1 General information ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1About these instructions ..................................................................................................................................................................................5
1.3Subject to change..............................................................................................................................................................................................5
2.1Identification of safety instructions................................................................................................................................................................5
2.3Electrical work ....................................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.5Use in fluids hazardous to health ....................................................................................................................................................................7
4.4Operation with frequency converter............................................................................................................................................................ 10
4.5Operation in an explosive atmosphere ........................................................................................................................................................10
4.6Technical data .................................................................................................................................................................................................10
4.8Scope of delivery............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
5 Transportation and storage................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.3Direction of rotation check (for three-phase current motors only)........................................................................................................ 19
7.5Switch on and off............................................................................................................................................................................................19
9 Maintenance and repair.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
12.1 Oils and lubricants........................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
12.3 Information on the collection of used electrical and electronic products.............................................................................................. 27
4WILO SE 2017-03
General informationen
1General information
1.1About these instructions
These installation and operating instructions are an in-
tegral part of the product. Read these instructions be-
fore commencing work and keep them in an accessible
place at all times. Strict adherence to these instructions
is a precondition for the intended use and correct oper-
ation of the product. All information and markings on
the product must be observed.
The language of the original operating instructions is
German. All other languages of these instructions are
translations of the original operating instructions.
These installation and operating instructions have been
copyrighted by the manufacturer. Contents, of
whatever type, which may not be reproduced or dis-
tributed, or used for purposes of competition and
shared with others.
1.3Subject to change
The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical
modifications to the device or individual components.
The illustrations used may differ from the original and
are intended as an example representation of the
The specifications in the current “General Terms and
Conditions” apply to the warranty and the warranty
period. These can be found at www.wilo.com/legal
Any deviations must be contractually agreed and shall
then be given priority.
Claim to warranty
If the following points are complied with, the manufac-
turer is obligated to rectify every qualitative or con-
structive flaw:
▪The defects are reported in writing to the manufacturer
within the warranty period.
▪Application according to intended use.
▪All monitoring devices are connected and tested before
▪Non-compliance with installation and operating in-
▪Improper use
▪Incorrect storage or transport
▪Incorrect installation or dismantling
▪Insufficient maintenance
▪Unauthorised repairs
▪Inadequate construction site
▪Chemical, electrical or electro-chemical influences
This chapter contains basic information which must be
adhered to during the individual phases of the life
cycle. Failure to follow the installation and operating
instructions will result in injuries to persons, damage to
the environment and the device and result in the loss of
any claims for damages. Failure to follow the instruc-
tions can result in the following risks:
▪Danger to persons due to electrical, mechanical and
bacteriological factors as well as electromagnetic fields
▪Environmental risks due to leakage of hazardous sub-
▪Property damage
▪Failure of important functions of the product
Additionally, the instructions and safety instructions
in the other chapters must be observed!
2.1Identification of safety instructions
These installation and operating instructions set out
safety instructions for preventing personal injury and
damage to property. These safety instructions are
shown differently:
▪Safety instructions relating to personal injury start with
a signal word, are preceded by a corresponding sym-
bol and are shaded in grey.
Type and source of the danger!
Consequences of the danger and instructions for
Exclusion from liability
Exclusion from liability excludes all liability for personal
injury, material damage or financial losses. This exclu-
sion ensues as soon as one of the following applies:
▪Inadequate configuration due to inadequate or incor-
rect instructions by the operator or the client
Installation and operating instructions Wilo-Rexa UNI5
▪Safety instructions for property damage start with a
signal and are displayed without a symbol.
Type and source of the danger!
Consequences or information.
Signal words
Failure to observe the safety instructions will result in
serious injuries or death!
Failure to follow the instructions can lead to (serious)
Failure to follow the instructions can lead to property
damage and a possible total loss.
Useful information on handling the product.
These instructions use the following symbols:
Danger of electric voltage
Danger of bacterial infection
Danger of explosion
1. Work step/list
⇒ Information/instructions
▶ Result
2.2Personnel qualifications
Personnel must:
▪Be instructed in the locally applicable accident preven-
tion regulations.
▪Have read and understood the installation and operat-
ing instructions.
Personnel must have the following qualifications:
▪Electrical work: Electrical work must be carried out by a
qualified electrician (in accordance with EN50110-1).
▪Installation-/dismantling: The technician must be
trained in the use of the necessary tools and mounting
materials for the relevant construction site.
▪Maintenance tasks: The technician must be familiar
with the use of operating fluids and their disposal. In
addition, the technician must have basic knowledge of
mechanical engineering.
General warning symbols
Warning of crushing
Warning of cutting injuries
Warning of hot surfaces
Warning of high pressure
Warning of suspended loads
Personal protective equipment: Wear a safety hel-
Personal protective equipment: Wear foot protec-
Personal protective equipment: Wear hand protec-
Personal protective equipment: Wear mouth protec-
Personal protective equipment: Wear safety goggles
Autonomous work prohibited! A second person
must be present.
Useful information
‡ Prerequisite
Definition of “qualified electrician”
A qualified electrician is a person with appropriate
technical education, knowledge and experience who
can identify and prevent electrical hazards.
2.3Electrical work
▪A qualified electrician must carry out the electrical
▪When connecting to the mains, comply with the locally
applicable laws and regulations of the local energy sup-
ply company.
▪Before commencing work, disconnect the device from
the mains and secure it against being switched on again
without authorisation.
▪Personnel is trained on the execution of the electrical
connection and the options for switching off the
▪Comply with the technical specifications contained in
these installation and operating instructions and on the
rating plate.
▪Earth the device.
▪Observe the manufacturer’s specifications when con-
necting to electrical switching systems.
▪Comply with the specifications on electro-magnetic
compatibility when connecting electronic start-up
controllers (e.g. soft starter or frequency converter). If
required, take into account special measures (e.g. shiel-
ded cables, filters etc.).
6WILO SE 2017-03
▪Replace defective power supply cables immediately.
Contact customer service.
2.4Monitoring devices
The following monitoring equipment must be provided
Circuit breaker
The size of the circuit breakers conforms to the rated
current of the pump. The switching characteristics
should comply with group B or C. Observe local regula-
Motor protection switch
Make provision for an on-site motor protection switch
for devices without a plug! The minimum requirement
is a thermal relay/motor protection switch with tem-
perature compensation, differential triggering and
anti-reactivation device in accordance with the local
regulations. In case of sensitive mains, make provision
for the installation on-site of other protective equip-
ment (e.g. overvoltage, undervoltage or phase failure
relay, etc.).
Residual-current device (RCD)
Comply with the regulations of the local energy supply
company! The use of a residual-current device is re-
If persons come into contact with the device and con-
ductive fluids, secure the connection with a residual-
current device (RCD).
2.5Use in fluids hazardous to health
There is a danger of bacterial infection when using the
device in fluids hazardous to health! Thoroughly clean
and disinfect the device after dismantling and prior to
further use. The operator must ensure the following:
▪The following protective equipment is provided and
worn when cleaning the device:
– Closed safety goggles
– Breathing mask
– Protective gloves
▪All persons are informed about the fluid, the associated
danger and its correct handling!
▪The following protective equipment must be worn:
– Safety shoes
– Safety helmet (when using lifting equipment)
▪Always hold the handle to transport the device. Never
pull the power supply cable!
▪Only use legally specified and approved lifting gear.
▪Select the lifting gear based on the available conditions
(weather, attachment point, load, etc.).
▪Always attach the lifting gear to the attachment points
(handle or lifting eyelet).
▪The stability of the lifting equipment must be ensured
during operation.
▪When using lifting equipment, a second person must be
present to coordinate the procedure if required (e.g. if
the operator’s field of vision is blocked).
▪Persons are not permitted to stand beneath suspended
loads. Do not lift loads above workplaces, on which
people are present.
▪Wear the following protective equipment:
– Safety shoes
– Safety gloves against cuts
– Safety helmet (when using lifting equipment)
▪Locally applicable laws and regulations for work safety
and accident prevention must be complied with.
▪Disconnect the device from the mains and secure it
against being switched on again without authorisation.
▪All rotating parts must be at a standstill.
▪Provide adequate aeration in closed rooms.
▪When working in chambers and closed spaces, a second
person must be present for safety reasons.
▪Take immediate countermeasures if there is a build-up
of toxic or suffocating gases!
▪Clean the device thoroughly. Disinfect devices that are
used in fluids hazardous to health!
▪Make sure that there is no risk of explosion when carry-
ing out any type of welding work or work with electrical
2.8During operation
▪Wear the following protective equipment:
– Safety shoes
– Ear protection (in accordance with the notice of the
work regulations)
▪Work area of the device is not an recreational area. No
persons are allowed in the work area during operation.
▪The operator must immediately report any faults or ir-
regularities to their line manager.
▪If safety-endangering defects occur, the operator must
immediately deactivate the device:
– Malfunction of the safety and monitoring equipment
– Damage to the housing parts
– Damage to the electrical equipment
▪Never reach into the suction port. The rotating parts
can crush and sever limbs.
Installation and operating instructions Wilo-Rexa UNI7
▪If the motor emerges during operation, the motor
housing can reach temperatures in excess of 40°C.
▪Open all gate valves in the piping on the suction and
pressure side.
▪Ensure minimum water submersion through dry-run-
ning protection.
▪Under normal operating conditions, the sound pressure
level of the device is below 85dB(A). However, the ac-
tual sound-pressure level depends on several factors:
– Installation depth
– Installation
– Fixation of accessories and pipe
– Duty point
– Immersion depth
▪If the device is operated under normal operating condi-
tions, the operator must measure the sound pressure.
Ear protection must be worn for sound pressure level of
85dB(A) and above and this must be noted in the work
2.9Maintenance tasks
▪Wear the following protective equipment:
– Closed safety goggles
– Safety shoes
– Safety gloves against cuts
▪Always carry out maintenance tasks outside the oper-
ating space/installation site.
▪Only carry out maintenance tasks mentioned in this in-
stallation and operating instructions.
▪Only original parts from the manufacturer may be used
for maintenance and repairs. Use of parts other than
the original parts releases the manufacturer from any
▪Collect any leakage of fluid and operating fluid immedi-
ately and dispose of it according to the locally applic-
able guidelines.
▪Store tools at the designated locations.
▪After completing work, reattach all safety and monitor-
ing devices and check that they function properly.
Changing operating fluid
In case of a defect, a pressure of several bar can build
up in the motor! This pressure escapes when the screw
plugs are opened. If screw plugs are opened without
due caution, they can be ejected at high speed! To
avoid injuries, observe the following instructions:
▪Adhere to the prescribed sequence of work steps.
▪Unscrew the screw plugs slowly, but never unscrew
them completely. As soon as the pressure escapes
(audible whistling or hissing of air), stop turning the
screw plug any further.
WARNING!Hot operating fluid can also spray out
when the pressure is escaping. This can result in
scalding! To avoid injuries, allow the motor to cool
down to the ambient temperature before carrying
out any work!
▪When the pressure has completely dissipated, fully un-
screw the screw plug.
2.10Operating fluid
In the sealing chamber, the motor is filled with white
oil. Operating fluid must be replaced during regular
maintenance work and disposed off according to the
local guidelines.
2.11Operator responsibilities
▪Installation and operating instructions must be in a lan-
guage which the personnel can understand.
▪Make sure that the personnel is relevantly trained for
the specified work.
▪Provide the necessary protective equipment and make
sure that the personnel wears it.
▪Safety and information signs mounted on the device
must be always legible.
▪Train the personnel pertaining to the functioning of the
▪Eliminate risk from electrical current.
▪Equip hazardous components inside the system with an
on-site guard.
▪Identify and cordon off the work area.
▪To ensure safe working practice, define the responsib-
ilities of the employees.
Children and persons below 16years or with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capacities or limited experi-
ence are prohibited from handling the device! A techni-
cian must supervise persons below 18years!
3.1Intended use
Submersible pumps are suitable for pumping:
▪Sewage containing faeces (in accordance with
▪Wastewater (with small amounts of sand and gravel)
▪Fluids with dry matter up to max. 8%
8WILO SE 2017-03
Product descriptionen
3.2Improper use
Explosion due to pumping of explosive fluids!
Pumping of highly flammable and explosive fluids
(gasoline, kerosene, etc.) in pure form is strictly pro-
hibited. There is a risk of fatal injury due to explo-
sion! The pumps are not designed for these fluids.
Danger due to fluids hazardous to health!
If the pump is used in fluids hazardous to health, de-
contaminate the pump after dismantling and before
carrying out any other work! There is danger to life!
Observe the specifications in the work regulations!
The operator must make sure that the personnel has
received and read the work regulations!
The submersible pumps must not be used for pumping:
▪Drinking water
▪Fluids containing hard components (such as stones,
wood, metal, etc.)
▪Fluids containing large quantities of abrasive contents
(e.g. sand, gavel)
Intended use also includes compliance with this
manual. Any other use is regarded as non-compliant
with the intended use.
4Product description
Submersible sewage pump as a submersible monobloc
unit for intermittent operation for wet well installation.
2Motor housing
3Hydraulics housing
4Pressure port
5Pump support foot, integrated in hydraulics housing
6Power supply cable
Rotodynamic hydraulics with vortex impeller and hori-
zontal flange connection on the pressure side. The
screwed connection is integrated in the pressure port.
The hydraulics are not self-priming, in other words, the
fluid must flow in either automatically or with supply
Combined connection for DN50 and DN65!
The RexaUNIV06 is equipped with a DN50/65
combined connection. The factory setting of the
connection is DN65. To use the pump with a DN50
connection, press the nuts in the flange inwards
onto the small hole circle. The flange can be reset to
DN65 at any time!
The drive versions used are single-phase current and
three-phase current surface-cooled motors. The motor
is cooled by the fluid around it. The waste heat is trans-
ferred directly to the fluid via the motor housing. The
motor may emerge during operation.
With single-phase AC motors, the operating capacitor
is integrated in the motor. The connection cable is
available in the following versions:
▪Single-phase version:
– With shockproof plug
– With a shockproof plug and fitted with a float switch
▪Three-phase version:
– With bare cable end
– With CEE plug and fitted with a float switch
Fig.1: Overview
1Handle/attachment point
Installation and operating instructions Wilo-Rexa UNI9
Different designs are used for the seal to the fluid and
the motor compartment:
▪RexaUNIV05: A rotary shaft seal is used on the motor
side, a mechanical seal is used on the fluid side.
▪RexaUNIV06: A mechanical seal is used on the motor
side and the fluid side.
The sealing chamber between both seals is filled with
medical white oil.
enProduct description
▪Pump housing: PP-GF30
▪Impeller: PP-GF30
▪Motor housing: 1.4301
▪Shaft: 1.4401
▪Seal on the fluid side: SiC/SiC
▪Seal on the motor side: NBR (V05), C/Cr (V06)
▪Seal, static: NBR
4.1.5Fitted accessories
Float switch
In the “A” version the pump is equipped with a float
switch. Depending on the fill level, it is possible to
switch the pump on and off automatically, by using the
float switch.
In the “P” and “A” version, a shockproof plug is at-
tached for single-phase AC motors and a CEE plug is
attached for three-phase motors The plug is designed
for use in commercially available shock-proof or CEE
sockets and is not overflow-proof.
4.2Monitoring devices
Monitoring of motor winding
The thermal motor monitoring protects the motor
winding from overheating. Temperature limiting with
bimetallic strip is fitted as standard.
Thermal motor monitoring is self-switching for single-
phase current motors. I.e. if the motor is switched off
due to overheating and then cools down, it is automat-
ically switched on again.
For three-phase current motors, the thermal motor
monitoring must be connected in the switchgear or
time. The switching cycle has a duration of 10min.
If two values (e.g. S325%/120s) are specified, the first
value relates to the operating time. The second value
specifies the max. period of the switching cycle.
4.4Operation with frequency converter
Operation on the frequency converter is not permitted.
4.5Operation in an explosive atmosphere
Operation in an explosive atmosphere is not permitted.
4.6Technical data
Mains connection [U/f]See rating plate
Power consumption [P1] See rating plate
Rated power [P2]See rating plate
Maximum delivery head
See rating plate
Max. volume flow [Q]See rating plate
Activation type [AT]See rating plate
Fluid temperature [t]3...40 °C
Protection classIP68
Insulation class [Cl.]F
Speed [n]See rating plate
Max. switching fre-
Max. immersion depth
See rating plate
Cable length (standard
10 m
Explosion protection-
Operating modes
4.3Operating modes
Operating mode S1: Continuous duty
The pump can operate continuously at the rated load
without exceeding the permissible temperature.
Operating mode S2: Short-time duty
The maximum operating period is specified in minutes,
e.g.S2-15. The pause must last until the machine tem-
perature no longer differs from the temperature of the
coolant by more than 2K.
Operating mode S3: Intermittent periodic duty
Immersed [OTs]S1
Non-immersed [OTe]S2-15, S3 10%*
Pressure connection
UNIV05...DN50, PN10
UNIV06...DN50/65, PN10
* Operating mode S325% is permitted if the necessary
motor cooling is guaranteed before the motor is
switched on again! To ensure the required cooling, the
motor must be completely immersed for at least 1min.!
4.7Type key
This operating mode defines a switching cycle in a
combination of periods of operation and standstill.
Specified value (e.g. S325%) relates to the operating
10WILO SE 2017-03
Example: Wilo-Rexa UNI V05/T06-540/P
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