Boiler type MUS 85 100
MKS 85 100 140 190 250 340 420 500
Output range oil/gas (MKS) kW 70-100 85-120 110-160 160-230 200-300 280-380 360-460 420-550
Recommended range (MKS) kW 70-85 85-100 110-140 160-190 200-250 280-340 360-420 420-500
Upper range oil (MUS) kW 70-85 85-100 - - - - - Set output UNIT burner MUS kW 85 100 - - - - - Flue gas temperatures
from/to °C 145-165 145-165 145-165 145-165 145-165 150 -170 150-165 155-1 70
1st stage flue gas temperature °C 120 120 1 20 120 120 120 120 120
Flue gas mass flow rate
Fuel oil EL CO2=13% kg/h 127-142 142 -168 184-235 269-319 336-420 470-571 605-706 706-840
Flue gas mass flow rate
Natural gas E CO2=9.5% kg/h 125-151 151-178 196-249 285-338 356-445 498-605 641-748 748-890
Flue gas mass flow rate
Natural gas LL CO2=9.0% kg/h 129-157 157-185 203-259 296-351 370-462 517-628 665-776 776-924
Flue gas mass flow rate
LPG CO2=11% kg/h 120-146 146-172 189-240 274-326 343-429 480-583 618-721 721-858
Relative standby loss q
% 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3
Total weight MKS kg 406 413 524 730 772 908 975 1035
Total weight MUS kg 426 433 - - - - - -
Boiler dim. Width m m 796 796 796 976 976 1036 1036 1036
mm 1335 1335 1335 1500 1500 1680 1680 1680
Length MKS mm 1415 1415 1760 1950 1950 2085 2085 2085
Length MUS mm 1825 1825 - - - - - -
Flue pipe Ø mm 178 178 195 195 195 250 250 300
Burner aperture MKS mm 130 130 130 245
Minimum blast tube length MKS mm 170 170 170 215 215 125 125 125
Foundation / plinth Height mm 80/80 80/80 80/80 80/80 80/80 80/- 80/- 80/-
Width mm 800/850 800/850 800/850 1000/950 1000/950 1100/- 1100/- 1100/Length mm 1360/1300 1360/1300 1700/1500 1850/1500 1850/1500 2000/- 2000/- 2000/-
Boiler flow
(flange) DN 65 65 65 80 80 100 100 100
Safety flow, air-vent valve
(male thread) R 1¼" 1¼" 1¼" 1 ½ " 1½ " 2" 2" 2 "
Boiler return
(flange) DN 65 65 65 80 80 100 100 100
Filling, draining, safety return
(male thread) R 1 ½ " 1 ½ " 1 ½" 1 ½ " 1 ½ " 1½ " 1 ½ " 1 ½"
Boiler water content l 216 213 288 508 494 697 665 635
Boiler gas content l 14 0 143 206 333 3 46 428 445 460
Heating surface m23.5 3.8 5.2 8 8.4 10.6 12.5 14.2
Flue gas resistance
mbar 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.0 2.0 2.0
Heating water resistance (at Dt=20K)1)mbar 1.2 1.7 3.5 4.5 5.5 9.0 14.0 19.0
Combustion cham. dia. Length mm 808 808 1158 1292 1292 1496 1496 1496
Diameter mm 447 447 447 547 547 588 588 588
Type approval ID 02-226-626
ÖVGW-Reg.-Nr. G2,416
CE designation CE-0085AR0034
Electrical connection 230V / 50Hz / 10A
Max. perm. temperature
°C 120
Max. boiler pressure bar 4
At a mean boiler water temperature of 60 °C for the upper and lower output of the recommended range.
Including control unit
Plain burner plate, drill on-site.
Adjustable high limit safety cut-out: 120/110/100 °C at R31 STAV, R32, R33 and R33/4 (not applicable to installations in Austria).
The chimney stack dimensions must be calculated in accordance with DIN 4705, or local regulations. For flue gas temperatures below 160 °C,
combustion equipment must be connected to highly insulated chimney stacks (heat conductivity resistance class I acc. to DIN 18160 T1) or use
suitable, moisture-resistant, type-tested, flue gas systems.