1 General information ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1About these instructions ..................................................................................................................................................................................5
1.3Subject to change..............................................................................................................................................................................................5
2.1Identification of safety instructions................................................................................................................................................................5
2.3Electrical work ....................................................................................................................................................................................................7
4.4Operation with frequency converter............................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.6Technical data .................................................................................................................................................................................................11
4.7Scope of delivery............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
5 Transportation and storage................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.5Test run ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
7.6Adjusting the follow-up time ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10 Maintenance and repair.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
13.2 Information on the collection of used electrical and electronic products.............................................................................................. 24
4WILO SE 2017-07
1General information
General informationen
1.1About these instructions
1.3Subject to change
These installation and operating instructions are an integral part of the product. Read
these instructions before commencing work and keep them in an accessible place at all
times. Strict adherence to these instructions is a requirement for intended use and correctly operating the product. All specifications and markings on the product must be
The language of the original operating instructions is German. All other languages of
these instructions are translations of the original operating instructions.
These installation and operating instructions have been copyrighted by the manufacturer. The contents, of whatever type, may not be reproduced or distributed, or used for
purposes of competition and shared with others.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical modifications to the product or
individual components. The illustrations used may differ from the original and are intended as an example representation of the product.
The specifications in the current “General Terms and Conditions” apply to the warranty
and the warranty period. These can be found at www.wilo.com/legal
Any deviations must be contractually agreed and shall then be given priority.
Claim to warranty
If the following points are complied with, the manufacturer is obligated to rectify every
qualitative or constructive flaw:
▪The defects are reported in writing to the manufacturer within the warranty period.
▪Application according to intended use.
▪All monitoring devices are connected and tested before commissioning.
Exclusion of liability
Exclusion from liability excludes all liability for personal injury, material damage or fin-
ancial losses. This exclusion ensues as soon as one of the following applies:
▪Inadequate configuration due to inadequate or incorrect instructions by the operator or
the client
▪Non-compliance with installation and operating instructions
▪Improper use
▪Incorrect storage or transport
▪Incorrect installation or dismantling
▪Insufficient maintenance
▪Unauthorised repairs
▪Inadequate construction site
▪Chemical, electrical or electro-chemical influences
This chapter contains basic information which must be adhered to during the individual
phases of the life cycle. Failure to follow the installation and operating instructions will
result in injuries to persons, damage to the environment and the device and result in the
loss of any claims for damages. Failure to follow the instructions can result in the fol-
lowing risks:
▪Injury to persons from electrical, mechanical and bacteriological factors as well as elec-
tromagnetic fields
▪Environmental damage from leakage of hazardous substances
▪Property damage
▪Failure of important functions of the product
Additionally, the instructions and safety instructions in the other chapters must be
2.1Identification of safety instructions
Installation and operating instructions Wilo-DrainLift Box5
These installation and operating instructions set out safety instructions for preventing
personal injury and damage to property. These safety instructions are shown differently:
▪Safety instructions relating to personal injury start with a signal word, are preceded by
a corresponding symbol and are shaded in grey.
Type and source of the danger!
Consequences of the danger and instructions for avoidance.
▪Safety instructions relating to property damage start with a signal word and are dis-
played without a symbol.
Type and source of the danger!
Consequences or information.
Signal words
Failure to observe the safety instructions will result in serious injuries or death!
Failure to follow the instructions can lead to (serious) injuries!
Failure to follow the instructions can lead to property damage and a possible total loss.
Useful information on handling the product
These instructions use the following symbols:
Danger of electric voltage
Danger of explosion
Personal protective equipment: Wear a safety helmet
Personal protective equipment: Wear foot protection
Personal protective equipment: Wear hand protection
Personal protective equipment: Wear safety goggles
Personal protective equipment: Wear mouth protection
Transport by two persons
Useful information
‡ Prerequisite
1. Work step/list
⇒ Notice/instructions
▶ Result
6WILO SE 2017-07
2.2Personnel qualifications
2.3Electrical work
Personnel must:
▪Be instructed in the locally applicable accident prevention regulations.
▪Have read and understood the installation and operating instructions.
Personnel must have the following qualifications:
▪Electrical work: Electrical work must be carried out by a qualified electrician (in accord-
ance with EN50110-1).
▪Installation-/dismantling: The technician must be trained in the use of the necessary
tools and fixation materials for the relevant construction site. The technician must also
be trained in the processing of plastic pipes. In addition, the technician must be instruc-
ted in the locally applicable guidelines for sewage lifting units.
Definition of “qualified electrician”
A qualified electrician is a person with appropriate technical education, knowledge and
experience who can identify and prevent electrical hazards.
▪A qualified electrician must carry out the electrical work.
▪When connecting to the mains, comply with the locally applicable laws and regulations
of the local energy supply company.
▪Before commencing work, disconnect the device from the mains and secure it against
being switched on again without authorisation.
▪Personnel are trained on the execution of the electrical connection and the options for
switching off the device.
▪Comply with the technical specifications contained in these installation and operating
instructions and on the rating plate.
▪Earth the device.
▪Switchgears are to be arranged overflow-proof.
▪Replace defective power supply cables immediately. Contact customer service.
2.4Monitoring devices
The following monitoring devices must be provided on-site:
Circuit breaker
The size of the circuit breakers conforms to the rated current of the pump. The switch-
ing characteristics should comply with group B or C. Observe local regulations.
Residual-current device (RCD)
Comply with the regulations of the local energy supply company! The use of a residual-
current device is recommended.
If persons come into contact with the device and conductive fluids, secure the connec-
tion with a residual-current device (RCD).
▪Wear the following protective equipment:
– Safety shoes
– Safety helmet (when using lifting equipment)
▪Hold the reservoir when transporting the device. Never pull the power supply cable!
▪Devices weighing 50kg and over must be transported by two persons. Generally, it is
recommended that two persons transport the device.
▪If lifting equipment is used, observe the following points:
– Only use legally specified and approved lifting gear.
– Select the lifting gear based on the existing conditions (weather, attachment point,
load, etc.).
– Always attach the lifting gear to the attachment points.
– The stability of the lifting equipment must be ensured during operation.
– When using lifting equipment, a second person must be present to coordinate the
procedure if required (e.g. if the operator’s field of vision is blocked).
– Persons are not permitted to stand beneath suspended loads. Do not carry suspen-
ded loads over workplaces where people are present.
▪Wear the following protective equipment:
– Safety shoes
– Safety gloves against cuts
– Safety helmet (when using lifting equipment)
▪Locally applicable laws and regulations for work safety and accident prevention must be
complied with.
▪Disconnect the device from the mains and secure it against being switched on again
without authorisation.
▪Close the gate valve in the inlet and in the pressure pipe.
▪Provide adequate aeration in closed rooms.
Installation and operating instructions Wilo-DrainLift Box7
▪When working in chambers and closed spaces, a second person must be present for
safety reasons.
▪Take immediate countermeasures if there is a build-up of toxic or suffocating gases!
▪Clean the device thoroughly both inside and outside.
2.7During operation
2.8Maintenance tasks
2.9Operator responsibilities
▪Do not open the device!
▪Open all gate valves in the inlet and in the pressure pipe!
▪Ensure ventilation!
▪The operator is trained in the functionality and the options for switching off the device!
▪Wear the following protective equipment:
– Closed safety goggles
– Safety gloves
▪Close the gate valve in the inlet.
▪Only carry out maintenance tasks mentioned in these installation and operating in-
▪Only original parts from the manufacturer may be used for maintenance and repairs.
Use of parts other than the original parts releases the manufacturer from any liability.
▪Collect any leakage of pumped fluid immediately and dispose of it according to the loc-
ally applicable guidelines.
▪Installation and operating instructions must be in a language which the personnel can
▪Make sure that the personnel is relevantly trained for the specified work.
▪Provide the necessary protective equipment and make sure that the personnel wears it.
▪Safety and information signs mounted on the device must be always legible.
▪Train the personnel pertaining to the functioning of the system.
▪Eliminate risk from electrical current.
Children and persons younger than 16years or with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capacities or limited experience are prohibited from handling the product! A technician
must supervise persons younger than 18years!
3.1Intended use
▪For the backflow resistant drainage of discharge points for buildings below the back-
flow level
▪Installation inside buildings (according to EN12056 und DIN1986‑100)
▪Pumping sewage without faeces (according to EN12050-2) out of the domestic area
A grease trap must be installed for pumping greasy sewage!
Application limits
Improper use and overstraining will cause overflow through the floor drain. The follow-
ing application limits must be observed:
▪Max. intake/h:
– DrainLift Box 32/8: 1300l
– DrainLift Box 32/11: 1200l
– DrainLift Box 40/10: 870l
– DrainLift Box 32/8D: 2400l
– DrainLift Box 32/11D: 2200l
– DrainLift Box 40/10D: 1620l
– DrainLift Box 32/8DS: 3000l
– DrainLift Box 32/11DS: 3100l
– DrainLift Box 40/10DS: 1740l
▪Max. pressure in the pressure pipe: 1.7bar
▪Max. ground water pressure: 0.4bar (4mWs above the floor of the tank)
▪Fluid temperature:
– DrainLift Box 32...: 3...35°C, max. fluid temperature for 3mins: 60°C
Explosion due to pumping of explosive fluids!
Pumping of highly flammable and explosive fluids (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) in pure
form is strictly prohibited. There is a risk of fatal injury due to explosion! The lifting
unit is not designed for these fluids.
The following fluids must not be introduced:
▪Sewage containing faeces (in accordance with EN12050-1)
▪Sewage from drainage objects that are located above the backflow level and can be
drained by natural fall (in accordance with EN12056-1).
▪Slaughterhouse waste, disposal of slaughtered animals and animal waste (liquid ma-
nure, etc.)
▪Toxic, aggressive and corrosive media, such as heavy metals, biocides, pesticides, acids,
bases, salts, swimming-pool water (in Germany in accordance with DIN1986-3)
▪Cleaning agents, disinfectants, dishwashing or laundry detergents in excess amounts,
and such which have a high degree of foam formation
▪Drinking water
Intended use also includes compliance with this manual. Any other use is regarded as
non-compliant with the intended use.
4Product description
Fig.1: Overview
4.1.1Collection reservoir
4.1.2Pumps used
Ready for connection and fully-automatic sewage lifting unit for concealed floor installation within buildings.
2Pressure connection
3Inlet und ventilation connection
4Height-adjustable cover with floor drain
Gas-tight and watertight collection reservoir made from plastic, with deposit-free interior. The two inlet connections DN100 are offset by 180°. The free inlet connection is
used to ventilate the power supply cables and route them outside. The pressure connection is positioned to the side of the inlet connections. For easy maintenance of the
unit, the collection reservoir is equipped with an inspection opening in the cover.
Depending on its type, the sewage lifting unit is equipped with the following submers-