Whirlpool SM988PES User Manual

use&care guide
Eye-Level Models
Microwave Ovens, Trash Compactors, Room Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Automatic Washers, Clothes Dryers, Freezers. Relrigerator-F
Parts and Features Before You Use Your Microwave Oven
Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave Energy................................
Important Safety Instructions.................................
Using Your Microwave Oven
Microwave Oven Controls Programming Tone Setting the Clock
Using the Minute Timer
Cooking in Your Microwave Oven......................
Cooking at High Power
Cooking at Lower Cook Powers ........................
Cooking in More Than One Cycle Using AUTO SET
Auto Set TIME ................................................
Auto Set TEMP
Cooking Automatically After Defrosting Cooking with the Temperature Probe
Using START TIME............................................
Other Operating Hints
Bi-Level Cooking Rack.......................................
Optional Bi-Level Cooking Rack Kit
Caring for Your Microwave Oven
Cleaning the Microwave Oven Replacing the Light Bulb
How Your Microwave Oven Works........................
Operating Safety Precautions if You Need Service or Assistance
Microwave Oven Warranty......................................
3 4
4 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 11 12 14 17 17 19 22 23 26 29 32
33 33 34 34 34 34 35 36
38 40
©1987 Whirlpool Corporation
nil out and return the “Microwave Re^stratlon Card” Included with
your microwave oven. If the card is missing, please send the model and
serial number of your Microwave Range, with your name and address to...
Whirlpool Corporation
Microwave Registration Department
Administrative Center
2000 M-63
Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022
This information will help us reach you if there is ever a need to pass along information about your microwave range.
Remove the Consumer Buy Guide label before using your microwave range.

Parts and features


(not Shown]
(not shown)
(not shown)

Copy your Model and Serial Numbers here...

If you need service or coll with a question, have this information
1. Complete Model and Serial Numbers (from the plate just behind
the microwave oven door on the oven frame).
2. Purchase date from sales slip.
Copy this information in these spaces. Keep this book, other oven
literature and your sales slip together in a handy place. Please
complete and mail the Owner Registration Card furnished with this product.
Model Number
Serial Number
Purchase Date
Service Company Phone Number
Before you use your microwave oven

Read and carefully follow ttie “INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS” packed with your microwave oven.

Read this “Use & Care Guide" and your “Cooking Guide" carefuliy for
important use and safety information. Store these with Range or Lower Oven
iiterature for future use.
WARNING: This appliance must be connected to a grounded, metallic, permanent wiring system, or an equipment ground ing conductor should be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment grounding the terminai or lead on the appliance.
It is your personal responsibility and obligation to be sure your microwave oven:
• Has been installed where it is protected from the elements. The microwave
oven should be at a temperature above 50°F (10°C) for proper operation.
• Has been installed and levelled on a floor strong enough to support its weight. (Eye-level model only)
• Has been properly connected to electrical supply and grounded. (See “Installation Instructions:’)
• Is not used by anyone unable to operate it properly.
• Is properly maintained.
• Is used only for jobs expected of a microwave oven.
See your Range or Lower Oven “Use & Care Guide” for additional safety and operating instructions.
DO NOT attempt to
operate this oven with
the door open since
open-door operation can result in harmful exposure to micro
wave energy. It is
important not to de feat or tamper with
the safety interlocks.
DO NOT place any
object between the
oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to
accumulate on seal
ing surfaces.
DO NOT operate the
oven if it is damaged.
It is particularly impor tant that the oven door close properly and that there is no damage to the (1) Door (bent), (2) Hinges and
latches (broken or loosened),
(3) Door seals and
sealing surfaces.
DO NOT operate
the microwave oven if the door window is broken.
The microwave oven should be checked for microwave leak age by qualified serv ice personnel after a repair is made.
The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.

For Use of Microwave Upper Oven

Microwave ovens have been used successfully in homes for a number of years. They are thoroughly tested for safe and efficient operation. However, as with any appliance, there are special Installation and safety precautions which must be followed to ensure safe and satisfactory operation and pre vent damage to the unit.
WARNING - To reduce the risk of burns,
electric shock, fire, injury to persons or exposure to excessive microwave energy:
1. Read all Instructions before using appliance.
2. Read and follow the
3. This appliance must be
installed and properly grounded in accordance with the separately provided “In stallation Instructions.”
4. Some products such as
whole eggs and sealed con tainers - for example, closed glass jars - may explode and should not be heated in this oven.
5. Use this appliance only for
its intended use as described in this manual.
6. As with any appiiance, close supenrision is necessary
when used by children.
7. Do not operate this
appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has
been damaged or dropped. Electric shock, fire or other haz
ards may result.
8. This appliance should be serviced only by qualified service personnei. Cail a
Whirlpool authorized TECH­CARE® Service Company for examination, repair or adjustment.
9. Do not cover or block any
opening in the appliance, because fire may result.
10. Do not use outdoors because damage to the oven
or electric shock may result.
11. See door surface cleaning
instructions on page 37.
continued on next page.
12. To reduce the risk of fire in
the oven cavity:
a. Do not overcook food. Carefully attend appliance if paper, plastic, or other com bustible materials are placed inside the oven to facilitate cooking. Paper can char or burn, and some plastics can melt if used when heating
b. Test dinnerware or cook
ware before using. See page
40. Some dishes (melamine,
Centura,® etc.) absorb micro
wave energy, becoming too
hot to handle and slowing
cooking times. Remove wire
twist-ties from paper or plastic
bags before placing bag in
oven. Cooking in metal con tainers can damage the oven.
So can containers with hidden metal (twist-ties, foil lining, sta ples, metallic glaze or trim.)
c. If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep oven door closed, turn oven off, and dis connect the power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or cir cuit breaker panel.
13. Read and follow “OPERAT
ING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS" starting on page 39.


Using your microwave oven

Microwave oven controls

There are three parts to the microwave oven control section.
-The Digital Display/Clock and Indicator Lights
- Command Pads
- Number Pads Instructions for each are covered on the following pages. Read them
When you firsf connect power to the oven, a tone will sound and the Display will show 88:88. If offer you set the Clock (page9), the Display again shows all
8's, it means your electricity was off for a while. Resef fhe Clock.
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Digital display/clock and



indicator lights

When you are not using the microwave oven, this is an accurate digital clock.
When you are using the microwave oven, it displays time settings, indicator lights and shows what number pads you touched.
While the oven is running, an indicator light (or lights) will be on to show what the oven is doing.

Command pads

Touch Command Pads to tell the microwave oven what to do and in what order. A few examples:
- CLOCK SET tells the oven you are going to set the clock.
- START tells the oven to start.
Each Command Pad (except START, CANCEL and CLOCK SET) lights an Indicator Light on the digital display. The Indicator Light comes on when you touch the Command Pad.

Number pads

Once you’ve touched a Command Pad to tell the oven what you want to do, you’ll touch Number Pads to tell it...
- a time,
- a Cook Power,
- a food temperature,
- a food setting.

Programming tone

Each time you touch a pad you will hear a tone. If you don’t hear a tone, it is because the instruction is not correct, or because the tones have been removed.
EXAMPLE: If you touch a Number Pad before you touch a Command Pad, you
will not hear a tone. The instruction is not correct.
If you want to remove the programming tone:
• Open the door.
• Touch CANCEL twice, then touch START.
• The tone will not sound for any touch.
If you want to replace
the programming tone:
• Open the door.
• Touch CANCEL twice, then touch START.
• The tone will sound for
any correct touch.
If you want to remove all tones, except the minute timer signal:
• Open the door.
• Touch CANCEL twice, touch 0, then touch START.
• All audible tones will
be cancelled.
• To replace the tones,
repeat the above steps.

Setting the clock

When the oven is first piugged in, a tone sounds and the dispiay shows 88:88. if the electric power ever goes off, the display will again show all 8’swhen the power comes back on.
You can cook or use the Minute Timer without setting the clock, but the display will be blank after cooking.


1. Touch CLOCK SET.
3 2 5
2. Touch Number
Pads for the cor rect time of day.
3. Touch START.


/_ / /
The Display will show a "0" and the colon will start to flash. The first Number Pad
must be touched within 5 seconds or the Display will go blank. Touch
CLOCK SET again and continue.
The Display will show what numbers you touched in
the order you touched them. This example shows
The colon will stop flashing. The Clock is set.
If you have touched in an incorrect time, such as
12:65, "Err" will show on the
Display. Touch CLOCK SET and start over.
NOTE: To reset the clock, touch CLOCK SET. The current time will show on the Display and the colon will flash. Continue to set the clock as shown above.

Using the minute timer

The Minute Timer does not start or stop cooking, it can be used alone or while the oven is operating, it works like a kitchen timer.
1. Touch MINUTE
Touch Number Pads for minutes and seconds.
3. Touch START.


The Minute Timer Indicator Light will come on and the Display will show a "0”.
first Number Pad must be touched within 5 seconds or the Dispiay wiii again show the time of day.
Touch MINUTE TIMER again
and continue.
The Display will show what numbers you touched in
the order you touched them. This example shows
1 minute, 45 seconds.
The MiNUTE TIMER Indicator
Light will stay on to show
that the Minute Timer is
The Display counts down the seconds to show how
much time is ieft on the Minute Timer.
When the set time is up, a
3 second signai wiii sound and the Dispiay wiii show the time of day.
Changing the minute timer
-Touch MiNUTE TiMER.
- Touch numbers to set new time.
-Touch START.
New instructions cancei the oid ones.
The Minute Timer can be set to time other activities while the oven is operating
in any other cycle. The Display will countdown the time of the cycle in opera
tion. The Minute Timer wiii continue to countdown, but will not show on the
Display. When the time is up, a 3 second signai wiii sound.

Cancelling the minute timer.

- Touch CANCEL. Note. Touch MINUTE TIMER before touching CANCEL to cancei just the Minute Timer. If CANCEL is touched first,
ail cooking instructions will be cancelled and the Minute Timer
' will continue to operate.
opening the oven door does not stop the Minute Tinner countdown; however,
it does stop any cooking or defrosting. Cióse the door and touch START to continue cooking or defrosting.

Cooking in your microwave oven

Be sure to read the MICRO MENUS® Cookbook packed with the microwave oven. It contains information about:
• What microwave energy is.
• How food is cooked by microwave energy.
• What affects cooking speed and cooking evenness.
• Safety tips.
• Utensils to use when cooking in a microwave oven.
• Cooking times for different foods.
Important things to remember to get the best cooking results.
• ALWAYS cook food for the minimum recommended cooking time, if neces sary, add time in one or two minute periods, then check for doneness to avoid overcooking the food.
• Stir, turn or rearrange the food being cooked about haifway through the cooking time for most even doneness with aii recipes.
• If a glass cover is not availabie, use wax paper, papertoweis or microwave approved piastio wrap. Turn back a corner to vent steam during cooking.


The AUTC SENSCR controi ailows you to cook food in the oven without comput ing time or power ievel. Ail foods give off moisture, aroma and other vapors as they cook. When the oven senses the right amount of vapor from the food, it wiii automaticaliy determine the remaining time and power needed to finish cooking the food. You oniy need to touch CCCK/REHEAT or CCCK FRCZEN and a number pad (for a food setting), then START, if you iike your food less done than average you may decrease the cooking time by touching the "LESS" (Number 1) Pad after seiecting the category (before touching START), if you
iike your food more done than average, touch the "MORE” (Number 9) Pad after seiecting the category (before touching START) to extend the time. You may add ingredients, stir, turn or rotate during the timed portion of the Auto Sensor cycies. However, "Err" wili show on the Display if the door is opened during the first (automatic) part of either cycie. if this happens, open the door and touch CANCEL. To finish cooking, estimate the remaining time and reset the oven using Cook 1 cycle. Do not reset the Auto Sensor. See the AUTC SENSCR chart included with your oven and the AUTC SENSCR guide on the inner door panel for examples of food to cook at each setting.


Use CCCK/REHEAT to automaticaiiy cook tresh food items or reheat previously cooked foods. There are 9 cooking categories in CCCK/REHEAT.
continued on next page.
1. Put food in the oven
and close the door.
Touch a Number Pad (1-9) for the cooking category you want. (See guide on inner door panel and separate AUTO SENSOR chart.)
n C
I • -I
The AUTO SENSOR Indica tor Light will come on and
the Display will show “AS-!’
The Display will show the
AUTO SENSOR setting you touched. This example shows you selected cate
gory 2.
The display will not change.
Touch LESS (1) or MORE (9) If desired. (Skip to step 5 if you do not wish to shorten or lengthen cooking time.)
5. Touch START.
0 C _ D
1 I j L
The oven automatically cooks at a preset Cook Power tor that setting. The AUTO SENSOR Indicator Light will stay on to show that the oven is cooking the food. Do not open the
oven door during this part of the cycle.
When you hear 2 beeps, the Display will show and count down the remaining cooking time (except at setting Number 1). The oven door can now be opened, if needed to stir,
turn or rearrange food.
When the cooking time
/ /
pu pi' the door or by touching
ends, "End” wiil show on the Display and 4 beeps will sound. (You can stop
beeping by opening
CANCEL.) "End" wiil remain on the Display and a beep will sound every 30 seconds (to remind you that food is ieft in the oven) until the door is opened or CANCEL is touched. The Dispiay will then show the time of day.


Use COOK FROZEN to automaticaliy cook frozen food items. There are five cooking categories in COOK FROZEN.


1. Put frozen food in the oven
and close the door.
The AUTO SENSOR Indica tor Light wiil come on and the Display will show "AS-."
2. Touch COOK
3. Touch a Number
Pad (1-5) far the frczen food cook ing category you want. (See guide on inner door panel and separate AUTO SENSOR chart.)
4. Touch LESS (1) or
MORE (9) if desired. (Skip to step 5 if you do not wish to shorten or lengthen cooking time.)
The Display will show the AUTO SENSOR category you touched. This example shows you selected setting 3.
The display will not change.
continued on next page.
5. Touch START.
The oven automatically
thaws and cooks at a pre set Cook Power for that set ting. "AS-3” will show on the
Display and the AUTO SEN SOR Indicator Light will
stay on to show that the
oven is cooking the food.
Do not open the oven
door during this part of the cycie.
When you hear 2 beeps,
the Display will show and count down the remaining
cooking time (except at setting Number 1). The
oven door can now be opened, if needed to stir, turn or rearrange food.
C _ -I
/_ / I U
o eP wiil sound. (You can stop
^ ^ the door dr by touching
When the cooking time ends, “End" wili show on the Dispiay and 4 beeps
the beeping by opening
CANCEL. “End” wili remain
on the Dispiay and a beep wiil sound every 30 sec onds (to remind you that food is ieft in the oven) untii
door is opened or CANCEL is touched. The Dispiay wiii
then show the time of day.


Use SLOW COOK/SIMMER as you would a slow cooker to enhance flavor and tenderize less expensive cuts of meat. If you find that food needs a longer cooking time than the setting allows, you may extend the time by touching the MORE (Number 9) Pad after you have touched SLOW COOK/SIMMER (be fore you touch START). The LESS (Number 1) Pad cannot be used in this cycle.
KEEP WARM will automatically follow the cooking time in SLOW COOK/SIMMER. Combined cooking time and KEEP WARM will equal 11 hours, 59 minutes unless cancelled any time after cooking is done.


Put food in the oven and close the door.
+ 30 hidden pages