29/42-29/38,29/42-24/40,29/42-19/38, 29/42-15/25
Water Bath BM110/210/410
Arm Jack JK200
AC230V±10% 50Hz 0.3A
24/40 or 29/38 )
*2 Glass set is not included.
2. Safety Information
Safety Symbols
Safety Information
This instruction manual and our products apply various indications for safety. Ignoring these
indications can cause such situations as listed below. Read and understand the following warning and
caution signs in this manual prior to use.
(Note 1) Serious injury : Bodily harm by electric shock, bone fracture or poisoning which m ay require
(Note 2) Injury : Bodily harm by electric shock, bone fracture or poisoning which may not require
(Note 3) Damage : Any damage on equipment, facility, structure, etc.
Indicates the possibility of serious or fatal injury (Note 1).
Indicates the possibility of injury (Note 2) or damage (Note 3) to the
Meaning of Graphic Indications
Shows warning or caution.
Specific contents are described aside each sign.
Shows users important information not to do.
Specific contents are described aside each sign.
Shows users important information sure to do.
Specific contents are described aside each sign.
Safety Information
Safety Precautions
If the motor overloads - Stop operation immediately.
If you continue operation under abnormal conditions, the motor will stop automatically. If
the motor stops, turn the control knob to the minimum and turn off the power switch.
Overload condition exists when the motor surface temperature reaches more than
. A cause of motor overheating is seized ball bearings.
Never fail to ground the unit.
This unit uses a 3-conductor power cord (inc luding ground wire). Be sure to ground the unit for
Flammable chemicals.
This unit is not explosion proof. Do not use in flam m able or explosive gas environm ents and do
not evaporate explosive substances.
The flask clamp is very springy. Be careful not to break the glass apparatus.
The enclosed flask c lamp is very springy to hold the glass apparatus firmly. Be careful not to
break the glass.
Use a trap.
Use a trap when you decompress by hydraulic rotary vacuum pump. W hen you use our Handy
Aspirator, fill to overflow.
Maintain the vacuum seal.
The vacuum seal is a consumable and should be replaced if a vacuum leak occurs.
The vacuum s eal may be used without vacuum grease. For longer life use silicon vacuum
grease placed on the ripped side of the seal.
Safety Information
Safety Precautions
Cleaning the exterior of the RE series evaporator
Do not use any volatile chemicals to clean the exterior of this unit. This could damage the c olor
and shape. Wipe clean with a soft dry towel, etc.- Do not use a brush.
If the unit is not in use for a long period of time, disconnect the power supply.
If the unit is not in use for a long period of time, turn the power off and pull out the power cord for
Safety Information
Hazardous Material
Do not use the unit in flammable or explosive gas environments of substances
listed below. Do not evaporate explosive substances.
Nitroglycol, Nitroglycerin, Nitrocellulose, and other explosive nitric
Trinitrobenzene, Trinitrotoluene, Picric ac id, and other explosive nitro
Peracetic acid, Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, Benzoyl peroxide, and
other organic peroxides.
Sodium azide, and other metallic azides
Metallic lithium, Metallic potassium, Metallic sodium, Yellow
phosphorus, Phosphorus sulfide, Red phosphorus, Celluloid, Calcium
carbide, Lime phosphate, Magnesium powder, Aluminum powder,
and other combustible metal powders and sodium dithionite
Potassium chlorate, Sodium chlorate, Ammonium chlorate, and
other chlorates.
Potassium perchlorate, Sodium perchlorate, Ammonia perchlorate,
and other perchlorates.
Potassium peroxide, Sodium peroxide, Barium peroxide, and other
inorganic peroxides.
Potassium nitrate, Sodium nitrate, Ammonia nitrate, and other
Sodium chlorite and other chlorites.
Calcium hypochlorite and other hypochlorites.
Ethyl ether, Gasoline, Acetaldehyde, Propylene Oxide, Carbon
disulfide, and other flammable substances with a flash point below
minus 30ºC.
Normal hexane, Ethylene oxide, Acetone, Benzene, Methyl ethyl
ketone, and other flamm able substances with a flash point between
minus 30ºC and 0
Methanol, Ethanol, Xylene, Pentyl acetate (amyl acetate), and other
flammable substance with a flash point between 0ºC and 30ºC.
Kerosene, Light oil, Turpentine oil, Isoam yl alcohol, Acetic acid, and
other flammable substances with a flash point between 30ºC and
Hydrogen, Acetylene, Ethylene, Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane
and other flammable gas at 15℃ degree and under 1 atmosphere.
RE210 (type A)
Vacuum Pipe
3. Identification of Parts
with Condenser A
Opening to Pour
Cooling Condenser (type A)
Flask Clamp
Receiving Flask
Steam Duct Holder
RE510 (type A)
Arm Jack
Cooling Water
Control Knob
Flask Remover
Flask Clamp
Evaporation Flask
Water Bath BM210
Digital Display of Rotation Speed
Manual Lift Knob Adjustment
RE210 (type B)
Cooling Condenser (type B)
Identification of Parts
with Condenser B
Cooling Condenser Holder
Condenser Connector
RE510 (type B)
Cooling Condenser Holder Shaft
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