1.4 Input syntax for commands starting with the word "no"............................................................................13
Chapter 2: How to use the commands.................................................................14
2.1 Operation via console.................................................................................................................................14
2.2 Operation via configuration (config) files..................................................................................................16
4.1.4 Allow login with special password..............................................................................................29
4.2 User account maintenance..........................................................................................................................30
4.2.1 Set user password........................................................................................................................30
4.2.2 Show login user information.......................................................................................................31
4.2.3 Set banner....................................................................................................................................32
4.5 Show unit information................................................................................................................................37
4.5.1 Show inventory information........................................................................................................
4.5.2 Show operating information........................................................................................................38
4.5.3 Show currently-executing processes...........................................................................................39
4.5.4 Show technical support information............................................................................................39
4.6 Time management......................................................................................................................................40
4.6.1 Set clock manually......................................................................................................................40
4.6.2 Set time zone...............................................................................................................................40
4.6.3 Show current time........................................................................................................................41
4.6.4 Set NTP server.............................................................................................................................41
4.6.5 Synchronize time from NTP server (one-shot update)................................................................42
4.6.6 Synchronize time from NTP server (update interval).................................................................42
4.6.7 Show NTP server time synchronization settings.........................................................................43
5.1.15 Show SFP+ module status.......................................................................................................111
6 | Command Reference | TOC
5.2 Link aggregation.......................................................................................................................................112
5.3 Port authentication....................................................................................................................................122
5.4 Port security..............................................................................................................................................139
5.1.16 Set SFP+ module optical reception level monitoring..............................................................112
5.2.1 Set static logical interface..........................................................................................................112
5.2.2 Show static logical interface status............................................................................................113
5.2.3 Set LACP logical interface........................................................................................................113
5.2.4 Show LACP logical interface status..........................................................................................114
5.2.5 Set LACP system priority order................................................................................................116
5.2.6 Show LACP system priority......................................................................................................
5.2.7 Set LACP timeout......................................................................................................................117
7.9 DNS client................................................................................................................................................192
6.3.21 Set MST instance for interface................................................................................................170
6.3.22 Set interface priority for MST instance...................................................................................170
6.3.23 Set interface path cost for MST instance.................................................................................171
6.3.24 Show MST region information................................................................................................171
6.3.25 Show MSTP information.........................................................................................................172
6.3.26 Show MST instance information.............................................................................................173
6.4.1 Set loop detection function (system).........................................................................................174
6.4.2 Set loop detection function (interface)......................................................................................174
6.4.3 Set port blocking for loop detection..........................................................................................175
7.9.1 Set DNS lookup function...........................................................................................................192
7.9.2 Set DNS server list....................................................................................................................193
Command Reference | TOC | 9
7.9.3 Set default domain name...........................................................................................................193
7.9.4 Set search domain list................................................................................................................194
7.9.5 Show DNS client information...................................................................................................194
Chapter 8: IP multicast control.........................................................................196
8.1 IP multicast basic settings........................................................................................................................196
8.1.1 Enable/disable function to transmit IGMP/MLD query when topology changes.....................196
8.1.2 Set processing method for unknown multicast frames..............................................................196
9.1.12 Show access list applied to interface.......................................................................................217
9.1.13 Set VLAN access map and move to VLAN access map mode...............................................218
9.1.14 Set access list for VLAN access map......................................................................................218
9.1.15 Set VLAN access map filter....................................................................................................219
9.1.16 Show VLAN access map.........................................................................................................219
9.1.17 Show VLAN access map filter................................................................................................219
9.2 QoS (Quality of Service)..........................................................................................................................220
9.2.37 Set egress queue (CoS-Queue)................................................................................................246
9.2.38 Set egress queue (DSCP-Queue).............................................................................................246
9.2.39 Show policy map information.................................................................................................247
9.2.40 Show map status......................................................................................................................249
9.2.41 Set egress queue scheduling....................................................................................................250
9.2.42 Set traffic shaping (individual port)........................................................................................250
9.2.43 Set traffic-shaping (queue units).............................................................................................251
9.3.1 Set flow control (IEEE 802.3x PAUSE send/receive) (system)................................................252
9.3.2 Set flow control (IEEE 802.3x PAUSE send/receive) (interface).............................................252
9.3.3 Show flow control operating status...........................................................................................253
9.4.1 Set storm control........................................................................................................................254
9.4.2 Show storm control reception upper limit.................................................................................254
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12 | Command Reference | How to read the command reference
Chapter 1
How to read the command reference
1.1 Applicable firmware revision
This command reference applies to firmware Yamaha L2 Switch SWP2 of Rev.2.03.06.
For the latest firmware released after printing of this command reference, manuals, and items that differ, access the following
URL and see the information in the WWW server.
1.2 How to read the command reference
This command reference describes the commands that you enter from the console of the Yamaha L2 Switch SWP2.
Each command is described by a combination of the following items.
Explains the command input syntax. Key input can use either
uppercase or lowercase characters.
Command names are shown in bold (Bold face).
[Default setting]Indicates the factory-set state of the command.
[Input mode]Indicates the modes in which the command can be executed.
[Description]Explains the command.
[Examples]Provides specific examples of the command.
The parameter portion is shown in italic (Italic face).
Keywords are shown in normal characters.
Parameters that can be omitted are enclosed in square
brackets ( [ ] ).
Explains the type and significance of keywords that can be
specified for the command.
Explains the type and significance of parameters that can be
specified for the command.
Explains points that you should be aware of when using the
1.3 Interface names
In the command input syntax, interface names are used to specify each interface of the switch.
The following interface names are handled by the SWP2.
Interface typePrefixDescriptionExamples
Used to specify a physical
LAN/SFP+ portport
VLAN interfacevlan
static logical interfacesa
LACP logical interfacepo
port. Specify "1" + "." + "port
number" after the port
Used to specify a VLAN.
Specify vlan followed by the
Used to specify link
aggregation that combines
multiple LAN/SFP+ port.
Specify sa or po followed by
"logical interface ID".
To specify LAN port #1:
To specify VLAN #1: vlan1
To specify static logical
interface #1: sa1
To specify LACP logical
interface #2: po2
Command Reference | How to read the command reference | 13
1.4 Input syntax for commands starting with the word "no"
Many commands also have a form in which the command input syntax starts with the word no. If you use a syntax that with
begins with the word no, the settings of that command are deleted and returned to the default value, unless explained otherwise.
14 | Command Reference |
How to use the commands
Chapter 2
How to use the commands
The SWP2 lets you perform command operations in the following two ways.
Type of operationMethod of operationDescription
Operation via console
Operation via a config file
This chapter explains how to use each method.
•Access from a console terminal
•Access from a TELNET client
Access from a SSH client
•File transfer via TFTP
•File transfer via GUI operation
Issue commands one by one to
interactively make settings or perform
A file containing a set of necessary
commands (called a configuration or
"config" file) is used to specify multiple
settings, or to obtain multiple settings from
the SWP2, in a single operation.
2.1 Operation via console
2.1.1 Access from a console terminal
Use an RJ-45/DB-9 console cable when making settings from a terminal that is connected to the CONSOLE port of SWP2.
If you are using a computer as a console terminal (serial terminal), you'll need a terminal program to control the computer's
serial (COM) port. Set the communication settings of the console terminal as follows.
Setting itemValue
Baud rate9600bps
Stop bit1-bit
Flow controlXon/Xoff
For settings related to the console terminal, use the line con command to move to line mode.
2.1.2 Access from a TELNET client
You can use a TELNET client on a computer to connect to the TELNET server of the SWP2 and control it. In order to make
settings using TELNET, you must first set up a connection environment (IP network) and then make TELNET server settings.
The IP address settings of the SWP2 are as follows.
•The default IPv4 address setting is ip address dhcp for VLAN #1.
To change the IPv4 address, use the ip address command.
The TELNET server settings of the SWP2 are as follows.
•With the default settings of the TELNET server function, it runs on the default port (TCP port 23) and allows access only
from VLAN #1 (vlan0.1).
•To change the reception port number, use the telnet-server command.
•Access to the TELNET server can be controlled in VLAN units, and can be specified by the telnet-server interface
A virtual communication port by which a TELNET client connects is called a "virtual terminal (VTY: Virtual TYpewriter)
port." The maximum number of simultaneous TELNET client connections depends on the number of VTY ports of the SWP2.
The VTY ports of the SWP2 are as follows.
•With the default VTY port settings, eight VTY ports (ID: 0--7) can be used.
•To check the number of VTY ports, use the show running-config | include line vty command.
•To change the number of VTY ports, use the line vty command. (maximum 8 (ID: 0--7))
To make VTY port settings, use the line vty command to specify the target VTY port, and then move to line mode. ID
management for virtual terminal ports is handled within the SWP2, but since login session and ID assignments depend on the
connection timing, you should normally make the same settings for all VTY ports.
Command Reference | How to use the commands | 15
2.1.3 Access from an SSH client
You can use an SSH client on a computer to connect to the SSH server of the SWP2 and control it. In order to make settings
using SSH, you must first set up a connection environment (IP network) and then make SSH server settings.
The IP address settings of the SWP2 are as follows.
•The default IPv4 address setting is ip address dhcp for VLAN #1.
To change the IPv4 address, use the ip address command.
The following settings on the SWP2 must be made beforehand when accessing from an SSH client.
•Generate a host key on the SSH server using the ssh-server host key generate command.
•Enable the SSH server functions using the ssh-server command.
•Register the user name and password using the username command.
The SSH server settings of the SWP2 are as follows.
•Access to an SSH server can be controlled for each VLAN, and is set using the ssh-server interface command.
•Note that the following functions are not supported.
•SSH protocol version 1
•User authentication aside from password authentication (host response authentication, public key authentication, challengeresponse authentication, GSSAPI authentication)
•Port forwarding (X11/TCP forwarding)
•Gateway Ports (Port relay)
•Permitting blank passwords
A virtual communication port by which an SSH client connects is called a "virtual terminal (VTY: Virtual TYpewriter) port."
The maximum number of simultaneous SSH client connections depends on the number of VTY ports of the SWP2. The VTY
ports of the SWP2 are as follows.
•With the default VTY port settings, eight VTY ports (ID: 0--7) can be used.
•To check the number of VTY ports, use the show running-config | include line vty command.
•To change the number of VTY ports, use the line vty command. (maximum 8 (ID: 0--7))
To make VTY port settings, use the line vty command to specify the target VTY port, and then move to line mode. ID
management for virtual terminal ports is handled within the SWP2, but since login session and ID assignments depend on the
connection timing, you should normally make the same settings for all VTY ports.
2.1.4 Console terminal/VTY settings
The SWP2 lets you make the following settings for console terminals and VTY.
1. Timeout duration interpreted as no operation
2. Number of lines shown in one page of the terminal screen
Setting itemContent of setting
Specifies the time after which the login session is forcibly
ended when there has been no key input from the terminal.
Timeout duration interpreted as no operation
Number of lines shown in one page of the terminal screen
With the default setting, the session is forcibly disconnected
after ten minutes.
To make this setting, use the exec-timeout command of the
line mode; this takes effect from the next session.
Specifies the number of lines shown on one page of the
terminal screen.
This can be set as 0--512 lines/page, and the default setting is
24 lines/page.
When displaying in this state, 23 lines are displayed, then "--More---" is displayed and the system waits for key input.
There are two types of this setting, and they are applied to the
system starting with the upper type.
1) unprivileged EXEC mode terminal length command
2) global configuration mode service terminal-length
Setting 1) is a function that temporarily applies to the user
16 | Command Reference | How to use the commands
Setting itemContent of setting
2.2 Operation via configuration (config) files
A file containing a set of needed commands is called a configuration (config) file.
The settings that have been made on the SWP2 can be read as a configuration file by a host on the LAN via TFTP. A
configuration file on the host can also be loaded into the SWP2 to specify its settings.
A configuration file contains all the settings for the entire unit; it is not possible to partially read or write only the settings for a
specific area. The configuration file is a text file consisting of ASCII + line-return (CRLF or LF).
The commands and parameters in a configuration file must be in the correct syntax. If the syntax or content are incorrect, that
content is ignored and is not applied to operation.
2.2.1 Access from a TFTP client
In order to transfer a configuration file via TFTP, you must first set up a connection environment (IP network) and then make
TFTP server settings.
The IP address settings of the SWP2 are as follows.
•The default IPv4 address setting is ip address dhcp for VLAN #1.
To change the IPv4 address, use the ip address command.
The TFTP server settings of the SWP2 are as follows.
•With the default settings of the TFTP server function, it is running on the default port (UDP port 69) and does not allow
access from anywhere.
•To change the reception port number, use the tftp-server command.
•Access to the TFTP server can be controlled in VLAN units, and can be specified by the tftp-server interface command.
Specify the VLAN ID for which access is allowed.
who is using the terminal, and is applied as soon as the
command is executed.
Setting 2) applies starting with the next session.
2.2.2 Reading/writing a configuration file
Reading/writing a configuration file is performed by executing a TFTP command from the host on the LAN. The following
configuration files are read or written.
•Config file
Applicable config fileDescriptionRemarks
running-configSetting values for current operation
startup-config for USER modeSaved setting values
startup-config for DANTE modeSaved setting values
The command syntax used depends on the OS of that host (TFTP client). Keep the following points in mind when executing
•IP address of theSWP2
Use "binary mode" as the transmission mode.
•Specify the following as the remote path of the configuration file read (GET) or write (PUT) destination.
Setting values when starting up with
DIP switch #1 ON
Setting values when starting up with
DIP switch #1 OFF
•If an administrator password is set on the SWP2, you must specify the administrator password after the remote path in the
format "/PASSWORD".
startup-config for
DANTE mode
startup-config for
USER mode
Command Reference | How to use the commands | 17
•If you PUT (write) with "config" specified as the remote path, the changes are added or overwritten to the current operating
settings. Settings that you do not add or change will remain as the current operating settings. Since the setting values are not
saved, you must use the write command etc. if you want to save them.
•If you want to start operation in USER mode with a completely new config file, specify "reconfig" as the remote path. After
updating startup-config, the unit restarts automatically, and begins operating with the new settings.
The encrypted password (password 8 or enable password 8 command format) is not applied to the settings even if it is
PUT to running-config via TFTP. And, users are not actually registered when making settings for users that include
encrypted passwords (username command).
2.3 Login
When the SWP2 has finished starting up, a login screen is displayed.
If a user is configured, enter the user name and password. If a user is not configured, omit the user name by pressing the Enter
key, and enter the login password instead to log in as an unknown user.
When authentication is successful, the command prompt appears. Since no user password is specified with the default settings,
you will be able to log in without a password.
•Login screen
•Console screen following login
SWP2 Rev.2.03.01 (Fri Sep 7 00:00:00 2018)
Copyright (c) 2018 Yamaha Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
2.4 Command input mode
2.4.1 Command input mode basics
In order to change the settings of the SWP2 or to reference the status, you must move to the appropriate command input mode
and then execute the command. Command input mode is divided into hierarchical levels as shown below, and the commands
that can be entered in each mode are different. By noting the prompt, the user can see which mode they are currently in.
18 | Command Reference | How to use the commands
The basic commands related to moving between command input modes are described below. For commands that move from
global configuration mode mode to individual configuration mode, refer to "individual configuration mode."
•exit command
•logout command
•enable command
•disable command
•configure terminal command
•end command
2.4.2 individual configuration mode
individual configuration mode is the overall name for the mode in which you can make detailed settings for specific items such
as LAN/SFP+ port, VLAN interface, and QoS. To enter individual configuration mode, issue the command for transitioning to
the respective mode from global configuration mode.
On SWP2, individual configuration mode contains the following modes. Some of the modes within individual configuration
mode have a hierarchy. For example, policy map mode → policy map class mode.
he command prompt prefix indicates the host name. In the default state, the host name is the model name "SWP2". This
indication can be changed by using the hostname command to specify the host name. In cases where multiple SWP2 units are
used, management will be easier if separate names are assigned to each switch.
2.4.4 Executing commands of a different input mode
Because the commands that can be used on the SWP2 differ depending on the mode, you must transition to the mode in which a
command can be executed before you execute that command. The do command is provided as a way to avoid this requirement.
By using the do command you can execute priviledged EXEC mode commands from any configuration mode. This allows you
to reference the current configuration or save settings from any configuration mode without having to transition to priviledged
EXEC mode.
However, since the completion function cannot be used with do, you must enter the command that follows either in its full
spelling or in its abbreviated form.
Entry in full spelling
SWP2(config)#do show running-config
•Entry in abbreviated form
SWP2(config)#do sh ru
2.5 Keyboard operations when using the console
2.5.1 Basic operations for console input
The SWP2 allows the following operations in the command line.
•Moving the cursor
Keyboard operationDescription and notes
→Move right one character
←Move left one character
Command Reference | How to use the commands | 19
Press Esc, then F
Press Esc, then B
•Deleting an input character
Keyboard operationDescription and notes
Press Esc, then D
Move right one word (move to the character following the
end of the word at the cursor location)
Move left one word (move to the first character of the word
at the cursor location)
Ctrl + AMove to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + EMove to the end of the line
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + D
Ctrl + KDelete from the cursor position until the end of the line
Ctrl + UDelete all characters that are being entered
Delete the character at the left of the cursor
Delete the character at the cursor.
If this operation is performed when the command line is
empty, the result is the same as the exit command.
Delete from the cursor position until immediately before the
first space
Keyboard operationDescription and notes
Exchange the character at the cursor position with the
Ctrl + T
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Z
preceding character.
If the cursor is at the end of the line, exchange the preceding
character with the character that precedes it.
In unprivileged EXEC mode and priviledged EXEC mode,
discard the command being entered and move to the next
In individual configuration mode, discard the command line
being entered and move to priviledged EXEC mode.
Command processing that is currently being executed will
be stopped. (ex: ping command)
Move from individual configuration mode to priviledged
EXEC mode.
This is the same operation as the end command.
2.5.2 Command help
By entering '?' in the command line you can search for the available commands or parameters.
SWP2#show vlan ?
<1-4094> VLAN id
access-map Show VLAN Access Map
brief VLAN information for all bridges (static and dynamic)
filter Show VLAN Access Map Filter
private-vlan private-vlan information
SWP2#show vlan
20 | Command Reference | How to use the commands
2.5.3 Input command completion and keyword candidate list display
If you press the "Tab" key while entering a command in the console, the command name is completed. If you press the "Tab"
key after entering a keyword, a list of keyword candidates that can be entered next is shown. The same operation can also be
performed by pressing the "Ctrl + I" key.
•Command name completion
SWP2#con "press the <Tab>key"
•Keyword candidate list display
SWP2(config)#vlan "press the <Tab> key"
access-map database filter
2.5.4 Entering command abbreviations
When you enter commands or parameters in abbreviated form, and the characters you entered can be recognized
unambiguously as a command or parameter, that command is executed.
Example of entering a command abbreviation (show running-config)
SWP2# sh run
2.5.5 Command history
By using the command history function, you can easily re-execute a command that you previously input, or partially modify a
previously input command and re-execute it. Command history is shown as a history that is common to all modes.
Operation is shown below.
Keyboard operationDescription and notes
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + N
Move backward through command history
Move forward through command history
2.6 Commands that start with the word "show"
2.6.1 Modifiers
Modifiers send the information produced by the show command through a filter, restricting the content that is shown in the
screen and making it easier for you to see the desired information.
The SWP2 provides the following three modifiers for the show command.
Output only the lines that include the specified character
Modifiers can be used only one at a time. You cannot specify more than one modifier.
SWP2# show spanning-tree | include Role
% po1: Port Number 505 - Ifindex 4601 - Port Id 0x81f9 - Role Disabled - State
% port1.1: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - Role Disabled -
show running-config to view information that includes VLAN #1 (vlan1).
show spanning-tree to view information that includes Role.
Output only the lines that do not include the specified
character string
Command Reference | How to use the commands | 21
State Forwarding
% port1.2: Port Number 906 - Ifindex 5002 - Port Id 0x838a - Role Disabled State Forwarding
% port1.3: Port Number 907 - Ifindex 5003 - Port Id 0x838b - Role Disabled State Forwarding
% port1.4: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - Role Disabled State Forwarding
% port1.6: Port Number 910 - Ifindex 5006 - Port Id 0x838e - Role Disabled State Forwarding
% port1.7: Port Number 911 - Ifindex 5007 - Port Id 0x838f - Role Disabled State Forwarding
% port1.8: Port Number 912 - Ifindex 5008 - Port Id 0x8390 - Role Disabled State Forwarding
% port1.9: Port Number 913 - Ifindex 5009 - Port Id 0x8391 - Role Disabled State Forwarding
% port1.10: Port Number 914 - Ifindex 5010 - Port Id 0x8392 - Role Disabled State Forwarding
22 | Command Reference | Configuration
Chapter 3
3.1 Manage setting values
The SWP2 uses the following configurations to manage its settings.
Types of configurationDescription
Running configuration (running-config)
Startup configuration (startup-config)
Backup configuration (backup-config)
Default configuration (default-config)
The start-up flow for the SWP2 system is as follows.
1. Reference DIP switch #1 and determine the CONFIG mode
•If DIP switch #1 is up (OFF), start up in DANTE mode
If DIP switch #1 is down (ON), start up in USER mode
2. Determine the startup configuration for each CONFIG mode
•For DANTE mode
•Use the default configuration that was selected according to the settings of DIP switches #2/#3
•For USER mode
•If a startup configuration for USER mode exists, use the corresponding data
•If a startup configuration for USER mode does not exist, use the default configuration that was selected according to
the settings of DIP switches #2/#3.
3. Load the startup configuration into RAM as the running configuration
•If a backup configuration exists in DANTE mode, overwrite the corresponding data onto the running configuration
If commands etc. are used to modify the settings while the SWP2 is running, the modified settings are immediately reflected in
the running configuration. After modifying the running configuration, executing the write or copy command in USER mode
will update the startup configuration. In DANTE mode, executing the backup-config command will update the backup
configuration. If you restart without saving the content that was specified or modified, the settings or modifications are lost.
Please be aware of this.
Setting values currently used for
operation. Managed in RAM.
In USER mode, setting values saved in
Flash ROM.
In DANTE mode, the same setting
values as the default configuration.
Setting values for some functions saved
in DANTE mode. Managed in Flash
Default setting values. Managed in Flash
Created based on the VLAN preset that
is selected by the settings of DIP
switches #2/#3 at start-up.
User operations that can be
Save to startup configuration (in USER
Save some functions to backup
configuration (in DANTE mode)
Update by running configuration (in
USER mode)
Update by running configuration (in
DANTE mode)
No operations possible
3.2 Default setting values
On the SWP2, the VLAN preset specified by DIP switches #2/#3 will be the default setting values. The VLAN preset types for
DIP switch #2/#3 settings are as follows.
•DIP switch #2/#3 settings
Setting position
Up (OFF)Up (OFF)
VLAN preset type
Command Reference | Configuration | 23
Setting position
Down (ON)Up (OFF)
Up (OFF)Down (ON)B
Down (ON)Down (ON)C
The common setting values and presets are shown first, and then the specific to the presets setting values are shown.
•Settings common to all models and presets (LAN/SFP+ port)
CategorySetting itemDefault value
Common setting
L2MSL2MS filterdepends on preset
L2 switching
QoS DSCP - transmission queue ID
conversion table
Flow control (IEEE 802.3x)disabled
Speed/duplex mode settingauto
Cross/straight automatic detectionenabled
MRU1,522 Byte
Port descriptionnone
Port Modedepends on preset
Associated VLAN IDdepends on preset
Spanning treedepends on preset
Proprietary loop detectionenabled
DSCP: 8 → transmission queue: 2
Other than above → transmission
queue: 0
QoS trust modeDSCP
Traffic control
•Default settings for the Normal VLAN preset of the SWP2 (entire system)
CategorySetting itemDefault setting values
IP multicast control
•SWP2's VLAN preset Normal settings (LAN/SFP+ port)
InterfaceL2MS FilterLAG(Static)Port ModeVLANSTP
Flow control (IEEE 802.3x)disabled
Storm controldisabled
Function to transmit IGMP/MLD query
when topology changes
Enabled (wait time 5 sec)
Command Reference | Configuration | 25
InterfaceL2MS FilterLAG(Static)Port ModeVLANSTP
•SWP2's VLAN preset Normal settings (VLAN interface)
•VLAN #1(for Dante and Control)
IPv4 Address: DHCP
•IGMP Snooping: Enable
•Querier : Enable
•Query Interval : 30 sec
•Fast-Leave : Disable
•Check TTL : Disable
•Default settings for the Normal VLAN preset A of the SWP2 (entire system)
CategorySetting itemDefault setting values
IP multicast control
•SWP2's VLAN preset A settings (LAN/SFP+ port)
InterfaceL2MS FilterLAG(static)Port ModeVLANSTP
Function to transmit IGMP/MLD query
when topology changes
sa1Trunk1(native), 2✓
Enabled (wait time 5 sec)
•SWP2's VLAN preset A settings (VLAN interface)
•VLAN #1(for Dante)
IPv4 Address: DHCP
•IGMP Snooping: Enable
•Querier : Enable
•Query Interval : 30 sec
•Fast-Leave : Disable
•Check TTL : Disable
•VLAN #2(for Control)
•IGMP Snooping: Disable
•Default settings for the Normal VLAN preset B of the SWP2 (entire system)
CategorySetting itemDefault setting values
IP multicast control
•SWP2's VLAN preset B settings (LAN/SFP+ port)
InterfaceL2MS FilterLAG(static)Port ModeVLANSTP
Function to transmit IGMP/MLD query
when topology changes
Enabled (wait time 5 sec)
26 | Command Reference | Configuration
InterfaceL2MS FilterLAG(static)Port ModeVLANSTP
•SWP2's VLAN preset B settings (VLAN interface)
•VLAN #1(for Dante)
IPv4 Address: DHCP
•IGMP Snooping: Enable
•Querier : Enable
•Query Interval : 30 sec
•Fast-leave : Disable
•Check TTL : Disable
•VLAN #2(for Control)
•IGMP Snooping: Disable
•SWP2's VLAN preset C settings (LAN/SFP+ port)
InterfaceL2MS FilterLAG(static)Port ModeVLANSTP
sa1Trunk1(native), 2✓
sa2Trunk1(native), 2✓
•SWP2's VLAN preset C settings (VLAN interface)
•VLAN #1(for Dante)
•IPv4 Address: DHCP
•IGMP Snooping: Enable
•Querier : Enable
•Query Interval : 30 sec
•Fast-leave : Disable
•Check TTL : Disable
•VLAN #2(for Control)
•IGMP Snooping: Enable
•Querier : Enable
•Query Interval : 30 sec
•Fast-leave : Disable
•Check TTL : Disable
Command Reference | Configuration | 27
28 | Command Reference |
Maintenance and operation functions
Chapter 4
Maintenance and operation functions
4.1 Passwords
4.1.1 Set password for unnamed user
password password
no password
password:Login password for unnamed user
Single-byte alphanumeric characters, and symbols other than the single-byte characters '|', '>', and '?'
(32 characters or less)
The first character must be a single-byte alphanumeric character
[Initial value]
no password
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Sets the password for logging in as an unnamed user.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, the unnamed user password for logging is deleted.
If the password was encrypted by the password-encryption command, it is shown in the configuration in the form "password
8 password."
The user cannot enter the password in this form when making configuration settings from the command line.
Specify user1234 as the unnamed user password.
SWP2(config)#password user1234
Delete the unnamed user password.
SWP2(config)#no password
4.1.2 Set administrator password
enable password password
no enable password
password:Administrator password
Single-byte alphanumeric characters, and symbols other than the single-byte characters '|', '>', and '?'
(32 characters or less)
The first character must be a single-byte alphanumeric character
[Initial value]
no enable password
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions | 29
Specifies the administrator password needed to enter priviledged EXEC mode.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, the administrator password is deleted.
If the password was encrypted by the password-encryption command, it is shown in the configuration in the form "enable
password 8 password."
The user cannot enter the password in this form when making configuration settings from the command line.
Specify admin1234 as the administrator password.
SWP2(config)#enable password admin1234
Delete the administrator password.
SWP2(config)#no enable password
4.1.3 Encrypt password
password-encryption switch
no password-encryption
switch:Set password encryption
Setting valueDescription
disableDon't encrypt
[Initial value]
password-encryption disable
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Enables password encryption.
If this is enabled, the password entered by the password command, the enable paassword command, and the username
command are saved in the configuration in an encrypted form.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, password encryption is disabled, and the password entered by the password
command, the enable paassword command, and the username command are saved in the configuration as plaintext.
If password encryption is changed from disabled to enabled, previously-entered passwords are converted from plaintext to an
encrypted form; however if it is changed from enabled to disabled, previously-encrypted passwords in a configuration file do
not return to plaintext.
Enables password encryption.
SWP2(config)#password-encryption enable
Disabled password encryption.
SWP2(config)#no password-encryption
4.1.4 Allow login with special password
force-password switch
no force-password
30 | Command Reference | Maintenance and operation functions
switch:Allow login by special password
Setting valueDescription
disableDon't allow
[Initial value]
force-password enable
[Input mode]
global configuration mode
Enable login with special password.
If this is enabled, only when logging in from a serial console, it is possible to log in using "w,lXlma" (lowercase W, comma,
lowercase L, uppercase X, and lowercase L, M, and A) instead of the specified user password.
If you login with the special password, you will be in priviledged EXEC mode.
If this command is executed with the "no" syntax, login with the special password is disabled.