AP-7502 11ac Wireless Wallplate
Installation Guide
Revision A July 2014
Warnings for Use of Wireless Devices
Les utilisateurs de radars de haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux (c.-à-d., qu'ils ont la
priorité) pour les bands 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer du brouillage
et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL
2.4 GHz Only
The available channels for 802.11 b/g operation in the US are Channels 1 to 11. The range of channels is
limited by firmware.
Potentially Hazardous Atmospheres - Fixed Installations
Safety in Hospitals
• Should ALWAYS keep the device more than 15cm (6 inches) from their pacemaker when turned ON.
• Should not carry the device in a breast pocket.
• Should use the ear furthest from the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference.
You are reminded of the need to observe restrictions on the use of radio devices in fuel depots, chemical
plants etc. and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles (such as grain, dust, or metal powders).
Wireless devices transmit radio frequency energy and may affect medical electrical equipment. When
installed adjacent to other equipment, it is advised to verify that the adjacent equipment is not adversely
Pacemaker manufacturers recommended that a minimum of 15cm (6 inches) be maintained between a
handheld wireless device and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. These
recommendations are consistent with independent research and recommendations by Wireless Technology
Persons with Pacemakers:
• If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, turn OFF your device.
Other Medical Devices
Please consult your physician or the manufacturer of the medical device, to determine if the operation of your
wireless product may interfere with the medical device.
mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux.
(meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause
interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.
Avertissement: Le dispositive fonctionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz est réservé uniquement pour une
utilisation à l'intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites
• Remove jewelry and watches before installing this equipment.
• Verify proper wiring and grounding for each installation location.
• Verify there is adequate ventilation around the device, and that ambient temperatures meet
equipment operation specifications (
• Read all installation instructions and site survey reports, and verify correct equipment
installation before installing this equipment.
• This equipment should only be installed by qualified professional installers.
personal injury or equipment damage.
WARNING! Indicates a condition or procedure that could result in
Any changes or modifications to Motorola equipment, not expressly approved by Motorola Solutions, could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
When Motorola devices are professionally installed, the Radio Frequency Output Power will not exceed the
maximum allowable limit for the country of operation.
Antennas: Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized antennas,
modifications, or attachments could cause damage and may violate regulations.
This device is only to be used with a Motorola Wireless Switch.
Declared maximum operating temperature: 40°C.
Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
This is an approved Bluetooth® product. For more information or to view End Product Listing, please visit
Regulatory Information
This device is approved under Motorola Solutions, Inc.
This guide applies to Model Number AP-7502.
All Motorola devices are designed to be compliant with rules and regulations in locations where they are
sold and will be labeled as required.
Local language translations are available at the following website:
The AP-7502 11ac Wireless Wallplate is designed to leverage the existing
category 5/5e/6 cabling already in the walls of any enterprise building. Ideally
suited for hotels, dormitory housing, and similar multi-tenant buildings, the AP-7502
provides high speed wireless LAN along with switched Ethernet and PoE output.
Document Conventions
The following graphical alerts are used in this document to indicate notable
CAUTION Care is required. Disregarding a caution can result in data
loss or equipment malfunction.
NOTE Tips, hints, or special requirements that you should take note of.
Wireless Device Country Approvals
Regulatory markings, subject to certification, are applied to the device signifying the radio(s) is/are approved
for use in the following countries: United States, Canada, Japan, China, S. Korea, Australia, and Europe.
Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for details of other country markings. This is available at
Note: Europe includes, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Operation of the device without regulatory approval is illegal.
Country Selection
Select only the country in which you are using the device. Any other selection will make the operation of this
device illegal. Some Access Points are specifically designed to operate in certain countries (Example; -US
for the United States, -EU for the European Union) .
Frequency of Operation - FCC and IC
Industry Canada Statement:
Caution: The device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful
interference to co-Channel mobile satellite systems. High power radars are allocated as primary users
0° to 40° Celsius / 32° to 104° Fahrenheit).
Key parameters.
2. On the Configuration -> Wireless screen, enter the desired Name, SSID, Security, and WPA2
Basic AP-7502 Configuration
To provide the Access Point with a basic configuration and access WiNG management
functions, open a browser and enter the IP address printed on the serial label on the Access
Point: https://<IP address of Access Point>
Login to the system using the default username admin and password motorola.
1. On the Configuration -> Basic Settings screen, enter the AP Name and Country Name.
Additional WiNG configuration documentation is available at:
AP-7502 Wireless Wallplate Specifications
Wireless Interface Dual Radio; 802.11a/b/g/n/ac; 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
WAN Interface
LAN Interfaces 3 x IEEE 802.3 10/100Mb, auto-sensing via RJ-45
PoE Out One FE port with 802.3af output based on 802.3 at input
Network Standards 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, 802.11d, 802.11i, WPA, WMM
802.11 operating frequencies: 2.4GHz @2400-2483.5 MHZ,
PHY Data Rates
Auto-sensing 10/100/1000Mbps, Full/Half Duplex,
802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps
802.11g/a: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps
802.11n: MCS 0-15 up to 300 Mbps
802.11ac: MCS 0-8 up to 867 Mbps
with PoE receiving capability via RJ-45
(3) (4) (5) (6)
Operating Frequencies
Bluetooth LE 2400-2483.5 KHz in 2 MHz channels
Transmit Power
Antenna Configuration
Management telnet, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, SNMPv2/v3
1dBm to 20dBm in 1dBm increments
Actual transmit power is dependent upon national limits.
2.4 GHz: 2 internal, 1x2, 2x2 MIMO, 5.8dBi peak gain
5 GHz: 2 internal, 1x2, 2x2, MIMO, 7.3dBi peak gain
5.2GHz @ 5150-5250 MHz and 5725-5850 MHz
wallplate until it snaps onto the latch.
1. Remove the existing wallplate.
Installing the AP-7502 Wallplate
The AP-7502 wallplate can be installed over an existing structured wiring wallplate.
When installing the wallplate over an existing 70mm x 115mm wallplate as is
commonly found in North America, South America and Japan, install the decor
2. Install the wallplate mounting bracket.
facade (optional) only after the AP-7502 has been installed.
3. Attach the bottom of the wallplate to the mounting bracket and rotate the
4. Install the security screw provided (optional).
5. If desired, install the decor facade.

Hong Kong
In accordance with HKTA1039, the band 5.15GHz - 5.35GHz is for indoor operation only’
Restrict Frequency Range to: 2.450 - 2.4835 GHz.
La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o
dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier
interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su operación no deseada.
S. Korea
AP-7502 RoHS Compliance
Service Information
If you have a problem using the equipment, contact your facility’s technical or
systems support. If there is a problem with the equipment, they will contact the
Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support center.
Contact information is available at:
When contacting Motorola Solutions support, please provide the following
• Serial number of the unit
• Model number or product name
• Software type and version number
Motorola Solutions responds to calls by e-mail, telephone, or fax within the time
limits set forth in support agreements. If you purchased your product from a
Motorola Solutions business partner, contact that business partner for support.
Customer Support Web Sites
The Motorola Solutions Support Central Web site, located at:
provides information and online assistance including developer tools, software
downloads, product manuals and online repair requests.
General Information
Obtain additional information by contacting Motorola Solutions at:
Telephone (North America): 1-800-722-6234
Quality Certificate
Magyar: Az EU-ban vásárlóknak: Minden tönkrement terméket a Motorola vállalathoz kell eljuttatni
újrahasznosítás céljából. A termék visszajuttatásának módjával kapcsolatos tudnivalókért látogasson el a
http://www.motorola.com/recycling/weee weboldalra.
Svenska: För kunder inom EU: Alla produkter som uppnått sin livslängd måste returneras till Motorola för
återvinning. Information om hur du returnerar produkten finns på
Suomi: Asiakkaat Euroopan unionin alueella: Kaikki tuotteet on palautettava kierrätettäväksi Motorola-yhtiöön,
kun tuotetta ei enää käytetä. Lisätietoja tuotteen palauttamisesta on osoitteessa
Dansk: Til kunder i EU: Alle produkter skal returneres til Motorola til recirkulering, når de er udtjent. Læs
oplysningerne om returnering af produkter på: http://www.motorola.com/recycling/weee.
Slovenski: Za kupce v EU: vsi izdelki se morajo po poteku življenjske dobe vrniti podjetju Motorola za reciklažo.
Za informacije o vra?ilu izdelka obiš?ite: http://www.motorola.com/recycling/weee.
Turkish WEEE Statement of Compliance
Korea Warning Statement for Class B ITE
Chinese Warning Statement for Class A ITE
Other Countries
Use of 5 GHz RLAN's in Australia is restricted in the following band 5.50 - 5.65GHz.
Declarações Regulamentares- Brazil
Nota: A marca de certificação se aplica ao Transceptor, model AP-7502. Este equipamento opera em caráter
secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo
tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.
Para maiores informações sobre ANATEL consulte o site: www.anatel.gov.br
Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência
prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter
Este produto está homologado pela Anatel, de acordo com os procedimentos regulamentados pela Resolução
n°242/2000 e atende aos requisitos técnicos aplicados, incluindo os limites de exposição da Taxa de Absorção
Específica referente a campos elétricos, magnéticos e eletromagnéticos de radiofrequência, de acordo com as
Resoluções n° 303/2002 e 533/2009.
Este dispositivo está em conformidade com as diretrizes de exposição à radiofrequência quando posicionado
pelo menos 20 centímetros de distância do corpo. Para maiores informações, consulte o site da Anatel.
Este equipo cumple con la Resolución No 403 de 2008, de la Subsecretaria de telecomunicaciones, relativa a
radiaciones electromagnéticas.
Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
5G-3 PCB-Dipole 7.22 dBi 50
2.4G-1 PCB-Dipole 5.81 dBi 50
Frequency Type Maximum Gain Ohms
antenne d'un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans
le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectriqueà l'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir
le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse
pas l'intensité nécessaire àl'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.
This radio transmitter IC: 109AN-AP7502 has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna
types listed below and having a maximum gain allowable and the impedance required for each type of
antenna. The antenna types not included in this list, or whose gain is higher than the maximum gain
indicates, are strictly prohibited for the operation of the transmitter.
2.4G-2 PCB-Dipole 4.52 dBi 50
5G-4 PCB-Dipole 7.30 dBi 50
BT 2.4G-5 PCB-Dipole 4.74 dBi 50
Le présent émetteur radio (identifier le dispositif par son numéro de certification ou son numérode modèle
s'il fait partie du matériel de catégorie I) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types
d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal etl'impédance requise pour chaque type
d'antenne. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal
Marking and European Economic Area (EEA)
indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.
• Maximum radiated transmit power of 100 mW EIRP in the frequency range 2.400 -2.4835 GHz.
• Italy requires a user license for outside usage.
Class B ITE
The use of 2.4GHz RLAN's, for use through the EEA, have the following restrictions:
• Maximum radiated transmit power of 100 mW EIRP in the frequency range 2.400 -2.4835 GHz.
Bluetooth® Wireless Technology for use through the EEA has the following restrictions:
Statement of Compliance for Wireless Devices
Motorola hereby declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and 2011/65/EU. A Declaration of Conformity may be obtained
from: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/doc
(7) (9) (11) (13)
връщат на Motorola за рециклиране. За информация относно връщането на продукти, моля
отидете на адрес: http://www.motorola.com/recycling/weee.
Deutsch: Für Kunden innerhalb der EU: Alle Produkte müssen am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer zum Recycling an
Motorola zurückgesandt werden. Informationen zur Rücksendung von Produkten finden Sie unter
Italiano: per i clienti dell'UE: tutti i prodotti che sono giunti al termine del rispettivo ciclo di vita devono essere
restituiti a Motorola al fine di consentirne il riciclaggio. Per informazioni sulle modalità di restituzione, visitare
il seguente sito Web: http://www.motorola.com/recycling/weee.
Português: Para clientes da UE: todos os produtos no fim de vida devem ser devolvidos à Motorola para
reciclagem. Para obter informações sobre como devolver o produto, visite:
Nederlands: Voor klanten in de EU: alle producten dienen aan het einde van hun levensduur naar Motorola te
English: For EU Customers: All products at the end of their life must be returned to Motorola for recycling. For
information on how to return product, please go to: http://www.motorola.com/recycling/weee.
Français: Clients de l'Union Européenne: Tous les produits en fin de cycle de vie doivent être retournés à
Motorola pour recyclage. Pour de plus amples informations sur le retour de produits, consultez :
Español: Para clientes en la Unión Europea: todos los productos deberán entregarse a Motorola al final de su
ciclo de vida para que sean reciclados. Si desea más información sobre cómo devolver un producto, visite:
Bulgarish: За клиенти от ЕС: След края на полезния им живот всички продукти трябва да се
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements - FCC
worden teruggezonden voor recycling. Raadpleeg http://www.motorola.com/recycling/weee voor meer
informatie over het terugzenden van producten.
Polski: Klienci z obszaru Unii Europejskiej: Produkty wycofane z eksploatacji nale¿y zwróciæ do firmy Motorola
w celu ich utylizacji. Informacje na temat zwrotu produktów znajduj¹ siê na stronie internetowej
Eesti: EL klientidele: kõik tooted tuleb nende eluea lõppedes tagastada taaskasutamise eesmärgil Motorola'ile.
Lisainformatsiooni saamiseks toote tagastamise kohta külastage palun aadressi: http://www.motorola.com/
(8) (10) (12) (14)
RF Exposure Guidelines
Safety Information
Reducing RF Exposure - Use Properly
Only operate this device in accordance with the instructions supplied.
The device complies with internationally recognized standards covering human exposure to electromagnetic
fields from radio devices. For information on "International" human exposure to electromagnet fields refer to
the Motorola Declaration of Conformity (DoC) at http://www.motorolasolutions.com/doc
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
For further information on the safety of RF energy from wireless devices - see
Located under Wireless Communications and Health
Remote and Standalone Antenna Configurations
To comply with EU RF exposure requirements, antennas that are mounted externally at remote locations or
operating near users at stand-alone desktop of similar configurations must operate with a minimum
separation distance of 20cm from all persons.
US and Canada
Co-located Statement
To satisfy US and Canadian RF exposure requirements, a transmitting device must operate with a minimum
separation distance of 20cm or more from a person's body.
Pour satisfaire aux exigences Américaines et Canadiennes d'exposition aux radiofréquences, un dispositif de
transmission doit fonctionner avec une distance de séparation minimale de 20cm ou plus de corps d'une
Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20m between the radiator and your
NOTE IMPORTANTE: (Pour l'utilisation de dispositifs mobiles)
Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un environnement
non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 20cm de distance entre la
source de rayonnement et votre corps.
Remote and Standalone Antenna Configurations
To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, antennas that are mounted externally at remote locations or
operating near users at stand-alone desktop of similar configurations must operate with a minimum
separation distance of 20cm from all persons.
Power Supply
This device must be powered from a 802.3af or 802.3at compliant power source which has been certified by
the appropriate agencies, or by a Motorola approved UL LISTED ITE (IEC/EN 60950-1, LPS/SELV) power
supply with electrical ratings: Output 12Vdc, min 0.83 A or 48 Vdc min 0.57 A (POE), with a recommended
ambient temperature greater than 40 or better degrees C. Use of alternative power supply will invalidate
any approvals given to this unit and may be dangerous..
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Radio Transmitters (Part 15)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements - Canada
The use of 5 GHz RLAN's, for use in Canada, have the following restrictions:
CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(b)
• Restricted Band 5.60 - 5.65 GHz
Radio Transmitters
For RLAN Devices:
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de
brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
Label Marking: The Term "IC:" before the radio certification only signifies that Industry Canada technical
specifications were met.
In accordance with the regulations of Industry Canada, this radio transmitter can operate with an antenna of
a type and a maximum gain (or lower) approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. With the aim of
reducing the risk of radio interference to other users, the chosen antenna type and it gain should be selected
so that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) does not exceed the intensity necessary for the
establishment of a satisfactory connection.