Cleaning the spark arrester ..... 6-16
Adjusting the carburetor ..........6-17
Adjusting the throttle cable free
play ....................................... 6-17
Adjusting the valve
clearance .............................. 6-18
Tires ........................................ 6-18
Spoke wheels .......................... 6-20
Accessories and replacement
parts ...................................... 6-21
Adjusting the clutch lever free
play ....................................... 6-21
Adjusting the brake lever free
play ....................................... 6-22
Adjusting the brake pedal
position and free play ............ 6-23
Adjusting the rear brake light
switch .................................... 6-24
Checking the front brake pads
and rear brake shoes ............ 6-25
Checking the brake fluid
level ....................................... 6-25
Changing the brake fluid ......... 6-26
Drive chain slack .....................6-27
Lubricating the drive chain ...... 6-28
Checking and lubricating the
cables .................................... 6-29