230 V AC 14 V DC
750 W 250 W 500 W 375 W
CAUTION ! The device is designed for single-phase installation and must be installed
in accordance with standards valid in a particular country. Installation, connection
and control should be carried out by a qualied electrician sta, who act in accord
ance with the service manual and the device functions.
1. Disconnect power supply by the phase fuse, the circuit-breaker or the switch- discon
nector combined to the proper circuit.
2. Check if there is no voltage on connection cables by means of a special measure equip
3. Connect the power supply to 230 V AC.
4. 4. Connect the output cables with appropriate receiver’s cables in accordance with the
connection diagram.
5. Mount the controller in the Ø60 junction box.
6. Switch on the power supply from the mains.
7. Add selected transmitters to the receiver (description in the TRANSMITTERS’ PRO
GRAMMING section) and check if they work properly.
ROP-03 receiver is designed to carry out simple control functions in the low-voltage instal
lations from 10 ÷ 14 V DC. This device in connection with any wireless EXTA FREE (www.
extafree.pl)system transmitter enables the realisation of the switch on / switch o func
tion, the monostable mode, the bistable and time modes. The receiver is recommended
for use with LED diode lighting. ROP-03 device has two potential free (NO) relay outputs
with a maximum capacity of 5 A for 250 V AC. Small dimensions of the casing allow for
a direct mounting of the receiver in the Ø60 mm junction box. The product belongs to
the ECOLINE group and is characterised by low power consumption. The features of the
• cooperation with wireless EXTA FREE system transmitters,
• realisation of the control function in low voltage installations including LED diode lighting,
• two output relays (dry contacts),
• the possibility of independent control of two circuits,
• multiplicity of operation modes: switch on / switch o, monostable, bistable, time,
• wide operation range (up to 230 m outdoors),
• a possibility to increase the operation range by using RTN-01 retransmitter,
• operation is optically signalled,
• low power consumption in the standby mode (0.15 W) - a device designed for continu
ous operation.
Nominal supply voltage: 10 ÷ 14 V DC
Nominal power consumption: 0,7 W
Number of channels: 2
Maximum current in the channel: 5 A / 250 V AC
Relay contacts parameters: 2xNO 5 A/250 V AC1 1250 VA
Modes: Switch on/switch o, Monostable, Bistable, Time
Control: EXTA FREE system transmitters
Radio transmission: 868,32 MHz
Transmission method: One-way without conrmation
Coding: Yes – transmission with addressing
Maximum number of transmitters: 32
Range: Up to 230 m in the open area
Time adjustment: 1 s ÷ 18 h
Ambient temperature range: -10 ÷ +55
Mounting: In a Ø60 junction box
Casing protection degree: IP20
Protection class: III
Dimensions: 47,5 x 47,5 x 20 mm
Weight: 36 g
Reference standard: PN-EN 60669; PN-EN 60950; PN-EN 61000
Channel 1 terminals (12, 11 )
Channel 2 terminals (22, 21)
Power supply terminals (+, -)
Optic signalling of the
receiver’s operation
Programming button
ZNP, ZNN or ZNM series
of the power supply
in 14 V DC version
Exemplary LEDIX
series ttings