Withings connected
Hardware requirements
USB cable 4 AAA
4 feet
for use on carpet
Important advice regarding securityPack contents
1. This product is not suitable for people with a Pacemaker or
other cardiac stimulator.
2. The Withings scale data must be considered purely as reference
values and not as a medical opinion.
3. A doctor must be consulted before making any decision regarding a
change in diet or physical activity.
4. Do not use the scale on a wet oor or with wet feet; you risk slipping
and falling.
5. Do not stand on the edges of the scale but well to the centre.
Getting started
Withings connected scale
Computer or iPhone Wi Internet access point
This device comp lies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Oper ation is s ubject to the following
two conditions: (1) Th is devic e may n ot cause harmful interfere nce, and (2) This device m ust
accept any i nterferen ce rece ived, i ncluding interfer ence th at may cause undesi red op eration.
Copyri ght Withings © 2009.
All rig hts reserv ed.
Repro duction an d distributi on prohibi ted without w ritten aut horizatio n
from W ithings.
Apple a nd iPhone are registered trademark s (®) of Apple Co mputer, Inc.
Congratulations on your purchase! With the Withings connected scale,
you are going to control your tness over the long-term, by simplifying
your life. All of your measurements will be available in your personnel
Web screen. This guide to getting started will enable you to avail of all its
advantages in a few minutes.

Inserting the batteries
To connect the scale to the Internet
via your Wi network
1. First turn the scale upside down and place it on a at surface, being
careful not to scratch it.
2. Open the cover on the underside of the scale and insert the 4
batteries supplied, taking care to respect the polarities.
Enter the address in the explorer bar of your computer or safari of your
iPhone and follow the instructions.
If using on a carpet, To change the display units:
add the 4 feet provided.
use the adjustment button situated
in the battery compartment.
Any questions?
Advice regarding the installation and use of the Withings scale is
available on-line at: