Customer Order # 11992L
Manufacturer Part # 11992LB Rev. 2
This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation. It is intended solely for the
information and use of parties opera ti ng and maintaining the equipment desc rib ed herein. Such proprietary
information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed
written permission of Zebra Technologies Corporation.
Continuous improvemen t of pro ducts is a policy of Zebra Technologies Corporation. All spec i fic at ions and signs are
subject to change without notice.
This equipment has been te sted and f ound to co mply with the limi ts for a Cla ss B digita l devi ce, pu rsu ant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. The se limit s are des igned to pro vide re asonab le pro tectio n again st harmf ul inte rfere nce i n a reside nti al
installation. This equipme nt ge ne ra te s, use s, a nd ca n radiate radio frequency en ergy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that the interfe re nc e w ill not occur in a particular installa t ion. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or tele visi on reception, which can be determ ined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to corre ct the interference by one or m o re of the following measures :
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation be tween the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different than that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the de aler or an experience d Radio/TV technician for help.
NOTE: This unit was tested with shielded cables on the peripheral devices. Shielded cables must be used with the
unit to ensure compliance.
“The user is cautioned tha t an y changes or modifications not expre ssly approved by Zebra Technologies Corporation
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”
This digital apparatus does not exc ee d the Cl ass A limi ts for ra di o noi s e em i s sions from digital apparatus as set out in
the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Depart m en t of Communications.
If the accompanying printer displays the CE mark, it also meets EMC directive 89/336/EEC, with amendments
effective at the time of manufacture.
Zebra Technologies Corporation takes steps to assure that its published Engineering Spe cifications and Manuals are
correct; however, errors do occur. Zebra Technologies Corporation reserves the right to correct any such errors and
disclaims liabilit y resu lting therefrom.
In no event shall Zebra Technologies Corporation or anyone else involve d in the cre at ion, production, or delivery of
the accompanying product (including hardware and software) be liable for any damages wha tso ever (including,
without limitation, damages for loss of business pro fits, busine ss inter rupt io n, loss of bu sine ss information, or other
pecuniary loss) arising out of th e use of or the results of use or inability to use such pro duct, even if Zebra
Technologies Corporation has been advised of the po ssi bi lity of such damages. Because some states so not allow the
exclusion or limitation of l iab ility for consequential or inci dental damages, the above limita ti on may not apply to you.
This copyrighted manual and the label printer desc ribed herein are owned by Zebra Technologies Co rporation. All
rights are reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of this manual or the software in the label printer may result in
imprisonment of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.S.C.506). Copyright violators may be subject to civil
Thank you for purchasing this high-quality Zebra XiIII™-Series printer,
manufactured by the indust ry leader in quali ty, servi ce, and valu e — Zebr a
Technologies Corporation. For over 25 years, Zebra has provided
customers with the highest caliber of products and support.
• This manual provides all of the information you need to operate your
45540L) shows you how to create the perfect label format for your
application. These books also explain how, through ZBI™, you can
extend the power of ZPL II by allowing custom programs to be written
that operate within the printer and directly interface with bar code
scanners and keyboard display devices. In addition, the books contain
information about the enhanced operating system features of your
printer. There are three ways to obtain these books: on the accessory
CD-ROM (supplied with the printer), on our web site (,
or printed manuals can be ordered from your distributor.
•The ZebraNetGuide (part # 45537L) explai ns how you ca n quickl y set up your pri nter
on an IP network and experience ZebraLink™, our revolutionary
real-time connectivity and control solution for Z ebra printers (optional
Programming Guide Volume I and Volume II (part #
Networking: PrintServer II™ Installation and User’s
PrintServer II required).
• There is also a main te nance manu al for th is pri nter. This manual (part #
48152L) contains the information you need to maintain your printer.
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide1
Carefully unpack and inspect the printer for possible damage incurred
during shipment.
• Check all exterior surfaces.
• Raise the media access door and inspect the media compartment.
In case shipping is required, save the carton and all packing material.
Contact your authorized Zebra reseller for instructions.
If you discover shipping damage:
• Immediately noti fy and file a damage r eport with the shi pping company .
Zebra Technologies Corporation is not responsible for any damage
incurred during shipment of the equipment and will not repair this
damage under warranty.
• Keep the carton and all packing material for inspection.
• Notify your authorized Zebra reseller.
If you are not placing the printer into operation immediately, repackage it
using the original packing materials. The printer may be stored under the
following conditions:
• Temperature: –4° to +140° F (–20° to +60° C)
• Relative humidity: 5% to 85% non-condensing
2Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide
Since print quality is affected by media and ribbon, printing speeds, and
printer operating modes, it is very important to run tests for your
We STRONGLY RECOMMEND the use of Zebra T ech nol ogi es
Corporation-brand supplies for continuous high-quality printing. A wide
range of paper, polypropylene, polyester, and vinyl stock has been
specifically engineered to enhance the printing capabilities of the printer
and to ensure against premature printhead wear.
• Continuous roll media, fanfold media, or card stock with optional
perforations and registration holes may be used.
• Printhead life may be reduced by the abrasion of exposed paper fibers
when using perforated media.
• The ribbon MUST be as wide as or wi der tha n the media being used. If
the ribbon is narrower than the media, areas of the printhead are
unprotected and subject to premature wear. (When printing in direct
thermal mode, ribbon is not used and should not be loaded in the
NOTE: Depending on how your printer was ordered, a power cord may
or may not be included. If one is not included, or if the one
included is not suitable for your requirements, refer to “Power
Line Cord Specifications” on page 92.
The power cord connector must be plugged into the mating connector on
the rear of th e printer.
Make sure that the POWER on/off switch (located at the back of the
printer) is in the off position before connecting the power cable to an
electrical outlet.
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide3
Figure 1 outlines the basic components of your printer. However,
depending on the opti ons you have s elected, y our print er may look sl ightly
Figure 1
4Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide
This chapter of the user’s guide is so important that we’ve printed it on a
different color paper! That way, it is easy for you to find when you must
calibrate (set up) the printer for your particular application.
• To calibrate the printer.
• To verify that the printer is properly set up by printing a test label.
NOTE: This procedure must be performed when the printer is first
To calibrate the printer, you must perform the following procedures:
• Determine the type of media (labels) being used.
• Choose the print method.
installed or when it cannot properly detect the top of the label.
• Position the media sensors (if necessary).
• Configure the prin ter and s oftware or driv er based o n the l abel bein g
• Perform a media and ribbon calibration.
•Print a test label.
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide5
Non-continuous web media (refer to Figure 2) refers to individual labels
that are separated by a gap, notch, or hole. When you look at the media,
you can tell where one label ends and the next one begins.
Figure 2
6Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide
Non-continuous black mark media has black marks printed on the back
that indicate the start and end of each label (refer to Figure 3).
Figure 3
Continuous media (refer to Figure 4) is one uninterrupted roll of material
that allows the image to be printed anywhere on the label.
Figure 4
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide7
•In Tear-Off mode, each label (or a strip of labels) can be torn off after it
is printed.
•In Peel-Off mode, backing material is peel ed away from the label as it is
printed. After this label is removed from the printer, the next one is
•In Cutter mode, t he pr int er a utoma tical ly c uts t he label afte r a s pec ifie d
number of labels has been printed.
•In Rewind mode, the media and backin g are rewou nd onto a cor e as the
labels are printed.
8Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide
Figure 5 illustrates one method of media loading. For more detailed
instructions, as well as information about how to load the dif ferent type s of
media and the various printing modes, refer to the instructions that begin
on page 27.
Figure 5
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide9
The correct positioning of the media sensors is important — it can make
the difference between a perfect label and a call to Technical Support!
The web or gap sensor, better known as the “transmissive sensor,” detects
the gap between label s.
The transmissive sensor actually consists of two sections: a light source
(the lower media sensor) an d a light sensor (the upper media sen sor ). The
media passes between the two.
The upper media sensor must be positioned:
• Directly over the hole or notch, or
• Anywhere along the width of the media if there is a gap between labels.
NOTE: If you are using continuous media, position the upper media
sensor over the media so that the printer can detect an
out-of-paper condition.
10Zebra XiIII-Serie s User’s Guide
Refer to Figure 6. (For clarity, not all printer parts are shown.)
1. Remove the ribbon (if it is installed).
2. Locate the upper media sensor. The upper media sensor “eye” is
directly below the adjustment screw head.
3. Slightly loosen the upper media sensor adjustment screw (use a
Phillips-head screwdriver).
4. Using the tip of the screwdriver, slide the upper sensor along the slot
to the desired position.
5. Secure the upper media sensor adjustment screw.
Figure 6
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide11
Position the lower media sensor (refer to Figure 7) by sliding it in its slot
until it is positioned under the upper media sensor.
Figure 7
The black mark sen sor is in a fixed p osition and en abled via the fr ont panel
(refer to “Configuring the Printer” on page 15 for details).
12Zebra XiIII-Serie s User’s Guide
T o load the ribbo n, refe r to Figure 8 (for the 90XiIII, 96XiIII, and 140XiIII)
and Figure 9 (for the 170XiIII and 220XiIII). For more det ailed
information, refer to the instructions that begin on page 38.
Figure 8
Figure 9
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide13
The POWER switch is located at the back of the printer above the power
cord and fuse. Turn on the printer.
The step-by-step instru ctions in this
section tell you which keys to press and
what appears on the liq uid cr ystal displ ay
(LCD) during the calibration procedure.
For a more detailed explanation of the
front panel keys and lights (as shown in
Figure 10), refer to the instructions that
begin on page 24.
Figure 10
14Zebra XiIII-Serie s User’s Guide
The configuration proce dure in the ne xt table con tains the information you
need to get your prin ter up and runnin g, but it is not comprehensive. Refer
to page 41 for more information.
• Enter the configuration mode by pressing the SETUP/EXIT key at the
“PRINTER READY” display.
NOTE: You need to press the NEXT/SAVE key more than once to
advance to some of the displays.
• To increase the value, answer “yes,” indicate “on,” or move to the next
selection, use the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key.
• To decrease the value, answer “no,” indicate “off,” or return to the
previous selection, use the LEFT BLACK OVAL key.
NOTE: When changing parame te rs, an asterisk (*) in t he upper left-hand
corner of the display indicates that you have changed this setting
from the setting that is currently stored in memory.
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide15
NOTE: All steps must be performed in the following procedure, even if
only one sensor needs to be adjusted.
1. Press the SETUP/EXIT key.
2. Press the NEXT/SAVE key until “MEDIA AND RIBBON
CALIBRATE” displays.
3. To start the calibration procedure, press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL
4. Open the printhead. Remove approximately 8" (200 mm) of labels
from the media roll, enough so that only the backing material is
threaded b etween the media sensors when the media is loaded
(refer to Figure 11).
Figure 11
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide17
5. Press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key. The front panel display shows
6. Either remove the ribbon or slide it as far from the printer frame as
7. Close the printhead, trapping the ribbon in this position.
8. Press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key. The front panel shows
9. When this part of the calibration process is completed, the display
10. Open the printhead. Pull the backing material until a label is
positioned between the media sensors.
11. Either load the ribbon or return the ribbon to its proper position.
12. Close the pr i nth ead. Press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key to pe rf or m
the next part of the calibration sequence. “MEDIA AND RIBBON
CALIBRATE” displays. The pri nter is calibrated when the media
stops feeding.
13. Press the SETUP/EXIT key to leave the programming mode. Choose
“permanent” when SAVE CHANGES displays.
18Zebra XiIII-Serie s User’s Guide
To print a test label:
1. Turn of f the printer.
2. Press and hold the CANCEL key
while turning on the printer.
A configuration label prints showing the
printer’s currently store d parameters
(similar to the one shown in Figure 12).
Figure 12
If you encounter a ny problems while you ar e config uring or c alibrat ing the
printer or printing a test label, refer to Troubleshooting, which starts on
page 75. Otherwise, refer to Establishing Communication on page 21 to
set up the communication parameters.
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide19
20Zebra XiIII-Serie s User’s Guide
The method of interfacing this printer to a data source depends on the
communication options installed in the printer. The standard interfaces
are an RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 se rial dat a port and a bi- directi onal paral lel
port. The optional ZebraNet
connected to 10Base-T Ethernet networks. In addition, the IBM
or IBM Coax option is available for those applications that require them.
When communicating via an
asynchronous serial data port (refer to
Figure 13), the baud rate, number of data
and stop bits, parit y, and handshaking are
user selectable. Parity only applies to
data transmitted by the printer since the
parity of received data is ignored.
PrintServer II enables pri n te rs to be
Figure 13
Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide21
When communicating via the parallel
port (refer to Figure 14), the
previously mentioned parameters are
not considered. Refer to page 51 to
configure the communication
parameters for the printer. The values
selected must be the sam e as those
used by the host equipment connected
to the print er.
For serial and parallel pinout and
technical information, r efer to
“Appendix” on page 93.
Data cables must be fully shielded and fitted with metal or metalized
connector shells. Shielded cables and connectors are required to prevent
radiation and reception of electrical noise.
Figure 14
To minimize electrical noise pickup in the cable:
• Keep data cables as short as possible.
• Do not bundle the data cables tightly with the power cords.
• Do not tie the data cables to power wire conduits.
NOTE: Zebra printers comply with FCC “Rules and Regulations”,
Part 15, Subpart J, for Class A Equipment, using fully shielded
6' data cables. Use of longer cables or unshielded cables may
increase radiated emissions above the Class A limits.
RS-422 and RS-485 applications should use twisted shielded
pairs as recommended in the Appendix of the TIA/EIA.-485
22Zebra XiIII-Serie s User’s Guide
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