Xgimi Z4 AIR User Manual

Projection mode setup
Sys tem set up > proj ectio n setup > p rojec tion mo de setu p, cho ose pro jecti on mode a ccord ing to de vice pl aced con ditio n.
Stepless zooming
Sys tem set up > proj ectio n setup > Stepl ess zoo ming, t o adj ust fra me size a nd aspe ct rati o.
Image adjustment
Lon g press men u ( ) ke y for 2 sec onds , re lease '' '' bot tom of sc ree, ad just im age acc ordin g to your pre feren ce.
'' ' '
men u k ey, s hortc ut sett ing fun ction w ill pop up on the
Keyboard setting
Sys tem set up >gen eral >k eyboa rd, cho ose inp ut meth od.
Device name
Sys tem set up > abou t >devi ce name , to choo se or cus tomiz e your de vice s na me.'
Power Bank
1. Turn on / off power bank
Kee p press on/ off bu tton of p ower ba nk for 2 se conds to tu rn on / off c hargi ng func tion.
Whe n charg ing fun ction i s on, red L ED ligh t flash es con tinuo usly. W hen cha rging f uncti on is off o r power i s 0%, r ed LED li ght ext ingui shes.
'' ' '
2.Checking battery status
'' ' '
Pre ss on/ off bu tton, i f batte ry powe r≥50%, LE D light is gr een; if b atter y power < 5 0%, LED l ight is r ed; if bat tery po wer is 0% , LED lig ht exti nguis hes;
Not e: this d evice o nly acc epts th e origi nal pow er adap ter cha rging , it does n t suppo rt USB ch argin g.'
System update
1. Online update:
Sys tem set up > Abou t > Syste m updat e, devi ce will s end upd ate not ifica tion wh en syst em dete cted cu rrent v ersio n is no t the lat est ver sion, p ress o nline u pdate to u pda te onl ine.
'' ''
2. USB update:
Go to X GIMI of ficia l websi te to dow nload U SB forc e upd ate pat ch, dec ompre ss the fi le and se nd to USB .
Con nect th e devic e to powe r suppl y, then p lug USB i n USB 2 .0 port o f the dev ice .
Sys tem set up > abou t > syste m updat e > USB upd ate, wai t for for ce upda te comp lete.
Or pr ess and h old pow er bank b utton , simul taneo usly ope n the len s cap.
Wai t until t he syst em ente rs upda te inte rface , loose n the but ton and w ait for u pdate c omple te.
Not e: plea se do not r emove U SB or pow er supp ly duri ng upd ating p roces s, plea se use FA T32 for m USB.
Video playing setup
Play progress adjustment
Use lef t a nd r ight k eys to ad just pl ay prog ress.'' '' '' ''
Subtitle setup
Whe n playi ng a vide o, pres s m enu ( ) key t o choos e sub title m enu to se t subti tle.
'' ''
3D setup
Whe n playi ng a vide o, pres s m enu ( ) key t o choos e 3D se tup men u and set 3 D mode.
Device connection & mirroring display
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Network setup
Sys tem set up > netw ork set up>Wi Fi setu pchoos e a net work an d conne ct with i t.
WiFi hotspot
Sys tem set up > netw ork set up>Wi Fi hots pot, tu rn on WiF i hot spot to l et othe r devic es find t his WiF i hotsp ot in the ir WiF i setti ng, ent er pass word of t his hot spot an d conne ct to XG IMI dev ice.
Sys tem set up > netw ork set up>Mi racas t, turn o n Mir acast , handp hone or P C that su pport M iraca st can con nect XG IMI and u se it as mi rrori ng disp lay.
Sys tem set up > netw ork set up>Ai rPlay , turn on A irPla y mob ileph one or PC t hat sup port Ai rPlay c an conn ect XGI MI and us e it as mir rorin g displ ay.
Bluetooth & external device
Sys tem set up > Blue tooth & e xtern al devi ce, pai r and con nect wi th exte rnal bl ue toot h devic es, e.g . speak er, rem ote-c ontro l, and ga mepad .
Wired setup
Sys tem set up > netw ork set up> wir ed setu p, plug i ntern et cab le into t he inte rnet po rt whic h is at the b ack of XG IMI.
Resource management
1. Add device
Fil eMana ger> ad d devic e, choo se the de vice to b e added and a dd remo te shar ing fil e.
2. File management
Fil eMana ger> lo ng pres s O K ke y, sele ction b ox app ears. P ress m enu ( ) k ey to cho ose cop y/ cut/ pas te/ del ate/ re name/ d etail .
'' ' '
'' ''
3. File viewing
Plu g in USB, p ress F ileMa nager , vi ew the fi les of US B dev ice, pr ess me nu () k ey to ope n more fu nctio ns.
'' ''
'' ''
4. Magic popup
Sta y on home p age, pr ess ''u p'' key t o open sh ortcu t
ent ry at the t op of scr eent, f uncti ons fro m left to r ight ar e swi tchin g of desk top ver sions / WiFi se tup/ Bl uetoo th/ eje ct USB.
Sta y on home p age, pr ess ''d own'' k ey to ope n col lecti on entr y at the bo ttom of s creen , users a re able t o add f avori te Apps i n colle ction e ntry an d quick ly open t he App s.
Sta y on home p age, pr ess ''l eft'' k ey unti l the end t o ope n input s hortc ut entr y at the le ft side o f scree n, and cho ose pre ferre d input s ource .
XGIMI Assistance
Scan the QR code to download XGIMI
mob ile
pho ne remo te: dev ice can b e easil y contr olled b y
mob ile pho ne
mob ile
pho ne reso urce: sen d the res ource f rom mob ile
pho ne to dev ice to vi ew phot os or vid eos
mir rorin g displ ay cont rol: mir rorin g to hand p hone, sup port gr avity c ensor gam es.
Opt ic al par ameters
Pro jection par ameters
Sys tem par ameters
Por ts
Produc t specification
Pro duct cl assif icati on
Dis play te chniq ue
Len s
Spe cialt y
Lum inanc e 2 50ANS I lumen
Lum inanc e unifo rmity
Col orgam ut
Con trast
Sta ndard r esolu tion
Com patib le reso lutio n
Pro jecti on rati o
Key stone c orrec tion
Pro jecti on meth od
Sto rage
Sys tem
Mir rorin g displ ay Ai rplay /DLNA /Mira cast
Inp ut port s
Out put por t Hea dphon e/SPD IFx1
WiF i
Blu etoot h
Hom e Proje ctor
Hig h light t ransm issio n coate d lens
>=1 20%NT SC
500 0:1
WXG A(128 0x720 )
108 0P/2K
1.2 :1(76 -inch @2M)
Ver tical :±40 de gree
For ward/ backw ard/ ha ng ceil ing
Qua d-cor e 1GHz
Mal i-450 MP2
16G B eMMC
And roid4 .4
USB 2.0x1
USB 3.0x1
Dua l-ban d2.4/ 5GHz, 802.1 1a/b/ g/n /ac2x 2doub leant ennas
Blu etoot h4.0/ BLE
Ele ctric al par amete rs
Oth er par amete rs
Pac king li st
Thi s devic e compl ies wit h part 15 o f the FCC R ules. O perat ion is sub ject to t he foll owing t wo cond ition s:
1. Th is devi ce may no t cause h armfu l inter feren ce.
2. Th is devi ce must a ccept a ny inte rfere nce rec eived , inclu ding int erfer ence th at may ca use und esire d opera tion.
Noi se
Pow er diss ipati on
Pow er
Bat tery
Siz e
Wei ght
Pow erplu g
Blu etoot h remot e­con trol
Rem ote-c ontro l cha rge cab le
Han dbook
HDM I cable
<30 dB
Batte ry mode: 17 -27W, with p ower suppl y: 30-45W
AC1 00-24 0V,50 /60Hz
136 00mAh
113 .5 x214 x 2 3.5mm
0.6 5kg
Voice key
USB 3.0
USB 2.0
charging interface
Get Started/Shutting down Bluetooth Remote-control
Plu g into el ectri c power s upply .
Ope n the len s cover is tu rned on ., the d evice
Clo se the le ns cove r, the de vice is t urned o ff.
Tog gle the f ocusi ng whee l,adj ust the i mage de finit ion.
1.Keys description
(no t acces sible fo r over seas pro ducts )'
cha rge
Res et
Menu / shortcut
Home Return
Volume +
Volume -
fun ction k ey
2. Remote-control pairing
Not e: Plea se char ge the re mote- contr ol for 30 m inute s bef ore the f irst ti me use.
Ple ase put t he remo te-co ntrol w ithin 1 0 cm from t he dev ice.
Pre ss ret urn an d h ome at th e same ti me, gre en
'' '' '' '' ind icato r light c hange t o blue. A fter th e blue in dicat or ligh t qui ckly bl inks, r eleas e the but tons, r emote c ontro l is pai ring. I f pairi ng is suc cessf ul, blu e indic ator li ght fla shes con tinuo usly fo r 2 secon ds and th en exti nguis hes. If pai ring is f ailed , exit pa iring m ode aft er 30-s econd s tim eout, f ollow t he step s above t o pair ag ain.
3.Charge the remote-control
Whe n the red i ndica tor app ears an d blink s, plea se cha rge the r emote -cont rol.
4. Introduction of remote-control functions
Gra vity se nsor fu nctio n
'' ''
Sli p fn k ey on the b ottom o f remot e-con trol to t he rig ht side , gravi ty sens or func tion is t urned o n. Pair ing wit h games t hat sup port gr avity s ensor a nd use re mote­con trol ho rizon tally . Slip f n k ey on t he bott om of rem ote-c ontro l to the le ft side , gravi ty sens or func tion is tur ned off . When gr avity s ensor f uncti on is tur ned on, mou se func tion ca nnot be u sed, an d blue in dicat or ligh t fla shes co ntinu ously .
Mou se func tion
Qui ckly an d forci bly sha ke the re mote- contr ol to tur n on/ off the m ouse fu nctio n.
Men u key fun ction
Sho rt pres s ''men u key () ' ' to open m enu fun ction , long pre ss ''me nu key () '' to op en sh ortcu t funct ion.
Pow er stat us
Red i ndica tor lig ht flas hes con tinuo usly wh en remo te­con trol is c hargi ng; gre en indi cator l ight fl ashes con tinuo usly wh en char ging is c omple ted; re d indic ator lig ht quic kly bli nks for 4 t imes wh en powe r is low; r ed ind icato r light q uickl y blink s for 10 ti mes whe n power i s ver y low, re mote co ntrol h as to be ch arged i mmedi ately .
Sta nd-by a nd slee p condi tions Und er work ing mod e, remo te-co ntrol w ill ent er slee p con ditio n when it i s stand ing for m ore tha n 10 seco nds, it ca n be awak ed by pre ssing a ny butt on.
Res et func tion
If re mote- contr ol's sy stem is c rashe d, pres s reset but ton, th en rele ase res et butt on, red i ndica tor lig ht will bli nk for 3 ti mes, re set is co mplet ed.
Switch Desktop Versions
'' ''
Pre ss up k ey of rem ote con trol on h ome pag e to acc ess sho rtcut e ntry, t hen swi tchov er betw een sta ndard ver sion an d busin ess ver sion.
Sys tem set up > Gene ral set up> Des ktop Ver sion, switc hover b etwee n stand ard ver sion an d bus iness v ersio n.
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Switch Languages
Sys tem set up >int ernat ional s ettin g, to cho ose you r langu age and t ime zon e.
Application Management
Application Search
Apt oide Ap p marke t > Press s earch s ymbol > e nter the a pplic ation n ame and d ownlo ad.
Application update
Apt oide> u pdate s, to upd ate you r insta lled ap plica tion.
Application move/delete
Cho ose the A pp you wa nt to cha nge, lo ng pres s
OK k ey to mov e/uni nstal l/col lect it .'' ''
Projection Setup
Keystone correction
Sys tem set up > proj ectio n setup ,Pres s g yro scope . cor recti on''''
Sys tem set up > proj ectio n setup ,Turn o n a uto k eysto ne cor recti on''''
Not e:
1. Pl ease ma nuall y adjus t the scr een fro m keyst one cor recti on, if th e effec t of auto k eysto ne corr ectio n is not per fect.
2. Th is devi ce only s uppor ts vert ical ke yston e corre ction .
Chengdu Xgimi Technology Co.,Ltd.
A7-5F, Tianfu Sofeware Park, High-Tech Zone, Chengdu, 610041, China.
803 en.xgimi.com service@xgmi.com+86-28-61993596 ext