Warranty Transfer .................................................................................................................16
Manufacturer Address/Telephone Number ............................................................Back Cover
(behind display)
Twist and insert each end of
handle (provided) through
top of shipping carton into
second flap.
1. Center (Primary search)
2. Squeezed & held (Pinpoint)
3. Forward (Pinpoint lock)
Remove decal paper from the two rubber bumpers. Install on the bottom of the
control box, one in each of the front corners
(shown below by "X"). Press in place and
hold firmly for a few seconds then release.
Assembly Instructions
1. Remove all parts from shipping carton and
check the assembly page to make sure all parts are
readjust clevis/lower rod length with the spring clip
buttons so that the search coil can be held near the
floor without requiring stooping over.
2. Insert rubber washers between clevis/lower rod
and loop ears. Use only nonmetallic washers,
fiber bolt, and thumbnut to secure loop/search
coil to clevis/lower rod.
3. Unlock "S" rod camlock and insert clevis/lower rod into curved "S" rod so that stainless steel
spring clip buttons line up and lock into one of
the adjustment holes in the curved "S" rod. Turn
camlock to secure. The second or third adjustment
holes are suitable for average size adults. Individuals 6' or taller should use the fully extended position. Individuals well over 6' tall should purchase
the optional Tall Man Rod.
4. Unravel loop cable and wind the cable around
the clevis and rod assembly, first revolution over
the top of the rod. Wind cable all the way to the
top of the curved "S" rod, about five revolutions.
Use the black cable retainers, one near the loop,
and one near the top of the curved "S" rod, to hold
the loop cable in place.
5. Unlock control box rod camlock and insert
curved "S" rod so that stainless steel spring clip
buttons line up and lock into the rod on top of the
control box. The "S" rod is designed to curve up
toward the display. However, those who prefer to
sweep the loop close to their feet may desire to
assemble the "S" rod to curve down toward the
ground. Turn camlock to secure. Plug loop connector into control box, screw lock ring to secure.
7.Remove the protective paper from the two black
elbow cup foam pads. Carefully align pads on the
inside of the elbow cup, one on each side of the
center rod, and press firmly into place.
8. Adjust the elbow cup strap so that it is loose
enough for you to slide your arm in and out without loosening each time you want to set the detector down. The elbow cup strap provides extra
leverage and control. However, some prefer not to
use it.
9. Install battery as described in the next section,
decal facing down, with plastic tab and steel con-
tacts facing toward inside of battery compartment.
10. It should be noted at this point that the detector
may not work as expected indoors due to the high
degree of metals used in modern construction. It
is best to tune and practice out-of-doors to ensure
stable, predictable results. Additionally, freshlyburied targets will not produce the normal depth
results of targets that have been naturally lost
and settled in the ground. Due to the abnormality
caused by digging a hole in the ground matrix, and
the sophistication of the ground rejection circuitry,
it may take a number of years for freshly-buried
targets to respond at true depths and accuracy. The
best way to determine true detection depth is in
real search conditions.
6. Grip the instrument by the handle, with your arm
in the elbow cup with strap secure, and sweep the
loop/search coil over the floor. If the instrument fit feels
uncomfortable, adjust the elbow cup by removing and
repositioning the bolt/thumbnut and installing in one of
the optional positions. If necessary,
Using the
Standard Battery Holder
1. Slide open the battery holder lid (decal side of
battery holder) by applying gentle upward
pressure on the tab of the door so that it unlocks.
Slide the door away from the battery box
exposing the cell positions.
2. Remove any old cells from the holder. Note the
(+) and (-) positions of each cell and the (+)
and (-) for each position marked inside the cell
tray. Install new “AA” cells noting carefully the
correct (+) and (-) positions.
Standard Battery Holder
1. The standard battery holder holds eight “AA”
cell batteries equalling 12 volts total. Alkalines
are recommended for use with this model. During
normal searching conditions you can expect about
16 hours of hunting time from a quality set of eight
alkaline batteries.
2. Non-alkaline batteries can be used in this holder.
When non-alkalines or rechargeable “AA”
cells are used, detecting time (before replacement/
recharge) may be reduced to about 10-12 hours.
3. The battery voltage appears automatically on
the meter when the Tuner knob is used to turn the
Sierra Madre "ON". Once the batteries become
weak (8 volts) , upon turning the Tuner knob ON,
the meter will indicate to the left of the Batt Good
If the cells are installed incorrectly, the detector
may require service by an Authorized
Service Center.
3. Slide the door closed so that it snaps securely.
4. Insert the battery holder into the detector so that
the decal is facing down, with the battery
holder door tab and metal contact points facing
toward the inside of the battery compartment.
Close the battery compartment door and secure
the two latches on the bottom of the case. Hook
the front of each latch first, then press down on the
4. The battery compartment opens by gently pulling down on the front of each of the two latches (on
the bottom of the control box) releasing the catch
and hinging open the door.
Rechargeable Battery (Opt.)
Battery #802-521
13 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6
Any voltage reading
less than 8 voltscharge for 5 hours
maximum on
Quick Charge
setting. Further
charging can
damage the
Do not charge until
voltage reading drops
below 10.5 volts.
Using the Battery Charger on Quick Charge Setting
Battery Voltage Reading
A rechargeable battery system is not standard equipment, however, high quality systems are available.
White's rechargeable battery #802-5211, and charger #509-0022 are recommended and offer quick
charge and overnight charge options.
Non-rechargeable batteries will start to drop in
voltage as soon as they are put into use and then
steadily diminish in voltage till they die. The Nicad
rechargeable battery pack, however, will diminish
very slowly (plateau) in somewhat of a flat line and
then drop like a rock.
Rechargeable batteries deliver fairly constant voltage until they're nearly dead. If you use them until
they are dead, they will deteriorate more quickly
than if you only use them until their voltage starts
to drop significantly. Rechargeables should be taken
out of service and recharged as soon as you notice
battery check to the left of the Batt Good range
on the meter upon turning Tuner ON. Rechargeable
batteries will not provide the same amount of continuous use as a new set of Alkaline batteries.
Headphone use prolongs all battery life.
Battery life will vary a great deal with temperature,
number of target signals, battery type, brand, and
shelf life.
Tuning and General Use
Tuning and General Use
Placing the TUNER to (Preset). AUTO GEB
(automatic ground exclusion balance) to GND
AUTO TRAC (ground automatic tracking), and the
MODE to the HIGH, good results will be achieved
in average conditions. However, it may be necessary to fine tune the detector for use in other than
average ground, or simply to maximize performance for a specific type of searching. These preset
positions are intended to offer generally acceptable
settings. Most anxious detectorists prefer to venture
out and use their new detector for the first time
before they have carefully read this manual. The
allows such use with surprising success. After
use, the SIERRA MADRE will eventually fine
tune its own ground rejection through tracking,
thus improve its performance automatically. It has
also been found that becoming proficient using
the detector at the settings eases the learning
curve, making further study a smoother and more
enjoyable experience.
Keep the loop sweeping from side to side very
close to the ground, always moving. Those using
a detector for the first time often sweep the loop
too slowly; a brisk sweep of about two seconds for
each pass is desirable.
Keep loop flat to the ground.
Metals produce a solid abrupt “beep”. The meter
deflects positive (to the right) in unison with the
sound “beep”. Sweep the loop over the area several
times. Once the decision has been made to dig,
slowly “X” the loop over the area to pinpoint
its exact location. The strongest sound and furthest
meter movement to the right
indicate target center.
Overlap each pass by at least 50%.
Tuning and General Use
Fine Tuning:
Fine tuning the SIERRA MADRE immediately
improves performance. The keys to fine tuning are
the AUTO GEB switch and the MODE control.
The AUTO GEB (automatic ground exclusion
balance) switch sets the ground rejection. When
the ground is rejected the detector can see deeper
targets, and less susceptible to ground interference.
The MODE control is used to regulate the amount
of ground signal the detectorʼs electronic circuitry
can handle. The HIGH setting allows for typical
high mineral ground. There are some rare areas of
low ground minerals. These areas are best searched
with the MODE control set to LOW. If you are
unfamiliar with ground mineralization always
start with the HIGH setting, reserving the LOW
setting for a time when you have more experience.
Each time the MODE control is changed to a
different position it is best to squeeze and release
the TRIGGER on the handle with the loop at waist
3. Push the AUTO GEB switch to the AIR
position and hold it there until the detector beeps.
Immediately lower the loop to the ground and pull
the AUTO GEB switch to the GND AUTO TRAC
position (ground auto tracking). Hold the loop
steady until the detector again beeps.
When a new area is to be searched, the following
steps should be followed to maximize performance.
When changing to another area, or when dramatic
changes in the ground are visible, these steps
should be repeated.
Fine Tuning Steps:
1. Set the TUNER to , and look at the meter
to assure the batteries test good. Hold the loop at
waist level and adjust the TUNER for a slight hum.
2. Set MODE to HIGH, squeeze and release the
TRIGGER on the handle.
4. If the ground is low in mineralization (rare)
you may want to set the MODE to the LOW
position, squeeze and release the TRIGGER on
the handle and repeat step 3 (AUTO GEB). If
you were mistaken about the ground being low
in mineralization, the detector will respond to the
ground (false signal) and otherwise act unstable
and unpredictable. If this occurs you should switch
back to the HIGH position, squeeze and release
the TRIGGER on the handle, and repeat step 3
(AUTO GEB). You can then resume searching. If
the SIERRA MADRE works smooth, stable, and
predictably at the LOW setting, then continue to use
the LOW position in that type of ground.
Tuning and General Use
Fine Tuning & General Use,
5. As searching begins, the sweep of the loop plays
a critical role in how well the detector works.
Sweep the loop close to the ground, from side to
side, overlapping each pass. One pass from left to
right should take one and a half to two seconds.
Moving from right back to left, where the sweep
first started, should take another one and a half to
two seconds. The maximum detection depth will be
in the center of the loop, thus if loop passes are not
overlapped by at least 50%, some deep targets may
be missed. Do not arc the sweep at each end. Keep
the loop close to the ground throughout the sweep.
a digging tool, contact your dealer. The type of
digging tool best for your area, your type of
searching, and best for you personally, is a matter
of opinion. The important thing to remember
is consideration. Fill in all holes you dig. Be
thoughtful regarding where and when you dig.
Obviously midday on a beach crowded with
sun bathers, is not a good place to search. Early
morning or late evening is more appropriate. If
someone cares for a lawn (keeps it looking nice)
and yet gives you permission to search, be equally
thoughtful by taking extra steps to minimize any
damage digging may do to the vegetation. The
use of a small drop cloth (to place dug soil onto)
is suggested in such areas. This minimizes soil
smearing around the hole, making such diggings
less noticeable
Center of Maximum Signal
Center of Target.
6. Once a solid abrupt "beep" is heard, (indicating a
metal), sweep the loop over the areas several times
so as to roughly find the center. Consult the meter
indication which will indicate the furthest positive
(to the right) when the loop is directly over the metals center. Further pinpointing assistance may be
achieved by squeezing and holding the TRIGGER
on the handle. Squeeze and hold the TRIGGER on
the handle, and "X" the loop over the area. Note the
loudest sound and furthest meter movement to the
right. This pinpoints the metals precise location and
by sweeping the loop over the general area gives
some idea as to its size and shape. Shallow targets
may be difficult to pinpoint. Lifting the loop a few
inches higher and again sweeping over the area will
improve accuracy in such cases.
7. Pinpointing and digging take some time and
practice. Many different types of digging tools
are available to help you. If you donʼt yet have
8. A location to search, and getting permission, is a
major part of a successful metal detecting. Research
always pays off. It may mean digging through old
newspapers at the local library, documents at city
hall, or just talking to a lot of longtime citizens.
You will be surprised what you can find out, and
research can be half the fun! Do not be discouraged
if someone has already searched an area even with
multiple searches. Take a little more time and dig a
few more targets. Often areas replenish themselves
either through use, such as a beach where jewelry
is continually lost, or through naturally occurring
shifts in the soil, frost heave, erosion, etc., which
bring previously undetected targets within reach.
Sand and soil movement in many areas makes each
season a new ball game.
Explanation of Controls
Explanation of Controls
1. TUNER: The TUNER control turns the instrument ON/OFF, tests the battery strength
(BAT.√), and selects the steady hum or threshold
which should be heard continually during use.
The TUNER should be set to a slight steady hum
(threshold) each time the instrument is to be operated. Changes in temperature will change the
particular area of the control needed to achieve a
threshold hum.
A. OFF position is selected when the detector is
not in use. (Batteries should be removed when
the detector is stored.)
B. BAT.CHK. Battery Check is used to check
the condition of the batteries. When placed in this
position, the current battery condition is shown
on the meter. An indication anywhere in the
BATTERY GOOD area will operate the detector. Once the battery no longer indicates in the
BATTERY GOOD area, new batteries should be
installed. Usually batteries last between eight and
16 hours of use. (Battery life varies with type,
temperature, and mode). The use of headphones
will significantly improve battery life.
A. HIGH MINERAL, is the primary MODE
used for general searching. It minimizes common high mineral ground effects (large ground
signal). High ground mineralization typically
will cause more receive signal than the electronic circuitry can handle. Such conditions result in
overload of the receiver, which will cause poor
detection depth. The HIGH setting compensates
for such ground conditions.
B. LOW MINERAL is used in those rare
areas that have little or no mineralization. It
maximizes performance in such low mineral
ground(minimal ground signal). Low ground
mineralization typically has little or no effect
on the receive signal, the LOW setting compensates for this lack of ground signal thus
improving performance in such ground types.
CAUTION: If the LOW setting is used in high
ground mineralization the detector will become
unstable and unpredictable. Switching back to
the HIGH setting, squeezing and releasing the
TRIGGER on the handle, and repeating the
AUTO GEB sequence will regain the stability
necessary for good detection results.
C. To set the TUNER hold the loop at waist
level away from metal and the ground, turn the
TUNER control until a very slight faint hum
(threshold) is heard. The TUNER control should
end up near .
D. Silent Search once the threshold has been
set, the TUNER can be turned very slightly toward (-) to produce silent searching until a target is detected. Doing so, some detection depth
may be lost.
2. MODE: The MODE control selects either
ground. Special attention must be used when
changing MODEs. Each time the MODE is
changed the TRIGGER on the handle should be
squeezed and released.
3. AUTO GEB: The AUTO GEB switch is used
to select the actual ground selection setting, so
that ground minerals can be ignored. When
ground minerals are ignored, increased detection depth and smoother operating stability are
achieved. The AUTO GEB also selects whether
the ground rejection setting stays as originally
set ( LOCK), or whether the instrument automatically updates this original setting to accommodate naturally occurring changes in the
soils mineralization, (AUTO TRAC). Setting the
AUTO GEB is recommended each time you use
your instrument.
A. To set the AUTO GEB place MODE to
HIGH, squeeze and release TRIGGER on handle. Hold the loop at waist level away from all
types of metals and ground minerals and adjust
the TUNER for a slight background hum. Press
Explanation of Controls
Explanation of Controls, Continued
the AUTO GEB switch to the air position and
hold it there until a “beep” is heard. Immediately lower the loop to the ground to be searched
and pull the AUTO GEB switch down to the
GND AUTO TRAC position. Hold the loop
steady until another “beep” is heard.
B. GND AUTO TRAC is recommended for
most searching conditions as it automatically
tracks (adjusts) to any changes in the ground.
This continual updating of the ground rejection
setting improves performance.
C. LOCK may be desired in areas which
contain a lot of man-made decomposed iron,
such as rusty iron which will tend to trick the
AUTO TRAC feature (recognizing it as a
mineral rather than a metal).
located on the handle is used for several different purposes. The TRIGGER has three possible
positions; “center” which is used for normal
searching, “squeezed and held” which activates a
temporary change in the mode, and “locked forward” which is the same as squeezing and holding except mode change is locked in.
TRIGGER or pushing it forward locking it in
place will temporarily activate the all-metal non
motion mode. This is ideal for pinpointing as
the search mode requires some movement of the
loop to respond to metal targets, making
pinpointing difficult for some individuals. Holding the TRIGGER disengages the stabilizing
motion feature. This mode can only be accessed
by squeezing and holding the TRIGGER or
pushing it forward to lock. Because it lacks the
stability of the standard search mode it is not
recommended to continually search with this
mode accessed. The standard search mode is designed for general searching. This pinpoint
mode is best reserved for pinpointing. Releasing the TRIGGER returns the instrument to the
original mode.
A. Reset, clear, or retune after control adjustments or pinpointing. Most control adjustments
will cause sections of the electronic circuitry to
become out of sequence. Squeezing and releasing the TRIGGER will reset or clear so that all
the electronic circuitry works in unison. Manual
pinpointing (when the TRIGGER is squeezed
and released while the loop is near a metal)
will narrow the loopʼs detection field. This is
called detuning. The loopʼs detection field will
remain narrow until the TRIGGER is squeezed
and released (while holding the loop away from
any metal). This resets the loopʼs detection field
allowing it to detect its widest possible search
B. Changes Mode Squeezing and holding the
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