Installation manual
Self-Cleaning Liners
About the liners
Catalytic liners are coated with a specially formulated enamel coating. This porous coating enables
a “self cleaning” process making the job of oven cleaning easier.
The black shiny side of the liner needs to touch the oven wall, while the coarse side faces the centre
of the oven.
There are specific left hand and right hand version of the liners.
Installing the liners
To install the catalytic liner, is needs to firstly be fitted to the side rack.
• Locate the left side rack either by removing it from the oven (if already installed) or in case of new
ovens being set up for the first time, from the component set. Refer to the image below to help
identify each side rack.
Front Peg
• Attach the liner to the left side rack and repeat for the right hand side.
• The combined liner and side rack unit can then be fitted onto the side of the oven.
• Insert the rear peg into the rear access hole provided, ensuring that the peg is fully inserted
• Then locate the front peg into the front access hole and push in firmly
Side Rack
Rear Peg
Left hand liner (shiny side touches
the oven wall)
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