Preparing Door
1. Check door thickness; prepare proper screws and spindles.
Door Thickness D Spindles C Spindle F Screws
38 - 48 mm 40 mm 75 mm 25 mm
Note: I f the door is thicker than 38-48 mm, this lock will not be availab le.
2. Determining Handing.
The hand of a door is deter mined from the secure side of the door. The term "secure" means the side from
which you u nl oc k an d en te r.
Lef t hand, o pen inwa rd Righ t hand, o pen inwa rd
Lef t hand, o pen out ward Ri ght han d, open ou tward
Note: Please install the mortise (E) accord in g to t he a bove pic tu res.
Sta ndpoi nt