Xerox DOCUPRINT 4050 User Manual

Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 Laser Printing Systems Message Guide
April 1995 720P93980
Xerox Corporation 701 S. Aviation Boulevard El Segundo, CA 90245
© 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which are displayed on the screen, such as icons, screen displays, looks, etc.
Printed in the United States of America Publication number: 720P93980 Xerox® and all Xerox products mentioned in this publication are
trademarks of Xerox Corporation. Products and trademarks of other companies are also acknowledged.
Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typographic errors will be corrected in subsequent editions.
This document was created on the Xerox 6085 Professional Computer System using GobalView software. The typeface is Optima.

Table of contents

Introduction vii

Document conventions vii Related publications viii

1. Compress command messages 1-1

2. Data Capture Utility messages 2-1

System failure or reload messages 2-6
3. Disk Save and Restore command messages 3-1
4. File Conversion Utility messages 4-1
5. General Floppy Utility messages 5-1
FLF messages 5-15
6. Forms Description Language compilation messages 6-1
7. Host Interface Processor messages 7-1

8. Interpress Font Utility messages 8-1

9. Operating System Software messages 9-1

OS level 0: Confirmation messages 9-1 OS level 1: Informational messages 9-7 OS level 2: Routine maintenance messages 9-37 OS level 3: Printer problem messages 9-59 OS level 4: System or tape problem messages 9-64 OS level 6: Job integrity problem messages 9-68 OS level 7: System problem messages 9-88 OS level 8: Probable severe software errors 9-93 OS level 9: Probable severe hardware errors 9-99
10. Job Source Library compilation messages 10-1
11. Purge command messages 11-1
12. Printer Subsystem Controller command messages 12-1
13. Queue Management messages 13-1
14. Scale command messages 14-1
15. Status File Creation Utility command messages 15-1
16. Status File Services command messages 16-1
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE iii
17. System verification error messages 17-1
18. Finishing Configuration messages 18-1
19. HARDCOPY graphics printing command messages 19-1
20. Summary sheet error messages 20-1
Appearance error messages 20-2 Appearance warning messages 20-4
Appearance warning: 20-5 Appearance warning (page n): 20-5
Fatal error messages 20-8
Fatal Error: 20-8
Fatal Error (page n): 20-8 Informational messages 20-12 Master error messages 20-14 Master warning messages 20-20 Page error messages 20-21
System problem messages 20-22
System Problem: 20-22
System Problem (page n): 20-22
A. Xerox support services A-1
Service (U.S.) A-1
Xerox Customer Support Center (U.S.) A-2
Xerox Font Center A-3
Service (Canada) A-3
Xerox Product Support Centre (Canada) A-3 B. Problem solving B-1
Automatic job recovery B-1
Changing the form alignment B-3
Clearing a paper misfeed B-5
Clearing paper jams B-7
9-track magnetic tape drive problems B-21
180 cartridge tape system problems B-25
Stitcher/stacker problems B-28
Responding to a blank display B-29
Responding to a power failure B-29
Responding to rasterization messages B-30
Responding to a STATUS FILE NEARLY FULL message B-30
Printer does not respond to the system controller B-30
iv XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
Recovering after a power loss B-31
Recovering jobs B-32 C. Abbreviations C-1
Index INDEX-1
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE v

Document conventions


The Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 Laser Printing System Message
Guide provides a description of messages that may appear on
your system controller display or printed summary sheet, and the
appropriate action or actions to take, if any are required.
Refer to the Xerox Dynamic Document Interface Option
Operator Guide for messages specific to the shared disk option
(SD) of your laser printing system.
This guide is intended for users who have some experience using
a Xerox Laser Printing System (LPS).
This guide uses the following conventions:
<> Angle brackets indicate keys on the system controller keyboard.
Bold Bold is used for text you enter.
italics Italics is used for variable information.
UPPERCASE Uppercase letters are used for command and key names.
Enter Press the Enter key to execute keyed-in commands.
function key Press the function key to invoke the specified action. Do not
also press the Enter key.
Confirm [Y/N] This is a confirmation prompt that displays when you enter a
command. Answer Y to complete the command processing and
N to end it.
CAUTION: Cautions appear immediately before any action or omission that
may result in damage to your equipment, software, or data.
WARNING: Warnings are associated with the safety of people.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE vii
Related publications
You can find additional information related to the Xerox
4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS in the following publications.
Publication Number
Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Master Index 720P94030 Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Product
Reference Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Installation
Planning Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command
Reference Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Operator Guide 720P94000 Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Operator
Command Summary Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS System
Administration Guide Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS System
Administration Quick Reference Card Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Print Description
Language (PDL) Reference Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Print Description
Language (PDL) Quick Reference Card Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Forms Creation
Guide Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Forms Creation
Quick Reference Card
Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Operator Instructor Training Guide
Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Operator Instructor Training Flipcharts
Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Bypass Transport Instructions, V3.5/3.8
Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Bypass Transport Operator Training Guide Flipcharts Supplement
Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Bypass Transport Operator Training Guide Supplement
Xerox Standard Font Library User Guide 600P86174 Xerox Tape Formats Manual 600P86175 Helpful Facts About Paper 610P50497 Xerox Dynamic Document Interface
Command Summary Xerox Dynamic Document Interface
Operator Guide
viii XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
1. COMPRESS command
COMPRESS (CP) command messages may appear during the
process of compressing the system disk.
This chapter lists and describes each CP message and provides
appropriate actions, as required. Refer to your Xerox
4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command Reference for additional
CP1010 COMPRESS now restoring the print file.
You entered the COMPRESS command. The process has moved
the print file to a different area of the system disk.
Action None.
CP1020 Now processing DP0: CP1030 Now processing DP1: CP1040 Now processing DP2: CP1050 Now processing DP3:
You entered the COMPRESS command. The system is currently
compressing the indicated disk pack unit.
Action None.
CP1800 COMPRESS processor aborting.
You entered the ABORT command during the compress process.
The system disk is partially compressed.
Action None.
CP1900 Insufficient working memory for COMPRESS.
Not enough dynamic memory exists for the compress process.
Action Contact your service representative to obtain additional memory
You specified multiple disk IDs in the COMPRESS command.
One of the system disks contains so many files that there is not
enough internal memory to load the COMPRESS task.
Action Enter A to abort compression or enter C to skip over the full disk
and compress other disk IDs specified in the COMPRESS
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 1-1
CP2700 Invalid keyin.
You entered the COMPRESS command incorrectly.
Action Reenter the command correctly.
CP2710 Keyins are not allowed at this time.
The compress process started, and the system cannot process
any other commands at this time.
Action 1. Wait for the compress process to complete.
2. Reenter the command.
CP2720 Invalid start command.
You entered the COMPRESS command incorrectly.
Action Reenter the command correctly.
CP7010 Unable to compress this disk. Use DSR - COMPRESS mode.
You entered the COMPRESS command. There is not enough
internal memory to load the COMPRESS task.
Action Compress the disk using the DSR task and selecting compressed
object mode.
CP9100 File integrity error. Edit and print CPR000.TMP
The system detected a sector that was allocated multiple times
and terminated the compress function. The system lists the
sector in a special file (CPR000.TMP).
Action 1. Print the CPR000.TMP error log to locate the problem.
2. Call your service representative and be prepared to provide the information contained in the log.
1-2 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
2. Data Capture Utility
Data Capture Utility (DCU) messages may appear when entering DCU commands, capturing data, or playing back console activity. This chapter lists and describes each DCU message and provides appropriate actions, as required.
DCU records console activity such as message displays and operator entries, and allows a redisplay or printout of this data. You can use the DCU to track and monitor system activity, and as a training tool. It is also helpful in analyzing system problems.
Refer to the Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command Reference for additional information on DCU commands.
DC0100 Reminder set to n minutes for device(s): CONSOLE.
You entered the DCU CAPTURE command with the REMINDER option. Your requested reminder message is in effect for n minutes.
Action None.
DC0130 DCU capturing CONSOLE for n days.
You entered the DCU CAPTURE command. All console data is currently being captured and retained on the system for n days.
Action None.
DC0140 Reminder OFF for device(s): CONSOLE.
You entered the DCU REMOTE command. All reminders are now off for the console device.
Action None.
DC1020 DCU disconnecting all devices, and initializing files.
You entered the DCU RESET command and responded with Y to the confirmation prompt. All devices are being disconnected, and all captured data is being deleted. DCU is now off.
Action None.
XEROX 4050/40/90/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 2-1
DC1030 DCU exiting.
You entered the DCU EXIT command and responded with Y to the confirmation prompt. DCU has stopped capturing data.
Action None.
DC1040 DCU formatting to console: CONSOLE.
You entered the DCU FORMAT CONSOLE DISPLAY command. This message indicates formatting is taking place and is being output to the console.
Action None.
DC1041 DCU formatting to printer: CONSOLE.
You entered the DCU FORMAT command. Formatting is taking place and is being output to the printer.
Action None.
DC1045 DCU formatting stopped. No captured data to format.
You entered the DCU FORMAT command. The requested captured data was not present in the DCU database because it was deleted or because the DCU was inactive for the specified time.
Action Enter DCU CAP to restart DCU capturing, if DCU was turned off.
DC1060 DCU capturing is currently inactive.
You entered the DCU SHOW STATUS command when DCU was turned off.
Action Enter DCU CAP to restart DCU capturing.
DC1080 DCU disconnecting from device: CONSOLE.
This informative message displays in response to a DCU CAPTURE OFF command.
Action None.
DC1090 Invalid DCU command: Retention period >40 days.
You entered a retention period greater than 40 days. The command was rejected.
Action Reenter the command using a retention period of 40 days or
2-2 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
DC1091 Invalid DCU command: Invalid reminder period!!!
You entered a DCU REMINDER or CAPTURE command and specified a reminder period greater than 267 minutes. The command was rejected.
Action Reenter the command using a reminder period of 267 minutes or
DC1092 Invalid DCU command: Invalid date or time.
You entered a DCU FORMAT command with an invalid date or time parameter. The command was rejected.
Action Reenter the command with a valid date or time.
DC1093 Invalid DCU command: Too many parameters.
You entered too many parameters or keystrokes. The command was rejected.
Action Reenter the command correctly.
DC1094 Invalid DCU command: Invalid device name.
You entered a device name other than CONSOLE or CON. The command was rejected.
Action Reenter the command using the correct device name.
DC1095 Invalid DCU command: Syntax error.
The syntax you used is incorrect, and the command was rejected.
Action Reenter the command correctly.
DC1096 Invalid DCU command: CONSOLE logging task NOT running.
You entered the DCU CAPTURE OFF command when DCU was turned off. The command was rejected.
Action None.
DC1097 Invalid DCU command: No device being captured.
You entered a DCU SHOW command that has no meaning because DCU was turned off.
Action None.
DC1100 DCU FORMAT request was unsuccessful.
You entered a DCU FORMAT command. This is the final display after an error was encountered.
Action None.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 2-3
DC1110 DCU processing stopped due to DCU internal problem.
You entered the DCU FORMAT command. Formatting cannot proceed because of any of the following internal problems: disk error, corrupted data, corrupted files, or insufficient disk space.
Action Enter DCU RESET to purge the corrupted data and then enter
DCU CAPTURE to restart DCU.
DC1111 DCU processing stopped due to file I/O problem.
DCU detected a severe I/O problem and failed to access any of the needed files.
Action Contact your service representative.
DC1120 DCU FORMAT request completed successfully.
You entered a DCU FORMAT command. Formatting was completed.
Action None.
DC1130 Deletion done through date.
You entered a DCU DELETE command. All files were deleted through the date indicated.
Action None.
DC1150 There is no captured data available.
You entered a DCU SHOW LOG or DCU SHOW DATES command for which there is no captured data. (Captured data was deleted.)
Action None.
DC1160 DCU processing stopped due to disk full condition.
You entered a DCU FORMAT CONSOLE PRINT command and formatting stopped because there was not enough disk space to store the formatted data.
Action Purge the unwanted files on the system, then retry the
DC1700 Logging task active capturing device: CONSOLE.
You previously invoked a reminder by entering the REMINDER or CAPTURE command. DCU is active capturing console data.
Action None.
2-4 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
DC2000 Warning: Setting all reminder messages OFF.
You entered the DCU REM OFF command. DCU is warning you that reminder messages are not displayed.
Action None.
DC2010 Warning: This will cause all captured data to be lost.
You entered the DCU RESET command. DCU is warning you that all captured data will be lost.
Action None.
DC2020 Invalid response. Please try again.
This message indicates you did not enter a valid response to the confirmation prompt.
Action None.
DC2030 Enter ‘DCU HELP’ for the DCU Command Help Menu.
You entered DCU without any parameters or options.
Action Refer to the Command Help menu for the correct action.
DC6020 DCU CONSOLE unable to recover its context. Reinitializing:
All captured data was lost.
DCU detected a corrupted context file and can no longer access previously captured data. The context files for DCU were reinitialized. All previously captured data was deleted.
Action None.
DCU Task version number: version number.
You entered a DCU SHOW VERSION command.
Action Record the DCU version number. You may need to report it to
your service representative.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 2-5
System failure or reload messages
Action None.
System failure or reload messages usually begin with variable text regarding system failure or reload.
System messages are listed in alphabetical order.
<Secure data>
This text replaces the password when you use the short form of the LOG command. It prevents passwords from being captured and subsequently redisplayed or printed.
############################## <System CRASH recovery:> Some CONSOLE messages may have been lost. ##############################
This message is inserted into the capture file whenever a system rollover occurs. It is possible that not all CONSOLE activity was captured prior to the failure.
Action None.
############################## <System RELOAD recovery:> Some CONSOLE messages may have been lost. ##############################
This message is inserted into the capture file when you reboot the system. It is possible that not all CONSOLE activity was captured prior to rebooting.
2-6 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
3. Disk Save and Restore
These messages may appear when you use Disk Save and Restore (DSR) commands to save all disk files on tape or restore all files to system disk from tape.
This chapter lists and describes each DSR message and provides appropriate actions, as required. Refer to your Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS System Administration Guide for more information on DSR commands.
DS1010 Save process complete.
You entered the DSR command. The system completed backing up the system disk on tape.
Action None.
command messages
DS1020 Saving DP0:
DSR is saving information on disk drive 0.
Action None.
DS1030 Saving DP1:
DSR is saving information on disk drive 1.
Action None.
DS1040 Saving DP2:
DSR is saving information on disk drive 2.
Action None.
DS1050 Saving DP3:
DSR is saving information on disk drive 3.
Action None.
DS2010 Mount and ready DSR tape.
You entered the DSR command without mounting a save tape.
Action Mount the save tape and reenter the command.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 3-1
DS2020 Mount and ready DSR volume nnn.
Action Mount the additional save tape.
DS3010 Invalid parameter . . . DSR aborted.
Action Reenter the command as DSR or DSR 6250. No other
DS3020 DSR Version 2.0 unable to run on this configuration.
Action Contact your service representative.
The DSR process requires more than one save tape. The system encountered the EOV label.
You entered an incorrect density parameter with the DSR command. The system terminated the DSR task.
parameters are accepted.
DSR version 2.0 is incompatible with the current printer configuration.
DS8010 Tape error n . . . DSR aborted.
The system encountered a device error from which it was unable to recover. The system terminated the DSR task.
Action 1. Clean the tape drive and retry the task. Refer to the Xerox
4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Operator Guide for instructions.
2. If the problem continues, replace the save tape.
DS8020 Tape is read only . . . DSR aborted.
The tape is designed to be read but not written. Data cannot be copied onto it. The DSR task is aborting.
Action Retry the task with a different tape.
DS8030 Tape is write protected.
The save tape does not have a write-enable ring. The system cannot copy data to the tape and aborts the DSR task.
Action 1. Add a write-enable ring to the tape.
2. Reenter the DSR command.
DS8040 6250 not supported, defaulting to 1600.
You entered the DSR command, but your system does not support a recording density of 6250 bpi. The system records at 1600 bpi.
Action None.
3-2 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
DS9010 Disk error n . . . DSR aborted.
The system encountered a disk error from which it was unable to recover. The DSR task was aborted.
Action Contact your service representative.
DS9020 DSR aborted.
The DSR task aborted due to a hardware error.
Action 1. Retry the DSR task.
2. If the problem continues, contact your service representative.
DS9030 File structure integrity error . . . DSR aborted.
This message occurs during the DSR process of saving disk files to tape. The system encountered blocks that were not allocated or were allocated multiple times. The DSR process was aborted.
Action 1. Enter the COMPRESS command.
2. If the compress procedure fails, reformat the disk. Refer to your Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Operator Guide.
DS9040 System error . . . DSR aborted.
An unspecified hardware error caused the DSR task to abort.
Action 1. Retry the DSR task.
2. If the problem continues, contact your service representative.
DS9050 File structure integrity error on n . . . DSR aborted.
The disk drive you specified has a corrupted file structure. A format is required.
Action Reformat the system disk. Refer to your Xerox
4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Operator Guide.
DS9060 Invalid DSR.SAF detected.
DSR.SAF is corrupt or incompatible with DSR.
Action Perform system generation, if authorized to do so, or contact
your service representative.
DS9070 Tape or cartridge not in system or offline.
The tape or cartridge you specified is offline or does not exist.
Action Make sure you are specifying the correct tape or cartridge and
retry the command.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 3-3
4. File Conversion Utility
File Conversion Utility (FCU) messages may appear during the process of converting logos (.LGO), forms (.FRM), and graphic (.IMG) files to their respective monochrome color formats.
This chapter lists and describes each FCU message and provides the appropriate actions to take as required. For more detailed information on FCU, consult the Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS
Command Reference.
FC1170 Converted file name successfully.
The system has converted a black-only printer resource file (LGO, FRM, or IMG) into its monochrome file format.
Action Change the ink catalog or palette in the command to
FC1180 Converting file name . . .
You entered a correct FCU command. This message appears on the system controller display to notify you that the conversion started.
Action None.
FC1190 Locating file name . . .
The system is locating the printer resource file (LGO, IMG, FRM).
Action None.
FC6000 Task aborted, insufficient information to process.
You entered an FCU command without qualified parameters.
Action Check the syntax of the command and retry.
FC6005 Task aborted, XEROX/SIMPLE palette is required.
You attempted to convert an .IMG or .IM6 file. You entered an ink catalog or palette other than Xerox/Simple. The task is aborted.
Action None.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 4-1
FC6010 Task aborted, missing file name.
You entered an FCU command without providing the name of the file.
Action Reenter the command and specify the name of the file.
FC6020 Task aborted, missing file type.
You entered an FCU command without providing the file type.
Action Reenter the command and specify the file type.
FC6030 Task aborted, invalid ink name.
You specified the ink-name parameter using an invalid format or character.
The correct formats are as follows: ’’
’’ ’ink-name’ ’catalog-name . . ink-name’
The valid characters are as follows: space
‘A’ . . . ’Z’ ’a’ . . . ’z’ ’0’ . . . ’9’
Action Reenter the command specifying the proper ink name.
FC6040 Task aborted, invalid option.
You incorrectly entered the optional NOSUBSTITUTION parameter.
Action Reenter the parameter as either NOSUBSTITUTION or NOS. The
system then reprocesses the file.
FC6050 Task aborted, file not found.
The file you want to convert does not exist in the system.
Action Make sure you are specifying the correct filename and retry the
FC6060 Task aborted, invalid file type.
You entered an FCU command which does not contain an allowable file type.
Action Retry the command specifying the correct file extension (.FRM,
.IMG, or .LGO).
4-2 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
FC6070 Task aborted, new file header is bigger than a block.
The size of the file header for the newly converted LGO file is bigger than 512 bytes (one block). The file is unaffected and retains all of its properties.
Action None.
FC6080 Task aborted, command syntax error.
You entered the parameters for the FCU command without separating them with a comma or space.
Action Check the syntax and reenter the command.
FC6090 Task aborted, problem in opening file.
During file conversion, one of the following conditions may have occurred:
No such file
File is open, no buffer space available
File exceeds space allocated, no blocks
File already open
Bad filename.
Action If the buffer space is insufficient, try converting the file on
another system.
FC6100 Task aborted, problem in renaming the file.
While the system was in process, a temporary file called FCUTMP.LGO (or .IMG or .FRM depending on the original file­type) was created.
When the conversion is completed, the system renames the temporary file using its original name. This message displays if any of the following problems occur:
Duplicate entry in directory
Bad filename
Bad file directory entry.
Action Delete the FCUTMP file and retry the command.
FC6110 Task aborted, problem in memory allocation.
During the conversion, memory is unavailable, and the system cannot acquire additional memory space.
Action 1. Purge unnecessary files to free up memory.
2. Retry the command.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 4-3
FC6120 Task aborted, this FRM file format is not supported.
The form you specified is not usable because it was compiled by an outdated FDL compiler.
Action 1. Recompile the form source file with the current FDL
2. If the source file is unavailable, recreate the entire form file.
FC6130 Task aborted, file is already in color format.
The system detected that the file you specified is already in color format. Your conversion attempt is aborted.
Action None.
FC6140 Task aborted, file is in improper format.
The system detected that the black-only graphic file does not have the correct compressed pixel vector length store in the header block and cannot find the trailer block.
Action 1. Rescan (recreate) the graphic file.
2. If the recreated graphic file is in black-only format, use FCU to convert the file into color format.
FC6150 Task aborted, referenced logo name is not in color format.
The system detected that the FCU task was instructed to convert a form into color format that references black-only logos.
Action 1. Convert the specified logo file to a new color format.
2. Reconvert the form file.
FC6160 Warning, character codes have been rearranged.
The character codes in a logo were rearranged during the file conversion. This message informs you of the action performed on the new logo.
Action None.
4-4 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
5. General Floppy Utility
General Floppy Utility (FLF) messages may appear when it is necessary for you to perform floppy disk-related functions. You can perform these functions with either a low- or high-density floppy disk.
This chapter lists and describes each FLF message and provides the appropriate actions to take as required.
FL1000 Write of target floppy complete.
The system successfully copied text to the floppy disk.
Action None.
FL1005 Read of source floppy complete.
The system successfully read the floppy disk that contains the information you want to copy.
Action None.
FL1010 Syntax error: invalid command.
You incorrectly entered a command.
Action Refer to the Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command
Reference for more information.
FL1015 Syntax error: invalid parameter.
You incorrectly entered a parameter.
Action Refer to the Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command
Reference for more information.
FL1020 Syntax error: too many parameters.
You entered too many parameters in the command line.
Action Refer to the Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command
Reference for more information.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 5-1
FL1025 Syntax error.
You incorrectly entered a parameter or command.
Action Refer to the Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command
Reference for more information.
FL1030 Aborting duplicate process.
The system cannot read the floppy disk that contains the information you want to copy and automatically aborts the copying process.
Action None.
FL1031 Format failed . . . Aborting duplicate.
The system cannot format the floppy disk and automatically aborts the copying process.
Action Replace the floppy disk in the drive.
FL1032 Aborting label.
You requested the system to abort the relabel function.
Action None.
FL1033 File not found:
The file you entered does not exist on the disk, or is not stored in the location you specified.
Action Verify the filename and its location and reenter the command.
FL1035 Target floppy has bad blocks
There are sectors on the floppy disk to which data cannot be stored.
Action Replace the floppy disk in the drive.
FL1040 Any Pre-existing data on this floppy will be destroyed.
The system detected information currently stored on the floppy disk and is alerting you that it must remove all data from the floppy disk before proceeding with your requested function.
Action Press <ENTER> to continue with the requested function and
remove the data.
Enter A to abort the requested function.
5-2 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
FL1045 Current floppy label is:
The system displayed the name of the label that you requested for the floppy disk.
Action None.
FL1050 Floppy label is set to:
The system displayed the current label of the floppy disk.
Action None.
FL1055 Total number of bad sectors=
There are a number of sectors (blocks) on the floppy disk to which data cannot be stored.
Action Use another floppy disk.
FL1056 Diskette volume label:
The system displayed the current label of the floppy disk.
Action None.
FL1057 Diskette volume label not available
The system cannot provide the label of the disk volume.
Action Perform one of the following actions:
Continue formatting the floppy disk.
Cancel the formatting procedure.
FL1060 Format failed . . . Create aborting.
The system detected an error, and the process to format the floppy disk failed.
Action Use another floppy disk.
FL1065 Save failed . . . Create aborting.
The system detected an error, and the process to write files to the floppy disk failed.
Action Use another floppy disk.
FL1070 Create process complete.
The system successfully wrote a series of files to the floppy disk.
Action None.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 5-3
FL1075 Create aborting.
The system detected an error, and the process to write a series of files to the floppy disk failed.
Action Use another floppy disk.
FL1080 System Software Floppy set is complete.
The system successfully copied the System Software Tape to floppy disks.
Action None.
FL1090 Creating file.
The system is creating a file. It follows this message with the name of the file it is creating, one file at a time.
Action None.
FL1150 Initialization process aborted, diskette not initialized.
The system detected an error, and the process to initialize the floppy disk failed.
Action Use another floppy disk.
FL1151 Proceeding at low density.
The system is currently formatting a low-density floppy disk.
Action None.
FL1155 First three sectors are bad, diskette not usable.
The system detected a number of unusable sectors on the floppy disk and cannot proceed until the floppy disk is replaced.
Action Use another floppy disk.
FL1156 This function not available at this login.
The system could not perform the command function at the current logon level.
Action Refer to the Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command
Reference for more information on indicating restriction levels in the command line.
FL1160 Floppy clear incomplete.
The system detected an error and cannot complete the process of erasing the files on the floppy disk.
Action Use another floppy disk.
5-4 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
FL1170 Floppy should be reformatted and initialized.
During the erase process the system detected a file directory which it needs to update through the formatting process.
Action Format the floppy disk.
FL1200 Floppy initialization in progress.
The system is initializing the floppy disk you specified.
Action None.
FL1201 Reading source floppy . . .
The system is currently reading the floppy disk that contains the information you want to copy.
Action None.
FL1202 Writing target floppy . . .
The system is currently copying information to the floppy disk.
Action None.
FL1500 High density not available.
The current system configuration could not process high density. High density is available with SCSI system disks.
Action None.
FL1505 Formatting at low density.
The system is currently formatting the floppy disk at the density you specified (low).
Action None.
FL1510 Formatting at high density.
The system is currently formatting the floppy disk at the density you specified (high).
Action None.
FL1560 Floppy disk formatting in progress.
The system is currently formatting the floppy disk you specified.
Action None.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 5-5
FL1565 Floppy disk formatting complete.
The system successfully formatted the floppy disk you specified.
Action None.
FL1570 Sector check in progress.
The system is currently checking the sectors (blocks) on the floppy disk before formatting.
Action None.
FL1575 Skipping sector check.
The system is not performing a sector check on this floppy disk.
Action None.
FL1580 Floppy initialization complete.
The system successfully initialized the floppy disk you specified.
Action None.
FL2010 Unable to mount floppy.
The system was unable to read the file directory on the floppy disk.
Action Make sure the floppy disk is formatted and initialized.
If the message appears again, the floppy disk may be unusable.
FL2020 Please load target floppy now.
The system informed you to place the floppy disk to which you want information copied in the drive.
Action Place the floppy disk in the drive.
FL2025 Please load source floppy now.
The system informed you to place the floppy disk from which you want to copy in the drive.
Action Place the floppy disk in the drive.
FL2030 Check floppy is inserted correctly and door is closed.
The system detected that the floppy disk is not properly placed in the drive.
Action Make sure you properly place the floppy disk in the drive and try
the copying process again.
5-6 XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS MESSAGE GUIDE
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