ComTroller 702
1 General .................................................5
1.2 MJK-Link™ ...................................................5
2 Operation .............................................. 6
3 Menus ................................................... 8
3.1 F0 - Unit type/ID, software version, clock and
protocol type .................................................8
3.2 F1 - Inputs on/off ........................................... 8
3.3 F2 - Outputs on/off........................................8
3.4 F3 - Limits high/low .......................................8
3.5 F4 - Analog inputs # ...................................... 8
3.6 F5 - Analog input scaled ................................8
3.7 F6 - Counter .................................................9
3.8 F7 - Hour ...................................................... 9
3.9.1 F8.1 - Alarm List ........................................... 9
3.9.2 F8.2 Alarm # ................................................. 9
3.10 F9.1 Storm flow volume.................................9
3.11 F9.2 Storm flow calculation ...........................9
4 Main functions ...................................10
4.1 Choose language ........................................10
4.2 Set time and date .......................................10
4.3 Password enabled/disabled ......................... 10
4.4 Summer time / winter time .......................... 10
4.5 Enter password ........................................... 10
4.6 Analog inputs averaging...............................10
4.7 Data logging interval (MM:SS) ...................... 10
4.8 Tone or pulse dialing .................................... 10
4.9 Telephone call at power failure ..................... 10
4.10 Number of incoming rings before answer ..... 10
4.11 Unit ID no. for Comtroller ............................. 10
4.12 Automatic reset of alarms............................ 10
4.13 Telephone number ...................................... 10
4.14 SMSC telephone numbers .......................... 10
4.15 Master or Slave ........................................... 10
6 Digital inputs ..................................... 12
6.1 Digital input # .............................................. 12
6.2 Alarm / in use .............................................. 12
6.3 Signal delayed ............................................. 12
6.4 NO / NC ..................................................... 12
6.5 Alarm - call by telephone ............................. 12
7 Digital outputs ................................... 12
7.1 Digital output # ............................................ 12
7.2 NO / NC ..................................................... 12
7.3 Time / Fixed ................................................ 12
7.4 Time before start ......................................... 12
7.5 Set ON-time ............................................... 12
7.6 Special functions for the digital outputs ........ 12
8 Interlock .............................................. 13
8.1 Interlock in use yes/no ................................ 13
8.2 Start of interlock .......................................... 13
8.3 Stop interlock .............................................. 13
8.4 Interlock on receivers output # ....................13
8.5 Receivers telephone number ....................... 13
8.6 Receivers output # ...................................... 13
9 Pump control ..................................... 13
9.1 Pump control activated YES / NO ............... 13
9.2 Pump control EMPTYING / FILLING ............ 13
9.3 Pump control DO 2 ACTIVE ........................ 13
9.4 Pump alternation YES / NO ......................... 13
9.5 Level 2 in use YES / NO .............................. 13
9.6 Pump control start level ...............................13
9.7 Pump control start level ...............................13
10 Telephone list for alarms .................. 14
10.1 Telephone number 1-9 ................................ 14
10.2 Key In PS Message .....................................14
10.3 Entering SMS messages ............................. 14
5 Analog inputs ....................................11
5.1 Analog input # ............................................. 11
5.2 Input no 1 0 - 20 / 4 / 20 mA ...................... 11
5.3 Input no 1 scaled 0 / 4 mA ..........................11
5.4 Input no 1 scaled 20 mA ............................. 11
5.5 High limit yes / no ........................................11
5.6 Set high limit ...............................................11
5.7 High limit alarm / in use ............................... 11
5.8 High limit - signal delayed ............................ 11
5.9 High alarm - call by telephone ..................... 11
5.10 Low limit yes / no ........................................ 11
5.11 Set low limit................................................. 11
5.12 Low limit alarm / in use ................................ 11
5.13 Low limit - signal delayed............................. 11
5.14 Low limit - call by telephone ........................ 11
M702GB/0110 Rev. 111001
11 Programming of storm flow
calculation .......................................... 15
11.1 Stormflow calculation .................................. 15
11.2 Stormflow calculation in use Yes/no ............. 15
11.3 Zero-point DI # ............................................ 15
11.5 Key in the number of Q(h) points (1-9).......... 15
11.6 Key in the level mark ................................... 15
11.7 Key in the flow mark ................................... 15
12 Combi alarms ..................................... 15
12.1 Combi alarm # ............................................ 15
12.2 Combi alarm in use ..................................... 15
12.3 Combi alarm signals .................................... 15
12.4 Signal delay ................................................. 15
12.5 Combi alarm calls ........................................ 15
MJK Automation A/S
Byageren 7
2850 Nærum
Tlf: 45 56 06 56
Fax: 45 56 06 46

ComTroller 702
13 Alarms ................................................. 16
13.1 Operational or alarm signal .......................... 16
13.2 Alarm calls .................................................. 16
13.3 Reset of alarms ........................................... 16
13.4 Special factory codes .................................. 16
13.5 Access code ............................................... 16
13.6 Setting up the serial port ............................. 16
13.7 Forced reset to factory settings ...................16
13.8 SMSC telephone numbers .......................... 16
14 Other information ..............................17
14.1 Specifications ..............................................17
14.2 Maintenance ............................................... 17
15 Electrical connection .......................... 18
15.1 Digital inputs ................................................ 18
15.2 Analog inputs .............................................. 18
15.3 Serial ports .................................................. 18
15.4 External 15 V DC supply .............................. 18
15.5 Software upgrade........................................ 18
16 Factory settings ................................. 20
M702GB/0110 Rev. 111001

ComTroller 702
1 General
MJK Comtroller 702 is developed for control and
surveillance of small pumping stations and water
borings. Comtroller 702 is a complete unit with inand outputs, CPU, data logger, real time clock and
communications port for data transmission on
owned lines.
Comtroller 702 is an advanced product based on
the experience from the thousands of monitoring
systems delivered during the past 15 years.
Comtroler 702 is an advanced product for on-site
mounting with control, data logging storing and
transmission of analog and digital measuring values
to be used in both small and large SCADA systems.
Comtroller 702 is typically arranged in clusters
where each Comtroller is connected to a 2-wire
communications line. A Data Transmitter 795 is
then connected as a master communications unit.
Every single Comtroller 702 can be called
individually by their different ID numbers, and the
Data Transmitter 795 simply handles the data
transmission via a telephone modem, a radio
transceiver or a GSM modem directly to the
SCADA system.
Comtroller 702 has all necessary functions built in
such as interface to measuring and control
equipment, a data logger, counters and data
transmission. Comtroller 702 is programmed directly
from a PC, from the SCADA system or via a MJK
Data Transmitter 795 as a master communications
Comtroller 702 is a compact unit containing all
necessary functions such as communications interface and drivers, software, I/O ports, data storage
memory and RS485 repeater.
Comtroller 702 is simple and economic to utilize
since it contains all necessary facilities to decrease
the number of external components needed to
form a complete unit for control, monitoring and
data transmission.
The RS 232 port is used for interconnection
through external modems, GSM-modems or a PC
for configuring or data readout.
1.2 MJK-Link™
The MS-Windows™-based program MJK-Link™
can be used for monitoring one or more Comtroller
702. It is possible with MJK-Link™ via a PC with a
modem to read realtime values, stored values for
investigation of storm flows and changing of
This manual deals with MJK Comtroller 702 with
Comli-protocol for telephone modems. GSMmodems, RS 485 on owned lines, powerline
modems and closed radio networks.
Screen dump from the monitoring program MJK-Link™, where a pumping station with 2 pumps, monitored and
controlled by a Comtroller 702 are operated in a window that appears as the well-known MJK Data Transmitter 795.
MJK Automation A/S
M702GB/0110 Rev. 111001
Byageren 7
2850 Nærum
Tlf: 45 56 06 56
Fax: 45 56 06 46

ComTroller 702
2 Operation
A Comtroller 702 can be considered as a Data
Transmitter 795 without display and keypad and
with a built-in pump controller. Instead of display
and keypad the Comtroller 702 is operated via the
serial communications port from either a PC with
MJK-Link™ or a Data Transmitter 795.
MJK-Link™ is used for monitoring and operation of
Comtroller 702. The Comtroller 702 will appear
exactly as a Data Transmitter 795 in MJK-Link™
with its well-known 2 x 24 character display and
keypad. The kepad is simply operated via the PC
MJK-Link™ makes it possible to upload,
download and save the settings for one or more
Comtroller 702's interconnected on the same multidrop communications æline. It is thus possible to
download the setting from Comtroller no. 9, save
the setting as i.e. "Pumping station at the bend"
and upload the setting to Comtroller no. 14, placed
at "Pumping station at the pond". It is also possible
to name the in- and outputs individually.
A Data Transmitter 795 with Master-software can
also be used to operate a number of Comtroller
702's on the same multidrop communications line.
The desired Comtroller 702 is selected by entering
the corresponding ID-number on the Data Transmitter 795, after which the selected Comtroller can
be operated exactly as if it were a Data Transmitter
795. At the same time the Data Transmitter 795
contains a surveillance function that calls the
Comtrollers one by one over an adjustable interval.
If a Comtroller does not respond, the Data transmitter will send a system alarm.
A Data Transmitter 795 also manages
comunication to the SCADA system, MJK-Link™
A typical installation covers five to 20 Comtrollers in
an area where communication takes place via
owned lines or with MJK PowerLine modems
through the mains supply network.
On ie. the main pumping station, a Data Transmitter 795 with master software is installed, which will
be able to send alarms via a telephone- or GSM
modem to the SCADA system and/or one or more
mobile telephones as SMS messages.
M702GB/0110 Rev. 111001
The figure shows an overview of the functional buttons and their general function.

ComTroller 702
2 x 24 character backlit
display for indication of
programming menus,
measuring values alarms
This key changes back to
the previous menu or
cancels a selection. By
pressing the ESC.-key 2-3
times you will always
return to the functional
The MENU key are used to
switch between main
menus and submenus.
Arrow keys
The arrow keys are used
for altering the current
setting. In a submenu with
selections, the top line
shows the current setting
and the bottom line shows
the alternative setting (in
brackets). The arrow keys
are used to scroll between
the selections. The arrow
keys also alters the inand output no. By
activating the key, the
number in the display will
increase. By Activating the
key the number will
Numerical keys
The keys 0-9,# and * are
used for configuring
telephone numbers,
delays, analog scaling etc.
Function key F
The function key is used
for selecting which
functional indication to
show on the display, e.g.
Press ENTER to change
from a main menu to a sub
menu, as well as between
sub menus. Any choice
made in the sub menus
must be confirmed by
pressing ENTER.
M702GB/0110 Rev. 111001
MJK Automation A/S
Byageren 7
2850 Nærum
Tlf: 45 56 06 56
Fax: 45 56 06 46