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Relate d pu blications
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System
Message Guide
laser printing system. The entire reference set is listed in the table
below. Several other related documents are also listed for your
convenience. For a complete list and description of available Xerox
documentation, refer to the Xerox Documentation Catalog
(Publication number 610P17417) or call the Xerox Documentation
and Software Services (XDSS) at 1-800-327-9753.
Table 1.Related P ubl i ca tio ns
Publicat io nNumber
is part of the eight manual reference set for your
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System Operator Guide
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System Operations Reference
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System Message Guide
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System PDL Reference
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System Forms Creation Guide
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System System Generation Guide
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System Installation Planning Guide
This publication may contain descriptions of concepts and features
not currently available for your Xerox Laser Printing System. Consult
your Xerox sales represent ative or your operating system software
program description for additional information.
About the reference setvii
DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System document setvii
What the message guide containsx
How the message guide is organizedxi
The conventions used in this guidexii
1.CP (COMPRESS command ) me ss ages1-1
2.DSR (disk save and restore command) messages2-1
3.FD (forms compilation) messages3-1
4.HIP (host interface processor) messages4-1
5.IFU (Interpress font utility) messages5-1
6.OSS (operating system software) messages6-1
OS Level 0: Confirmation6-1
OS Level 1: Information6-10
OS Level 2: Routine Maintenance6-45
OS Level 3: Printer problem6-72
OS Level 4: System or tape problem6-81
OS Level 6: Job integrity6-86
OS Level 7: System problem6-109
OS Level 8: Probable severe software error6-115
OS Level 9: Probable severe hardware error6-123
The Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing Systems
Message Guide is one of the eight manuals which make up your
DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System (LPS)
Reference Set.
The LPS Message Guide provides an easy to use reference tool for
quickly determining why messages appear on your system controller
display or printed summary sheet, and the appropriate action(s), if
any, to take.
This message guide does not contain detailed explanations of tasks.
Throughout the guide, you are referred to the appropriate reference
manual for detailed information.
This document is part of a reference set designed to help you receive
maximum benefit from your DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX laser
printing system.
To help you select the appropriate document for your needs, the
following section identifies the documents in the set and describes
the information contained in each.
DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printin g System document set
The DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS document set includes the
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX
LPS Operat or Gui de
This reference contains the following information:
•An order card for the Customer Documentation Catalog, which
describes other available Xerox documentation
•A Reader Comment Form. Please take a few minutes to write
your comments about the message guide, and any suggestions
you may have for improving it, on the Reader Comment Form
•Chapters 1 through 14 are arranged alphabetically according to
the coded messages as they appear on the system controller
(e.g., CP, DS, and FD) or by the type of uncoded messages
(i.e., scale, summary sheet, and system verification error).
How the message guide is organized
This guide is organized in the following way.
•Tabs separate the chapters for easy reference and are printed
with the code you will see on the system display. For example,
FDL messages appear as FDxxxx on your system display, thus
the tab for the FDL chapter is “FD (forms compilation).”
•Coded messages are listed alphanumerically, with the two-
letter code followed by the four-digit numeric code, such as:
OS1000, PD8510, and HP2430. The numeric codes range from
0 to 9. Generally, the higher the numeric code, the more serious
the problem or condition being reported.
•Scale and system verification error messages are not
numbered and, therefore, are listed in alphabetical order by the
first word in the message.
•The message chapters consist of a lefthand “Message” column
and a righthand “Meaning/action” column. The message
column contains each entry‘s message code followed by the
message that appears on the system controller display, for
The Meaning/action column contains the meaning of the
message and/or what caused it to be displayed. For example:
Fewer than 25 sheets of paper remain in (feeder) tray 1.
This column also lists the action(s) to take, if any, in response to
The following conventions are used throughout this guide:
•When keyed in, most commands can be shortened to three
letters. For example, RESET may be entered as RES.
Commands are shown in capital letters.
•Variable numbers, letters, and words appear as lowercase
italicized characters. These variables represent the actual
characters you will see in system controller display messages
or will enter in commands. For exa mple, the comm and FE E D
cluster-name and the message OS1010 STARTING JOB xxxx
contain variable elements.
•There are four symbols used for variables in this guide:
n = Any permitted number. Decimal numbers appear as nn.nn
x = Any applicable letter. Variable words appear as strings of
x’s, such as xxxx
y = A second variable number or letter appearing when n or x
has already been used in the message
z = A third variable number or letter appearing when n and/or x
and y have already been used in the message
•The names of keys are indicated in capital letters and enclosed
in delimiters, such as the <CON> and <ENTER > key s.
•If a printer display message appears in conjunction with a
system display message, it is shown in the Meaning/action
column of the message guide in capital italicized letters, for
•The terms “feeder tray,” “paper tray,” and “tray” are used
•Other terms used include the following:
enter = Key in a command or response, then press the
<ENTER> or <RETURN> key.
restart job = Send or transmit a job again (online) or rewind a
tape and start job again (offline).
recode job = Rewrite the JSL entry or DJDE, making necessary
The COMPRESS command was entered. The system is currently
compressing the indicated disk pack unit.
CP1800Comp ress pr oces sor aborti ng
The ABORT command was entered during the compress process.
The system disk remains partially compressed.
CP1900Insufficient working memory for compress
Not enough dynamic memory exists for the compress process.
ActionContact your systems specialist or Xerox representative regarding
obtaining additional memory capacity.
CP2010Enter ‘A’ to abort or ‘C’ to compress other disks
Multiple disks IDs were sp ecifie d in the COMPR ESS command. One
of the system disks contains so many files that there is not enough
internal memory to load the COMPRESS task.
ActionEnter A to abort compression.
Enter C to skip over the full disk and compress others specified in
COMPRESS command.
chapter on managing LPS resources for additional information.)
DS1010Save process comp le te
DS1020DSR is saving disk drive 0.
DS1030DSR is saving disk drive 1.
DS1040DSR is saving disk drive 2.
DS1050DSR is saving disk drive 3.
The DSR command was entered. The system has completed
backing-up system disk data on tape.
DS2010Mount and ready DSR tape
The DSR command was entered when no save tape had been
ActionMount the save tape.
DS2020Mount and ready DSR volume nnnn
The DSR process requires more than one save tape. The system has
encountered the EOV label.
ActionMount the indicated tape volume .
DS3010Invalid parameter...DSR aborted
An incorrect density parameter was entered with the DSR command.
The DSR task has terminated.
ActionReenter the command as DSR or DSR 6250. No other parameters
are accepted.
DS3020DSR Versio n 2.0 unable to run on this configuration
DSR version 2.0 is incompatible with the current printer
This message occurs during the DSR process of saving disk files to
tape. Either multiple-allocated or nonallocated blocks have been
encountered. The DSR process has been cancelled.
Action1. Enter the COMPRESS command.
2. If the compress procedure fails, reformat the disk. (Refer to
These messages may appear while forms are being compiled using
Forms Description Language (FDL). (Refer to your
DocuPrint 9 6 MX LPS For ms Cre ation Guide
informa tion.)
FD0900Operator-requested abort
The ABORT comma nd wa s entered. C omp iling is stopped.
FD1000All forms comp iled . Form s comp iler exi ting
The FDL file-name command was entered. Form(s) have been
successfully compiled and the FDL compiling session is terminated.
for additional
DocuPrint 96/
FD1050Forms compiler resuming
The system is beginning to compile another form after having
completed one previously sent.
FD1800Forms comp iler aborting
The FDL task is being cancelled. The ABORT command was
entered, a system disk error has occurred, or a specified file was not
found. This message appears with all fatal error messages.
FD2700Unrecog nized key-i n, key-in ignored. M ay be reentered
A command was entered incorrectly or placed incorrectly in a line.
The system is ignoring the entry.
ActionReenter the command correctly. (Refer to your
DocuPrint 9 6 MX LPS For ms Cre ation Guide
DocuPrint 96/
FD2710Invalid character, reenter
The symbol or word entered was incorrect for its location in the
command line.
FD9400Error in closing the source-input file.
FD9410Error in closing the source-input file.
FD9420Error in closing the listing/summary file.
FD9430Error in opening the source/outp ut file.
FD9440Error in opening the listing/summary file.
FD9450Error in reading the source-i nput file.
FD9460Error in reading the source-output file.
FD9470Error in writing the source-o utp ut file.
FD9475Error in back-spacing the source-ou tpu t file.
FD9480Error in writing the listing/summary file.
FD9485Error in reading the listing/su mm ary file.
FD9490Error in back-spacing the listing/summary file.
FD9510Error in closing context file.
FD9520Error in opening contex t file.
FD9530Error in reading context file.
The system is unable to access (read, write, open, or close) the
indicated file due to a problem with the disk. Forms Compiler will
Action1. Retry the entry. The message should not reappear if the failure
was an intermittent memory error.
2. If the problem continues, contact your systems speciali st o r
Xerox Customer Service.
These messages may appear on your system controller display if
printer communications have been established through the host
interface processor (HIP). The HIP chapters in your
The HIP command was entered. HIP task is activated and ready to
receive jobs.
provide detailed information on
DocuPrint 96/
DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint
HP0020Host interface processor unloaded
The HIP END command was entered. HIP task is deactivated.
ActionWait for the system to print any files stored in the HIP buffer.
HP0030Loggin g enabled
You have entered the HIP LOG [START] command. The system has
enabled the logging of selected XNS operations.
HP0031Logging disabled
You have entered the HIP LOG [STOP] command. The system is
telling you that it has disabled the logging of selected XNS
operations. You can disable selected XNS operations for the purpose
of record capturing.
HP0080Concatena ted job operator display mode is ‘ON’
In response to an operator command, HIP will display internal job
status while in a concatenated job mode.
Action1. Delete unneeded files from system disk to create more space.
The HIP buffer has less space than specified in the HIP.CMD file at
installation. There may not be enough space to hold the entire job
being sent.
2. Compress the disk. (Refer to your
96MX LPS Operations Reference
DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint
chapter on managing LPS
resources for additional information.)
3. Enter SETUP mode to change the HIP buffer file size. (Refer to
DocuPri nt 96/DocuPri nt 96MX LPS Operatio ns Refere nce
chapter on HIP-accessed communicating modes for additional
4. Resend the job.
HP1140Cannot abort job(s): xxxx (, yyyy, etc.)
The HIP ABORT jobs command was entered. The system is unable
to process the command because job(s) entered were not received
by printer.
Action1. Verify that the job numbers were entered correctly.
2. Reenter the command.
HP1150Cannot start job(s): xxxx
The HIP START jobs command was entered, but the system is
unable to process the jobs indicated because they are either not in
the pending or receive state, or they have already been started.
Action1. Verify that the job numbers were entered correctly.
2. Reenter the command.
HP1160Loggin g already enabled
You have entered the HIP LOG [START] command. The system is
informing you that the log is already enabled.
HP1170Log file allocation less than specified
The system is informing you that t here is i nsuffic ient disk sp ace in the
file system for the number of log entries specified in the LOG
ENTRIES command. The system allocates the largest possible
number of entries available for the disk space.
HP1207Offline pending end of current active xns session
HP1210Host online. Accepting all jobs
ActionEnter the HIP START command at the system controller keyboard to
HP1220Host online. Accepting print jobs only
The HIP OFFLINE command was entered. The printer will
disconnect from Ethernet when the current session is terminated.
The HIP ONLINE ALL command was entered. The printer and
remote host are communicating, and the host is sending jobs to the
HIP buffer. All print and nonprint files (fonts, forms, or JSLs) will be
initiate pr int in g.
The HIP ONLINE command was entered. The printer and the remote
host are communicating, and the host is sending jobs to the HIP
buffer. Only files to be printed will be accepted.
ActionEnter the HIP START command at the system controller keyboard to
initiate pr int in g.
HP1230Host offline
The HIP OFFLINE or RESET command was entered. The printer and
remote host are no longer communicating.
HP124 0Host not responding
The HIP START command was entered but the host is not online and
communicating with printer. (This message is displayed every 30
seconds until the host comes online or the interface is terminated.)
Action1. If using Ethernet, verify that the connection is good and that the
printer network address and network number are correct.
2. If using XPAF, contact your systems specialist or Xerox
Customer Service.
3. If the failure recurs, call for service.
HP1242Online interface wa iting for communica tions
HIP is online to the XPAF host and waiting for communications.
HP1246Receivi ng comm unication s from host
The host has established the data communications link.
The host has completed sending the indicated job to the printer. The
job will now begin printing.
HP1260Interface busy - cannot send file(s)
The HIP SEND command was entered. The interface is busy and is
unable to send files from the host at this time.
ActionWait for current transmission to complete.
HP1265Online interface already in use
The XPAF host was already online when the HIP HOST XPF
command was entered.
HP1270Change of job nn to file xxxxxx completed successfully
The CHANGE command successfully created the file.
HP1280HIP reset not allowed. Invalid task state
HIP is online and/or jobs in the HIP queue are not completed. HIP
must be offline and all jobs must be completed before the HIP
RESET command can be invoked (these restrictions do not apply at
logon level 4).
A pass-through job was received and the HIP online interface was
HP1291HIP resum ing following pass-thro ugh job
The pass-through job has completed and HIP is ready to receive data
HP1298XPS commu nicati ons recover ed
HIP can now receive data via the XPS communication mode. Data
received but not yet written to system disk will be copied from
memory (saved at system error restart) and written to system disk.
The system then reestablishes the communications link and
continues to receive the next block of data.
ActionIf the Y response was intended, reenter the command, responding to
HP1320F unctio n i s not supported by curre nt host
HIP can now re ce ive data via the XPAF commun ication mode. Da ta
received but not yet written to system disk will be copied from
memory (saved at system error restart) and written to system disk.
The system then reestablishes the communications link and
continues to receive the next block of data.
A confirmation prompt requiring a YES or NO response was
displayed. No response was entered within the system’s time limit.
The system is responding as if N were entered.
the confirmation prompt within the system time frame of 30 seconds.
The requested function cannot be carried out by the current host.
HP132 5Command not permitted by current host
You are currently logged on to the system at a level less than 2. The
command you attempted to enter cannot be accepted at your present