Winchester Repeating Arms 1873 User Manual

Important InstructIons for
Model 1873
Lever-actIon rIfLes
This owner’s manual is for Winchester® Model 1873 lever-action rifles only. Supplemental instructions for special edition Model 1873 rifles must be used in conjunction with the instructions found in this owner’s manual. If your supplemental instructions are missing, contact us immediately for a free copy or download one online at:
Winchester Repeating Arms
275 Winchester Avenue
Morgan, UT 84050-9333
(800) 945-5237
Winchester is a registered trademark of Olin Corporation.
Important instructions for the
Winchester® Model 1873 Lever-Action Rifle
Winchester Repeating Arms
Customer Service Department (United States) 275 Winchester Avenue Morgan, Utah 84050-9333 Phone: (800) 945-5237
If you have any questions or comments regarding your new firearm, please feel free to write or call us. Use the space below to record information about your new firearm.
Serial Number ____________________________________
Caliber __________________________________________
Grade ___________________________________________
Purchase Price ____________________________________
Purchased From ___________________________________
Date of Purchase __________________________________
Content Page
State Warning ................................................................2
WARNING: You Are Responsible for Firearm Safety
General Description and Operation
Serial Number
Initial Cleaning and Oiling
Operation of the Hammer ...........................................15
Trigger Stop
Dust Cover....................................................................19
Lever Lock ....................................................................19
Sight Adjustment
Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions
Parts, Service, Repair and Technical Questions
Website Information
If there were ever a rifle that deserved to be labeled “The Gun that Won the West,” it’s the Winchester Model 1873. The Model 1873 was immensely popular among cowboys, lawmen, settlers and frontiersmen during the westward expansion of the United States in the late 1800s. Compared to other rifles of the day, it was quicker to load, easier to shoot, lighter weight and more convenient because it was chambered in the same calibers as the sidearms those adventurers carried.
In the following century, though the West had been tamed, the Model 1873 and its legend continued to grow on the big screen in the hands of some of the most famous western movie actors of the day.
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State Warning
According to state law, California requires that firearm manufacturers, distributors and retailers include conspicuous, specific warnings with firearms sold in that state.
Warning: You are reSPonSible For Firearm SaFetY
Failure to Follow any oF the Following warnings could result in serious injury or death.
As a firearm owner, you accept a set of demanding responsibilities. How seriously you take these responsibilities can be the difference between life and death.
There is no excuse for careless or abusive handling of any firearm. At all times handle this firearm and all other firearms with intense respect for their power and potential danger.
Please read and understand all of the cautions, warnings, notices, proper handling procedures and instructions outlined in this owner’s manual before using your new firearm.
1 always KeeP the MuZZle oF your FirearM
Pointed in a saFe direction even though you are certain it is unloaded.
Never point any firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot. Be extremely alert and aware of all persons and property within the range of your ammunition.
2 never rely totally on your FirearM’s
Mechanical “saFety” device. liKe any Mechanical device, a “saFety” can soMetiMes Fail; it can be jarred or inadvertently ManiPulated into an unsaFe condition.
The word “safety” describes a firearm’s trigger block mechanism, sear block mechanism, hammer block mechanism or firing pin block mechanism. Mechanical “safeties” are designed to place your firearm in a safer status, and no guarantee can be made that the firearm will not fire even if the “safety” is in the on safe position. Mechanical “safeties” merely aid safe gun handling and are no excuse for pointing your firearm’s muzzle in an unsafe direction. See “Operation of the Hammer” on page 15 for instructions on the operation of this firearm’s hammer.
Remember, safe gun handling does not stop with
your firearm’s mechanical “safety” devices, it starts there. Always treat this firearm with the respect due a loaded, ready-to-fire firearm.
Some firearms do not have a mechanical “safety.”
Many target firearms, lever-action firearms and pistols do not have manual “safety” mechanisms. Therefore it is critical to read and understand the owner’s manual for every firearm which explains the safe operation of the firearm.
While it is a good idea to test your firearm’s
mechanical “safety” periodically for proper function, never test the “safety” while your firearm is loaded or pointed in an unsafe direction.
3 whenever you handle any FirearM, or hand
it to soMeone, always oPen the action iMMediately and visually checK the FirearM’s chaMber to MaKe certain that the FirearM is coMPletely unloaded.
Make certain the firearm does not inadvertently contain any ammunition. Remember, merely removing the magazine does not mean the chamber is unloaded. Always keep the chamber empty and the “safety” in the on safe position unless shooting is imminent.
4 always wear ear and eye Protection
when shooting.
Unprotected, repeated exposure to gunfire can cause hearing damage. Wear hearing protection (shooting ear plugs or muffs) to guard against such damage.
Wear shooting glasses to protect your eyes from
flying particles. Allow proper distance (eye relief) between a scope and your eye when firing a scoped pistol, rifle or shotgun. Do not use unorthodox shooting methods that could cause the rearward travel of the slide or bolt of a firearm to contact your eyes, face or hands. Always keep a safe distance between the muzzle of your firearm and any persons nearby, as muzzle blast, debris and ejecting cartridges could inflict serious injury.
Always wear eye protection when disassembling
and cleaning any firearm to prevent the possibility of springs, spring-tensioned parts, solvents or other agents from contacting your eyes.
5 KeeP all FirearMs unloaded during
transPort, even when stored in a holster, gun case, scabbard or other container.
6 droPPing or jarring a loaded FirearM can
cause accidental discharge.
This can occur even with the “safety” in the on safe position. Be extremely careful while hunting or during any shooting activity to avoid dropping any firearm.
7 hunting FroM elevated surFaces such as
treestands is dangerous.
Doing so may increase the risk of mishandling a firearm. The following rules should always be observed by you and those you hunt with. Always make certain that the stand being used is safe and stable. Always make certain that your firearm is unloaded when it is being taken up and down from the stand. Always make certain that your firearm is not dropped from the stand, or dropped while it is being taken up or down from the stand. Remember, a loaded firearm may discharge when dropped, even with the “safety” in the on safe position.
8 store your FirearM and aMMunition
seParately, well beyond the reach oF children.
Take prudent safeguards to ensure your firearm does not become available to untrained, inexperienced or unwelcome hands. Store all firearms in secure, locked cases or a gun safe. Keep your firearm unloaded when not in use.
9 beware oF barrel obstructions.
Mud, snow and an infinite variety of other objects may inadvertently lodge in a barrel bore. It only takes a small obstruction to cause dangerously increased pressures that can damage your firearm and cause serious injury to yourself and others.
beFore checKing For a barrel
obstruction, be certain your FirearM is coMPletely unloaded, there is not a live cartridge in the chaMber and the “saFety” is in the on saFe Position.
After assuring yourself that the firearm is
completely unloaded, open the breech or action and look through the barrel to be sure it is clear of obstructions. If an obstruction is seen, no matter how small it may be, clean the bore with a cleaning rod and patch as described on pages 28-30 of this owner’s manual.
4 5
10 be alert to the signs oF aMMunition
MalFunction. iF you detect an oFF sound or light recoil when a cartridge is Fired, do not load another cartridge into the chaMber.
If your firearm fails to fire, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction for a minimum of 30 seconds. Carefully rotate the top of the firearm away from you, open the action and remove the cartridge from the chamber. If the primer is indented, the defective cartridge should be disposed of in a way that cannot cause harm. If the primer is not indented, your firearm should be examined by a qualified gunsmith and the cause of the malfunction corrected before further use. Glance down the barrel to make sure that no obstructions remain in the barrel. Completely clear the barrel before loading and firing again. Failure to follow these instructions can cause extensive damage to your firearm and possible serious injury to yourself and others.
11 never insert a cartridge oF the incorrect
caliber into any FirearM.
The caliber of your firearm is marked on the barrel. Store all cartridges of different calibers in completely separate and well-marked containers. Never store cartridges of mixed calibers in a common container or in your pockets. See page 20 for more information on the correct ammunition for your firearm.
12 exaMine every cartridge you Put in
your FirearM.
We assume no responsibility for the use of unsafe or improper firearm and ammunition combinations or damage or injury caused by damaged ammunition. It is your responsibility to read and heed all warnings in this owner’s manual and on ammunition boxes. See page 20 for more information on the correct ammunition for your firearm.
13 use only saaMi aPProved aMMunition.
The barrel and action of this firearm have been made with substantial safety margins beyond the pressures developed by established American commercial loads. Nevertheless, we can assume no liability for incidents which occur through the use of cartridges of nonstandard dimensions or which develop pressures in excess of commercially available ammunition which has been loaded in accordance with standards established by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI).
14 MaKe sure oF adequate ventilation
in the area that you discharge a FirearM. lead exPosure can occur FroM discharging FirearMs in Poorly ventilated areas, cleaning FirearMs or handling aMMunition.
Lead is a substance that has been known to cause birth defects, reproductive harm and other serious injury. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure to ammunition or after cleaning a firearm.
15 do not snaP the Firing Pin on an eMPty
chaMber; the chaMber May not be eMPty!
Treat every firearm with the respect due a loaded firearm, even though you are certain the firearm is unloaded.
16 KeeP your Fingers away FroM the trigger
while loading and unloading until shooting is iMMinent.
17 be sure oF your target and bacKstoP,
Particularly during low light Periods.
Know the range of your ammunition. Never shoot at water or hard objects.
18 always unload your FirearM’s chaMber
beFore crossing a Fence, cliMbing a tree, juMPing a ditch or negotiating other obstacles.
Never place your firearm on or against a fence, tree, car or other similar object.
6 7
19 be deFensive and on guard against unsaFe
gun handling around you and others.
Don’t be timid when it comes to firearm safety. If you observe other shooters violating any of these safety precautions, politely suggest safer handling practices.
20 be certain your FirearM is unloaded
beFore cleaning.
Because so many firearm accidents occur when a firearm is being cleaned, special and extreme care should be taken to be sure your firearm is unloaded before disassembly, cleaning and reassembly.
Keep ammunition away from the cleaning
location. Never test the mechanical function of any firearm with live ammunition.
21 teach and suPervise FirearMs saFety to
all MeMbers oF your FaMily, esPecially to children and non-shooters.
Closely supervise newcomers to the shooting sports. Encourage enrollment in hunting and shooting safety courses.
22 never drinK alcoholic beverages or
taKe any tyPe oF drugs beFore or during shooting.
Your vision, motor skills and judgment could be dangerously impaired, making your gun handling unsafe to you and to others.
23 read and heed all warnings in this
owner’s Manual, on aMMunition boxes and with all accessories that you install on your FirearM.
It is your responsibility to secure the most up-to­date information on the safe handling procedures of your Winchester firearm. We assume no liability for incidents which occur when unsafe or improper firearm accessories or ammunition combinations are used.
24 Practice Periodic Maintenance, avoid
unauthoriZed servicing.
Your firearm is a mechanical device which will not last forever, and as such, is subject to wear and requires periodic inspection, adjustment and service. Winchester firearms should be serviced by a Winchester Repeating Arms Authorized Service Center or by our Service Facility in Arnold, Missouri. We assume no responsibility for injuries suffered or caused by unauthorized servicing, alterations or modifications of Winchester firearms.
25 we reserve the right to reFuse service on
FirearMs that have been altered, added to or substantially changed.
Removal of metal from the barrel, or modifications of the firing mechanism and/or operating parts, may lead to a refusal of service on such firearms. We will charge you for parts and labor to return the firearm to original specifications.
do not, under any circuMstances, alter
the trigger, “saFety” or other Parts oF the Firing MechanisM oF this or any other FirearM. Failure to obey this warning May result in injury or death to yourselF or others.
be careFul!
general DeSCriPtion anD oPeration
Your Model 1873 rifle is a modern version of the rifle that was a favorite of hunters, ranchers and lawmen at the height of the westward expansion of the United States. They favored the Model 1873 because it was affordable, easy to load and shoot, and could be chambered in the same caliber as their sidearm. With a few minor exceptions, the action is virtually identical to the way the originals were made in 1873.
Cycling the lever smoothly moves a cartridge from the tubular magazine to the chamber. After firing, working the lever ejects the empty cartridge. Returning the
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