Yamaha MLAN User notes

mLAN Guidebook Supplementary Materials
Notes regarding the current version
• If using 4.5 m cables to make connections, no special knowledge is required when connecting up to 16 devices. However for larger systems, further understanding of connections is required, such as how connec­tions can be branched.
• At present, it is not possible to create systems of 64 or more devices. In the near future, it will be possible to use devices called “bridges” to expand this to 63 x 1023 devices. However in this case as well, a certain amount of knowledge will be required.
• In the current version, even if 63 or fewer nodes are connected, there is no limitation regarding reception of realtime data such as audio and MIDI. However, the number of nodes that can transmit data is limited to approximately five devices. There is no limitation on the number of nodes that can transmit non-realtime data such as file transfers by IEEE 1394 devices. (The current version of mLAN does not support file transfer for mLAN devices.)
The following table provides troubleshooting hints for some common problems. Before calling for professional service, refer to the troubleshooting advice below to see if you can find and correct the cause of the problem.
Bus does not start up
• A loop connection may have been created. Check the
cable connections.
Node is not displayed
• The power of an intervening node may be off, or a cable
may be disconnected. If two or more CD8-mLAN cards are installed in an 02R, connections are also required between these cards.
• PC card hot plugging on the PowerBook is not supported.
If you insert a new PC card, you must restart the system. If there are multiple 1394 adapters, you must specify the adapter.
mLAN plug is not displayed
• The reception plug (input plug) of a Macintosh is not visi-
ble from other nodes. Make connection settings on the Macintosh.
• For Direct mode on the CS6x/CS6R/S80, there is no
reception plug (input plug).
Connection cannot be made
• A connection may have already been specified for the
receiving device plug.
• The bus traffic may be approaching 100%.
Connection cannot be restored
• The connection may have been overwritten. Or, you have
may performed Factory Set or mLAN Initialize. These operations will initialize the connection.
• The bus traffic may be approaching 100%.
• You may have switched devices. The connection will not
be restored if you switch to a different hardware unit, even if the model is identical.
No sound
• Is a word clock being supplied? Does a word clock master
node exist (if the word clock source is “ext.”).
• Is the Digital In of the mLAN8P connected? Is the Optical/
Coaxial setting correct?
• Has mixer muting (channel off) been defeated on the
• The mLAN signals that can be received simultaneously by
one Macintosh are limited to the signals transmitted from a single mLAN device. It is not possible to receive a total of two or more channels transmitted from multiple mLAN devices. Multiple channels transmitted from a single mLAN device can be received simultaneously. Even if OMS
settings for multiple ports have been made, reception is limited to signals transmitted from a single mLAN device.
Can’t operate the panel
• The mLAN Mixer may be connected. It is not possible to operate the mLAN Mixer and the panel simultaneously.
Can’t receive/transmit MIDI
• In order to receive/transmit MIDI on the 03D, rear panel cable connections (TO HOST cable) and DIP switch set­tings are required.
• On the A4000/A5000 or CS6x/CS6R/S80, you must switch between the conventional MIDI connectors and the mLAN MIDI.
• The mLAN signals that can be received simultaneously by one Macintosh are limited to the signals transmitted from a single mLAN device. Even if OMS settings for multiple ports have been made, reception is limited to signals transmitted from a single mLAN device.
Sound is interrupted
• The cable may have been disconnected from a port whose LED is lit red, or the power of that device may have been turned off.
• A bus to which multiple devices are connected may have been joined.
• The bus may contain a node with a device of an older for­mat (IEEE 1394 - 1995), such as an older DVCam.
• On the Macintosh, numerous applications may be run­ning, or you may be attempting to transmit numerous channels of audio. The sound may be interrupted if a heavy processing load is being placed on the Macintosh.
Something is wrong with the sound
• Is the word clock setting correct? If the word clock is not synchronized correctly, the audio quality may be affected. Also, the A4000/A5000 and CS6x/CS6R/S80 support only
44.1 kHz.
Macintosh does not synchronize with other devices
• The Macintosh cannot be the slave of other devices.
Sound is heard when you disconnect a cable
• A “blip” sound may be heard from a device receiving mLAN audio when you disconnect the cable from the device that is transmitting that signal. If this occurs, either pause transmission/reception or lower the volume before disconnecting the cable.
Zusätzliches Document des mLAN Leitfadens
Hinweise zur aktuellen Version
• Wenn Sie 4,5 m lange Kabel für die Verbindungen benutzen, und höchstens 16 Geräte anschließen, ist kein besonderes Wissen erforderlich. Bei größeren Systemen ist ein besseres Verständnis über Kabelverbindungen notwendig, z. B. darüber, wie Verbindungen verzweigt werden können.
• Zur Zeit ist es nicht möglich, Systeme mit 64 oder mehr Geräten aufzubauen. In naher Zukunft wird es jedoch mit sogenannten „Bridges“ (Brücken) möglich, bis zu 63 x 1023 Geräte miteinander zu verbinden. Auch in diesem Fall wird jedoch ein wenig Fachwissen notwendig sein.
• In der aktuellen Version gibt es keine Einschränkung bezüglich des Echtzeit-Datenempfangs wie Audio und MIDI, auch dann, wenn 63 oder weniger Knoten angeschlossen sind. Die Anzahl der Knoten, die solche Daten senden können, ist jedoch beschränkt auf etwa fünf Geräte. Es gibt keine Einschränkung bezüglich der Anzahl von Knoten, die Nicht-Echtzeitdaten wie Dateiübertragungen an IEEE-1394-Geräte senden können. (Die aktuelle Version von mLAN unterstützt keine Dateiübertragung an mLAN-Geräte).
Die folgende Tabelle liefert Hinweise zu Problemlösungen einiger häufiger Probleme. Bevor Sie um professionellen Rat ersuchen, schlagen Sie unter den folgenden Problemlösungen nach, um zu sehen, ob Sie Ihr Problem dort beschrieben finden und es eventuell selbst lösen können.
Der Bus startet nicht
• Es kann sein, daß bei den Geräteverbindungen eine Schleife
entstanden ist. Überprüfen Sie die Verbindungen.
Der Knoten wird nicht angezeigt
• Es kann sein, daß ein Zwischenknoten ausgeschaltet ist, oder
daß ein Kabel nicht angeschlossen ist. Wenn zwei oder mehrere CD8-mLAN-Karten in einem 02R installiert sind, müssen auch diese Karten untereinander verbunden werden.
• Die Hot-Plugging-Funktion von PC Cards an PowerBooks wird
nicht unterstützt. Wenn Sie eine neue PC Card einsetzen, müssen Sie das System neu starten. Wenn mehrere FireWire-Adapter vorhanden sind, müssen Sie den verwendeten Adapter angeben.
mLAN-Stecker wird nicht angezeigt
• Der „Empfangsstecker“ (Eingangsstecker) eines Macintosh ist
von anderen Knoten aus nicht sichtbar. Nehmen Sie die Verbindungseinstellungen am Macintosh vor.
• Für den Direct-Modus des CS6x/CS6R/S80, gibt es keinen
Empfangsstecker (Eingangsstecker).
Die Verbindung ist nicht möglich
• Es kann sein, daß für den Empfangsstecker bereits eine
Verbindung hergestellt wurde.
• Der „Traffic“ (Datenverkehr) auf dem Bus beträgt evtl. fast
Verbindung kann nicht wieder hergestellt werden
• Die Verbindung könnte überschrieben worden sein. Vielleicht
haben Sie auch die Werksvoreinstellungen geladen oder den mLAN-Bus initialisiert. Diese Operationen initialisieren die Verbindungen.
• Der „Traffic“ (Datenverkehr) auf dem Bus beträgt evtl. fast
• Sie haben eventuell auf ein anderes Gerät umgeschaltet. Die
Verbindung wird nicht wieder hergestellt, wenn Sie auf ein anderes Hardware-Gerät umgeschaltet haben, auch dann, wenn das Modell identisch ist.
Kein Ton
• Wird eine Wordclock empfangen? Gibt es einen Wordclock-
Master-Knoten (wenn die Wordclock-Signalquelle „ext.“ ist).
• Ist der Digital In des mLAN8P angeschlossen? Ist die
Einstellung Optical/Coaxial richtig?
• Wurde die Mixer-Stummschaltung (Kanal aus) am mLAN8P/
mLAN8E ausgeschaltet?
• Die mLAN-Signale, die gleichzeitig von einem Macintosh
empfangen werden können, sind beschränkt auf die Signale, die von einem einzigen mLAN-Gerät gesendet werden. Es ist nicht möglich, zwei oder mehr Kanäle zu empfangen, die von mehreren mLAN-Geräten gesendet wurden. Mehrere Kanäle von einem einzigen mLAN-Gerät können jedoch gleichzeitig empfangen werden. Auch dann, wenn OMS-Einstellungen für mehrere Ports vorgenommen wurden, ist der Empfang
beschränkt auf Signale, die von einem einzigen mLAN-Gerät gesendet wurden.
Das Panel läßt sich nicht bedienen
• Es kann sein, daß der mLAN-Mixer angeschlossen ist. Es ist nicht möglich, den mLAN-Mixer und das Panel gleichzeitig zu bedienen.
MIDI kann nicht gesendet/empfangen werden
• Um MIDI mit dem 03D zu senden oder zu empfangen, sind Kabelverbindungen an der Rückseite (TO-HOST-Kabel) sowie Einstellungen der DIP-Schalter erforderlich.
• Am A4000/A5000 oder CS6x/CS6R/S80 müssen Sie zwischen den konventionellen MIDI-Buchsen und den mLAN-MIDI­Buchsen umschalten.
• Die mLAN-Signale, die gleichzeitig von einem Macintosh empfangen werden können, sind beschränkt auf die Signale, die von einem einzigen mLAN-Gerät gesendet werden. Auch dann, wenn OMS-Einstellungen für mehrere Ports vorgenommen wurden, ist der Empfang beschränkt auf Signale, die von einem einzigen mLAN-Gerät gesendet wurden.
Der Ton setzt zeitweilig aus
• Das Kabel eines Ports, dessen LED rot leuchtete, könnte herausgezogen worden sein, oder das zugehörige Gerät wurde ausgeschaltet.
• Es wurde eventuell ein weiterer Bus hinzugefügt, an dem mehrere Geräte angeschlossen sind.
• Es kann sein, daß der Bus einen Knoten mit einem Gerät älterer Bauart, z. B. einer älteren DV-Kamera, enthält (IEEE 1394 - 1995).
• Auf dem Macintosh laufen vielleicht sehr viele Programme, oder Sie haben versucht, sehr viele Audiokanäle zu übertragen. Der Ton wird unter Umständen unterbrochen, wenn der Macintosh zusätzlich mit einer hohen CPU-Last belegt wird.
Der Klang ist unnormal
• Ist die Wordclock-Einstellung korrekt? Wenn die Wordclock nicht richtig synchronisiert ist, kann die Tonqualität darunter leiden. Außerdem unterstützen der A4000/A5000 und der CS6x/CS6R/S80 nur 44,1 kHz.
Der Macintosh synchronisiert nicht zu anderen Geräten
• Der Macintosh kann nicht als Slave von anderen Geräten benutzt werden.
Es ist ein Geräusch zu hören, wenn ein Kabel herausgezogen wird
• Es kann passieren, daß Sie bei einem Gerät, das mLAN­Audiodaten empfängt, einen „Blip“-Ton hören, wenn Sie die Kabelverbindung vom sendenden Gerät lösen. Warten Sie in diesem Fall mit der Übertragung bzw. dem Empfang von Daten, oder verringern Sie die Lautstärke, bevor Sie das Kabel herausziehen.
Documentation en annexe du guide mLAN
Remarques sur la version actuelle
• Si vous utilisez des câbles de 4,5 m pour les connexions, vous pouvez raccorder jusqu'à 16 dispositifs sans aucune instruction spéciale. En revanche, le branchement d'un plus grand nombre de périphériques nécessite des connaissances plus poussées en matière de connexion, notamment en ce qui concerne le mode même de branchement.
• Actuellement, un système peut se composer de 63 dispositifs maximum. Cependant, il sera prochainement possible d'avoir recours à des dispositifs appelés des « ponts » pour constituer des systèmes plus importants, capables d'assembler jusqu'à 63 x 1 023 périphériques. Des connaissances spécifiques sont toutefois ici aussi requises.
• La version actuelle autorise la connexion d'un maximum de 63 nœuds sans qu'il y ait de limitation de réception de données en temps réel comme les données audio ou MIDI. Le nombre de nœuds capables de transmettre les données est toutefois limité à cinq périphériques environ. Il n'y a pas de limitation au niveau du nombre de nœuds susceptibles de transmettre des données dont la transmission ne se fait pas en temps réel, comme les transferts de fichiers via les dispositifs IEEE 1394. (La version actuelle de mLAN ne prend pas en charge le transfert de fichiers pour les périphériques mLAN).
Dépistage des pannes
Le tableau suivant présente des astuces de dépistage de pannes pour certains problèmes courants. Avant de faire appel à un technicien, consultez la section ci-dessous pour essayer de trouver la cause de votre problème et d'y remédier.
Le bus ne démarre pas
• Il se peut qu'une connexion en boucle se soit créée. Vérifiez les
Le nœud ne s'affiche pas
• Il se peut que l'alimentation d'un nœud d'intervention soit
désactivée ou bien un câble débranché. Si deux ou plusieurs cartes CD8-mLAN sont installées sur un dispositif 02R, il est aussi nécessaire d'effectuer les différents branchements entre ces cartes.
• Le branchement à chaud d'une carte PC sur PowerBook n'est
pas pris en charge. Si vous insérez une nouvelle carte PC, vous devez redémarrer le système. S'il y a des adaptateurs 1394 multiples, vous devez spécifier l'adaptateur utilisé.
La prise mLAN n'est pas affichée
• La prise de réception (prise d'entrée) d'un Macintosh n'est pas
visible à partir d'autres nœuds. Effectuez les réglages de connexion sur le Macintosh.
• Il n'existe pas de prise de réception (prise d'entrée) en mode
Direct sur le CS6x/CS6R/S80.
La connexion ne peut pas s'effectuer
• Une connexion a peut-être déjà été spécifiée pour la prise du
dispositif de réception.
• Le trafic du bus frôle les 100%.
Il n'est pas possible de restaurer la connexion
• La connexion risque d'avoir été remplacée, ou vous avez peut-
être réinitialisé mLAn à ses réglages d'usine. Ces opérations entraînent l'initialisation de la connexion.
• Le trafic du bus frôle les 100%.
• Vous avez peut-être permuté des dispositifs. La connexion ne
peut pas être restaurée si vous branchez une nouvelle unité de matériel, même si elle est de même modèle que la précédente.
Absence de son
• Une horloge de mots a-t-elle été fournie ? Existe-t-il un nœud
d'horloge de mots maître (dans le cas où la source de l'horloge de mots est « ext »).
• La prise d'entrée numérique Digital In de mLAN8P est-elle
branchée ? Le réglage Optique/coaxial est-il correct ?
• L'assourdissement (désactivation de canaux) du mixeur a-t-il
été défait sur mLAN8P/mLAN8E ?
• Les signaux mLAN susceptibles d'être reçus simultanément par
un seul Macintosh sont limités aux signaux transmis à partir d'un dispositif mLAN unique. Il est impossible de recevoir en même temps deux ou plusieurs canaux transmis depuis différents périphériques mLAN. Il est en revanche possible de recevoir simultanément plusieurs canaux transmis à partir d'un seul périphérique mLAN. Bien que les réglages OMS pour ports multiples aient été effectués, la réception est limitée aux signaux transmis à partir d'un seul dispositif mLAN.
Impossible d'actionner le panneau
• Il se peut que mLAN Mixer soit branché. Il est impossible de faire fonctionner en même temps mLAN Mixer et le panneau.
Impossible de recevoir ou transmettre des données MIDI
• Pour recevoir ou transmettre des données MIDI sur 03D, il est nécessaire d'effectuer les branchement de câbles sur le panneau arrière (câble TO HOST) et les réglages de commutateurs DIP.
• Sur le A4000/A5000 ou le CS6x/CS6R/S80, vous devez brancher les connecteurs MIDI conventionnels au connecteur MIDI de mLAN.
• Les signaux mLAN susceptibles d'être reçus simultanément par un seul Macintosh sont limités aux signaux transmis depuis un périphérique mLAN unique. Bien que les réglages OMS pour ports multiples aient été effectués, la réception est limitée aux signaux transmis depuis un périphérique MLAN unique.
Le son est interrompu
• Le câble risque d'avoir été déconnecté du port dont la DEL est allumée en rouge ou bien l'alimentation de ce dispositif a été désactivée.
• Il est possible qu'il y ait eu un ajout de bus auquel plusieurs dispositifs sont raccordés.
• Le bus contient peut-être un nœud avec un dispositif de format ancien (IEEE 1394 - 1995), tel qu'un périphérique DVCam ancien.
• Plusieurs applications sont exécutées sur le Macintosh, ou vous essayez peut-être de transmettre un grand nombre de canaux audio. Le son risque de s'interrompre toutes les fois que le Macintosh doit gérer un lourd chargement de données.
Le son est bizarre
• L'horloge de mots est-elle correctement réglée ? Si l'horloge de mots n'est pas correctement synchronisée, la qualité audio risque de s'en ressentir. Il faut également savoir que les A4000/ A5000 et CS6x/CS6R/S80 ne prennent en charge que 44,1 kHz.
Le Macintosh n'est pas synchronisé avec les autres dispositifs
• Le Macintosh ne peut pas servir d'esclave à d'autres dispositifs.
Un bruit se fait entendre lors du débranchement d'un câble
• Un bruit étrange, semblable à un « blip » se fait entendre en provenance d'un dispositif qui reçoit des données mLAN audio lors du débranchement du câble du dispositif transmettant ce signal. Si cela se produit, suspendez la transmission ou la réception en cours ou bien abaissez le niveau de volume avant de débrancher le câble.
Materiales complementarios de la guía de mLAN
Notas sobre la versión actual
• Si se utilizan cables de 4,5 m para la conexiones, no se necesita ningún conocimiento especial para conectar hasta 16 dispositivos. Ahora bien, para sistemas más grandes, es necesario un conocimiento un poco más profundo de las conexiones, como por ejemplo, de sus derivaciones.
• Por el momento, no es posible crear sistemas de 64 dispositivos o más. En un futuro próximo, se podrán utilizar dispositivos denominados “puentes” para ampliar los sistemas a 63 x 1023 dispositivos. No obstante, aún en este caso, será necesario tener un cierto nivel de conocimientos.
• En la versión actual, incluso si se conectan 63 nodos o menos, la recepción de datos en tiempo real como datos de sonido y MIDI no está limitada. No obstante, el número de nodos que pueden transmitir datos está limitado a cinco dispositivos aproximadamente. El número de nodos que pueden transmitir datos que no son en tiempo real, como las transferencias de archivos por dispositivos IEEE 1394, no está limitado (la versión actual de mLAN no admite la transferencia de archivos por dispositivos mLAN).
Solución de problemas
En la siguiente tabla se facilitan sugerencias para resolución de algunos problemas frecuentes. Antes de pedir asistencia profesional, consulte estas sugerencias a continuación y compruebe si pueden resolver el problema.
El bus no arranca
• Puede que se haya creado un bucle en la conexión.
Compruebe las conexiones de los cables.
El nodo no aparece
• Puede que uno de los nodos utilizados no reciba alimentación
o que un cable esté desconectado. Si hay dos o más tarjetas CD8-mLAN instaladas en un 02R, es necesario que dichas tarjetas también estén conectadas entre sí.
• No admite la conexión de tarjetas para PC en un PowerBook
en funcionamiento. Si inserta una nueva tarjeta para PC, debe reiniciar el sistema. Si hay varios adaptadores 1394, debe especificar el adaptador.
El enchufe mLAN no aparece
• El enchufe de recepción (el de entrada) de un Macintosh no se
ve desde otros nodos. Ajuste las conexiones en el Macintosh.
• No hay enchufe de recepción (enchufe de entrada) para el
modo Direct en el CS6x/CS6R/S80.
No se puede establecer la conexión
• Puede que se haya especificado ya una conexión para el
enchufe del dispositivo receptor.
• El tráfico del bus podría estar aproximándose al 100%.
No se puede restablecer la conexión
• Puede que se haya sustituido la conexión. O puede que haya
restablecido los ajustes de fábrica o haya inicializado la mLAN. Estas operaciones inicializan la conexión.
• El tráfico del bus podría estar aproximándose al 100%.
• Puede que haya cambiado de dispositivo. La conexión no se
restablecerá si cambia a otra unidad de hardware, incluso si es un modelo idéntico.
No hay sonido
• ¿Se está suministrando un reloj? ¿Existe un nodo maestro de
reloj (si la fuente del reloj es “ext.”)?
• ¿Está conectada la entrada digital de la mLAN8P? ¿Es correcta
la configuración óptica/coaxial?
• ¿No se ha podido silenciar (canal cerrado) el mezclador en la
• Las señales de la mLAN que se pueden recibir
simultáneamente en un Macintosh están limitadas al número de señales que se pueden transmitir desde un solo dispositivo mLAN. No se pueden recibir dos canales o más transmitidos desde varios dispositivos mLAN. Se pueden recibir simultáneamente varios canales transmitidos desde un solo dispositivo mLAN. Incluso si se ha hecho la configuración OMS para varios puertos, la recepción está limitada a las señales transmitidas desde un solo dispositivo mLAN.
No se puede utilizar el panel
• Puede que el mezclador mLAN esté conectado. No se pueden
utilizar el mezclador y el panel al mismo tiempo.
No se reciben ni se pueden transmitir señales MIDI
• Para poder recibir o transmitir señales MIDI en la 03D, se necesitan conexiones por cable en la parte de atrás del panel (cable TO HOST) y ajustar los interruptores DIP.
• En el A4000/A5000 o el CS6x/CS6R/S80, hay que cambiar de los conectores MIDI convencionales a la mLAN MIDI.
• Las señales de la mLAN que se pueden recibir simultáneamente en un Macintosh están limitadas al número de señales que se pueden transmitir desde un solo dispositivo mLAN. Incluso si se ha hecho la configuración OMS para varios puertos, la recepción está limitada a las señales transmitidas desde un solo dispositivo mLAN.
El sonido se interrumpe
• Puede que se haya desconectado el cable de un puerto cuyo LED esté en rojo, o que se haya apagado ese dispositivo.
• Puede que se haya incorporado un bus al que están conectados varios dispositivos.
• El bus puede contener un nodo con un dispositivo de un formato anterior (IEEE 1394 - 1995), como una DVCam de un modelo anterior.
• Puede que en el Macintosh se estén ejecutando numerosas aplicaciones, o que esté intentando transmitir demasiados canales de audio. El sonido podría interrumpirse si el Macintosh se ve obligado a procesar un volumen demasiado grande de datos.
Hay problemas con el sonido
• ¿La configuración del reloj es correcta? Si el reloj no está sincronizado correctamente, la calidad del sonido puede verse afectada. Además, el A4000/A5000 y el CS6x/CS6R/S80 s sólo admiten 44,1 kHz.
No se puede sincronizar el Macintosh con otros dispositivos
• No se puede utilizar un Macintosh como auxiliar de otro dispositivo.
Se oye un sonido al desconectar un cable
• Un dispositivo que reciba audio mLan puede producir una especie de “eco” cuando se desconecta el cable del dispositivo que está transmitiendo dicha señal. Si le ocurre esto, detenga la transmisión/recepción o baje el volumen antes de desconectar el cable.
M.D.G.,Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation
©2000 Y amaha Corporation
V719510 010APAP 3.2-02A0
Guide Book
Basiskonzepte von mLAN
Principes de base du mLAN
Conceptos básicos de mLAN
Basic concepts of mLAN
Table of Contents
Basic Concepts of mLAN ..........................................4
Features of mLAN.....................................................9
Features Inherited from IEEE 1394................................................9
Features of mLAN Products...........................................................9
Technical Explanations ..........................................10
1. About IEEE 1394 .....................................................................10
2. Device Connections (Topology, Routes, Cycle Master) ........11
3. Bus Reset (Long, Short) .........................................................13
4. Calculating the Number of Hops and Cable Length .............14
5. Bandwidth Issues....................................................................15
6. Cable Power ...........................................................................16
7. Hot Plugging / Unplugging ...................................................18
8. Bus Status Indication (LED)....................................................18
9. Other Protocols, Drivers.........................................................19
10. mLAN Connection Manager ...............................................20
11. mLAN Fs Manager ...............................................................22
Index ......................................................................23
The company names and product names in this guide are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Basic Concepts of mLAN
“mLAN” is a digital network designed for musical applications. It uses and extends the industry standard “IEEE (I triple E) 1394” high performance serial bus.
In a musical environment without mLAN, dozens of various types of cables such as audio cables, phone cables, and MIDI cables are required, with different types of cable for each device and application. Also, the MIDI and audio signal flow is determined by the way in which cables are
connected, meaning that cables must be reconnected if you wish to reconfigure the system. For example if you have purchased a new synthesizer, you will need two MIDI cables plus two phone cables in the case of a stereo output instrument (or in some cases even more if the instru­ment has more than two audio outputs). When making connections, attention must also be paid to the input/output direction of each jack, the left/right channel, and in some cases, an under­standing of impedance is also required. As systems become larger, such factors produce more complexity and expense. Incorrect connec­tions and other problems can increase. The time required to troubleshoot mistakes and problems also increases, resulting in wasted time. More than one reader has doubtless had the frustrating experience of tracing through an intricate web of cables one by one, just to track down a single faulty contact in one cable.
mLAN provides a dramatic simplification by allowing all such connections to be combined into a single IEEE 1394 compatible cable, and also making possible the construction of far more power­ful systems. In addition, the flow of MIDI and audio signals between mLAN devices can be freely changed without actually reconnecting any cables, and such configurations can be recorded as well. Theoretically, the IEEE 1394 bus that mLAN uses is capable of transmitting over one hundred channels of CD-quality digital audio data (equivalent to more than 256 MIDI cables) over a single cable at one time. Details will be given later, but if the system contains sixteen or fewer nodes (devices in the net­work), a system can be constructed simply by connecting devices consecutively. No special knowledge is required. Currently, a system can consist of a maximum of 63 devices, but in the future larger systems of up to 63 x 1023 devices can be constructed by observing certain simple rules.
Basic Concepts of mLAN
Figure 1: Conventional connections compared to mLAN connections
MIDI setup
Conventional connection
MIDI Keyboard
MIDI signal MIDI signal MIDI signal
tone generator
A5000 sampler
A5000 sampler
Audio signal Audio signal
Audio signal
Synthesizer, etc.
Audio signal
02R digital mixer
mLAN connection
MIDI Keyboard
mLAN Patch bay
mLAN mixer
IEEE 1394-equipped Computer
A5000 sampler
tone generator
02R digital mixer
A5000 sampler
Synthesizer, etc.
Basic Concepts of mLAN
Home PC setup
Conventional connection
WAV file
Playback software
Audio signal
Audio system
mLAN connection
WAV file
Playback software
IEEE 1394-equipped Computer
Audio system
Live performance setup
Conventional connection
Audio signal
MIDI signal
Basic Concepts of mLAN
Audio signal
Audio signal
mLAN connection
CS6x synthesizer
CS6x synthesizer
A5000 sampler
1394 1394
A5000 sampler
02R digital mixer
02R digital mixer
Basic Concepts of mLAN
DV editing setup
Conventional connection
Video editing
mLAN connection
Digital video signal
Audio signal
MIDI signal
DTM system
Digital video camera
Video editing
IEEE 1394-equipped Computer
The signals from the digital video camera are not recognized by mLAN8P but passed through it to the computer.
1394 1394
S/P DIF or Analog
DTM system
Digital video camera
Features of mLAN
Features Inherited from IEEE 1394
• Only one type of cable is needed, in contrast to the multiple varieties required by conventional systems. In addition, jacks have no distinction of input or output, making it easy to connect a system without special knowledge.
• Data transfer rates of 100/200/400 Mbps (megabits per second) are supported. In the future, this is expected to be expanded to 800M/1.6Gbps (gigabits per second).
• Up to 63 devices can be connected. In the future, devices called “bridges” can be used to expand connections to as many as 63 x 1023 devices.
• Cables can be connected and disconnected without turning off the power (
• Since industry-standard IEEE 1394 is used, compatibility with a variety of devices is expected into the future.
• Isochronous transfer allows data to be transferred in realtime. This is ideal for transfer of real­time data such as video and audio.
hot pluggable
Features of mLAN Products
• The current mLAN data transfer rate is 200 Mbps.
• Electronic musical instruments and audio devices can be connected even without a computer, making it easy to construct digital network.
• MIDI and audio signal flow can be routed freely without being limited by the actual cable con­figuration. Signal flow between nodes can be changed without having to physically reconnect the devices, and such configurations can be recorded.
• mLAN specifications will continue to be upgraded as new products are developed. mLAN sup­ports future expansions of its functionality, and is an specification that will “continue to evolve”.
Technical Explanations
1. About IEEE 1394
This is a standard defined by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). It is being use to implement low-cost high-speed digital networks that connect computer equipment to con­sumer devices (audio equipment, video equipment, electronic musical instruments) or to connect
consumer devices to each other. Although “IEEE 1394-1995” provides for a maximum of 400 Mbps (megabits per second) data transfer between computer devices, the standard is being expanded to allow data transfer at speeds of 1.6 Gbps (gigabits per second) in the future. At a speed of 200 Mbps, it is theoretically possible to handle more than one hundred channels of CD-quality digital audio data simulta­neously with musical data equivalent to more than 256 MIDI cables. In addition, the numerous types of cables required by a conventional system to carry different types of data such as video, audio, and MIDI are no longer needed, since all data is carried over a single type of cable connected sequentially. In the case of audio devices, conventional systems were connected in a radiating topology where connections radiated from the AV amp to the various components (CD, MD, tuner etc.). In con­trast, IEEE 1394 allows a simpler method of connection in which a single type of cable is used to sequentially connect each device (amp→CD→MD→tuner). No particular knowledge is required when making connections, and new devices can be added to the system simply by connecting them sequentially. This also applies to networks connected to multimedia computers, AV devices, and electronic musi­cal instruments, making it extremely simple to create more powerful systems than ever before.
Figure 2: Example of audio connections
Conventional connections:
can be connected.
IEEE 1394 connections:
order. Up to 63 devices can be connected.
Technical points regarding IEEE 1394 are explained below.
Attention must be paid to L/R and IN/OUT, and a limited number of devices
No particular knowledge is required, and connections may be made in any
IEEE 1394 compatible cable
Technical Explanations
2. Device Connections (Topology, Routes, Cycle Master)
This section provides information that will be needed by power users who wish to use IEEE 1394 with maximum efficiency. Users who are connecting 16 or fewer devices (nodes) using standard
4.5 m cables will not require this information.
topology include daisy-chain, star, and tiered star.
Figure 3: Types of topology
” refers to the overall shape of the connected nodes (devices in the network). Types of
Star connection (radiating)
Tiered star (branch connection)
In these topologies, it is possible for any node to be seen from any other node as being in a “tree” structure. In this case, the single selected node is called the “
root node
.” As the name suggests, the tree structure is similar to the branched form of a tree, but is normally drawn upside down from an actual tree. Thus, the “root” will be depicted at the top of the diagram. As shown in the following diagrams, any node in the topology can be the root node.
Figure 4
Tree structure A
Tree structure B
5 1
Technical Explanations
Figure 5
Tiered star
9 1086532
Tree structure
The above diagrams show the frequently-used tiered star (multiple stars that are connected) as a tree structure. In a tree structure, nodes that are not connected to another node in the direction away from the root are called “
leaf nodes
.” In the above diagrams, these nodes are shown in gray. Since IEEE 1394 treats all topologies as tree structures, a specific node will automatically be selected as the root node. (It is also possible for the user to specify a specific node as the root.) In order to transfer realtime data such as audio and MIDI, the clocks that are built into each device to measure data timing must be synchronized; i.e., the devices must be synchronized. The node containing the clock used as the master is called the “
cycle master
,” and the root node fulfills this role. The cycle master node is indispensable when transferring realtime data such as audio and MIDI. If the power of the cycle master node is turned off, or if the cable is disconnected from it, it will no longer be possible to transfer data. Consequently, the sound will be interrupted. If this occurs another node will be selected as the root node, and data transfer will resume. By using IEEE 1394 compatible extending and relaying devices, bus connections can be branched and extended in an efficient manner. Such devices are collectively called “
.” Of the different types of topology, “loops” cannot be interpreted as a type of tree; thus, it is not permitted to create a loop within the topology.
Technical Explanations
3. Bus Reset (Long, Short)
When a cable is connected or disconnected within a network, or when the power of a node is turned on or off, the bus* will be initialized and the network will be reconfigured. There are two types of bus reset: long bus reset and short bus reset.
* “Bus” is a technical term indicating a system by which multiple electronic devices
share a single communication route to transfer data. IEEE 1394 is a “bus” specifica­tion. In the document, the term “bus” refers to the portion that is operating according to IEEE 1394.
Long bus reset
This will occur when the topology has been changed or broken without leaving the previous root, or if the power of the root node has been turned off. This will also occur if a device that does not support short bus reset (such as an IEEE 1394-1995 compatible DV camcorder) is connected. Since a certain amount of time is required for reconfiguration, audio data etc. will be interrupted.
After the bus has been initialized, the following processes are performed:
• The parent/child relationships between each node are determined, and after the root node has
been decided, self-identifying packets (basic data) for each node will be transmitted. This is called “tree identification.”)
• The root node will be assigned as the cycle master.
Short bus reset
This will occur if the change in topology does not involve the root, and since it requires less time than the long bus reset, audio data etc. will not be interrupted. This will occur when a leaf node is added or removed, or if the power of a leaf node is turned on or off.
mLAN feature
In the case of mLAN devices, the cable port LED will light green to indicate cable ports connected as leaf nodes.
Root Root
Removing cables
: Long bus reset : Short bus reset
Turning the power off
: Long bus reset
No mark : Short bus reset
Technical Explanations
4. Calculating the Number of Hops and Cable Length
The number of hops indicates the distance between two nodes in the bus (system), and expressed by the number of cables between the two nodes. The maximum number of hops is not the number of cables in the network; it simply means the maximum number of hops between any two nodes (not necessarily from the root). At present,
the maximum is 16 hops. Even by using shorter cables such as 1 meter, it is not possible to increase the number of nodes or hops that can be used. At present, a maximum of 63 nodes can be connected. In the future, devices called “bridges” will make it possible to connect up to 63 x 1023 devices.
Figure 6: Number of hops
72m (16 hops)
72m (16 hops)
Max 63 nodes
Technical Explanations
5. Bandwidth Issues
Isochronous transfer
isochronous data transfer
to transmit or receive data at fixed intervals (125 microseconds). This makes it possible to transmit data in realtime. It is particularly suitable for data of a realtime nature, such as video and audio. This fixed interval (125 microseconds) is managed by the cycle master node, and access rights are granted preferentially to the cycle master node.
In order for a node to transmit data packets, it must obtain bus access rights. The root node
trates bus access rights
multiple nodes to simultaneously access a single bus.
Arbitration is performed as follows:
• The node that wishes to transmit a data packet first transmits a “request” to the root node.
• Upon receiving this request, the root node transmits “permission” to the node that sent the request.
• The node that transmitted the request receives the “permission,” thereby obtaining access rights.
• The node that obtained access rights may then transmit data packets.
• The request and permission can be transmitted much faster if the node is closer to the root node (that is, fewer hops between the node and the root). Consequently, the star topology can handle the bus more efficiently than a daisy-chain topology.
, and ultimately grants access rights to a single node. It is not possible for
used by IEEE 1394 is a transfer method that guarantees the right
Figure 7: Isochronous sub-actions
Isochronous portion
Isochronous portion
Data packet
ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 .....
Technical Explanations
6. Cable Power
Nodes with multiple IEEE 1394 connectors have the important role of relaying and transmitting data between multiple connected nodes. In order for data to be transferred from one node to another, each node between these nodes must relay the data accurately. A small amount of elec­trical power is required for the relay functionality to operate. So that its relay functionality will continue to operate even if the power of a device is turned off, there must be a means of supply-
ing power from other nodes. Thus, standard IEEE 1394 cables use a four-pin configuration; four pins for data and control signals, or a six-pin configuration; four pins for data and control signals and two pins for electrical power.
mLAN feature
Although DV cables that omit the power lines do exist, mLAN products use six-pin cables.
Figure 8: Cross-section of a six-pin cable
Power supply cable
(8–40 V DC, maximum current 1.5 A)
Signal line shield
Two sets of twisted pair signal lines
Number of
connector pins
6 400Mbps
Since the six-pin cables are able to transmit power, power can be distributed between nodes of the network. Nodes can be classified by how they handle power.
By power supply
A. Nodes that are able to supply power to another node via the cable. These are called
power nodes
P : Electric power
: Can be supplied/relayed
: Cannot be supplied/relayed
Power can be supplied.
B. Nodes that are not able to supply power.
Power cannot be supplied.
Technical Explanations
By power consumption
c. Nodes that take no power at all from the cable. When their power is turned off, they will
also cease functioning as bus relays.
When the power is turned off, the nodes do not obtain power and cease functioning as bus relays.
d. Nodes that can obtain power from the cable and function as bus relays.
When the power is turned off, the nodes can still obtain power and function as bus relayWhen the power is turned off, the nodes can still obtain power and function as bus relay.
e. Nodes that can obtain power from the cable and perform all of their own functions (low
power consumption portable devices etc.).
The nodes can obtain power and perform all of their own functions.
For the purpose of power, a node will have a combination of functionality from [A, B] and [c, d, e].
mLAN feature
For the current mLAN devices, this will generally be [B] and [c]. In other words, a system consisting solely of mLAN devices will function as a single system only if the power of all devices (nodes) is turned on.
Technical Explanations
7. Hot Plugging / Unplugging
IEEE 1394 allows cables to be freely plugged and unplugged even if the power is turned on. Since IDs are assigned automatically when the topology is modified, the user does not need to reset the IDs. The system can be used immediately after it has been connected.
mLAN feature
One feature of mLAN is that after nodes are connected, the MIDI and audio signal flow can be routed freely without having to actually change physical connections. No particular care need be taken regarding the order of connections.
8. Bus Status Indication (LED)
mLAN products have a two-color LED (green and red) by their connector port, a three-color (green, red and orange) LED labeled RT/ERR and a blue LED labeled ACTIVE, nearby this. The ACTIVE LED indicates that this node is functioning as a relay. If a node is not Powered-on but its ACTIVE indicator is lit, it is receiving power from another node.
RT/ERR can be either green or red:
[Green] [Red]/[Orange]
If the above-mentioned RT/ERR does not indicate an error (i.e., dark or lit green), the connector LED has the following meaning:
...... Indicates that this is the root node.
......Indicates that an error has occurred. The type of error is indicated by the way
in which the connector LED is lit. For details, refer to the table in the Owner’s Manual for the respective device.
...... The node connected to this connector is a leaf node. Even if this connector is
unplugged, a major change (such as splitting the bus (system) into two) will not occur.
.......... The node connected to this connector is not a leaf node. If this connector is
unplugged, the bus (system) will be split into two parts. As a result, a Long Bus Reset may occur and the sound may be interrupted.
Green : The node is a root node. Red, Orange : An error has occurred.
Blue : The node functions as bus relay.
Green : A leaf node is connected. Red : The connected node is not a leaf node.
(This is not an error.)
9. Other Protocols, Drivers
Technical Explanations
The IEEE 1394 specification is broadly used in DV connectors for digital video. Although DV includes an audio signal in addition to the video, it uses a different format than mLAN, and DV audio cannot be handled directly by an mLAN device. In order to handle DV audio on mLAN, a converter device and/or computer software is separately required.
Technical Explanations
10. mLAN Connection Manager
The audio/MIDI data that flows over mLAN is transferred using virtual connectors called “mLAN plugs.” The logical routes that are established between these plugs are called “mLAN connec­tions.”
Figure 9: An example of audio signals
Audio transmission mLAN plug Audio reception mLAN plug
IEEE 1394 compatible cable
Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 Channel 8
An mLAN connection is expressed as the combination of
• transmitting device — transmitting mLAN plug (mLAN output plug)
• receiving device — receiving mLAN plug (mLAN input plug)
Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 Channel 8
Virtual connectorVirtual connector
Figure 10: An example of an mLAN connection
Transmitting device
(transmitting mLAN plug)
Channel 2Stereo L
(receiving mLAN plug)
Receiving device
The mLAN connection manager is a function possessed by all mLAN devices, and is a module that manages the specified mLAN connections on each node.
The mLAN connection manager has the following functionalities:
• By request from another mLAN node, it creates mLAN connections in the mLAN plug of the mLAN nodes.
• In response to inquiry from another software module, it provides mLAN connection data.
• When the bus is reconfigured due to a bus reset or power-off, it is able to automatically restore mLAN connections.
Technical Explanations
The mLAN connection data is stored by the receiving device. Even when a bus reset occurs or the power is turned off, the mLAN connection data is preserved. After a bus reset occurs or the power is turned on, a receiving device will search for the transmit­ting device based on its stored mLAN connection data, and will re-establish the mLAN connec­tions.
An ID unique to each device is embedded in each node. The receiving device remembers the transmitting device by this ID. This means that even if the model of device is identical, the mLAN connection will not be restored if the ID is different. For example in the mLAN connection example shown above, the 02R remembers that it received data from a certain A5000, but the mLAN con­nection will not be restored if a different A5000 is connected.
If the transmitting device is not found, the mLAN connection data will be maintained, but the mLAN connection will not be restored.
The mLAN connection will be restored when the transmitting device that could not be found is then connected. However if a different mLAN connec­tion is established before this occurs, the mLAN connection will not be restored. For example in the case of the above mLAN connection example, the 02R will preserve the mLAN connection data even when the A5000 is discon­nected. When the A5000 is connected once again, the connection will be restored. However if, while the A5000 is disconnected, the user establishes an mLAN connection to a different instrument on channel 2 (the mLAN plug on which an mLAN connection had been established with the A5000), the mLAN connection will be overwritten. Subsequently even if the instrument is disconnected and the A5000 is reconnected, the 02R will remember the mLAN connection with the instrument. Accordingly the mLAN connection with the A5000 will not be recovered.
Technical Explanations
11. mLAN Fs Manager
mLAN Fs Manager manages the master and slave relationship between each node’s word clock (WC/WCLK). To transmit and receive digital audio data between multiple devices correctly, you need to assign one of the devices on the bus as “master” so that the rest of the devices lock to the word clock generated from the master device.
The word clock master setting provides two modes: manual mode and auto mode. Using the group master setting makes it easy to set one device to master and the other devices to slave.
Manual mode
In this mode, the user assigns devices as master and slave. The user also assigns a group master. After a Bus Reset or Power-on Reset occurs, the master/slave relationship is restored based on the stored information. If the master device no longer exists after a Bus Reset or Power-on Reset occurs, the slave devices cannot receive word clock data. Therefore, audio data on those devices will be muted.
Auto mode
In this mode, the master/slave relationship is automatically determined. If the user has specified group master, the remainder become slaves. The word clock master/slave relationship specified before a Bus Reset or Power-on Reset occurs will not be stored. Instead, the word clock master/slave relationship will be re-configured based on the stored audio stream connection, so that the device that transmits audio will become master.
ACTIVE .................................................... 18
Arbitration ............................................... 15
audio stream ........................................... 22
branch connection .................................. 11
bridges ................................................ 9, 14
bus .......................................................... 13
bus reset .................................................. 13
Cable power ............................................ 16
connection manager ................................ 20
cycle master ...................................... 12, 15
daisy-chain .............................................. 11
drivers ..................................................... 19
Fs manager .............................................. 22
Gbps ................................................... 9, 10
hops ........................................................ 14
hot pluggable ............................................ 9
Hot Plugging ........................................... 18
manual mode ...........................................22
master ......................................................22
Mbps ................................................... 9, 10
mLAN connections ...................................20
mLAN plug ...............................................20
module .....................................................20
node .........................................................11
permission ................................................15
power nodes ............................................16
power-on reset .........................................22
protocols ..................................................19
relay functionality .....................................16
repeaters ..................................................12
request .....................................................15
root node .................................................11
RT/ERR ......................................................18
self-identifying packets .............................13
Short bus reset .........................................13
slave .........................................................22
star connection .........................................11
ID ............................................................ 21
IEEE ......................................................... 10
Isochronous porition ................................ 15
Isochronous sub-action ............................ 15
Isochronous transfer ............................ 9, 15
leaf nodes ................................................ 12
LED .................................................... 13, 18
Long bus reset ......................................... 13
tiered star .................................................12
topology ...................................................11
transfer in realtime .........................9, 12, 15
tree identification .....................................13
tree structure ............................................11
Unplugging ..............................................18
word clock (WC) .......................................22
Basiskonzepte von mLAN.........................................4
Leistungsmerkmale von mLAN ................................9
Von IEEE 1394 übernommene Leistungsmerkmale......................9
Leistungsmerkmale von mLAN-Produkten ...................................9
Technische Erläuterungen .....................................10
1. Informationen zu IEEE 1394...................................................10
2. Geräteverbindungen (Topologie, Leitwege, Cycle Master)..11
3. Bus-Reset (lang, kurz) ............................................................13
4. Berechnung von Hopanzahl und Kabellänge........................14
5. Fragen zur Bandbreite ...........................................................15
6. Stromversorgung über Kabel.................................................16
7. „Hot Plugging“- und „Unplugging“-Funktionalität...............18
8. Bus-Statusanzeige (LED) ........................................................18
9. Andere Protokolle, Treiber.....................................................19
10. mLAN-Verbindungsmanager ..............................................20
11. mLAN Fs Manager ...............................................................22
Index ......................................................................23
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