Xerox 8160/8142
8160CLR – VEU
8142CLR - VET
Wide Format Color
The Xerox 8142/8160 Wide Format Color Solution Printer is a thermal inkjet
printing system intended for use in a production environment producing
graphical content, including Posters, POP, signage, etc. For short indoor
applications, such as business presentations, dye inks should be used.
Applications requiring longer color stability and exposure outdoors will be
better suited for pigment inks. The 8160/8142 printers support both inks, and
can be converted from one type to the other using an optional switch-over kit.
December, 2004
Product Code:
Print Speeds
High-speed (2-pass) 220 ft2/hr 195 ft2/hr
Productivity (3-pass) 150 ft2/hr 140 ft2/hr
Fine (4-pass) 115 ft2/hr 104 ft2/hr
Enhanced (6-pass) 75 ft2/hr 70 ft2/hr
Ultra Fine (8-pass) 30 ft2/hr 27 ft2/hr
Note: Each printer comes with a starter pack that contains a short roll of media, and the
customers choice of either Dye ink and cartridges or Pigment ink and cartridges.
Product Code:
The following Raster Image Processing options are available:
•Wide Format Color – Workstation RIP (Product code VYL)
•Wide Format Color – Server RIP (Product codes VYM)
•Wide Format Color – Server RIP Pro (Product codes VYN)
Print Cartridges are warranted for 700mL of ink throughput.

Xerox 8160/8142
8160CLR – VEU
8142CLR - VET
Wide Format Color
8160 8142 Comments
P rin t Sp e e d s
H igh -s p e e d (2 -p a ss ) 220 ft2/hr 195 ft2/hr
Produ ctivity (3-pass) 150 ft2/hr 140 ft2/hr
F ine (4 -p a ss ) 115 ft2/hr 104 ft2/hr
Enhanced (6-pass) 75 ft2/hr 70 ft2/hr
Ultra Fine (8-pass) 30 ft2/hr 27 ft2/hr
Roll Size W idth 24-inch to 60-inch
External Roll Diameter
Maximum Roll Weight 60 lbs (27kg) 60 lbs (27kg)
Maximum Printable W idth 59.6 inches
Maximum Printable Length No limit N o limit The re are no lim itations on print length for the 8160 /8142
M ax Me dia Th ickness 0.019 inches
Margins 0.6 inches (15mm) using N ormal Margin)
Print Cartridge Usage Warranted for 700mL of ink throughput The cartridge will come to a hard sto p after 2800 m l have
Target Color Consistency
(C M C [2 :1 ])
R es o lu tio n
Minimum 300 x 300
Standard 600 x 600
Maximum 1200 x 600
Average Monthly Volume 2,700 linear ft/month
(61 0 - 1 5 2 0 mm)
6 inches
(150 mm)
(1514 mm )
0.2 inches (5 mm ) using Expanded Margin
>3.5 Delta E
24-inch to 42-inch
(61 0 -1 0 6 0 mm )
6 inches
(150 mm)
41.6 inche s
(10 5 7 mm )
2” or 3” core diameters
fro m th e p rinte r s ide. As lo n g a s th e re is d a ta go in g to th e
printer, the printer will continue printing. Lim itations do come
into play by RIPS and windows drivers (Microsoft issue). In
the case of the Xerox fam ily of R IPS the limit is 50’
passed through it and will require to be changed
* System default is 600 x 600.
* Not all resolutions are available in each speed mode.
* If you use 300 x 300 , the system u ses use r-specified p rint
* If you use 600x600, you can select H igh Speed,
Productivity, F ine or a user-specified speed.
* If you use 1200x600, you can select either Ultra Fine or a
user-specified speed.
December, 2004

Xerox 8160/8142
8160CLR – VEU
8142CLR - VET
December, 2004
Minimum Recommended PC
Minimum Recommended
PC configuration
Wide Format Color
o Pentium IV
o 512 MB RA M
o 200MB disk space for program
o 40 GB disk space for work areas
o 24x CD-ROM Drive
o USB port for dongle
o Ethernet port for Printer– 100base-T Ethernet (TCP/IP)
2 GH z P rocessor