4 Slide to zoom in or out.
View photos and videos you have
6 Record a video.
Switch between the camera and
4. Touch
to start recording.
5. Touch
to stop recording.
TIP: Whi le th e re cordi ng is in progr ess, you
can touch to save the frame as a separate
Playing Music
1. Touch > > MTS Play Ground.
2. Touch a category, such as Artists or Albums,
to nd the song you want to play.
3. Touch the song to play it.
2. Enter the reci pient(s) and mes sage text . If
you want to send an MMS, add subject and
3. Touch C Send or G Send to send the mes-
Send via
CDMA card
Send via
GSM card
Add attachment
Type message
Enter number(s)
Setting Up Email Accounts
Setting Up Gmail
1. Touch > > Gmail.
NOTE: If an other Gmail account is alre ady
set up, touch > Settings > ADD ACCOUNT.
2. Touch Exist ing t o sig n in to y our e xisti ng
Google Account. If you have no Google Ac-
counts, touch New to create one.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to set
up the account.
Setting Up Email
1. Touch > > Email.
If another email account is already set
up, touch > Settings > ADD ACCOUNT.
2. Enter the email address and password.
3. Touch
Next and follow the onscreen instruc-
Setting Up Corporate Exchange
1. Touch > > Email.
NOTE: If another email account is already set
up, touch > Settings > ADD ACCOUNT.
2. Enter the email address and password.
3. Touch
Manual setup > Exchange.
4. Enter Domain\User name, Pa ssword, and
Server information.
5. Read the onscreen activation disclaimer and,
if prompted, touch Next.
6. If prompted, touch OK to allow the server to
remotely control some of your phone’s secu-
rity features.
7. Congure the settings on the screen, such as
Days to sync, and then touch Next.
8. If pro mpted, touc h Activate to activate t he
Email app as a device administrator.
9. Iden tify you r ne w ac coun t wi th a uniq ue
name and then touch Next.
Contact your server administrator for more help.
Connecting With a Bluetooth
1. Turn on the Bluetooth headset and switch it
to pairing mode. Refer to the headset’s user
guide for more information.
2. Touch
> > Settings > Bluetooth.
3. Slide the
ON/OFF switch if Bl uetooth is off.
When Bluetooth is on, the icon appears in
the status bar.
NOTE: Your phone automatica lly scans for
and displays the IDs of all available Bluetooth
devices in range. You could touch SEARCH
FOR DEVICES if you wanted to scan again.
4. Touch the ID of the headset, or any other de
vice you want to pair with your phone. Enter
a passcode if prompted.
5. If necessary, touch the ID of the paired head
set to connect with it.
TIP: Touch next to the ID of the headset, and
touch Unpair to end the connection.
Installing Apps From the Google
Play Store
There are tens of thousands of games and ap-
plicati ons in the Google Play Store for yo u to
download and install. You can send feedback or
comments on an application.
Bef ore you b egin , ma ke s ure that you hav e
signed in to your Google account.
NOTE: The content you can access in the Play
Store depends on your region and your service
1. Touch
> > Play Store.
The rst time you launch
Play Store, accept
the Google Play Terms of Service.
2. Find the apps you need either by category or
by touching .
3. Touch the app to see detailed description.
4. Touch
Install (free apps) or th e price (paid
apps). If the app is not free, you need to sign
in to your Google Wallet account and select a
payment method.
C AUT ION : O nce in sta lle d, som e a pps
can ac cess many functions or a significan t
amo unt of y our pers onal dat a. Th e Pl ay
Store will show you wh at the app can ac-
cess. Touch Accept & download (free apps)
or Accept & buy (paid apps) to proceed, or
touch to cancel.
5. Wait for the app to be dow nloaded an d in
stalled automatically. P ayment needs to be
authorized before paid apps start download-
The a pp is successful ly insta lled whe n the
icon appears in the status bar. You can nd the
new app after touching > .
Taking a Photo
1. Touch > > Camera.
2. Aim the camera at the subject and make any
necessary adjustment.
Number Function
Switch between the front and the
back camera.
Change the ash mode (only
available for the back camera).
Select color effect (only available
for the back camera).
Select the phone camera mode
(only available for the back cam-
5 Change the camera settings.
6 Slide to zoom in or out.
View photos and videos you have
8 Capture a photo.
Switch between the camera and
3. You can either let the camera autofocus on
the ce nter of the s creen, or you can tou ch
another area on the screen that you want to
focus on.
4. Touch the shutter icon
to take the photo.
WARNING! Keep a saf e dist ance wh en usi ng
the ash. Do not point the ash toward people or
animals’ eyes.
Recording a Video
1. Touch > > Camera.
2. Slide the switch
to open the camcord-
3. Aim the camera at the subject and make any
necessary adjustment.
Number Function
Switch between the front and the
back camera.
Turn on or off the ash (only avail-
able for the back camera).
3 Change the camcorder settings.
15 16 17 18 19 20
Number Function
Song information. Touch to see lyrics
(if available) or the current playlist.
Playback control. Drag the slider to
jump to any part of the song.
3 Touch to resume playback.
4 Touch to start or pause song.
Touch to play the current playlist
in shufe mode, where tracks are
played in random order.
Touch to toggle repeat mode: no
repeat, repeat the current song, or
repeat the current playlist.
7 Touch to skip song.
Touch the menu to manage the mu-
Connecting to PC
You can connect your phone to a computer with
a USB cable and trans fer music, pictures, and
other les in either directions. Your device stores
these les in internal storage or on a removable
microSD card.
1. Touch and hold the status bar across the top
of the screen and ick down.
2. Touch
(Connected as [current connection
3. Choose one of the following options:
US B Mass Storage: Transfe r files be-
tween PC and your device.
Co nnect to PC soft ware: Connect to
PC to sync data and install apps.
M edia device (MTP ): Tra nsfer media
files on Windows, or usin g Android File
Transfer on Mac.
Ca mera (PTP): Transfer phot os usi ng
camera software, an d transfer any f iles
on computers that don’t support MTP.
Sh are m obile networ k: Turn on USB
tethering and share your phone’s mobile
data with the PC.
Inst all driver: Install the drive r needed
for connecting your phone to your PC.
To disconnect the device from the computer, sim-
ply unplug the USB cable when you’re nished.
Connecting to the Internet
Connecting via Wi-Fi
1. Touch > > Settings > Wi-Fi.
2. Slide the
ON/OFF switch if Wi-Fi is off.
You phone automatically searches for Wi-Fi
networks in range and displays their names
and security settings. Your phone also con-
nects to previou sly l inked networ ks wh en
they are in range.
3. Touch a network name to connect to it.
If the network is sec ured, enter a p assword or
other credentials. (Ask your network administra-
tor for details.)
Connecting via Mobile Network
To connect to the Internet via mobile network you
can use the default Access Point Names (APN).
And if you want to add a new APN, please con-
tact the se rvice p rovider to ge t the necessa ry
information. Do not change the sett ings as the
service might stop working.
1. Touc h
> > S ett ing s > M ore >
Mobile ne tworks > CDMA/GSM > Access
Point Names.
2. Touch
> New APN.
3. Touch each item to enter the information you
get from your service provider.
4. Touch
> Save to complete.
Connecting via Bluetooth Tethering
You can connect to a device that supports Blue-
tooth t ethering to sharing the devi ce’s Wi-Fi or
mobile data service with your phone.
1. Enable the device’s Bluetooth and Bluetooth
tethering cap abilities. Make sure the device
is ‘visib le’. Refer to the device’s u ser guide
for more information.
2. Touch
> > Settings > Bluetooth.
3. Turn Bluetooth on and touch the device’s ID
to p air the phone with the d evice. Enter a
passcode if prompted.
4. Touch the ID of the paired device to connect
with it. As the icon in the status bar turns
blue, your phone is able to use data connec-
tion shared by the device.
Extending Battery Life
There are several things you can d o to make
your battery last longer.
• Turn on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, mobile data,
auto-sync only when you need to.
• Lower the screen brightness.
• Use Blueto oth te therin g or USB tetheri ng
(when you have a cable) instead of portable
Wi-Fi hotspot to share your phone’s data ser-
• From the home scre en, t ouch
> Task
Mana ger and close the app s yo u do not
need but still run in the background.
• From the home screen, touch
> Settings
> Sound and uncheck Vibrate on touch.
Freeing Up Memory Space
Use Task Mana ger to free up m emory space
and optimize system speed.
1. From the home scre en, t ouch
> Task
2. Touch the
Tasks tab and touch next to
the application you do not need.
You can also touch CLOSE ALL to stop all run-
ning applications.
Managing the Phone Storage
Deleting Old Messages
You can manually delete old messages to free up
some storage space. You may also set up auto
deletion of the oldest messages when the limits
are reached.
1. From the home screen, touch
> .
2. Touch
> Settings.
3. Check
Delete old messages to enable auto
4. Touch Text messa ge limi t or Multime dia
message limit to set the maximum limit.
5. Touch Set.
Clearing Browser’s Local Content
1. From the home screen, touch > Browser.
2. Touch
> Settings > Privacy & security.
3. Touch
Cle ar c ache , Cl ear his tory , an d
Clear all cookie data.
Product Safety Information
Do not use hand-held while driving
Do not use while re-fuelling
For body-worn operation maintain
a separation of 15 mm
This device may produce a bright
or ashing light
Small parts may cause a choking
Do not dispose of it in a re
This device may produce a loud
To prevent possible hearing dam-
age, do not listen at high volume
levels for long periods.
Avoid contact with magnetic media
Avoid Extreme Temperatures
Keep away from pacemakers and
other personal medical devices
Avoid any contact with liquid, keep
it dry
Switch off when instructed in hospi-
tals and medical facilities
Do not attempt to disassemble
Switch off when instructed in air-
crafts and airports
Only use approved accessories
Switch off in explosive environ-
Do not rely on this device for emer-
gency communications
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and re-
ceiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for
exposure to radio waves recommended by inter-
national guidelines. These guidelines were devel-
oped by the in dependent scientic organization
ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to
assure the protection of all persons, regardless
of age and health.
The guidelines use a unit of measurement known
as Specic Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR
limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kg and the highest
SAR value for this device when tested was 0.694
W/kg. As mobile d evices offer a range of func-
tions, they can be used in other positions, such
as on the body.
As SAR is measured utilizing the device’s highest
transmitting power, the actual SAR of this device
while oper ating is typically belo w that indicated
above. This is due to automatic changes to the
power level of the device to ensure it only uses
the minimum power requi red to commu nicate
with the network.
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