Zte N850 User Manual

ZTE N850
User Manual
opyright © 2013 ZTE CORPORATION.
ll rights reserved.
o part of this publication may be quoted, reproduced,
ranslated or used in any form or by any means, electronic or
echanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without the
rior written permission of ZTE Corporation.
he information contained in this manual is subject to change
ithout notice. This manual has been designed with the utmost are to ensure the accuracy of its content. However, all tatements, information and recommendations contained therein
o not constitute a warranty of any kind, either expressed or
mplied. Please refer to chapter For Your Safety to be sure to use
our phone properly and safely.
e offer self-service for our smart terminal device users. Please
isit the ZTE official website (at www.ztedevice.com) for more
nformation on self-service and supported product models.
nformation on the website takes precedence.
ersion No.: R1.0
dition Time : 2013.07.22
ZTE Corporation expressly disclaims any liability for faults and damages caused by unauthorized modifications of the software.
The Bluetooth® trademark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such trademarks by ZTE Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
etting Started ....................................................... 12
Your Phone at a Glance ........................................................ 12
Knowing the Keys ................................................................. 13
Installing the microSD Card and Battery ............................... 14
Charging the Battery ............................................................. 16
Powering On/Off .................................................................... 17
Locking/Unlocking the Screen and Keys ............................... 17
Using the Touch Screen ........................................................ 18
Getting to Know the Home Screen ........................................ 19
ersonalizing ......................................................... 21
Changing the System Language ........................................... 21
Setting the Date and Time ..................................................... 21
Changing Ringtone and Notification Sound .......................... 21
Adjusting Volumes ................................................................ 22
Applying New Wallpapers ..................................................... 23
Changing Screen Brightness ................................................. 23
Protecting Your Phone With Screen Locks ........................... 24
Protecting Your Phone With Encryption ................................ 25
nowing the Basics ............................................... 27
Monitoring the Phone Status ................................................. 27
Managing Notifications .......................................................... 27
Managing Shortcuts and Widgets ......................................... 29
Rearranging the Favorites Tray ............................................. 30
Entering Text ......................................................................... 31
Editing Text ............................................................................ 37
Opening and Switching apps ................................................. 38
Connecting to Networks and Devices ................. 39
Connecting to Mobile Networks ............................................. 39
Connecting to Wi-Fi ............................................................... 39
Connecting to Bluetooth Devices .......................................... 41
Connecting to Your Computer via USB ................................. 44
Phone Calls ............................................................ 47
Placing and Ending Calls ....................................................... 47
Answering or Rejecting Calls ................................................. 47
Working With the Call Log ..................................................... 48
Calling Your Contacts ............................................................ 50
Checking Voicemail ............................................................... 51
Using Options During a Call .................................................. 51
Managing Multi-party Calls .................................................... 52
Adjusting Your Call Settings .................................................. 53
Peop le ..................................................................... 55
Opening Your Contact List ..................................................... 55
Adding a New Contact ........................................................... 55
Setting Up Your Own Profile .................................................. 56
Importing and Exporting Contacts ......................................... 56
Working With Favorite Contacts ............................................ 57
Working With Groups ............................................................ 58
Searching for a Contact ......................................................... 60
Editing Contacts .................................................................... 60
ccounts ................................................................ 63
Adding or Removing Accounts .............................................. 63
Configuring Account Sync ..................................................... 64
mail ....................................................................... 66
Setting Up the First Email Account ........................................ 66
Checking Your Emails ........................................................... 66
Responding to an Email ........................................................ 67
Writing and Sending an Email ............................................... 68
Adding Signature to Your Emails .......................................... 69
Adding and Editing Email Accounts ...................................... 69
Changing General Email Settings ......................................... 70
mailTM ................................................................... 71
Opening Your Gmail Inbox .................................................... 71
Switching Accounts ............................................................... 71
Writing and Sending a Message ........................................... 72
Adding Signature to Your Gmail Messages .......................... 72
Replying to or Forwarding a Message ................................... 73
Working With Received Attachments .................................... 73
Searching for Messages ....................................................... 74
Working With Labels ............................................................. 74
Changing Gmail Settings ....................................................... 75
essages ............................................................... 77
Opening the Messaging Screen ............................................ 77
Sending a Text Message ....................................................... 77
Sending a Multimedia Message ............................................ 78
Replying to a Message .......................................................... 79
Forwarding a Message .......................................................... 79
Viewing Details About a Message ......................................... 80
Deleting Messages or Threads .............................................. 80
Changing Message Settings .................................................. 81
Calendar ................................................................. 82
Viewing Your Calendars and Events ..................................... 82
Creating an Event .................................................................. 84
Editing or Deleting an Event .................................................. 84
Changing Calendar Settings .................................................. 85
Google Talk ............................................................ 86
Signing into See Your Friends ............................................... 86
Adding a Friend ..................................................................... 86
Changing Your Online Status ................................................ 87
Chatting With Friends ............................................................ 87
Changing Google Talk Settings ............................................. 88
Google+ .................................................................. 89
Organizing Your Contacts ..................................................... 89
Getting Updates ..................................................................... 89
Chatting With Contacts .......................................................... 90
Checking Photos ................................................................... 90
Checking and Managing Your Profile .................................... 91
Browser .................................................................. 92
Opening the Browser ............................................................. 92
Working With an Opened Page ............................................. 94
Using Multiple Browser Tabs ................................................ 95
Downloading Files ................................................................. 96
Using Bookmarks .................................................................. 96
Changing Browser Settings ................................................... 97
aps, Navigation, Local, and Latitude ................ 98
Activating Location Services ................................................. 98
Getting Your Location ............................................................ 98
Searching for a Location ....................................................... 98
Getting Directions to Your Destination .................................. 99
Searching for Local Places .................................................. 100
Sharing Location ................................................................. 101
oogle Search, Voice Search, and Voice Actions
............................................................................... 102
Searching With Text ............................................................ 102
Searching by Speaking ....................................................... 102
Using Voice Actions ............................................................ 103
Changing Search and Voice Search Settings ..................... 103
ame ra .................................................................. 104
Capturing a Photo ............................................................... 104
Customize Camera Settings ................................................ 105
Recording a Video ............................................................... 106
Customizing Camcorder Settings ........................................ 108
allery ................................................................... 109
Opening Gallery .................................................................. 109
Working With Albums .......................................................... 109
Working With Pictures ......................................................... 110
Working With Videos ........................................................... 112
Music ..................................................................... 113
Copying Music Files to Your Phone ..................................... 113
Viewing Your Music Library ................................................. 113
Playing Music ...................................................................... 115
Managing Playlists ............................................................... 116
Play Music ............................................................. 118
Playing Your Music .............................................................. 118
Managing Playlists ............................................................... 120
Video Player ......................................................... 122
Opening the Video Library ................................................... 122
Playing and Controlling Videos ............................................ 122
Managing Video Files .......................................................... 123
Sound Recorder .................................................. 124
Recording a Voice Memo .................................................... 124
Playing a Voice Memo ......................................................... 124
More Apps ............................................................ 125
Alarm ................................................................................... 125
Backup and Restore ............................................................ 126
Calculator ............................................................................ 126
File Manager ....................................................................... 126
News and Weather .............................................................. 127
Note Pad .............................................................................. 127
Play Books .......................................................................... 127
Play Movies& TV ................................................................. 128
Software Update Service ..................................................... 128
Task Manager ..................................................................... 128
Timer ................................................................................... 128
World Time .......................................................................... 129
YouTube .............................................................................. 129
lay Store ............................................................. 130
Browsing and Searching for Apps ....................................... 130
Downloading and Installing Apps ........................................ 130
Managing Your Downloads ................................................. 131
ettings ................................................................. 132
Wireless and Networks ....................................................... 132
Device ................................................................................. 133
Personal .............................................................................. 135
System ................................................................................ 138
roubleshooting .................................................. 140
or Your Safety .................................................... 144
General Safety .................................................................... 144
Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure ......................................... 145
FCC Compliance ................................................................. 147
IC Notice .............................................................................. 148
Distraction ........................................................................... 149
Product Handling ................................................................. 149
Electrical Safety ................................................................... 154
Radio Frequency Interference ............................................. 155
Explosive Environments ...................................................... 157
etting Started
our Phone at a Glance
Power Key
LED Indicator
Menu Key
Back Key
Home Key
Headset Jack
Search Key
Camera Key
Knowing the Keys
Key Function
Power Key
Press and hold to power on your phone.
Press and hold to reboot the phone, turn on
or off Flight mode, enable silent mode, vibration mode or sound, or to power off.
Press to switch your phone to Sleep mode.
Press to wake up your phone.
Home Key
Touch to return to the Home Screen from
any application or screen.
Touch and hold to see recently used
Menu Key
Touch to get the options for the current screen.
Volume Up
Charger/ USB Jack
Back Cover
Volume Down
Flash Lamp
Key Function
Back Key
Touch to go to the previous screen.
Search Key
Touch to search information on the current
screen or application.
Volume Keys
Press or hold to turn the volume up or down.
nstalling the microSD Card and
witch off your phone before installing or replacing the battery. The
icroSD card can be installed and removed while the phone is
urned on. Unmount the microSD card before removing it.
. Remove the back cover.
2. Hold your microSD card with the metal contacts facing down and slide it in.
NOTE: The microSD card is preinstalled in the phone.
The microSD logo
is a trademark of the SD Card
3. Insert the battery by aligning the metal contacts on the battery with the gold contacts in the battery compartment. Gently push down on the battery until it clicks into place.
. Press the cover gently back into place until you hear a click.
harging the Battery
hen you first get your new phone, youʼll need to charge the
f the battery is low, there will be a pop-up message on the
creen. As you charge your phone, the screen will tell you the
xact battery level each time you wake up your phone.
. Connect the adapter to the charger jack. Ensure that the
adapter is inserted with the correct orientation. Do not force the connector into the charger jack.
2. Connect the charger to a standard AC wall outlet. If the phone is on, youʼll see a charging icon, such as
or , appear on
the status bar.
3. Disconnect the charger when the battery is fully charged.
Powering On/Off
Make sure the battery is charged.
Press and hold the Power Key to turn on your phone.
To turn it off, press and hold the Power Key to open the
options menu. Touch Power off and then touch OK.
Locking/Unlocking the Screen and Keys
Your phone allows you to quickly lock the screen and keys when
ot in use and to turn the screen back on and unlock it when you eed it.
o lock the screen and keys:
o quickly turn the screen off and lock the keys, press the Power
OTE: To save battery power, the phone automatically turns off
he screen after a certain period of time when you leave it idle.
ou will still be able to receive messages and calls while the
hone screen is off.
o unlock the screen and keys:
. Press the Power Key to turn the screen on.
. Touch and hold at the center of the screen.
OTE: If you have set an unlock pattern, PIN or password for
our phone (see chapter Personalizing – Protecting Your Phone
With Screen Locks), youʼll need to draw the pattern or enter the
IN/password to unlock your screen.
sing the Touch Screen
our phoneʼs touch screen lets you control actions through a
ariety of touch gestures.
When you want to type using the onscreen keyboard, select items onscreen such as application and settings icons, or press onscreen buttons, simply touch them with your finger.
Touch and Hold
To open the available options for an item (for example, a message or link in a Web page), touch and hold the item.
Swipe or Slide
To swipe or slide means to quickly drag your finger vertically or horizontally across the screen.
To drag, press and hold your finger with some pressure before you start to move your finger. While dragging, do not release your finger until you have reached the target position.
In some apps (such as Maps, Browser, and Gallery), you can zoom in and out by placing two fingers on the screen at once and pinching them together (to zoom out) or spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the screen
For most screens, you can automatically change the screen orientation from portrait to landscape by turning the phone sideways.
Getting to Know the Home Screen
The home screen is the starting point for your phoneʼs applications, functions, and menus. You can customize your home screen by adding application icons, shortcuts, folders, widgets, and more. Your home screen extends beyond the initial
creen. Swipe the screen left or right to display additional creens.
xtended Home Screens
our home screen extends beyond the initial screen, providing
ore space to add icons, widgets, and more. Simply swipe left or
ight on the screen to see the extended Home Screens.
o adjust the order of an extended Home Screen:
. Touch the Home Key to return to the Home Screen.
. Touch and hold a thumbnail and drag it to the place you
Status &
Google Search
All apps
Changing the System Language
1. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings >
Language & input > Language.
2. Select the language you need.
Setting the Date and Time
1. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings >
Date & time.
2. Uncheck Automatic time zone if you want to set the time
zone by yourself.
3. Set the time zone and date/time format.
Changing Ringtone and Notification Sound
You can customize the default ringtone for incoming calls and default notification sound quickly.
1. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings > Sound.
2. Touch Phone ringtone or Default notification.
3. Scroll through the ringtone list and select the ringtone you
want to use.
. Touch OK.
IP: See chapter People – Editing Contacts – Set a Ringtone
or a Contact for how to assign a special ringtone to an
ndividual contact.
djusting Volumes
. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings >
Sound > Volumes.
. Adjust the volume for music, video, games, and other media,
the ringtone and notification volume, and the alarm volume.
. Touch OK to save.
IP: You can adjust the media volume when a media application
s in use by pressing the Volume Keys. If no media application is
ctive, press the Volume Keys to adjust ringtone volume (or the arpiece volume during a call).
o enable the silent or vibration mode:
ou can set the phone to the silent or vibration mode by using
ne of the following methods.
Press and hold the Power Key and then touch to enable
the silent mode, touch
to enable the vibration mode, or
to disable the silent mode.
Press the Volume Keys down when no media application is
active. When the
icon appears in the status bar, the
phone is set to the vibration mode. When the
appears in the status bar, the phone is in the silent mode.
Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings >
Sound > Silent mode, and touch Off, Vibrate or Mute.
Applying New Wallpapers
You can set the wallpaper for the Home Screen or Lock Screen.
1. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > Wallpaper.
2. Select a wallpaper source from Gallery, Live Wallpapers, or Wallpapers and choose the image or animation you want to use as the wallpaper. Some cropping may be needed for Gallery images.
3. Touch DONE at the top of the screen (for Gallery images) or
Set wallpaper.
Changing Screen Brightness
1. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings > Display > Brightness.
2. Tick the Automatic brightness box to make the phone adjust the screen brightness automatically, or clear the tick box to adjust the brightness manually.
3. Touch OK.
rotecting Your Phone With Screen
ou can protect your phone by creating a screen lock. When nabled, you need to draw a pattern or enter a numeric PIN or assword to unlock the phoneʼs screen and keys.
. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings >
. Touch Screen lock.
. Touch Pattern, PIN or Password.
If you touch Pattern, youʼre guided to create a pattern you
must draw to unlock the screen. The first time you do this, a short tutorial about creating an unlock pattern appears. Then youʼre prompted to draw and redraw your own pattern.
If you touch PIN or Password, youʼre prompted to set a
numeric PIN or a password you must enter to unlock your screen.
he next time you turn on your phone or wake up the screen, you
ust draw your unlock pattern or enter your PIN or password to
nlock it.
MPORTANT: Screen lock options are listed in the approximate
rder of the strength of their security, starting with None, which rovide no security. A pattern provides minimal security, although
t can be more convenient than the stronger options.
Protecting Your Phone With Encryption
You can encrypt all the data on your phone: Google Accounts, application data, music and other media, downloaded information, and so on. If you do, you must enter a numeric PIN or password each time you power on your phone.
WARNING! Encryption is irreversible. The only way to revert to an unencrypted phone is to perform a factory data reset, which erases all your data.
Encryption provides additional protection in case your phone is stolen, and may be required or recommended in some organizations. Consult your system administrator before turning it on. In many cases the PIN or password you set for encryption is controlled by the system administrator.
Before turning on encryption, prepare as follows:
1. Set a lock screen PIN or password.
2. Charge the battery.
3. Keep the phone connected to the charger.
4. Schedule an hour or more for the encryption process: you must not interrupt it or you will lose some or all of your data.
When you're ready to turn on encryption:
1. Touch the Home Key > Menu Key > System settings > Security > Encrypt phone.
2. Read the information about encryption carefully.
The Encrypt phone button is dimmed if your battery's not charged or your phone's not plugged in.
If you change your mind about encrypting your phone, touch the Back Key.
WARNING! If you interrupt the encryption process, you will lose data.
. Touch Encrypt phone.
. Enter your lock screen PIN or password and touch Next.
. Touch Encrypt phone again.
he encryption process starts and displays its progress.
ncryption can take an hour or more, during which time your
hone may restart several times.
hen encryption is completed, you're prompted to enter your PIN
r password.
ubsequently, you must enter your PIN or password each time
ou power on your phone, to decrypt it.
Knowing the Basics
Monitoring the Phone Status
The status bar at the top of the home screen provides phone and service status icons on the right side. Below are some of the icons you may see.
3G connected
Signal strength
Ringer off
No signal
Flight mode
Vibrate mode
Battery dead
Bluetooth on
Battery low
Connected to a Wi-Fi network
Battery partially drained
Wired headset connected
Battery full
Alarm set
Battery charging
Managing Notifications
Notification Icons
The status bar at the top of the home screen provides notification icons on the left. Below are some of the icons you may see.
microSD card unmounted
microSD card unexpectedly removed
New Email
Preparing microSD card
New Gmail message
Upcoming event
New Google Talk instant message
Call on hold
Problem with SMS/MMS delivery
New Wi-Fi network detected
Missed call
Downloading data
Call in progress
Sending data
USB connected
Updates available
Song is playing
pen/Close the Notification Panel
otifications report the arrival of new messages, calendar
vents, and alarms, as well as ongoing events. You can open
he notification panel to view the details of notifications.
To open the notification panel, swipe your finger down from
the top of the screen.
To close the notification panel, swipe your finger up from the
bottom of the screen or touch the Back Key.
Respond to or Remove a Notification
In the notification panel, you can respond to a notification or remove the notifications.
To respond to a notification, just touch it.
To remove a notification, swipe it left or right.
To remove all notifications, touch in the top right corner.
TIP: In the notification panel, touch
at the top of notifications
list to get to the Settings menu quickly.
Managing Shortcuts and Widgets
Add Shortcuts and Widgets
1. Touch the Home Key > .
2. Touch APPS or WIDGETS to view the available widgets and shortcuts.
3. Touch and hold a widget or shortcut and drag it to the Home Screen.
Move Shortcuts or Widgets
1. Touch and hold a widget or shortcut on the Home Screen.
2. Drag it to the place you need.
Remove Shortcuts or Widgets
1. Touch and hold a widget or shortcut on the Home Screen.
. Drag it to to remove it.
djust Widget Size
. Touch and hold a widget on the Home Screen and then
release it.
. An outline appears around the widget. Drag the outline to
resize the widget.
OTE: Not all widgets can be resized.
earranging the Favorites Tray
he Home Screen includes a customizable favorites tray at
he bottom visible from all Home Screens. You can drag apps,
hortcuts, folders, and other priority items in or out of the
avorites tray for instant access from any Home Screen.
o remove items from the favorites tray:
ouch and hold an item in the favorites tray and drag it out of the
o add items to the favorites tray:
ouch and hold an item on the Home Screen and drag it into the
avorites tray.
f the favorites tray is full, you need to remove an item in the tray.
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