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Dear Customer,
Please carefully read this manual before using the dishwasher, it will help you to use and maintain the dishwasher properly.
Keep it torefer to it at a later date.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner of the appliance.
Dishwasher Features.................................... ...3
This manual contains sections on safety Instructions, Operating Instructions, Installation Instructions and Troubleshooting Tips, etc.
To review the section on troubleshooting Tips will help you to solve some common problems by yourself .
Ifyoucan not solvethe problemsby yourself, pleaseask for the help of professional technicians.
A、Water Softener...........................................4
B、Loading the Salt into the Softener.................5 C、Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser D、Functionof Detergent
Attention before or after loading the Dishwasher
Loading the upper Basket.................................9
Loading the Lower Basket...............................10
Cutlery Basket........................................... ...11
Wash Cycle Table...........................................12
Turning on the Appliance...............................13
Change the Programme..................................13
At the End of the Wash Cycle...........................13
Filtering System.............................................15
Caring for the Dishwasher...............................15
The manufacturer, following a policy of constant development and updating of the product, may make modifications without giving prior notice.
Please carefully read the installation instruction
....17Aesthetic panel's dimensions and installation
Tension adjustment of the door spring 19..............
Connection of drain hoses.......................................19
Dishwasher installation steps..........................20
Before calling for service................. ................23
Technical information.....................................25
When using your dishwasher, follow the p rec aut ions listed below:
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of least resistance of electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment­grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward.
When load in g items to be washed :
1) L ocatesharp itemssothatthey arenotlikely todamage thedoorseal;
2 Warn ing: Knives and othe r u tensils with
sh a rp po i n t s must be l oa de d in th e basket with their pointsdown or placed in a horizonta lposition.
When us ing your dishwasher,you should prevent plastic items fro m coming i nto contact with t he heating element.(This instru ction i s only applicable to m achines with avisual heating element.)
Check thatthedetergentcomparmentisempty after completion o f the wash cycle.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items n
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Use o nly detergent and rinse additives designed for an automatic dishwasher. Never use s oap, laundry detergent, or hand washing detergent in you r dishwasher.Keep these products out ofthe reach of chi ldren.
on or stand on
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep child away from the opendoor of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Dishwasherdetergents are stronglyalkaline, they can be e xtremely dangerous if swallo we d.Avoi d contact with skin and eyes an d ke ep children away from th e dishwasher when the d oor is op en.
The doo r should not beleft open, since th is could increase the risk of tr ipping.
If th e s upply cord is d amaged, it must be replaced by th e manufacturer or itsse rvice agent ora similar ly quali fie d person in order to avoid a hazard.
Remove the door tothe washing compartmentwhen removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Please d ispose of packing materials properly. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Duringinstallation, thepowersupply mustnot beexcessiv ely or dangerously bentorflattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
The app liance is tobe connected tot he water mains usingnewhose sets andthatoldhose- sets sho ul d not be reused.
Themaximum number of placesettings tobe washed i s 9. Themaximum permissible inlet water pressure is 1Mp a . Theminimum permissibleinlet w ater pressure is
Dispose of thedishwas her packaging m ater ial correctly. All packaging materials can be recycled . Plastic parts aremark ed w ith the s tandar d international abbreviations:
PE for polyethylene, e.g. sheet wrappingmater ial PS forpolystyrene,e.g.paddingm aterial POM po lyox ymethylene, e.g. plastic clips PP polypropylene , e.g. Salt fill er ABS Acrylonitri le B utad iene Styrene, e.g. Control Panel .
Packaging materialcouldbedangerousfor children!
For disposing ofpa ckage and thea ppliance please go t o a re cycling centre. Therefore cut offthe pow er s upplycable and makethedoor closing deviceunusable.
Cardboard packaging is manufacturedfromrecycledpaper and should be disposedinthe waste paper c ollect ion for re cycling .
By ensuring th is product i s disposed of correctly,you will helpprevent potential negative consequences for the e nvironment and human h ealth, which could o therwise be caused byinappropriate wastehandling of thisproduct.
For more de tailed informat ion a bout recycling of this product, please contact your loca l city office and your household waste disposal se rvice.
DISPOSAL: Do no t dispose th is product as unsort ed municipal waste. Collection of such waste separately for spec ial treatment is n ecessary.
Toget the bestperformancefromyourdishwasher, readall operating instructions beforeusingitforthe first time.
Programindicatorlight:when you select washing
program , the cor r espond light w ill di splay. Program Ke y- pre s s:To select wash ing p rogram
when pressthe Key-press.
SaltandRinseAidWarning Light:To come on when
thesoftenero r dispenserneeds to be refilled.
Fro nt v iew
3in1 indicator light / 3in1
functionsButton:To selectand show 3in1
Power light:Tocome on w hen Power ON/OFF
button is pres seddown.
ON/OFF Button: To turn on/ off t he power supply.
Back View
4 5
11 12
on Off
Upper Bask e t
Spray Arms
Lower Baske t
Salt C ontainer
Detergent Dispenser
Coarse Filter
Rins e Aid Disp enser
Drainpipe connector
Inletpipe connector
Tray ass
Before u sing your di shwasher for the first time:
A. Set thewate r sof tener B. Pour 1 2 li tre o f water i nside the sa lt container and then fill with dishwash er sa lt C. Fi l l the rinse aid d ispenser D. Fillin detergent
A. WaterSoftener
The wat er softener must beset manually, usin g th e water ha rdness dial. The wat er so ftener is designed toremove mineral s andsalts from thewat er,wh ich w ould have adetrim entalor adverse effectontheoperationofthe appliance.Thehigher the content ofthese minerals and sa lts, the harder your water is. Thesofte ner s hould be adjusted acco rding to thehar dness of the water in your area. Yourlocal Water A uthority can advise you on the hardnessofthewater in yourarea.
Adjust ing Salt Co nsumpt ion
The dishwas her is de signed to allow for a djustment in the amo unt of sa lt consumed based onthe hardne ss of the waterused.Thisisintendedtooptimise and customisethelevel o f salt consumption.
Pleas e follo w the s t eps below for adjus tment in salt consump tion .
1. Unscrew thecapfromthesaltcontainer.
2. T here is a ring on the containe r w ith an a rrow on it (see figure onthe side),ifnecessary, rotate the ringinthe anticlockwise direction fromthe"-" Setting toward the"+" sign, basedon the hardness o f the w ater being used. It is recomm ended t hat adjust ments should b e made in accord ance with the followin g schem e:
45~60 80~107 56~75 8~11
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l DH: German degree
fH: Frenchdegree
Clark: Britishdegree
0~140~8 0~1.4
14~398~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~ 45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
Salt consumption
No sa lt need added Settingtowardthe"-"sign Settingtowardthe"+"sign Settingtowardbetween
the "-"sign and "+" sign
Contact your l ocal water bo ard for i nformation on the hardness of your water supply.
Auto nomy
60 16
B. Loading the Sal t I nto the Softener
Always use thesalt intended for use w ith dishwasher. The s alt container is located beneath the l ower basket and sh ould be filled a s explained in the follow ing:
Only usesalt specifically designed for t he use i n d ishwash ers! E very other type of salt n ot specifically designed for theuse in ad ishwasher, especially tab le salt, will damage thew ater softener.In case ofda mages caused by t he use of unsuitab le salt t he manufacturer does notgi ve any wa rranty nor is liable for any damages caused.
Only fillwit hsal t justb efore starting one o f theco mplete washing p rogra ms. This will p revent anyg rains of s alt or sa lty water,whi ch may have been spilled, remaining on th e bottom o f the machine for any period of t ime, which may cause corrosion.
A Removethe lowerbasketandthenunscrew and removethecapfrom thesaltcontainer. B Beforethefirst wash,fill1lt. of water inthe saltcontainer of your machine. C Place the e nd of thefun nel (supplied) into the hole and i ntroduce abou t 1kg ofsalt .
normal fo r a s mall am ount of water to co m e out of the sa l t con tainer.Itis
D After filling the container , screw the c ap tightly back clockwise. E Usually,the salt warning light will stop being i llumi nated within 2-6 days after thesa lt container has been filled with
F Immediately after filling the salt into the sa lt container, awashin g program should be started (Wesu ggest to use t he
soak or rapidprogram).Otherwisethefilter system, pump or otherimportantpart sof themachinemaybedamaged bysalty water.This isoutofwarranty.
1.The salt container must onl y be ref illed when the sal t warning light in the control panel comes on. Depending on how well the salt dissolves, thes alt warning light maystill be on eventhough the salt cont ainer is filled. If the re isno salt warning light i n the con trol panel (f or some M odels),you can estimate whento fill the s alt into thesoftene r by th e cycles t hat the di shwashe r has run.
2. If there are spi lls of the salt, a soakor a r apid program should be run to remove the excessive salt.
C. Fill the Rinse Ai d Di spenser
RinseAid Dispe nser
The r i nse aid isrel eas ed during the final rins e to prevent water from forming dr oplets on your dishe s, which can leave spots andstreaks. It also improvesdrying by allowing water to roll off the dishes. Your dishwasher is designed t o usel iquid r inse aids. The rinse aid di spenser is l ocated inside the d oor next tothe detergent dispenser.To fill the dispenser, open the cap and pourthe rinseaidintothedispenser until the levelindicatorturns completelyblack. Thevol ume of t he r inse aid container is about 110ml.
Function of RinseAid
Rinse ai d is automatically added during the last r inse, ensuring thorough rinsing, and spot and s treak free drying.
Only usebranded rinseaidfordishwasher.Never filltherinseaid dispenserwith any o thersubstances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleaning agent, liqu id detergent). This would damage the app lian ce.
Whento Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth ere i s no r inse-aid warning light in t he c ontr ol p anel, you can est imate the amount f rom the colo ur ofthe optical level indicator C located next to t he cap. Whenthe rinse-aid container is fu ll, the whole indicator will be dark .As therinse -aid diminishes, thesi ze of the dark dot decreases. Youshould never let the r i nse ai d level fa ll 1 / 4 full.
Asth e rinse aid dimin ishes, the si ze of the black dot ontherinse aid level indicator changes, asillustrated b elow.
Full 3/4full 1/2full 1/ 4 full- Should refill toeliminatespotting Empty
C (Ri nse - Ai d ind ic at or )
To op en the dispens er, t urn the cap to t he "ope n" (left ) arrow and lift it out.
Pour the rinse aid into the dispense r, be ing caref ul not to overfill.
Replace the cap by inserting it a ligned with " open" arrow andturning it tot he cl osed (right) arrow.
Cl ean up an y ri ns e aid spil l ed while du rin g f illi ng with an ab sor be nt c lot h t o a v oid exce ssiv e f oaming during the nextwa sh. Don't for get to re place the cap be fore you close dis hwasher door.
Adjusti ng RinseA id Disp enser
Adjust lever
Increasethe doseif there aredropsofwater orlimespotsonthedishes afterwashing. Reduce i tif there are sticky whitishstainson yourdishesora bl uishfilmonglassware or knifeblades.
The r inse aid dispenser has six or four settings. Al ways start with the d ispens er set o n "4". If spots and poor drying are a p roblem, increase the amount o f r i nse aid d ispensed by removing the d ispens er lid an d rotating thedi al to "5". If the dishes s till are not d rying properly or are show sp ots, adjust t he dial to t he n ext higher lever until y our dishes a re spot-free. The recommended setting is "4". (Factoryvalue is "4".)
D. Functio n of D etergen t
Detergents with its c hemic al ingredients are necessary to remove dirt, c rus h dirt an d transport it out of the dishw asher. Mosto f the commercialquality detergentsaresuitablefor thispurpose.
There are 3 sor t s of detergent s
1.With phosphateandwithch lorine
2.Withphosphate and wi thout chlorine
3.Withoutphosphate and without chlorine
Normally ne w pulverised detergent is without phos phate. Thus the water softener function of phosph ate is not gi ven. I n this case we recom men d t o f i ll sal t i n th e sal t co nt a i ner even w he n
the h ardness of wate r is o nly 6 dH. If detergents w itho ut ph osphate are usedin the case of hard water often wh ite spots appear on dishes and glasses. I n this casepl ease add mo re detergent to r each better resu l ts . Deterg en ts wi t h o ut ch l ori ne do only bl each a little. Stro ng and co l o u red spo ts will not bere moved completely.In this c ase please choose a progr am with ahigher tempera ture.
Concentr ated Deter gent
Based ontheir chemical composition,detergents can be splitintwobasic types:
conventional, alkaline dete rgents withcausticcomponents lo w alk al i ne concentra t ed det erge nt s with natu r al en zy mes
The use of normal washing programsincombinationwith concentrated detergents reduces pollution a nd is good for your dishes; these wash p rogr ams ar e specifically matche d
to th e dirt-di ssol ving pro pert i es of the e nz yme s of the concent rated de terg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programsinwhichconce ntrateddetergentsareused can achieve the same
resultsthatcanotherwise onlybe achievedusing intensive programs.
Detergent Tablets
Dete rgent tabletsofdifferentbrandsdisso lveat differentspeeds.For thisreason some detergent t ablets cannot dissolve and dev elop theirfu ll cleaning power dur ing short programs. T herefore please use l ong programs when u sin g de tergent tablets, to ens ure t he compl et e r e moval of deter g e n t r e si du als .
The disp enser must b e refilled be fore the start of each wash cy cle following the instructions provided i n the w ash cycle t able . Yourdis hwasher uses le ss detergent and ri nse aid tha n Conventionaldishwa sher.Generally,onlyone tablespoon ofdetergent is neededfor anormal washload. Moreheavily soiled itemsneedmoredetergent.Alwaysaddthe detergen t just before star ting the dish was her, otherwis e it could get damp and will not dissol v e proper ly.
Amountof Detergentto Use
If th e l id is cl osed: press release button.The lid will sp ring open. Always a dd the dete rgent just b efore starting eachwash cycle.
Only usebrandeddetergent aidfordishwasher.
Proper U se of De tergent Use o nly detergent specifically made for the use in dishwashers. Keep your det ergent f resh and dry. Don't putpowdered detergent intothedispenseruntilyou're readytowashdishes.
Dishwasher detergent is co rrosive! Take care to kee p i t out ofreach of c hildren.
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