XPAF 8.0
Upgrade from XPAF 6.0/XPAF 7.0
Quick Reference
October 2016

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1.Table of contents
1. Table of contents iii
2. Introduction 5
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Install the base software ................................................................................................................... 5
Review new functionality .................................................................................................................. 5
Assemble and install any XPAF User exits .................................................................................... 5
Copy your existing license key to XPAF 8.0 .................................................................................. 5
3. New Features 7
XPAF 8.0 New Features ............................................................................................................................................... 7
AFP character set to Xerox replica font conversion ................................................................... 7
Splitting AFP data streams when converting to PCL/PDF ....................................................... 7
Mixed-plex mode for AFP documents converted to LCDS ....................................................... 7
PCL socket header functionality ...................................................................................................... 7
4. Electronic Installation 8
Download the installation files ........................................................................................................ 8
Generate the Stage Two installation members .......................................................................... 9
Run the installation jobs .................................................................................................................. 13
5. Preparing a test FSS 15
Define the subsystem name .................................................................................................................................... 15
APF Authorize the XPAF Load Library ................................................................................................................... 15
ACF Authorize the XOSF started task for TCP/IP .............................................................................................. 15
Preparing a JES2 system ........................................................................................................................................... 16
XPAF 6.0 and XPAF 7.0 to XPAF 8.0 Upgrade (October 3, 2016) iii

2. Introduction
This document provides an overview of the customization tasks necessary to upgrade
an earlier version of XPAF to XPAF 6.0. It is intended as a quick reference guide for
users familiar with the XPAF installation process.
For additional information on the subjects covered in this document, refer to the XPAF
6.0 User Guide, Section Two.
For more information on the MVS commands, refer to the IBM “MVS System
Commands” manual for your operating system level.
This section provides an overview of the steps necessary to upgrade your XPAF
Install the base software
Upgrading an existing XPAF 6.0 or 7.0 system to XPAF 8.0 simply requires installing
the XPAF 8.0 base software and latest maintenance. The XPAF 8.0 software, by
default, will reside in its own SMPE CSI.
Review new functionality
Review the new functionality documented in Chapter Three and plan to implement
any new features you wish to take advantage of.
Assemble and install any XPAF User exits
If you are using any XPAF user exits in your current XPAF system, you will need to
reassemble and install them in your 8.0 system. Refer to the “Installing User Exits”
section of the XPAF 8.0 User documentation (Page 3-43, PDF page 115) for additional
Copy your existing license key to XPAF 8.0
Copy your existing XPAF license string(s) from the XPAF 6.0 or XPAF 8.0
XINPARM(XINSLSTR) member to your new XPAF 8.0 XINPARM PDS.
XPAF 8.0 will not function without a valid license string.
XPAF 6.0 and XPAF 7.0 to XPAF 8.0 Upgrade (October 3, 2016) 5