Product Safety Data Sheet XEROX
Product: 8700 MICR PSDS No.: 0800B
ISSUE DATE: 5/1/85
REV. DATE: 3/13/90
Section I - Product Identification
Manufacturer's Name Emergency No. EH&S Inquiries
Xerox Corporation (585) 422-2177 (800) 828-6571
Manufacturer's Address
Rochester, New York 14644
Product Designation Product Identifier
8700 MICR IM E14
CM E09
XE K43
Section II - Electrical Information
Line Voltage Line Current Freq. Branch Cir. Protection
(Volts) (Amps) (Hertz) (Amps)
IM 120/208 /240 40 60 50 8.7 KW Running
CM 120/208/240 24 60 30 4.1 KW Standby
Line Cord/Plug Specification Power Consumption (Watts)*
IM NEMA 14-50P Single Phase, 3 Wire + Ground Running 6100
CM NEMA- L14-30P Single Phase, 3 Wire + Ground Standby 3400
Agency Approvals
UL File Number
CSA LR Number
Section III - Supplies Xerox Part No. Material Safety Data Sheet
Toner 6R109 0039
Developer 5R138 0231
Fuser Oil 8R79 0407
Section IV - Environmental Information
Product Size Heat Emission* Environmental Limitations
(Centimeters/Inches) (BTU/HR) Min Max
D: 328 / 129 122 / 48 Running: 29,700 Relative Humidity (%) 15 65
W: 185 / 73 71 / 28 Standby: 14,000 Ambient Temp. (oC) 10 29
H: 127 / 50 173 /68
Floor Space Requirements Weight
(Meters/Feet) (K Grams/Lbs.)
6 x 4 / 19 x 12 CM 510 / 1125
IM 1277 / 2816**
*Based on a five-minute average
**Includes MICR Xerographic engine (XE) weight.

Product: 8700 MICR PSDS No.: 0800B
Section V - Emission/Exposure Information*
Light Source
Laser-Class 3B System/Class 1 Product.
Light Path is internal to the printer and shielded to prevent light leakage or direct viewing.
Meets BRH requirements for operator safety.
Electromagnetic Emissions
FCC/DOC: Class/Level A
Audible Noise TLV
75.2 db 85 db (A)
Ozone** TLV:
0.009 ppm 0.1 ppm
Total Dust** TLV
0.04 mg/m
10 mg/m
Selenium TLV
Arsenic** PEL
0.3 ug/m
10 ug/m
Tellurium TLV
* TLV (Threshold Limit Value) and PEL (Permissible Exposure Level) respectively set by American Conference of
Government Industrial Hygienists and by Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These levels are
considered maximum exposure permitted to ensure no health hazard. TWA (Time Weighted Average) for a
normal eight hour workday.
** Emissions data taken in a 28 m3 room with 1/2 room change per hour for service personnel exposure only.
Customer operator exposure level to be lower than levels noted. Emissions data taken from the 9700 MICR
Emissions Report.
All measurements were made on products performing within established operating specifications and received
recommended maintenance procedures. Xerox certifies that this product meets or exceeds the applicable standards for