Level meters10 points LED meter /ch
Load protectionPOWER switch ON muting, DC detection
Amp. protectionTemp. detection (heatsink temp≥90°C), VI limiter (RL≤1 Ω)
LimiterComp.: THD≥0.5 %
CoolingDual variable-speed fan
Power requirementsU, V, T120 V, 60 Hz
Power consumptionIdling40 W
Dimensions (W x H x D)480 x 88 x 456 mm
Weight12.5 kg
AccessoriesPower cord, Security cover, Owner’s manual, 3-pin Euroblock connector x 2
4 Ω/STEREO1100 W x 2 1150 W x 2 850 W x 2 800 W x 2 600 W x 2 700 W x 2 400 W x 2 450 W x 2
8 Ω/BRIDGE2200 W2300 W1700 W1600 W1200 W1400 W800 W900 W
4 Ω/STEREO930 W x 2 930 W x 2 725 W x 2 700 W x 2 525 W x 2 550 W x 2 325 W x 2 400 W x 2
8 Ω/BRIDGE1860 W1860 W1450 W1400 W1050 W1100 W650 W800 W
16 Ω/BRIDGE (100 V) ----625 W625 W--
4 Ω/BRIDGE3000 W3200 W2400 W2400 W1600 W1800 W1000 W1200 W
TYP32 dB
OutputSPEKON /ch, 5-way binding posts
NetworkRJ45 x 2
PowerAC inlet
[30]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (EP600190)+ バインド B タイト
[90]: Bind Head Screw 4.0X8 MFZN2BL (EG340360) + バインド小ネジ
[100]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (EP600190) + バインド B タイト
[280]: Bonding Tapping Screw-B 4.0X8 MFZN2BL (VR779900) ボンディング B タイト
Fig.1 (図 1)
[240]: Bonding Tapping Screw-B 4.0X8 MFZN2BL (VR779900) ボンディング B タイト
[330]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (EP600190) + バインド B タイト
Fig.2 (図 2)
3.IN 1/5 Circuit Board (Time required: about 5 minutes)
3-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
3-2. Remove the rear assembly. (See Procedure 2.)
3-3. Remove the two (2) screws marked [330] and then
remove the SP terminal cover. (Fig. 2)
3-4. Remove the one (1) screw marked [R70] , two (2)
screws marked [R80] , four (4) screws marked [R90]
and four (4) screws marked [R100]. The IN 1/5 circuit
board can then be removed. (Fig. 3)
IN 4/5 Circuit Board (Time required: about 5 minutes
4-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
4-2. Remove the rear assembly. (See Procedure 2.)
4-3. Remove the four (4) screws marked [30a]. The IN 4/5
circuit board can then be removed. (Fig. 1)
N 5/5 Circuit Board (Time required: about 3 minutes)
5-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
5-2. Remove the two (2) screws marked [R60]. The IN 5/5
[R60]: Pan Head Screw 2.6X6 MFZN2BL (VC990500)+ ナベ小ネジ
[R70]: Bonding Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (VN413300) ボンディング B タイト
[R80]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X12 MFZN2BL (VQ074600)+ バインド B タイト
[R90]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 2.6X8 MFZN2BL (VB096700)+ バインド B タイト
[R100]: Flat Head Tapping 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (EP600790) +皿Bタイト
Fig.3 (図 3)
6.Front Panel Assembly
(Time required: about 4 minutes)
6-1. Remove the three (3) screws marked [210a] from the
side cover L, three (3) screws marked [210b] from the
side cover R and two (2) screws marked [220]. The
front panel assembly can then be removed. (Fig. 4)
6.フロントパネル Assy(所要時間:約 4 分)
6-1. サ イ ド カバー L [210a] の ネ ジ 3本 と サ イ ド カバー R
[210b] の ネ ジ 3 本 を 外 し 、 [220] のネ ジ 2本 を 外 し 、 フ
ロ ン ト パネル Ass’ y を 外 し ま す。 ( 図 4)
Side Cover R
[185]: Flat Washer 4X9X0.8 MFZN2BL (VP367000) 平座金みがき丸
[190]: Bonding Tapping Screw-B 4.0X8 MFZN2BL (VR779900) ボンディング B タイト
[210]: Bonding Tapping Screw-B 4.0X8 MFZN2BL (VR779900) ボンディング B タイト
[220]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (EP600190)+ バインド B タイト
Fig.4 (図 4)
7.DC Fan (Time required: about 4 minutes)
7-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
7-2. Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 6.)
7-3. Remove the two (2) screws marked [F30] from the DC
fan and then remove the fan. Use the same for both
right and left fans. (Fig. 5)
8-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
8-2. Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 6.)
8-3. Remove the DC fans. (See Procedure 7.)
8-4. Remove the four (4) screws marked [F180] and then
remove the two front covers. (Fig. 5)
8-5. Remove the six (6) screws marked [F150] and then
remove the front panel. (Fig. 6)
8-6. Remove the Power switch knob and the two (2)
screws marked [F40]. The power switch (PS 2/2
circuit board mount) can then be removed. (Fig. 6)
8-7. Remove the power switch from the PS 2/2 circuit
[F30]: Bind Head Screw 4.0X30 MFZN2BL (VT229100) + バインド小ネジ
[F180]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (EP600190)+ バインド B タイト
9.IN 2/5 Circuit Board (Time required: about 4 minutes)
9-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
9-2. Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 6.)
9-3. Remove the DC fans. (See Procedure 7.)
9-4. Remove the four (4) screws marked [F180] and then
remove the two front covers. (Fig. 5)
9-5. Remove the six (6) screws marked [F150] and then
remove the front panel. (Fig. 6)
9-6. Remove the two (2) screws marked [F70]. The IN 2/5
circuit board can then be removed. (Fig. 6)
10.IN 3/5 Circuit Board (Time required: about 4 minutes)
10-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
10-2. Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 6.)
10-3. Remove the DC fans. (See Procedure 7.)
10-4. Remove the two front covers. (See Step 9-4.)
10-5. Remove the front panel. (See Step 9-5.)
10-6. Remove the two (2) knobs of attenuation A/B and two
(2) hexagonal nuts. The IN 3/5 circuit board can then
be removed. (Fig. 6)
[F40]: Bind Head Screw 3.0X6 MFZN2BL (EG330360) +バインド小ネジ
[F70]: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0X8 MFZN2BL (EP600190) +バインド B タイト
[F150]: Flat Head Screw 4.0X8 MFZN2BL (VA221200)+皿小ネジ
Fig.6 (図 6)
11.PA Unit (Time required: about 7 minutes)
11-1. Remove the rear assembly. (See Procedure 2.)
11-2. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
11-3. Remove the nine (9) screws marked [190] and three
(3) screws marked [210]. The side cover and PA unit
can then be removed. Use the same method for both
A and B channels. (Fig. 4)
Flat washers marked [185] are attached between the side
cover and PA unit. Take care not to lose flat washers
marked [185] when removing screws marked [190].
12.PA Circuit Board (Time required: about 11 minutes)
12-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
12-2. Remove the PA unit. (See Procedure 11.)
12-3. Remove the screws fixing the pair transistor, FET and
diode marked [P60] (27 screws for PC6501N, 25
screws for PC4801N, 23 screws for PC3301N, 21
screws for PC2001N), three (3) screws marked [P80]
and six (6) screws marked [P40]. The PA circuit board
can then be removed. (Fig. 7)
[P40]: Bind Head Screw 3.0X6 MFZN2BL (EG330360) +バインド小ネジ
[P60]: Bind Head Screw-SP 3.0X12 MFZN2Y (VB763800) +バインド小ネジ
[P80]: Bind Head Screw-SP 2.6X8 MFZN2Y (EG320240) +バインド小ネジ
Fig.7 (図 7)
13.PS Circuit Board (Time required: about 8 minutes)
13-1. Remove the top cover. (See Procedure 1.)
13-2. Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 6.)
13-3. Remove the rear assembly. (See Procedure 2.)
13-4. Remove the eleven (11) screws marked [30b], one (1)
screw marked [100] and one (1) screw marked [90]
and then release the I/O lock marked [40]. The PS
circuit board can then be removed. (Fig. 1)
[40]: PC6501N (J) is not used.
Arrange the black and brown wires under the tube [250],
and fix the wires and tube with the cord holder [260].
Twist the black, yellow
and brown wires, then
connect the fasten
terminals to the circuit
Fix the connector
assemblies [150] and
[F80] connected to CN201
and CN406 so that they
do not touch the heat sink
of the PA unit and the
parts on the PS circuit
Wire the connector assembly
[140] connected to CN205 so
that it does not pass under the
screw hole of JK402.
Wire the connector assembly [140]
connected to CN205 so that it passes
between the connector assembly
[R50] and the rear panel.
Connector assembly PSW
Bend the connector
assembly [R50] so that it
does not touch the top
Refer to *3.
Fix the connector assemblies [150] and
[140] connected to CN201 and CN205
so that they do not loosen.
Twist the black, yellow
and brown wires, then
connect the fasten
terminals to the circuit
board. Then fix the
wires with the cord
holder [260].
Attach the tube to the
connector assemblies
so that they do not
touch the parts on the
PS circuit board, and fix
them with the cord
holder [260].
Refer to *4.
*1 The mark indicates the cord
*2 Attach the connector assemblies
[120] and [R50] with the
character upside.
*3 For PC6501N (J), connect the
black wire of the AC cord [60] to
CN111 and the white wire to
*4 Run the connector assembly
[140] connected to CN609 and
CN610 through under two red
wires and one black wire, and fix
them with the cord holder [260].
[110]: Connector Assembly PH&PH 9P 350L (VN667700)
[120]: Connector Assembly 37P 60mm P=1.25 (MF137060)
[140]: Connector Assembly IN (WD522000)
[150]: Connector Assembly IN3 (WD522100)
[160]: Connector Assembly TE (WD522300)
[250]: Tube BLACK D=18 (--)
[260]: Cord Holder BK-1 (CB069250)
[F60]: Connector Assembly PH&PH 11P 310L (WD521900)
[F80]: Connector Assembly ATT (--)
[R50]: Connector Assembly 35P 60mm P=1.25 (MF135060)*(--): Not available as spare parts.