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Device use r manual for ZENEC medi a system
The more familiar you make yourself with the func tions of the ZEN EC system the more co nfident you will be in operating it. Please read this operat ing manual befor e you start you r new ZENEC system. In this device us er manual you will f ind impor tant instr uctions and in formation for the safe operation of the ZENEC system, an d to help you make the mos t of its technic al advantages.
For more inform ation please v isit the off icial home page, or conta ct an authori zed ZENEC dealer (zenec.com - deal ers).
ZENEC wishes you a g ood and safe jou rney!
About this manual
This device use r manual gives a des cription of all the equipment o r model variant s of the ZENEC systems. In additi on, optional eq uipment or featur es of the vehicle a re described that may not be included as st andard in your vehicle. These are no t identifie d for each and ever y individual c ase. Therefore equipment or feature s will be descr ibed that may not be i n your ZENEC system or vehi cle. More inform ation can be obtained from your authorized Z ENEC dealer.
All the infor mation in this m anual corresponds to the st ate at the time of going to press, and applies only to ZENEC systems i n original condition. On ac count of possible updates to dev ice soft ware, the illustratio ns and features sh own in this oper ating manual may be di fferent fr om your ZENEC system. Differences in the info rmation, illustrations or f eatures cannot form a basis for a ny claims.
If you sell your vehic le with the ZEN EC system still fit ted, please en sure that this op erating manual stays with the vehi cle, and that any personal data like a phonebook stored in the device i s deleted.
Settings → Dev ice Confi guration → He lp → Factory Setting
The safety instr uctions of the vehicle manufa cturer, and the instr uctions given in this operati ng
manual are all generally applicable. Ple ase pay attentio n to the safety instruction s on the ZENEC system. Before start ing your journey ma ke yourself famil iar with the ope ration of the ZENEC system. Ple ase use only suitable media for aud io modes. If the ZENEC system has bee n disconnec ted from the power supply before use, it will be
necessar y to carr y out a Sat-Fix before using the navigation system.
Special User Manual → Navigation
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If the driver of th e vehicle is dist racted, this may le ad to an accident or injury. Operating the ZENEC system can distract attent ion from the g eneral traf fic situat ion! Equally, connec ting, changing or inserting dat a media can dis tract the driver from the gen eral traffic situation.
Devices, like mo bile phones or r emovable storag e devices, that a re not fixed or are inadequately secured can be thrown through the interio r of the vehicle by a sud den driving maneuver or an accident, thereby causing injury to vehicle occupants.
When the housing of a CD/DVD player i s opened injur ies may be caused by invisible laser radiation.
Modific ations of the ZENEC system may only be c arried out by sp ecialists aut horized by ZENEC!
Always choos e loudspeaker set tings such that acoustic si gnals coming from outside c an always be heard in the vehi cle (e.g. signal horns or sirens).
Incorrec t installati on or commis sioning of the ZENEC system may cause dam age to the ZENEC system or to the vehic le electro nics. Only let q ualified sp ecialists authorized by ZEN EC install the device.
This ZENEC system is i ntended solely for operatio n at an on-boa rd voltage of 12 V DC. Ope rating the ZENEC system at any oth er voltage ca n cause damage to t he ZENEC system or to th e vehicle electrical system.
Taking apart or modi fying the ZE NEC system can resu lt in damage to the dev ice or the vehic le. Opening the dev ice or modif ication by a pe rson not autho rized by ZENEC will r ender warrant y claims null and void.
In the event of a malfun ction or defec t please cont act an author ized ZENEC deale r. Unauthorized repairs will r ender warrant y claims null an d void.
A volume level that is set too high can damage the hearin g. This is also tr ue when the volume level is very hig h just for a shor t time.
Changing or co nnecting an au dio source c an lead to sudden f luctuatio ns in the volume level.
Route recomm endations and displayed traf fic signs on t he ZENEC system may dif fer from the real situatio n. Traffic signs and t raffic regulations have precedenc e over route recom mendations and indicati ons of the ZENEC syste ms.
Speed data dis played in the navigat ion system cor responds to th e permitte d speed limit. Pl ease adjust your speed and driving be havior to the prevail ing visibilit y, weather, road, and traffic conditions.
The connec tion and char ging leads of external mobile dev ices can get in t he way of the driver. Please run these so that the driver's freedom of movement is not hindered.
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BEFORE FIRST USE ...................................................................................................................... S. 03
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................................. S. 04
MAIN MENU.....................................................................................................................................S. 07
MAIN FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................................... S. 07
ADDITIONAL FUNCTION S ............................................................................................................ S. 07
GLOBAL CONTROLS..................................................................................................................... S. 09
SEARCH & INPUT ...........................................................................................................................S. 10
ABOUT THIS C HAPTER ................................................................................................................. S. 11
CONTENTS OF T HIS CHAPTER ...................................................................................................S . 11
RADIO ..............................................................................................................................................S. 13
MEDIA AUDIO ................................................................................................................................ S. 23
MEDIA VI DEO ................................................................................................................................. S. 38
EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS ..........................................................................................................S. 42
REAR SID E ENTERTAINMENT .................................................................................................... S. 46
ABOUT THIS C HAPTER ................................................................................................................ S. 49
CONTENTS OF T HIS CHAPTER .................................................................................................. S. 50
CONNECTION ................................................................................................................................ S. 53
PHONEBOOK ................................................................................................................................. S. 55
ABOUT THIS C HAPTER ................................................................................................................ S. 58
CONTENTS OF T HIS CHAPTER .................................................................................................. S. 59
ABOUT THIS C HAPTER ................................................................................................................ S. 64
CONTENTS OF T HIS CHAPTER .................................................................................................. S. 65
RADIO CONFIGURATION ..............................................................................................................S. 67
MEDIA CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................. S. 68
BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................... S. 6 9
TFT CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................S. 74
AUDIO CONFIGURATION ..............................................................................................................S. 75
DEVICE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................... S. 85
ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................... S. 90
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................. S. 92
STATUTORY RIGHTS AND WARR ANTY ..................................................................................... S. 95
Fig. 1/01
Function Icon Operation
Navigate in the main menu by sliding to th e left or rig ht
Function Icon Operation
Press and hold to move an icon to the de sired positi on
Quick access
For quick acce ss you can drag icons that you want into the header (max . 4 icons).
Recycle bin
By touching and h olding, you can m ove main menu icons that you no longe r require or use into t he recycle bin. Conversely, you can ret rieve icons fr om the recycle b in by dragging them up into the header.
*Please pay attention to the Devi ce Quick St art Guide to l earn more about the vehicle integration.
8 9
Function Icon Operation
Tun er
Touch to select radio pl ayback (FM/AM/DAB+)
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Radio S. 13
Media Audio
Touch to select audio play back (DVD/USB/SD/A2DP/Apple)
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Media Au dio S. 23
Media Video
Touch to select video playback (DVD/USB/SD/Apple)
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Media V ideo S. 38
Touch to select external sources
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Input S. 42
Touch to select playback of rear seat entertainment
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → M-Zone S. 46
Touch to select Bluetooth mode
Device User Manual → Hands- free System S. 49
Touch to select navigati on mode
Device User Manual → Navigati on S. 58
Touch to access the system parameter set tings
Device User Manual → Settings S. 64
Touch to select the vehicle-specific settings
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → CAR (separately)
Recycle bin
For icons that ar e not needed in the m ain menu
See additional functions S. 7
Main sources
When you are in a sou rce overvie w, return to the main men u by touching the mai n icon you require, or by pressing th e HOME button.
Inactive ico ns that are grayed out c annot be selected.
Function Icon Operation
Touch to display a list in the form of tex t
Touch to display a list in the form of tiles (image s)
Touch to start a search
Touch to go back one level
Global controls
This list desc ribes globa l controls and their functi ons that you will f ind in different source s of the ZENEC system. Th e function wi ll always be the sam e: only the displayed c ontent change s, depending on the source.
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In each of the sources you have the option to make select ions using a search functio n . On this page we show you how to us e the search mas k.
The functio ns Security and Upper/Lower are o nly enabled in th e password func tion.
Fig. 1/02
Function Icon Operation
Touch to show or hide the input on the display
Touch to display the current selectio n (the number of hits w ill be shown in brackets)
Touch to delete one character Hold down to delete the c omplete input
Touch to end the search or input
Touch to write a character in upper or lower c ase Double touch to write all the fo llowing characters in upper or lower case.
Touch to change the keypad layout s
Keypad assignments like PC keyboard wit h Y Keypad assignments like PC keyboard wit h Z
Alphabetic keypad assignments Geek keypad assig nments
Hebrew keypad assi gnments
Cyrillic keypad assignments
This chapter de scribes how to operate and use the audio and vide o sources. In ad dition, optio nal equipment or features of the vehic le are descri bed that may not be inc luded as standard in your vehicle. These are not identified for each and every individual case. Therefore equipment or features will be descr ibed that may not be i n your ZENEC system or vehi cle. More info rmation ca n be obtained fro m your authorized ZENEC dealer.
Only operate t he audio playback or radio while dr iving when th e traffic situation all ows.
Changing or co nnecting an au dio source c an lead to sudden f luctuatio ns in the volume level. This should be b orne in mind bef ore changing o r connecting an audio sourc e.
If the driver of th e vehicle is dist racted, this may le ad to an accident or injury. Operating the ZENEC system can distract attent ion from the g eneral traf fic situat ion! Equally, connec ting, changing or inserting dat a media can dis tract the driver from the gen eral traffic situation.
Always choos e loudspeaker set tings such that acoustic si gnals coming from outside c an always be heard in the vehi cle (e.g. signal horns or sirens).
According to the law, the operati on of the video playback while dr iving is not per mitted. For thi s reason, the pic ture switche s off as soon as t he vehicle moves.
The connec tion and char ging leads of external mobile dev ices can get in t he way of the driver. Please run the se so that the driver's freedom of movement is not hi ndered.
A volume level that is set too high can damage the hearin g. This is also tr ue when the volume level is very hig h just for a shor t time.
A compatibil ity overvi ew of useful devices together wit h memory sizes and format s can be found at www.zenec.com.
12 13
The safety instr uctions of the vehicle manufacturer, and the instr uctions given in this operati ng
manual are all generally applicable. Please pay attention to the safety instruction s on the ZENEC system. For th e reception of d igital radio stations a suit able antenna system mu st be installed i n the
vehicle. If you have que stions pleas e contact your au thorized ZEN EC dealer.
Fig. 2/01
Icon Function
Radio (FM/AM/DAB+)
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Radio S. 13
Audio playback
(CD/Harddisc/A2DP/Apple interface/Gracenote)
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Media Au dio S. 23
Video playbac k
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Media V ideo S. 38
External connections (Smartlink/Camera/AV-IN)
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → Input S. 42
Rear seat entertainment
Device User Manual → Entert ainment → M-Zone S. 46
Overvi ew
Fig. 2/02
Overvi ew
Radio bands .....................................................................................................................................S. 14
Analoge Radio
Radio operation FM .........................................................................................................................S. 15
Station list FM ..................................................................................................................................S. 16
Manual frequency search FM ..........................................................................................................S. 17
Radio operation AM .........................................................................................................................S. 18
Manual frequency search AM ..........................................................................................................S. 19
Digital Radio
Radio operation DAB ...................................................................................................................... S. 20
Station list DA B ................................................................................................................................S. 21
Manual frequency search DAB ........................................................................................................S. 21
Storing stations
Storing stations (DAB/FM/AM) ....................................................................................................... S. 22
Device User Manual Settings Radio Configuration .............................................................. S. 67
14 15
Radio bands
The ZENEC system ena bles you to receive radio statio ns via FM, AM or DA B+. The reception of the individua l radio bands is de pendent on the position of the antenna in your vehicl e. Thus not all vehicles fro m the factor y come with antennas designe d for digital ra dio recepti on. If your vehicle antenna is not DAB c apable, cont act your ZENEC deal er for a retrof it.
Icon Function
Reception of an alog radio stations using FM
Entertainment → Radio → FM S. 15
Reception of an alog radio stations using A M
Entertainment → Radio → AM S. 18
Reception of di gital radio st ations using di gital audio br oadcasting
Entertainment → Radio → DAB+ S. 20
Store radio stations (FM/AM /DAB)
Entertainment → Radio → Store S tation S. 22
Radio operation FM
Fig. 2/03
Function Icon Operation
Station back
Touch to jump back one station in the folder
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Station forward
Touch to jump forward o ne station in the folder
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch and hold to move the slider up or down
Touch to access the the desired radio band (DAB/FM/AM)
Touch to access station information
Touch to access station lists (lists all receivable radio stations in the surrounding area)
Touch to access stored radio stations (18 presets across all bands)
Entertainment Radio Store S tation S. 22
Touch to access the radio frequency scale
Touch to switch on or off t he automatic ch angeover to stations with traffic announcements
16 17
Station list FM
Fig. 2/04
Function Icon Operation
Station back / Station forward
The functions Station back/Station forward in the previous view (Fig. 2/03) refer to the radio stations available he re.
Touch and hold to move the slider up or down.
Touch and hold your finger on the list to move the list up or down.
Radio band
Indicates the frequency band (FM/DAB)
Station name
If the station name is transmitted via RDS, this will appear in the list.
If no station name is available then its frequenc y will be displayed.
Actual station
This station is currently playing.
This view gives you a l ist of receivab le stations in t he region you are dr iving throu gh. The list is by station identification, and not in alphabetical ord er.
Manual station search FM
Fig. 2/05
Function Icon Operation
Station back
Touch to jump back one station
Station Forwar d
Touch to jump forward o ne station
Frequency Back
Touch to jump back 50 KHz
Frequency Forwar d
Touch to jump forward 5 0 KHz
Manual Search
Hold down and move until the desire d frequency is r eached.
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Radio operation AM
Fig. 2/06
Manual station search AM
Fig. 2/07
Function Icon Operation
Station back
Touch to jump back one station
Station Forwar d
Touch to jump forward o ne station
Frequency Back
Touch to jump back 9 kHz
Frequency Forwar d
Touch to jump forward 9 k Hz
Manual Search
Hold down and move until the desire d frequency is r eached.
Function Icon Operation
Station back
Touch to jump back one station in the folder
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Station forward
Touch to jump forward o ne station in the folder
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to access the th e desired radio band (DAB/FM/AM)
Touch to access station information
Touch to access store d radio statio ns (18 presets across all ban ds)
Entertainment → Radio → Store S tation S. 22
Touch to access the radio frequency s cale
Touch to switch on or off t he automatic ch angeover to stations with traffic announcements
20 21
Radio operation DAB
Fig. 2/08
Function Icon Operation
Station back
Touch to jump back one station in the folder
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Station forward
Touch to jump forward o ne station in the folder
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch and hold to move the slid er up or down
Touch to access the th e desired radio band (DAB/FM/AM)
Touch to access station information
Touch to access station lists (lists all rec eivable radio st ations in the surrounding area)
Touch to access store d radio statio ns (18 presets across all ban ds)
Entertainment → Radio → Store S tation S. 22
Touch to access the radio frequency s cale
Touch to switch on or off t he automatic ch angeover to stations with traffic announcements
Station list DAB
Fig. 2/09
Function Icon Operation
Station back Station forward
The functions Station back /Station forward in the previous view (Fig 2/0x) refer to the radio stations available here.
Touch and hold to move the slider up or down
Touch and hold your finger on the list to move the list up or down
Indicates the rece ivable channel (e.g. 8 D) in which the assigned stations are respectively located.
Radio band
Indicates the frequency band (DAB/FM/AM)
Station Name Station name that ist displayed
Actual station
This station is currently playing
This view gives you a list of receivable stations in the region you are driving through. The list is by station identification, and not in alphabetical order.
22 23
Overvi ew
Music sources ................................................................................................................................. S. 25
Footer .............................................................................................................................................. S. 26
Middle .............................................................................................................................................. S. 26
Playback ...........................................................................................................................................S. 27
Hard disk
Playback .......................................................................................................................................... S. 28
Playback .......................................................................................................................................... S. 30
BT Music
Playback .......................................................................................................................................... S. 29
Operation ........................................................................................................................................ S. 32
MLT - Pl ayb ac k.................................................................................................................................. S. 33
Mood ............................................................................................................................................... S. 34
Device User Manual → Settings → Media Conf iguration ............................................................. S. 68
Search/Store radio stations
There are vari ous ways for you to store a radio station. S toring depen ds on the radio ban d.
Fig. 2/10
Function Icon Operation
99.90 MHz
This station i s currently p laying.
Station back
Touch to skip to previous pre set
Station forward
Touch to skip to next preset
Touch and hold to store the st ation at the desired store
Once the station is stored the icon of the radio band and the frequency or station name ap pear
Store register
Touch to go to another store re gister (3 registers each with 6 stores)
Fig. 2/11
24 25
A wide range of dat a media can be c onnected to th e ZENEC system. The latest compatibility overview of useful devices tog ether with mem ory sizes an d formats of the m edia suppor ted can be found at ww w.zenec.com.
Function Icon Operation
Hard disk
Touch to access hard di sk playback (USB /SD)
Entertainment → Media Audio → Hard Disk S. 28
Touch to access the DVD p layback (CD/DVD)
Entertainment → Media Audio → DVD S. 27
Touch to access the playback with Apple devices
Entertainment → Media Audio → iPod S. 30
BT Music
Touch to access the BT Mu sic playback (A 2DP)
Entertainment → Media Audio → BT Music S. 29
Overview of G racenote functions
Entertainment → Media Audio → Gracenote S. 32-37
Music sources SCREEN
Fig. 2/12
Function Icon Operation
Touch to go to the available sou rces.
Touch to generate a playlist
Entertainment → Media Audio → Gracenote S. 32
Touch to skip to the previous track
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to play a track
Touch to pause at a track
Forwar d
Touch to skip to the next tra ck
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to go to Gracenote mo od selecti on
Entertainment → Media Audio → Gracenote S. 32
Touch to display the folder a nd list
The listed Grac enote funct ions MLT and Mood are not available in all sourc es.
26 27
Fig. 2/13
Function Icon Operation
If a cover is stored o n the music media , or via Gracenote, it can be displayed. This functi on is not suppor ted for CD/ DVD and BT Audio playback.
Information about the artist Touch to search for ar tists is only po ssible with G racenote enabled.
Tra c k
Informatio n about the trac k Touch to search for trac ks is only possible with Grac enote enabled.
Information about the album Touch to search for albums is only possible with Gracenote enabled.
Information about the genre (only possible with Gracenote enabled)
Touch to turn on the rando m play feature with in the folder th at is playing
Touch to automatically r epeat a track
Touch or slide to skip within a track
Middle DVD Audio
If a CD or DVD with music files is in serted into t he ZENEC system, you can play back using this music sour ce. The require ments of CD or DVD RO Ms, and file formats can b e found at
www.zenec.com for a particular product under device compatibility.
Function Icon Operation
Touch to go to the available sou rces
Touch to skip back to the previous track
Hold down to ski p backwards
Swipe to the right to skip back to t he previous trac k
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to play a track
Touch to pause a track
Forwar d
Touch to skip forwar d to the next trac k
Hold down to ski p forwards
Swipe to the lef t to skip for wards to the nex t track
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to display the folder l ist
Entertainment → Media Audio → Playlist S. 31
Touch or slide to skip within a track
Touch for random play
Touch to automatically repeat a track
28 29
Hard disk
If a USB stick or S D card with music files is plugged into the ZE NEC system, you can play back using this musi c source. The requirements of US B, SD cards, an d file formats can be found at
www.zenec.com for a particular product under device compatibility.
Function Icon Operation
Touch to go to the available sou rces
Touch to generate a playlist
Entertainment → Media Audio → Gracenote S. 32
Touch to skip back to the previous track
Hold down to ski p backwards
Swipe to the right to skip back to t he previous trac k
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifun ction Steer ing Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to play a track
Touch to pause a track
Forwar d
Touch to skip forwar d to the next trac k
Hold down to ski p forwards
Swipe to the lef t to skip for wards to the nex t track
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifunction Steering Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to go to Gracenote mo od selecti on
Entertainment → Media Audio → Gracenote S. 32
Touch to display the folder l ist
Entertainment → Media Audio → Playlist S. 31
Touch to skip direct to the d esired posit ion Slide to reach the desired position
Touch for random play
Touch to automatically r epeat a track
BT Music (A2DP)
If a compatible mobile devic e is paired via Bl uetooth
, you can play back us ing this music so urce. The requireme nts of mobile end d evices can be f ound at www.zenec.com for a particular product under device compatibility.
Function Icon Operation
Touch to go to the available sou rces
Touch to skip back to the previous track
Hold down to ski p backwards
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifunction Steering Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to play a track
Touch to pause a track
Forwar d
Touch to skip forwar d to the next trac k
Hold down to ski p forwards
Device Quic k Start Gu ide → Multifunction Steering Wheel
(only if suppor ted by vehicle and ZENEC system)
Touch to change betwee n the connec ted mobile devices*
Touch for random play
Touch to automatically r epeat a track
*The chang eover applies only for music playbac k, and has no ef fect on the hands-free system.
The listed func tions depen d on the paired mo bile phone, inst alled soft ware versio ns and the de­gree of compatibility.
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