message, and, edit t he recipient. For more
information on input method, see section ‘Writing text’.
When you write an SMS, press Opt ions>Send, and then
send it.
3. When you finish writing an SMS, sel ect Options to send or
save the message.
Upon receiving a message, the mobile phone will alert you with
a ringtone, prompt, or a new messa ge icon.
Press Inb ox to enter the Inbox directly and then press the
Center key to repl y the messa ge.
Use the Up/Do wn keys to view the message.
While the message is op en, use Option s to delete, reply, or
forward t he message. You can also call back the sender.
How to set your phone
You can adjust various s ettings of your phone.Go to
Phone s ettings: Select language, set auto power on/off,
Date and time,etc.
Network sele ction: Set to automatically or manually select
Security settings : Set security features to protect you from
unauthorized use of your phone and SIM card.
Phon e settings>Restore f actory settings : Enter the p hone
password to restor e to the factory settings . Some personal
information mi ght be lost if you use this function, so be
Note: You may be required to input the phone password in
some of the security settings interfaces. The default
password is 1234. You also can change the password in
How to set your alar m
Set alarm: Go to Menu>Alarm, You can view, a nd edit the
alarm clocks settings. You can also enable or disable the alarms,
or set the corres ponding features of t he alarm according to
instructions: Al arm Message (if required), Time,
Repeat mode.
*FM Radio
Go to Menu>FM radio.
With the radio, you can search for radi o channels, listen to
them, and sav e them on your device . Note that the quality of
the radio broadcas t depends on the cov erage of the radio
station in that p articular area. In the FM radio interface, yo u
can press the U p/Down keys to adjust volume, press the
Left/Right keys to tune the frequenc y, and press the C entre key
to pause. Sele ct Options to ent er the submenu.
Note: please take your handset as the stand ard.
Interface icons