plik: inst_ext_en_efc-02 | modyfi kacja: 22.05.2014
● Before installation controller you need carefully read the manual instruction.
● In order to ensure of proper communication with many elements of system EXTA FREE controller EFC-02 Mini must be installed in the central part of the
house. Radius of controller in the open air is up to 250 m, however in objects such as apartments / houses may be limited. This follows directly from the
existing obstacles: walls, furniture, ceillings, etc.
● EFC-02 controller do not put in metal enclosures / switchgears and in close vicinity devices which emiteing large electromagnetic distrurbance.
● EFC-02 controller must be necessarily connected to the Wi-Fi router. Router must be automatically assign IP addresses (DHCP unlocked). For connection
should be use free LAN port on the router.
● To launch and use the EFC-02 is not required for access to the Internet.
Wiring scheme of controller EFC-02
1. EFC-02 controller connect into free LAN socket on the router using a standard UTP / FTP (cable islocated in sen with controller)
2. Plug in the plug USB Micro B adapter into the appropriate slot ”5 V DC” EFC-02 controller (the appropriate USB cable and power adapter
are in set with controller).
3. Insert the AC adapter into a 230 VAC.
4. Wait a minimum 30 sec for successful implementation of the controller and assign IP-address of Wi-Fi router. Specifi ed readiness for operation LED
5. If any problems with assignment IP-address of the router via port is set to ”Auto-negotiation” (some of routers CISCO) switch the port to 10 Mbps speed.
* ATTENTION! Considering open air range concernes, ieideal condition without any obstacles.When between controller and transmitter / receive are obstac-
les, then there must be reduction of radius depending of: brick 10 to 40%, wood and plaster from 5 to 20% of the ferroconcrete 40 to 80% of a metal from
90 to 100% glass of 10 to 20%.Negative impacts on different activities are also ground and underground high electrical power lines and mobile phones
arranged in the immediate proximity to the equipment.
The application serves for creating users tab ”Users” available under the icon ”Configuration”. Tab are visible only for users from admin group.
Maximum number of users possible for creations: 10
Maximum number of users logged to the EFC-02 controller: 5
Minimum usernames leight: 5 characters
Maximum username length: 20 characters
Minimum password length: 5 characters
Maximum password length: 20 characters
Special characters in usernames and passwords are not allowed.
For creation a new user, log in to the application as admin, enter to the tabs ”USERS” and click
. Following the introduction of username and password,
assign it to the appropriate group: user or admin.
● admin group – the user has access to all application resources (confi guration and control system).
● user group – the users can only control. When that is necessary then editing options for user can be activated from the tab ”Enter to the edit mode”.
Switches on the option editing is possible only after signed in into user account from user groups.
When using an application, you can assign a user to another group or change its password. This can be done only by user with
admin group. For switching between users serves tab ”Log out”. Used symbols:
”Signed in” user assigned to the admin group ”Signed in” user assigned to the user group
”Signed off” user assigned to the admin group ”Signed off” user assigned to the user group
Acceptance confi guration by the user from ”user” group
● User from the group ”user” during the fi rst sign for application can benefi t from confi guration created by the user from ”Admin” group or confi guration saved
previously to SD card.
● New user after entering the correct username and password and press ”Sign In” will be asked whether you want to take the settings of user from admin
group or the SD card.
● Confi rm your selection by clicking ”OK”. If you do not select any option then the application will start with empty confi guration.
● If you select ”Accept administrator settings” when you click ”OK” will be displayed a list of users in the ”admin”. Select the user whose settings you want
to take. Select confi rm ”OK”.
● If you select ”Accept settings from SD card” then you need click ”OK” and will be displayed a list of users whose confi guration is saved on the me-
mory card.
● Select a user whose settings you want to take. Select confi rm ”OK”.
● In the case acquisition of confi guration from SD card, save the confi guration previously created on the SD card and install the card with device to which
we hold confi guration.
● Copy confi guration from the user admin group or SD-card is possible at any time of fi ling. Then select ”Copy Settings” icon under ”Confi guration”.When
using this option, you must also copy the confi guration confi rmed by the password of the sign in user.
Acceptance confi guration by the user from ”admin” group
● The procedure similar as during taking over confi guration by the user from ”user” group. In this case, there is only ability to copy confi guration from the
memory card.
Configuration and control system EXTA FREE using EFC-02 Mini is achieved through the free app
The application can be downloaded directly from the or
● from the Google Play shop ( for Android divices),
● from the App Store ( for iOS divices).
The application is compatible with Android from the beginning of 2.3 version and iOS from the beginning of 6.0 version.
Graphical appearance of apps maybe be different of model system depending.
For correct usage of time functions necessary is corections data and time of application. To do that use the tab ”Date and Time” available under the icon
”Configuration”. Tab is visible only for users of the admin group.
For saving settings you need press the button
. After saving appears in messages:
● ”Was changed date and time” record setting completed successfully
● ”Error recording” - record setting completed error
When record completed with error then repeat please record test.
1. The application must be successfully installed on your mobile device.
2. Check correct connection of controller (inspector) EFC -02 with router Wi-Fi.
3. Check whether your mobile device is connected with Wi-Fi router cooperating with controller EFC-02.
4.Check whether controller EFC-02 Mini is ready to work (illuminated controls)
5. Start up application EXTA FREE on mobile divice.
6. After starting the application starts to search controllers EFC-02 connected to the router Wi-Fi.
In the case of single controller after finding will appear:
● default name of the controller (DEFAULT No. - entered on the controller housing)
● IP adress of controller.
● Data field for entering user name and password: default user name: admin, default password: admin.
After pressing the “Sign In” will be redirected to the main window. When login process is completed successfully this is the signaled by
massage “Logged in”. The icons in the main window representing functions available for the EFC-02 are active. Can then be accede to configure
and control system.
● When you log in, you can save data entered by checking options ‘’ Remember Me”.
● In this case after restarting application will be automatically redirected to the main window.
● To the logoff from the application serves button”Sign out ‘’ in the application ‘’ Configuration”.If during the aplication time comes loss of communication with
the controller then this message signals the “Offline Mode”. All icons in the app will be ‘’grayed out”. Its necessary to closed this app and then kick-start again.
● If data entered during logging to the controller they are incorrect then this is indicated by a corresponding in the login window.
● Entry to the application is possible only after entering the correct data.
● Network settings entered in the „Network Settings” option under the icon „Configuration”. Tab are visible only for users from admin group.
● Default in controller EFC-02 is active, DHCP Server service (the controller expects to assign him IP address through the router Wi-Fi). In connection with
necessary to release DHCP service on Wi-Fi router that is connected to the controller.
● The controller has its own unique name under which is seen in the local network.
● Default controller name: EFC02-XXXX, where XXXX - attributed at the factory by the manufacturer serial number
● The name of the controller can be freely modified depending on your preference within the minimum and maximum number of characters:
Minimum length controller name 1 character
Maximum length controller name 20 characters
● In order to record the modified name of the controller, press the button
● In justified cases controller can be given fixed, individual network settings. To do this deselect service „DHCP server” and make the necessary settings: - IP
address - Mask - Gateway
● To save modified network settings, press the button
ATTENTION: If controller EFC-02 remote access from outside local network is possible only for users which have an external fixed IP address.
● To launch remote access services first of all you need make an appropriate forwarding IP address / port on the router (in this purpose best contact is
your network administrator) Then you need to log into the application as a user with admin group. In the tab „Network Settings” select the option „Remote
access” and enter the external IP address and Port for which is set to redirect. The introduced settings apply globally to all resources of controller EFC-02
(all users associated with the controller).
Default application operates on the port 2013.
● In order record modified network settings press the button
● In case of remote access application immediately after starting begin to seach controllers EFC-02 in the local network. If it will be not found automatically
forced attempt to connect for remote IP and Port of specified.
For remote connection with controller EFC-02 need to be accessed to the Internet.
power supply
Wi-Fi router