Xerox Elixir PrintDriver for NT User Guide

Elixir PrintDriver
for NT
User Guide
June 1999
Version 4.00
Elixir Technologies Corporation P.O. Box 1559 Ojai, CA 93024
Copyright © 1999 by Elixir Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved.
June 1999 Version 4.00 Printed in the United States of America
Trademarks and Service Marks/Company: Adobe Type Manager/Adobe Systems Incorporated
Ami Pro/Lotus Development Corporation Elixir/Elixir Technologies Corporation HP, LaserJet+/Hewlett Packard Company IBM, Personal Computer, AT, AFP, and all other IBM products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of International Business Machines. LapLink/Travelling Software, Inc. Logitech/Logitech, Inc MS-DOS, Word, Windows/Microsoft Corporation
All other product names and trade names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material gener­ated from the software programs which is displayed on the screen such as icons, screen display looks, etc.
Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typographic er­rors will be corrected in subsequent editions.
Table of contents
1. Introduction 1-1
Supported applications 1-1 PrintDriver overview 1-2
Printing and AFP printers 1-2 The PrintDriver solution 1-2
Customer support 1-3
Elixir Web site support 1-4 Elixir training 1-5 Hardware and software requirements 1-5
Hardware 1-5
Software 1-6 Who should use this guide 1-6 Conventions 1-6
Display conventions 1-7
Typographical conventions 1-7
Mouse operations 1-8 On-line Help 1-9 Using Online documentation 1-10
Accessing online guides 1-10
Navigating in online guides 1-12
Word find 1-12 Page scrolling 1-13 Zoom in/out 1-13
Printing online guides 1-14
Organization of this guide 1-14 Using PrintDriver with Elixir Desktop 1-15 Before installing 1-16 Release notes 1-16 Product Registration 1-17
Elixir Product Registration screen 1-18 Using the internet 1-18 Registering as a new customer via
the internet 1-19 Downloading via the internet to a
non-Elixir PC 1-20 Contacting Elixir (no internet
connection) 1-21 Soft key customers running Win-
dows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11 1-22
Installation 1-22
Installing Elixir applications 1-23 Full installation 1-24 Custom installation 1-25 Adding applications 1-26 Adding newly licensed applications 1-26
Activating the Elixir PrintDriver 1-27
Adding the Elixir PrintDriver to your system 1-27
Checking installation 1-28 Checking the Services 1-28
2. Elixir PrintDriver basics 2-1
Elixir PrintDriver design 2-1
Accessing the PrintDriver setup dia­log box 2-1
Elixir PrintDriver setup 2-2
PrePrint options 2-2 META setup 2-2 AFPDS setup 2-6 FSL/FRM (Xerox only) 2-8
OGL Setup (AFP only) 2-9
OGL extended options 2-11 Image services 2-13 Text services 2-14 Color Services (Xerox only) 2-17 Font generation 2-18 Font Mapping 2-19 Messages to file 2-20
3. Font options 3-1
Overview of font options 3-1 Converting TrueType and ATM fonts 3-2
Font Generation 3-3
Mapping TrueType and ATM fonts 3-4
Editing the AFP font mapping table 3-4 Editing the Xerox font mapping table
Using the mapping table 3-9
4. Using Elixir PrintDriver 4-1
Creating a print file 4-1
Setting options in Elixir PrintDriver 4-1 Selecting Elixir PrintDriver 4-1 Selecting fonts 4-2 Adding lines, boxes and shapes 4-3 Adding graphics 4-3
Embedding bit-mapped
graphics 4-3
Referencing graphics 4-4
Starting the conversion 4-4
Uploading files to a production printer 4-5
5. File transfer (Xerox) 5-1
Moving online Xerox-labeled files 5-2
Configuring the file transfer package
Moving and printing online metacode files 5-11
Moving and printing offline metacode 5-26
Uploading files to the host 5-2
Uploading Xerox-labeled files with IBM 3270 or IRMA FT/3270 5-3
Uploading files with IRMA FT/TSO 5-4
Downloading files from the host to the printer 5-5
Uploading the ENDFILE.END file 5-6
Preparing the JCL 5-6 Using the HOSTCOPY
utility 5-7 Using the DJDE FILE
command 5-10
Uploading metacode files to the host
Uploading with IBM 3270 or IRMA FT/3270 5-12
Uploading with IRMA
FT/TSO 5-13 Setting up default online JSL 5-14 Using the METSTA.JSL or
METSTC.JSL 5-16 Setting up Elixir online JSL 5-16
Preparing online black and
white JSL 5-17
Preparing online color JSL 5-20 Compiling the JSLs on the printer 5-23 Copying metacode files to the
printer 5-23
Copying files from the host
using a JCL file 5-24
Copying files using a Data-
Ware card 5-25
Preparing offline ELIXIR.JSL 5-26
Preparing offline ELIXIC.JSL 5-29
Uploading with 871 5-34
Printing offline Xerox-labeled files 5-34
Using diskettes to move .MET files 5-35 Using tape to move files 5-35
Offline control files 5-36 Mounting the tape 5-36 Compiling FSL files 5-36 Printing FRM files 5-36
SPUR 5-37
6. File transfer (AFP) 6-1
PC-to-MVS host file transfer 6-1 Installation 6-2 Pre-transfer considerations 6-2
Uploading with IBM 3270 or IRMA FT/3270 6-2
Uploading with IRMA FT/TSO 6-2 Output directory information 6-3
Using IBM 3270 or IRMA FT/3270 6-3
Uploading text files 6-4
Using IRMA FT/TSO 6-5
Uploading files with FT/TSO 6-5
Parameters for uploading object-format AFP files 6-6
Uploading the file with FT/TSO 6-6
Converting the host file to
VBM format 6-7 Converting FB to VBM format 6-8 PC-to-IBM AS/400 file transfer 6-8
Creating a host library and file 6-9 Create a PC file descriptor file and
path 6-9
Uploading files 6-11 Processing uploaded files 6-12
Fonts 6-12 Page segments 6-13 Overlays 6-13 AFPDS 6-13
7. Elixir utilities 7-1
Using the utilities 7-2 ElixiDisk Utilities (Xerox only) 7-2
XDIR 7-3 XCPY 7-5
Copying from hard disk to
Xerox-format diskette 7-5 XDEL 7-7 Limitations/Conditions 7-7
DISP 7-9 DSK2TAP 7-10 HPEDIT 7-11 IC 7-12 MAKEKRNE 7-14 MET2871 7-14 METACOMP 7-15 PACK 7-15 SHOWBLOK 7-16 SPUR 7-17
SPUR utility 7-17 Using SPUR for online metacode
files 7-18 Using SPUR for Xerox 128-byte
header files 7-18
STRIP 7-19
A. Limitations and solutions A-1
Application compatibility A-1 Reverse text A-3
Rotated text A-3 Xerox font orientation A-3 Circles and diagonal lines A-3 Color text strings A-4 Underlined text A-4 Typographers quotes A-4 Graphics formats A-5 Using large fonts A-5 Font support A-6 White objects on black objects A-6 Converting multi-color graphics (Xerox) A-7 Converting colored text (Xerox) A-7
B. Operational and error messages B-1
C. AFP Text mapping C-1
Mapping files C-1
Country Keyboard maps C-1 Default code page C-2
Glossary GLOSSARY-1
Index INDEX-1
1. Introduction
This user guide describes Elixir PrintDriver for NT edi­tion, one of many Elixir products that support the con­version of Windows application documents to AFPDS (IBM's Advanced Function Printing (AFP) datas­tream), Xerox metacode, and Elixir pages.
Their are two Elixir PrintDriver for NT products. Elixir PrintDriver (NT) for Xerox and Elixir PrintDriver (NT) for AFP.
Elixir PrintDriver is a tool that allows you to convert a Windows-based document into AFPDS and metacode formats simply by selecting [Print] from a supported Windows application with Elixir PrintDriver set as the printer. The document is then ready for transferring and printing on a high-speed AFP or Xerox printer.
Supported applications
Elixir PrintDriver supports the following applications:
Microsoft Word 7.0 and 97 Corel WordPerfect 7.0 and 8.0 Corel Ventura 7.0 Lotus Ami Pro 3.0 and 3.1 Adobe PageMaker 5.0 and 6.5 Lotus WordPro96 Adobe FrameMaker 5.0 and 5.5
Elixir PrintDriver may also be used with other applica­tions, however, it has not been fully tested for com­patibility. We are continuing to test other software packages and will add to this list in future releases.
See the "Limitations and solutions" appendix for infor­mation about using PrintDriver with supported applica­tions.
PrintDriver overview
The following section provides a brief overview of AFP and Xerox printing and Elixir PrintDriver.
Printing and AFP printers
Previously, creating and editing documents for printing on AFP or Xerox printers was the responsibility of ap­plications personnel working on mainframe computers who defined elements using Overlay Generation Lan- guage (OGL) or Forms Source Language (FSL). These languages describe the location of line, shape, text and image elements as well as page size and layout.
Limitations to this approach are:
Defining and revising an OGL/FSL document is complicated and time-consuming.
Changes to the document are not apparent when adding OGL/FSL statements.
The completed OGL/FSL file must be compiled and proof printed on the high-speed printer.
The PrintDriver solution
With Elixir PrintDriver, anyone who can use a Win­dows application such as Microsoft Word or Ami Pro, can convert a Windows-based document into AFP or Xerox printer format directly from a Windows applica­tion menu.
The user installs PrintDriver, depending on the prod­uct purchased, composes a document in a Windows­based documentation package, and selects the [Print] option.
Elixir PrintDriver generates: Xerox fonts, IMG, LGO, FSL, FRM, and metacode AFP bounded and unbounded fonts, OVE, OGL,
AFPDS, and PSEGs Elixir format fonts, images, and forms Elixir PrintDriver saves each resource in a separate
directory providing easy access for transfer to a host environment, Xerox printer, or AFP printer.
Customer support
If you have purchased your Elixir product directly from Elixir Technologies then contact the support center for your region at the number listed below.
North and South America:
+1 805 641 5900 ext. 3
Asia Pacific +92 (0) 51 206182
Europe +420 2 2431 13877
The U.S.A. Elixir Customer Support Center provides telephone technical assistance for Elixir users Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
If you have any problems running or using Elixir Print­Driver or associated Elixir applications, contact the support center in your region for help. An Elixir prod­uct specialist will answer your call and ask for the fol­lowing information:
your name, organization, telephone number and address.
the name and version number of the Elixir application.
a complete description of the problem, including any error messages displayed on your monitor or printed at your printer.
You can contact Elixir support by accessing the Elixir World Wide Web page (and selecting [Contact Sup­port]) at Please complete the question form.
Elixir Web site support
The Elixir Web site at offers the following resources:
Raise a question for Elixir Support. Find answers in the list of Frequently Asked
Questions. Review the latest Tips and Techniques for in-
creasing productivity using Elixir software. Download new releases and the latest patches. View Release Notes for the latest available
features. Learn in the user newsgroup how others are us-
ing Elixir products. Sign up for an Elixir Learning Program.
Elixir training
Elixir Technologies Corporation offers training for the full range of Windows-based products. For more in­formation, contact:
Elixir Learning (805) 641-5900 ext. 6
Hardware and software requirements
The following sections describe hardware and soft­ware requirements for running Elixir PrintDriver.
Recommended PC configuration: Pentium (or
100% compatible), with at least 133 MHz processor (or the fastest commercially available processor); 32 MB RAM, 500+ MB hard drive, one CD-ROM drive.
Additional hardware requirements:
any monitor with driver software supporting Win­dows in VGA or SVGA.
any Windows compatible mouse.
Optional requirements
Any PC-to-mainframe or communications board that supports binary file transfers (such as IBM PC3270, IRMA FT/3270, or AS/400 PC communi­cations packages).
For users with compatible PCs, the ElixiDisk utili­ties described in the "Stand-alone utilities" chap­ter also allow transferring Xerox metacode files between your PC and Xerox production printers.
Due to hardware and BIOS differences, PS/2 sys­tems and some IBM-compatible PCs do not sup­port this function.
AFP or Xerox production printer Tape unit for offline Xerox transfers
Software requirements:
or later. While we make every effort to ensure the proper op-
eration of our software, some problems cannot be re­solved due to differences in the operating systems.
Who should use this guide
This guide is intended for users familiar with Windows and with AFP or Xerox printer and font management operations.
Users should be familiar with PC peripherals and have access to reference manuals for PC software and hardware, and for the AFP or Xerox printer(s) used.
This section describes the following:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
display conventions typographical conventions mouse operations.
Display conventions
Elixir PrintDriver adheres to Microsoft Windows con­ventions for using menus, menu commands, dialog boxes, command buttons, icons, and a mouse. See your Windows manual for more information.
Typographical conventions
The following typographic conventions are used throughout this guide.
Keystrokes are shown enclosed in < >(angle brackets). For example, <Enter>.
Key combinations are denoted by a plus sign be­tween keys. For example, <Shift> + <F1> indi­cates to simultaneously press the <Shift> and the <F1> keys.
Menu titles are shown in bold. Menu options are enclosed in [ ] (square brackets). For example,
Pull down the File menu and select [Print].
Command buttons that you press are also en­closed in [ ] (square brackets). For example,
Click on [Job Print Ticket]. Commands, options, actions, and parameters
that require description are shown in bold fol­lowed on the next line by the description. For ex­ample:
Specify the output drive for the resources. Steps in a procedure are shown in numbered bold
paragraphs. For example:
1. Click on [Resources] in the Conversion Properties dialog box.
Comments relating to a step (such as this para­graph) are shown in regular text following the bold paragraph.
Mouse operations
You can perform most operations in Elixir applications by using the mouse. The terminology is similar to other Windows-based applications.
Most operations are performed using the left mouse button.
The following mouse-related terms are used in this guide:
to momentarily press and release the left mouse but­ton once.
to click the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Commands you enter at the DOS prompt are shown in larger text. Within DOS commands, variable names are shown in italics. For exam­ple:
CD \ELIXIR <Enter>
a selectable item on the screen.
to point and double-click on an object. The effect of this operation depends on the object.
to move the mouse to position the screen pointer on an area of the screen.
to point to an object and click the left mouse button. This usually highlights the object.
On-line Help
Elixir software uses the Microsoft Windows Help pro­gram to provide on-line Help for Elixir PrintDriver functions.
For more information about Windows Help, select the [How to Use Help] option in the Help menu, or see your Microsoft Windows documentation.
The Help files included with your Elixir software in­clude graphics which were created using screen driv­ers with large fonts. If you use a screen driver with small fonts, the Help file graphics may not display clearly. For optimum graphics display, use a screen driver that uses large fonts (also called 8514 fonts).
Using on-line Help
You can access on-line Help by clicking on the [Help] button in a dialog box to view an associated Help topic, or click the right mouse button on an option in a dialog box to display Help about that option.
Help pop-ups and jumps
Within Help topic text, words or phrases underlined in green are pop-ups or jumps. When you click on a pop-up topic, a box displays within the current Help topic with additional information. When you click on a jump, a different, associated Help topic displays.
Help hypergraphics
Hypergraphics are special graphics within Help files that contain "hot spots". Hot spots are either pop-up topics or jumps. Hypergraphics in Elixir Help are most commonly dialog boxes with option hot spots (pop-up definitions).
Move the cursor over a hypergraphic until a hand dis­plays, then click on this hot spot to display a pop-up topic, or a "jump". To close a pop-up topic, click the mouse button. To return to the original Help topic from a jump, click on <Back> in the Help file menu.
Searching for a different topic
If you want to jump to a Help topic that is not dis­played on your screen, click on the [Contents] button at the top of the Help screen to display a list of avail­able topics and make your selection. You can also click on the [Search] button at the top of the screen and select a related topic.
Using Online documentation
This section describes how to use PDF online docu­mentation, including navigating through the online guides and printing the guides. Acrobat Reader is provided with the online documentation. Information about using the Acrobat Exchange program is in­cluded for users who have licenses for that program.
Accessing online guides
The PDF online documentation is copied to the drive:\Elixir\help\pdf directory during the installation. If you didn't choose to copy the PDF online documenta­tion during the installation, you can view a complete list of the files by clicking on the Windows [Start] but­ton and selecting Programs>Elixir Applications>Elixir PrintDriver for AFP. Once the application is launched, click on the Help menu and select Release Notes. Wordpad displays a current list of supporting docu­ments and the directories where they can be found on CD-ROM.
When the appropriate PDF file is accessed the Acro­bat Reader program is launched and the List of Online Guides is displayed. Click on a guide to view its table of contents and jump to individual chapters.
The following list of PDF files and associated docu­ment names are installed in the drive:\Elixir\help\pdf directory.
StartAFP.pdf - AFP Getting Started Guide StartXRX.pdf - Getting Started User Guide
DeskAFP.pdf - Elixir Desktop and Converters for AFP User Guide
DeskXRX.pdf - ElixiSys Desktop User Guide FormAFP.pdf - ElixirForm User Guide FormXRX.pdf - ElixiForm User Guide FontAFP.pdf - ElixirFont User Guide FontXRX.pdf - ElixiFont User Guide ImageAFP.pdf - ElixirImage User Guide GraphXRX.pdf - ElixiGraphics User Guide PdAFP.pdf - Elixir PrintDriver for AFP User Guide PDXRX.pdf - Elixir PrintDriver User Guide PdNT.pdf - Elixir PrintDriver for NT User Guide PHXRX.pdf - PageHandler User Guide DTAG.pdf - DocuTag User Guide DMerge.pdf - DataMerge User Guide AppVIPP.pdf - Elixir AppBuilder for VIPP User
Guide AppAFP.pdf - Elixir AppBuilder for AFP User
Guide Transfmr.pdf - Elixir Transformer Suite User
Guide Viewer.pdf - ElixirViewer User Guide Elxscan.pdf - ElixiScan User Guide
Navigating in online guides
After loading a PDF document in Acrobat Reader or Exchange program (as described above), you can navigate through the online guide by clicking on the following:
TOC chapter titles - jumps to the beginning of the chapter indicated.
[Next Page] or [Previous Page] in the Toolbar - jumps to the next or previous page of the online guide (alter­natively, you can use the <Page Up> and <Page Down> keys).
[Go Back] in the Toolbar - returns to your previous location.
[First Page] in the Toolbar - returns to the opening screen of the online guide.
Word find
This option finds a key word or phrase in the current document.
To use Word Find in a document:
1. Click on the [Find] icon in the Toolbar.
2. Enter the desired search text and click on [Find].
The Acrobat Find dialog box closes and the first occurrence of the text is highlighted.
3. To find more occurrences of the same text, click on the [Find] icon in the Toolbar and then click on [Find Again] in the Find dialog box.
Page scrolling
You can move a document on the screen to view por­tions of it not visible in the window, or read a docu­ment which contains article threads by clicking the mouse to scroll through the document without using the scroll bar.
To move a document on the screen for viewing (func­tional only when the document displays wider than the document window):
1. Click on the [Hand] icon in the Toolbar.
2. Hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor in the desired direction.
To follow the flow of text in a document that contains article threads (automatic text flows):
1. Click on the [Hand] icon in the Toolbar.
2. If the document contains article threads, a “down” arrow displays on the Hand icon.
3. Position the hand-shaped cursor over a paragraph and click on the paragraph to begin reading.
4. Continue clicking to follow the flow of text.
Zoom in/out
To magnify the size of the page display, click on the Zoom icon in the Toolbar, then click in the Work area. Each click resizes the view by a factor of two.
To reduce the size of the page display, click on the Zoom icon in the Toolbar, then hold down the <Ctrl> key and click in the Work area.
You can also click on the [%] button at the bottom of the screen and select a zoom percentage from the pop-up list.
Printing online guides
You can print individual chapters or an entire book to PostScript or HP printers:
1. Open the file.
2. Select File>Print.
The Print dialog box displays.
3. Select your printing options and click on [OK].
Organization of this guide
This user guide contains the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1, "Introduction," provides an introduction to PrintDriver, describes the contents of this user guide and explains the installation process.
Chapter 2, "Elixir PrintDriver basics," describes how to set the options and defaults when using Elixir PrintDriver.
Chapter 3, "Font options," describes how to convert and map TrueType and ATM fonts, and how to import AFP, Xerox, and Elixir format fonts for use in a Win­dows document.
Chapter 4, "Using Elixir PrintDriver," describes how to create a document in a Windows application and print to a file using Elixir PrintDriver.
Chapter 5, "File transfer," describes how to upload files from your PC to a host environment for process­ing and subsequent delivery to AFP or Xerox printers.
Chapter 6, "Stand-alone utilities," describes how to use the stand-alone utilities provided with Elixir PrintDriver.
Appendix A, "Limitations and solutions," describes limitations of PrintDriver and provides solutions to some common problems.
Appendix B, "Operational and error messages," lists all the operational and error messages issued by PrintDriver.
Appendix C, "Text mapping," provides a list of country keyboard mapping files and AFP default code pages.
Glossary Index
Using PrintDriver with Elixir Desktop
If you already have Elixir Desktop on your PC, please note the following:
If you have a PrintDriver Option ElixiKey and you also connect your Elixir Desktop ElixiKey, you can output files to production printer and other for­mats. See the ElixiKey section in this chapter for more information about ElixiKeys.
If you want to view and edit resources created by Elixir PrintDriver, make sure you install Elixir PrintDriver on the same drive as your Elixir Desk­top
Backup your .EXE and .DLL files before installing. If you custom installed Elixir Desktop on a drive
other than drive:\ELIXIR, replace drive:\ELIXIR with your custom program directory whenever you see drive:\ELIXIR mentioned in this guide.
Before installing
Complete the software licensing process (See the "Product Registration" section).
Log on to your NT system as the local administrator (not the network administrator) so that you can
activate and start the Elixir PrintDriver you install after the software.
If you plan to use any other Elixir products with Elixir PrintDriver, make sure you know the drive where they are installed. This is the drive where you must install Elixir PrintDriver.
Caution: If you have a previous version of Elixir Print­Driver installed on your computer, make sure it is not set as the default printer when you install the new version.
To avoid any possible conflicts, exit all other applica­tions while installing Elixir PrintDriver.
Release notes
Release notes appear at the beginning of the Elixir software install process, so that you can review each entry before performing the complete installation. Once the software is installed, release notes can be accessed from the Help menu of the application. Re­lease notes are formatted for viewing in Notepad or Wordpad. They have a txt file extension and are found in the drive:\ELIXIR \RELNOTES directory.
Product Registration
Elixir products no longer require ElixiKey hardware de­vices attached to your parallel port. Elixir products now utilize soft key technology. This new licensing process validates your license agreement with Elixir and places a file (password.epw if an Elixir customer, or License.dat if a Xerox customer) on your workstation.
Version 4.00 implements Elixir's new licensing proc­ess and discontinues use of the current hard keys. All customers must register/re-register software licen­se(s) by using the Elixir registration program provided with the software.
Each product installed is assigned to a specific pc. This pc number, your customer number, and pass­word are required. This information is provided when you purchase Elixir software or when you upgrade to version 4.00 of Elixir products.
If you are an Elixir customer, registration can be com­pleted automatically if you have an internet connection on your workstation. If you are a Xerox customer you must contact Xerox to register your products.
This section describes the registration process for those customers who have purchased their Elixir products form Elixir Technologies.
The following scenarios describe the registration process for Elixir customers. Xerox Corporation will provide a separate document that describes register­ing your products with Xerox.
you are a new customer and will use Soft Key registration
you are an existing customer and will change to Soft Key registration
Elixir Product Registration screen
Make your selections according to your needs and go to the appropriate section for further procedures.
Figure 2-1. Elixir Product Registration screen
Using the internet
You can register and download all registration files via the Elixir Product Registration program. There are two ways to register your products using the Internet:
down load the product registration file directly to the Elixir PC via the Internet (see "Registering as a new customer via the internet")
download the product registration file to another machine and move it to the Elixir PC (see "Down­loading via the internet to a non-Elixir PC")
Registering as a new customer via the internet
You will receive a "Customer Activation Letter" with your product(s) ordered. The registration process should be completed before installing your software. The installation CD will launch and install the Registra­tion Program.
To install the registration program on your Elixir PC:
1. In the Software Registration screen, click on [Next].
2. Select the drive and click on [Next].
3. In the Start Registration Process screen, click on [Install].
The password file will be installed and your sys­tem configured.
To complete registration:
1. In the Elixir Product Registration "Welcome" screen, select [Next].
Your machine serial number displays.
2. Enter your customer number (from Activation Letter), then click on [Next].
3. Enter your password and the PC number you want to register, then click on [Next].
4. Select [Prepare and download my initial product license registration. This workstation or another pc is connected to the internet] from the Registration Option menu, then click on [Next].
5. In the Download Password screen, click on [Yes].
The system displays your customer information and you must verify that it is correct.
6. When the screen displays the registration information, click on [Save]. You may also print this screen for reference or to send to Elixir.
The application installation process will begin, see the "Installation" section.
Downloading via the internet to a non-Elixir PC
You will receive a "Customer Activation Letter" with your product(s) ordered. The registration process should be completed before installing your software. The installation CD will launch and install the Registra­tion Program.
To install the registration program on your Elixir PC:
1. In the Software Registration screen, click on [Next].
2. Select the drive and click on [Next].
3. In the Start Registration Process screen, click on [Install].
The password file will be installed and your sys­tem configured.
To complete registration:
1. In the Elixir Product Registration "Welcome" screen, select [Next].
Your machine serial number displays.
2. Enter your customer number (from Activation Letter), then click on [Next].
3. Enter your password and the PC number you want to register, then click on [Next].
4. Select [Prepare and download my initial product license registration. This workstation or another pc is connected to the internet] from the Registration Option menu, then click on [Next].
5. In the Download Password screen, click on [No].
6. In the How to Contact Elixir screen, click on [Print] and take the printout to the pc connected to the internet.
7. Access the Elixir Web site at http:\\ and click on [Product Registration].
8. In the Customer Information screen, enter your Customer Number and Password, then click on [Submit Form].
9. In the Elixir Customer Menu, click on [Download a New License File].
10. In the Customer Information screen, enter your PC Number and Machine Serial Number, then click on [Submit Form].
11. In the Elixir Technologies screen, click on [Click here to download your password].
12. Save the password.epw file to diskette and copy it to your Elixir PC in the \ELIXIR directory.
The application installation process will begin, see the "Installation" section.
Contacting Elixir (no internet connection)
If you have no internet access at your site you must contact Elixir and provide the serial number of the pc where you will install the Elixir software. Elixir will pro­vide a registration file (password.epw) that you must copy to the Elixir pc.
Copy the password.epw file to \Elixir and start the installation.
Select [Prepare my initial product license registration. This workstation is not connected to the Internet] from the Registration Option menu, then click on [Next].
+ 134 hidden pages