Xiaomi MDY10EP User Manual

FCC Regulations
This Mi Wireless Charger c omplies with part 15 of the FC C Rules. Operation is sub ject to the followi ng two conditio ns: (1) This devi ce may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acc ept any interfere nce received, i ncluding anter ference that may cause undesired operation. This Mi Wireless Charger h as been tested and found to comply with the limit s for a Class B digital d evice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limit s are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment genera tes, uses and can radiated radio fre quency energy and, if not i nstalled and us ed in accordance with the inst ructions, may c ause harmful in terference to ra dio communica tions. However, the re is no guarantee th at interference will not o ccur in a partic ular installation If this equipm ent does cause h armful interf erence to radio or te levision reception, whi ch can be determined by turning the eq uipment off an d on, the user is enc ouraged to try to correc t the interference by one or more of the foll owing measures :
-Reori ent or relocate th e receiving ante nna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the e quipment into an outlet on a circuit dif ferent from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or a n experienced radio/ TV technicia n for help.
FCC Note
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the us er's authorit y to operate the equ ipment.
Important safety information
Read all t he safety infor mation below be fore using your dev ice. Use only author ized accessories whic h are compatible with your device. This device’s opera ting temperature range is 0~35℃. Using this device in the environm ents outsid e of this temperatu re range may damage the device. After c harging is complete, disc onnect the ada pter from both the d evice and the powe r outlet. Do not charge the device lon ger than 12 hours. Do not tr y to repair the devic e yourself. If any pa rt of the device does not wo rk properly, conta ct Mi customer supp ort or bring you r device to an autho rized repair cente r. Connect other devices according to their instruction manuals. Do not connect incompatible device s to this device. For PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT, the socket-o utlet shall be in stalled near th e equipment and s hall be easil y accessibl e.
Safety precautions
Follow re levant laws and regulatio ns. Do not use your device in the following environments. Do not use your device in a potentially ex plosive environ ments include f uelling areas , below decks on boats, f uel or chemica l transfer or stor age facilities, areas where the air contain s chemic als or particles, suc h as grain, dust, or m etal powders. O bey all posted signs to turn off wireles s devices such as your device or othe r radio equipment. Do not use your device in the ho spital operati ng rooms, emerg ency rooms, or intensive c are units.Please consul t your doctor and the device manufa cturer to determin e if operation of yo ur device m ay interfere with the operation of your medical device .To avoid potential in terference with the pa cemaker.keep a minimum separation of 15 cm be maintained be tween the devic e and the pa cemaker . To achieve this use the device on th e opposite ear to yo ur pacemaker and do not carry it in a breast po cket.Do not use you r device near hea ring aids, cochlear implants , etc to avoid interfere nce with medica l equipment. Do not use your devices in pla ces with high humi dity such as bathrooms . Doing so may result in electric shock, injury, fire, and charger damage. Obser ve any rules whic h restrict using wireless c harger in specific case s and environmen ts.
Temperature: 0 °C - 35 °C
Manufac turer : Xiaomi C ommunicatio ns Co., Ltd. Manufac turer posta l address: T he Rainbow Cit y of China Reso urces, NO.68 , Qinghe Mid dle Street , Haidian Di strict, B eijing, China 1 00085 Brand: MI Mo del: MDY-10-EP FCC ID: 2AF ZZ-MDY10EP All right s reserve d by Xiaomi Inc.
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Using the Wireless Charger
Conne ct a charger to the wi reless charge r, then pla ce a mobile devic e which meets the Q I wireless charging standard onto the wireless charger. After the mobil e device is done ch arging, remove it f rom the wireless c harger. May only b e used with appro ved Mi chargers (QC 2. 0, QC 3.0, and PD cha rgers) Never place items such as me tal objects, magnets , or magnetic stri pe cards betwe en a mobile d evice and the wire less charger, as th is could prevent th e device from cha rging properly or cause damage from overheating. Charge r should be sec urely plugge d into an electric al outlet when ch arging. A mobile d evice may not cha rge properly de pending on where its wirel ess charging co il is located. Wireles s charging may no t work properly i f a mobile device i s enclosed in a thick protec tive case. If a m obile device ha s a thick protectiv e case, remove it be fore placing the device onto the wireless charger. If a mobil e device is placed onto the wireless c harger while co nnected to earp hones, it may prevent th e device from cha rging. Fast wireless charging To begin fast w ireless charging, pla ce a Mi phone which s upports fast wireless charging onto the wirel ess charger. For more detail s, please refer to the User M anual.
Note: Onl y approved Mi char gers that suppo rt fast charging (27W Q C 3.0 chargers an d 18W QC 3.0 chargers) may be used .
This pro duct is QI certified by the W ireless Power C onsortium (W PC), which means it is a ble to charge o ther WPC cert ified products . However, please n ote that variation s in certain products may caus e them to have reduc ed charging ef ficiency comp ared to Mi brand pro ducts.
Correct disposal
Correctly disp ose of this produ ct. This marking i ndicates that thi s product shoul d not be disposed with other household wastes th roughout the EU. To preve nt possible harm to the e nvironment or human heal th from uncontro lled waste disposal, re cycle respon sibly to promote th e sustainable re use of material resources. To safely re cycle your device, please u se return and col lection system s or contact the retailer where the device was originally purchased.
For indoor use only
To identify electrical equipment d esigned prima rily for indoor u se.
Direct current
To indicate on the rating p late that the equip ment is suitable for direct current o nly; to identify relevant terminals.
EU Regulations
RED Declaration of Conformity
We, Xiaomi Commu nications Co., Ltd.
Hereby, Xiaomi Communicat ions Co., Ltd. declares that this Mi Wireless Charger with Qi MDY-10-EP is in compliance with th e essential requirements and other relevan t provisions of the RE Directi ve 2014/53/EU.The full text of the EU declaration of conformity could be consulted at www.mi.com/en/certification
Frequency Bands and Power
This Mi Wireless Charger offers t he following fre quency bands in E U areas only and ma ximum radio-frequency power Qi : 110~145Khz : 2.93dBuA/m at 10 m Distance
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