White’s Electronics Prizm 5G User Manual

White’s Electronics, Inc.
1011 Pleasant Valley Road
Sweet Home, Oregon 97386
Prizm 5G
User Guide
1) Remove all parts from shipping carton (see cover).
ber rod) and ber bolt and thumbnut to secure search coil to ber
3) Insert ber rod into curved rod, line up buttons into one of
adjustment holes.
4) Unravel search coil cable and wind around rods (rst revolu­tion over top of rod). Plug search coil cable into control box, screw “nger-tight” to secure.
5) Grip by handle, with arm in elbow cup and sweep search coil over oor. If necessary, for comfort, compress buttons and re­position ber rod. If necessary, Elbow Cup is also adjustable for
1) Open battery door by pressing elongated button on back of display
and ipping open door. Install two nine volt alkaline batteries (according to +/- position shown inside door). Close door.
2) Press ON/OFF button. Sweep search coil over ground evenly (near to or touching ground surface) keeping close to the ground throughout
each sweep and overlapping each pass as if mopping a oor.
3) Solid repeatable beeps and repeatable display signies a “hit”. Press P/P button and “X” areas to pinpoint exactly where to dig. Press
P/P again to continue searching.
4) Broken or inconsistent beeps and display indicates undesirable metals.
DisplAy inDicAtions
•Typical MeTal
TargeT caTegories
MeTal indicaTion
•low BaTTery indicaTion
•currenT MeTals depTh
•Tone idenTificaTion
•p/p (pinpoinT) all MeTal Mode
•preseT ground Balance
wiTh opTional Manual override
increases depTh in Mineralized ground
•currenT sensiTiviTy seTTing
1) ON/OFF turns the Power ON and OFF. Low Battery indication is au­tomatically shown on the display. Remove batteries for storage beyond two weeks.
2) SENS (sensitivity) adjust the responsiveness to metals, ground, and
external electrical interference. Level shown on the display. Use the
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